Disable the build and transfer ownership to the janitors.
This project isn't used in Android, so we won't be maintaining it.
If you need this project, feel free to import it into your own tree.
Test: treehugger
Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: janitorial
Change-Id: Ie6ec7aef562fd142c01d1e0ba4407b4dc1b2dba5
diff --git a/Android.bp b/Android.bp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ef4c39..0000000
--- a/Android.bp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-cc_defaults {
- name: "libxcam_defaults",
- cflags: [
- // XCam Version Num 1.1.0
- "-DXCAM_VERSION=0x110",
- "-fPIC",
- "-W",
- "-Wall",
- "-Wformat",
- "-Wno-unused-parameter",
- "-Wformat-security",
- "-fstack-protector",
- ],
- local_include_dirs: [
- "xcore",
- "modules",
- ],
-// For libxcam
-// =================================================
-cc_library_shared {
- name: "libxcam",
- defaults: ["libxcam_defaults"],
- srcs: [
- "xcore/buffer_pool.cpp",
- "xcore/calibration_parser.cpp",
- "xcore/file_handle.cpp",
- "xcore/image_file_handle.cpp",
- "xcore/image_handler.cpp",
- "xcore/surview_fisheye_dewarp.cpp",
- "xcore/thread_pool.cpp",
- "xcore/video_buffer.cpp",
- "xcore/worker.cpp",
- "xcore/xcam_buffer.cpp",
- "xcore/xcam_common.cpp",
- "xcore/xcam_thread.cpp",
- "xcore/xcam_utils.cpp",
- "xcore/interface/blender.cpp",
- "xcore/interface/feature_match.cpp",
- "xcore/interface/geo_mapper.cpp",
- "xcore/interface/stitcher.cpp",
- "modules/soft/soft_blender.cpp",
- "modules/soft/soft_blender_tasks_priv.cpp",
- "modules/soft/soft_copy_task.cpp",
- "modules/soft/soft_geo_mapper.cpp",
- "modules/soft/soft_geo_tasks_priv.cpp",
- "modules/soft/soft_handler.cpp",
- "modules/soft/soft_stitcher.cpp",
- "modules/soft/soft_video_buf_allocator.cpp",
- "modules/soft/soft_worker.cpp",
- ],
- rtti: true,
-// For test-soft-image
-// =================================================
-cc_test {
- name: "test-soft-image",
- defaults: ["libxcam_defaults"],
- gtest: false,
- srcs: ["tests/test-soft-image.cpp"],
- shared_libs: ["libxcam"],
- local_include_dirs: ["tests"],
diff --git a/OWNERS b/OWNERS
index 49b573b..7529cb9 100644
--- a/OWNERS
+++ b/OWNERS
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-# Default code reviewers picked from top 3 or more developers.
-# Please update this list if you find better candidates.
+include platform/system/core:/janitors/OWNERS