blob: b6062168404c1baa5162ad240901fce6d6f56ad9 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Copyright (C) 2015, ARM Limited and contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import unittest
import logging
from bart.sched.SchedAssert import SchedAssert
from bart.sched.SchedMultiAssert import SchedMultiAssert
from devlib.utils.misc import memoized
import wrapt
from env import TestEnv
from executor import Executor
from trace import Trace
class LisaTest(unittest.TestCase):
A base class for LISA tests
This class is intended to be subclassed in order to create automated tests
for LISA. It sets up the TestEnv and Executor and provides convenience
methods for making assertions on results.
Subclasses should provide a test_conf to configure the TestEnv and an
experiments_conf to configure the executor.
Tests whose behaviour is dependent on target parameters, for example
presence of cpufreq governors or number of CPUs, can override
_getExperimentsConf to generate target-dependent experiments.
Example users of this class can be found under LISA's tests/ directory.
:ivar experiments: List of :class:`Experiment` s executed for the test. Only
available after :meth:`init` has been called.
test_conf = None
"""Override this with a dictionary or JSON path to configure the TestEnv"""
experiments_conf = None
"""Override this with a dictionary or JSON path to configure the Executor"""
def _getTestConf(cls):
if cls.test_conf is None:
raise NotImplementedError("Override `test_conf` attribute")
return cls.test_conf
def _getExperimentsConf(cls, test_env):
Get the experiments_conf used to configure the Executor
This method receives the initialized TestEnv as a parameter, so
subclasses can override it to configure workloads or target confs in a
manner dependent on the target. If not overridden, just returns the
experiments_conf attribute.
if cls.experiments_conf is None:
raise NotImplementedError("Override `experiments_conf` attribute")
return cls.experiments_conf
def runExperiments(cls):
Set up logging and trigger running experiments
cls.logger = logging.getLogger('LisaTest')'Setup tests execution engine...')
test_env = TestEnv(test_conf=cls._getTestConf())
experiments_conf = cls._getExperimentsConf(test_env)
cls.executor = Executor(test_env, experiments_conf)
# Alias tests and workloads configurations
cls.wloads = cls.executor._experiments_conf["wloads"]
cls.confs = cls.executor._experiments_conf["confs"]
# Alias executor objects to make less verbose tests code
cls.te = cls.executor.te =
# Execute pre-experiments code defined by the test
cls._experimentsInit()'Experiments execution...')
cls.experiments = cls.executor.experiments
# Execute post-experiments code defined by the test
def _experimentsInit(cls):
Code executed before running the experiments
def _experimentsFinalize(cls):
Code executed after running the experiments
def get_sched_assert(self, experiment, task):
Return a SchedAssert over the task provided
return SchedAssert(
self.get_trace(experiment).ftrace, self.te.topology, execname=task)
def get_multi_assert(self, experiment, task_filter=""):
Return a SchedMultiAssert over the tasks whose names contain task_filter
By default, this includes _all_ the tasks that were executed for the
tasks = experiment.wload.tasks.keys()
return SchedMultiAssert(self.get_trace(experiment).ftrace,
[t for t in tasks if task_filter in t])
def get_trace(self, experiment):
if not hasattr(self, "__traces"):
self.__traces = {}
if experiment.out_dir in self.__traces:
return self.__traces[experiment.out_dir]
if ('ftrace' not in experiment.conf['flags']
or 'ftrace' not in self.test_conf):
raise ValueError(
'Tracing not enabled. If this test needs a trace, add "ftrace" '
'to your test/experiment configuration flags')
events = self.test_conf['ftrace']['events']
tasks = experiment.wload.tasks.keys()
trace = Trace(self.te.platform, experiment.out_dir, events, tasks)
self.__traces[experiment.out_dir] = trace
return trace
def get_start_time(self, experiment):
Get the time at which the experiment workload began executing
start_times_dict = self.get_multi_assert(experiment).getStartTime()
return min([t["starttime"] for t in start_times_dict.itervalues()])
def get_end_time(self, experiment):
Get the time at which the experiment workload finished executing
end_times_dict = self.get_multi_assert(experiment).getEndTime()
return max([t["endtime"] for t in end_times_dict.itervalues()])
def get_window(self, experiment):
return (self.get_start_time(experiment), self.get_end_time(experiment))
def get_end_times(self, experiment):
Get the time at which each task in the workload finished
Returned as a dict; {"task_name": finish_time, ...}
end_times = {}
ftrace = self.get_trace(experiment).ftrace
for task in experiment.wload.tasks.keys():
sched_assert = SchedAssert(ftrace, self.te.topology, execname=task)
end_times[task] = sched_assert.getEndTime()
return end_times
def _dummy_method(self):
# In the Python unittest framework you instantiate TestCase objects passing
# the name of a test method that is going to be run to make assertions. We
# run our tests using nosetests, which automatically discovers these
# methods. However we also want to be able to instantiate LisaTest objects
# in notebooks without the inconvenience of having to provide a methodName,
# since we won't need any assertions. So we'll override __init__ with a
# default dummy test method that does nothing.
def __init__(self, methodName='_dummy_method', *args, **kwargs):
super(LisaTest, self).__init__(methodName, *args, **kwargs)
def experiment_test(wrapped_test, instance, args, kwargs):
Convert a LisaTest test method to be automatically called for each experiment
The method will be passed the experiment object and a list of the names of
tasks that were run as the experiment's workload.
for experiment in instance.executor.experiments:
tasks = experiment.wload.tasks.keys()
wrapped_test(experiment, tasks, *args, **kwargs)
except AssertionError as e:
trace_relpath = os.path.join(experiment.out_dir, "trace.dat")
add_msg = "\n\tCheck trace file: " + os.path.abspath(trace_relpath)
orig_msg = e.args[0] if len(e.args) else ""
e.args = (orig_msg + add_msg,) + e.args[1:]
# Prevent nosetests from running experiment_test directly as a test case
experiment_test.__test__ = False
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