blob: b30ca3e2ba1bf8f62f882ef16986c99d307bf4d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 The LibYuv project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "libyuv/basic_types.h"
// TODO(fbarchard): Remove the following headers includes
#include "libyuv/convert.h"
#include "libyuv/planar_functions.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace libyuv {
extern "C" {
void SetPlane(uint8* dst_y, int dst_stride_y,
int width, int height,
uint32 value);
// Copy a plane of data (I420 to I400).
void CopyPlane(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
uint8* dst_y, int dst_stride_y,
int width, int height);
// I420 mirror.
int I420Mirror(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
const uint8* src_u, int src_stride_u,
const uint8* src_v, int src_stride_v,
uint8* dst_y, int dst_stride_y,
uint8* dst_u, int dst_stride_u,
uint8* dst_v, int dst_stride_v,
int width, int height);
// Convert NV12 to ARGB. Also used for NV21.
int NV12ToARGB(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
const uint8* src_uv, int src_stride_uv,
uint8* dst_frame, int dst_stride_frame,
int width, int height);
// Convert NV12 to RGB565. Also used for NV21.
int NV12ToRGB565(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
const uint8* src_uv, int src_stride_uv,
uint8* dst_frame, int dst_stride_frame,
int width, int height);
// Convert YUY2 to ARGB.
int YUY2ToARGB(const uint8* src_yuy2, int src_stride_yuy2,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Convert I422 to ARGB.
int I422ToARGB(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
const uint8* src_u, int src_stride_u,
const uint8* src_v, int src_stride_v,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Convert I444 to ARGB.
int I444ToARGB(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
const uint8* src_u, int src_stride_u,
const uint8* src_v, int src_stride_v,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Convert I400 to ARGB.
int I400ToARGB(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Convert I400 to ARGB. Reverse of ARGBToI400.
int I400ToARGB_Reference(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Convert RAW to ARGB.
int RAWToARGB(const uint8* src_raw, int src_stride_raw,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Convert RGB24 to ARGB.
int RGB24ToARGB(const uint8* src_bg24, int src_stride_bg24,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Deprecated function name.
#define BG24ToARGB RGB24ToARGB
// Convert ABGR to ARGB. Also used for ARGB to ABGR.
int ABGRToARGB(const uint8* src_abgr, int src_stride_abgr,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Convert BGRA to ARGB. Also used for ARGB to BGRA.
int BGRAToARGB(const uint8* src_bgra, int src_stride_bgra,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Convert ARGB To RGB24.
int ARGBToRGB24(const uint8* src_argb, int src_stride_argb,
uint8* dst_rgb24, int dst_stride_rgb24,
int width, int height);
// Convert ARGB To RAW.
int ARGBToRAW(const uint8* src_argb, int src_stride_argb,
uint8* dst_rgb, int dst_stride_rgb,
int width, int height);
// Convert ARGB to I400.
int ARGBToI400(const uint8* src_argb, int src_stride_argb,
uint8* dst_y, int dst_stride_y,
int width, int height);
// Draw a rectangle into I420.
int I420Rect(uint8* dst_y, int dst_stride_y,
uint8* dst_u, int dst_stride_u,
uint8* dst_v, int dst_stride_v,
int x, int y,
int width, int height,
int value_y, int value_u, int value_v);
// Draw a rectangle into ARGB.
int ARGBRect(uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int x, int y,
int width, int height,
uint32 value);
// Make a rectangle of ARGB gray scale.
int ARGBGray(uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int x, int y,
int width, int height);
// Copy ARGB to ARGB.
int ARGBCopy(const uint8* src_argb, int src_stride_argb,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
typedef void (*ARGBBlendRow)(const uint8* src_argb0,
const uint8* src_argb1,
uint8* dst_argb, int width);
// Get function to Alpha Blend ARGB pixels and store to destination.
ARGBBlendRow GetARGBBlend(uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb, int width);
// Alpha Blend ARGB images and store to destination.
int ARGBBlend(const uint8* src_argb0, int src_stride_argb0,
const uint8* src_argb1, int src_stride_argb1,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Convert I422 to YUY2.
int I422ToYUY2(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
const uint8* src_u, int src_stride_u,
const uint8* src_v, int src_stride_v,
uint8* dst_frame, int dst_stride_frame,
int width, int height);
// Convert I422 to UYVY.
int I422ToUYVY(const uint8* src_y, int src_stride_y,
const uint8* src_u, int src_stride_u,
const uint8* src_v, int src_stride_v,
uint8* dst_frame, int dst_stride_frame,
int width, int height);
// Convert unattentuated ARGB to preattenuated ARGB.
int ARGBAttenuate(const uint8* src_argb, int src_stride_argb,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Convert preattentuated ARGB to unattenuated ARGB.
int ARGBUnattenuate(const uint8* src_argb, int src_stride_argb,
uint8* dst_argb, int dst_stride_argb,
int width, int height);
// Get function to add or subtract rows of bytes to a 16 bit buffer. For blur.
typedef void (*AddRow)(const uint8* src, uint16* dst, int width);
AddRow GetAddRow(uint16* dst, int width);
AddRow GetSubRow(uint16* dst, int width);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
} // namespace libyuv