blob: 0f23d34de5db9eaf7e463bd91d05be4d9346c8a6 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ModuleUtils.h - Functions to manipulate Modules ---------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This family of functions perform manipulations on Modules.
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <utility> // for std::pair
namespace llvm {
class Module;
class Function;
class GlobalValue;
class GlobalVariable;
class Constant;
class StringRef;
class Value;
class Type;
template <class PtrType> class SmallPtrSetImpl;
/// Append F to the list of global ctors of module M with the given Priority.
/// This wraps the function in the appropriate structure and stores it along
/// side other global constructors. For details see
void appendToGlobalCtors(Module &M, Function *F, int Priority);
/// Same as appendToGlobalCtors(), but for global dtors.
void appendToGlobalDtors(Module &M, Function *F, int Priority);
/// \brief Given "llvm.used" or "llvm.compiler.used" as a global name, collect
/// the initializer elements of that global in Set and return the global itself.
GlobalVariable *collectUsedGlobalVariables(Module &M,
SmallPtrSetImpl<GlobalValue *> &Set,
bool CompilerUsed);
// Validate the result of Module::getOrInsertFunction called for an interface
// function of given sanitizer. If the instrumented module defines a function
// with the same name, their prototypes must match, otherwise
// getOrInsertFunction returns a bitcast.
Function *checkSanitizerInterfaceFunction(Constant *FuncOrBitcast);
/// \brief Creates sanitizer constructor function, and calls sanitizer's init
/// function from it.
/// \return Returns pair of pointers to constructor, and init functions
/// respectively.
std::pair<Function *, Function *> createSanitizerCtorAndInitFunctions(
Module &M, StringRef CtorName, StringRef InitName,
ArrayRef<Type *> InitArgTypes, ArrayRef<Value *> InitArgs,
StringRef VersionCheckName = StringRef());
} // End llvm namespace