blob: 768c10ed92d4b00b8fe1b06d03bb85a62fb09768 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- HexagonMCCodeEmitter.h - Hexagon Target Descriptions ----*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// \brief Definition for classes that emit Hexagon machine code from MCInsts
#include "llvm/MC/MCCodeEmitter.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCExpr.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrInfo.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace llvm {
class HexagonMCCodeEmitter : public MCCodeEmitter {
MCContext &MCT;
MCInstrInfo const &MCII;
HexagonMCCodeEmitter(MCInstrInfo const &aMII, MCContext &aMCT);
MCSubtargetInfo const &getSubtargetInfo() const;
void EncodeInstruction(MCInst const &MI, raw_ostream &OS,
SmallVectorImpl<MCFixup> &Fixups,
MCSubtargetInfo const &STI) const override;
// \brief TableGen'erated function for getting the
// binary encoding for an instruction.
uint64_t getBinaryCodeForInstr(MCInst const &MI,
SmallVectorImpl<MCFixup> &Fixups,
MCSubtargetInfo const &STI) const;
/// \brief Return binary encoding of operand.
unsigned getMachineOpValue(MCInst const &MI, MCOperand const &MO,
SmallVectorImpl<MCFixup> &Fixups,
MCSubtargetInfo const &STI) const;
HexagonMCCodeEmitter(HexagonMCCodeEmitter const &) = delete;
void operator=(HexagonMCCodeEmitter const &) = delete;
}; // class HexagonMCCodeEmitter
} // namespace llvm