blob: 0660ed15476ae1639e5cf2f9b933eac892d5d123 [file] [log] [blame]
/// Attribute base class.
class Attr<string S> {
// String representation of this attribute in the IR.
string AttrString = S;
/// Enum attribute.
class EnumAttr<string S> : Attr<S>;
/// StringBool attribute.
class StrBoolAttr<string S> : Attr<S>;
/// Target-independent enum attributes.
/// Alignment of parameter (5 bits) stored as log2 of alignment with +1 bias.
/// 0 means unaligned (different from align(1)).
def Alignment : EnumAttr<"align">;
/// inline=always.
def AlwaysInline : EnumAttr<"alwaysinline">;
/// Function can access memory only using pointers based on its arguments.
def ArgMemOnly : EnumAttr<"argmemonly">;
/// Callee is recognized as a builtin, despite nobuiltin attribute on its
/// declaration.
def Builtin : EnumAttr<"builtin">;
/// Pass structure by value.
def ByVal : EnumAttr<"byval">;
/// Marks function as being in a cold path.
def Cold : EnumAttr<"cold">;
/// Can only be moved to control-equivalent blocks.
def Convergent : EnumAttr<"convergent">;
/// Pointer is known to be dereferenceable.
def Dereferenceable : EnumAttr<"dereferenceable">;
/// Pointer is either null or dereferenceable.
def DereferenceableOrNull : EnumAttr<"dereferenceable_or_null">;
/// Function may only access memory that is inaccessible from IR.
def InaccessibleMemOnly : EnumAttr<"inaccessiblememonly">;
/// Function may only access memory that is either inaccessible from the IR,
/// or pointed to by its pointer arguments.
def InaccessibleMemOrArgMemOnly : EnumAttr<"inaccessiblemem_or_argmemonly">;
/// Pass structure in an alloca.
def InAlloca : EnumAttr<"inalloca">;
/// Source said inlining was desirable.
def InlineHint : EnumAttr<"inlinehint">;
/// Force argument to be passed in register.
def InReg : EnumAttr<"inreg">;
/// Build jump-instruction tables and replace refs.
def JumpTable : EnumAttr<"jumptable">;
/// Function must be optimized for size first.
def MinSize : EnumAttr<"minsize">;
/// Naked function.
def Naked : EnumAttr<"naked">;
/// Nested function static chain.
def Nest : EnumAttr<"nest">;
/// Considered to not alias after call.
def NoAlias : EnumAttr<"noalias">;
/// Callee isn't recognized as a builtin.
def NoBuiltin : EnumAttr<"nobuiltin">;
/// Function creates no aliases of pointer.
def NoCapture : EnumAttr<"nocapture">;
/// Call cannot be duplicated.
def NoDuplicate : EnumAttr<"noduplicate">;
/// Disable implicit floating point insts.
def NoImplicitFloat : EnumAttr<"noimplicitfloat">;
/// inline=never.
def NoInline : EnumAttr<"noinline">;
/// Function is called early and/or often, so lazy binding isn't worthwhile.
def NonLazyBind : EnumAttr<"nonlazybind">;
/// Pointer is known to be not null.
def NonNull : EnumAttr<"nonnull">;
/// The function does not recurse.
def NoRecurse : EnumAttr<"norecurse">;
/// Disable redzone.
def NoRedZone : EnumAttr<"noredzone">;
/// Mark the function as not returning.
def NoReturn : EnumAttr<"noreturn">;
/// Function doesn't unwind stack.
def NoUnwind : EnumAttr<"nounwind">;
/// opt_size.
def OptimizeForSize : EnumAttr<"optsize">;
/// Function must not be optimized.
def OptimizeNone : EnumAttr<"optnone">;
/// Function does not access memory.
def ReadNone : EnumAttr<"readnone">;
/// Function only reads from memory.
def ReadOnly : EnumAttr<"readonly">;
/// Return value is always equal to this argument.
def Returned : EnumAttr<"returned">;
/// Function can return twice.
def ReturnsTwice : EnumAttr<"returns_twice">;
/// Safe Stack protection.
def SafeStack : EnumAttr<"safestack">;
/// Sign extended before/after call.
def SExt : EnumAttr<"signext">;
/// Alignment of stack for function (3 bits) stored as log2 of alignment with
/// +1 bias 0 means unaligned (different from alignstack=(1)).
def StackAlignment : EnumAttr<"alignstack">;
/// Stack protection.
def StackProtect : EnumAttr<"ssp">;
/// Stack protection required.
def StackProtectReq : EnumAttr<"sspreq">;
/// Strong Stack protection.
def StackProtectStrong : EnumAttr<"sspstrong">;
/// Hidden pointer to structure to return.
def StructRet : EnumAttr<"sret">;
/// AddressSanitizer is on.
def SanitizeAddress : EnumAttr<"sanitize_address">;
/// ThreadSanitizer is on.
def SanitizeThread : EnumAttr<"sanitize_thread">;
/// MemorySanitizer is on.
def SanitizeMemory : EnumAttr<"sanitize_memory">;
/// Function must be in a unwind table.
def UWTable : EnumAttr<"uwtable">;
/// Zero extended before/after call.
def ZExt : EnumAttr<"zeroext">;
/// Target-independent string attributes.
def LessPreciseFPMAD : StrBoolAttr<"less-precise-fpmad">;
def NoInfsFPMath : StrBoolAttr<"no-infs-fp-math">;
def NoNansFPMath : StrBoolAttr<"no-nans-fp-math">;
def UnsafeFPMath : StrBoolAttr<"unsafe-fp-math">;