blob: d9d01d51bb446f0afb26a4da7f1b757815ba7123 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The LibYuv Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
# Variable that can be used to support multiple build scenarios, like having
# Chromium specific targets in a client project's GN file etc.
build_with_chromium = false
# Some non-Chromium builds don't support building java targets.
enable_java_templates = true
# Enables assertions on safety checks in libc++.
enable_safe_libcxx = true
# Allow using custom suppressions files (currently not used by libyuv).
asan_suppressions_file = "//build/sanitizers/"
lsan_suppressions_file = "//build/sanitizers/"
tsan_suppressions_file = "//build/sanitizers/"
msan_blacklist_path =
rebase_path("//tools_libyuv/msan/blacklist.txt", root_build_dir)
ubsan_blacklist_path =
rebase_path("//tools_libyuv/ubsan/blacklist.txt", root_build_dir)
ubsan_vptr_blacklist_path =
rebase_path("//tools_libyuv/ubsan/vptr_blacklist.txt", root_build_dir)
# For Chromium, Android 32-bit non-component, non-clang builds hit a 4GiB size
# limit, making them requiring symbol_level=2. WebRTC doesn't hit that problem
# so we just ignore that assert. See for more info.
ignore_elf32_limitations = true
# Use bundled hermetic Xcode installation maintained by Chromium,
# except for local iOS builds where it is unsupported.
if (host_os == "mac") {
_result = exec_script("//build/mac/",
[ target_os ],
assert(_result != 2,
"Do not allow building targets with the default" +
"hermetic toolchain if the minimum OS version is not met.")
use_system_xcode = _result == 0
declare_args() {
# Tracing support requires //third_party/perfetto.
enable_base_tracing = false
use_perfetto_client_library = false
# Limits the defined //third_party/android_deps targets to only "buildCompile"
# and "buildCompileNoDeps" targets. This is useful for third-party
# repositories which do not use JUnit tests. For instance,
# limit_android_deps == true removes "gn gen" requirement for
# //third_party/robolectric .
limit_android_deps = false
# Allows googletest to pretty-print various absl types.
# Defined here rather than in gtest.gni to match chromium.
gtest_enable_absl_printers = true