blob: f0ed39204675d5543e2cb329d33f4b8a5ec5c499 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include "src/element_parser.h"
#include "src/parser_utils.h"
#include "webm/callback.h"
#include "webm/element.h"
#include "webm/reader.h"
#include "webm/status.h"
namespace webm {
// Parses an EBML signed/unsigned int from a byte stream.
// Spec reference:
template <typename T>
class IntParser : public ElementParser {
std::is_same<T, std::int64_t>::value ||
std::is_same<T, std::uint64_t>::value ||
(std::is_enum<T>::value && sizeof(T) == 8),
"T must be either std::int64_t, std::uint64_t, or a 64-bit enum");
// Constructs a new parser which will use the given default_value as the
// value for the element if its size is zero. Defaults to the value zero (as
// the EBML spec indicates).
explicit IntParser(T default_value = {}) : default_value_(default_value) {}
IntParser(IntParser&&) = default;
IntParser& operator=(IntParser&&) = default;
IntParser(const IntParser&) = delete;
IntParser& operator=(const IntParser&) = delete;
Status Init(const ElementMetadata& metadata,
std::uint64_t max_size) override {
assert(metadata.size == kUnknownElementSize || metadata.size <= max_size);
// Matroska requires integers to be 0-8 bytes in size.
if (metadata.size > 8) {
return Status(Status::kInvalidElementSize);
size_ = num_bytes_remaining_ = static_cast<int>(metadata.size);
if (metadata.size == 0) {
value_ = default_value_;
} else {
value_ = {};
return Status(Status::kOkCompleted);
Status Feed(Callback* callback, Reader* reader,
std::uint64_t* num_bytes_read) override {
assert(callback != nullptr);
assert(reader != nullptr);
assert(num_bytes_read != nullptr);
const Status status = AccumulateIntegerBytes(num_bytes_remaining_, reader,
&value_, num_bytes_read);
num_bytes_remaining_ -= static_cast<int>(*num_bytes_read);
// Sign extend the integer if it's a negative value. EBML allows for
// negative integers to drop superfluous sign bytes (i.e. -1 can be encoded
// as 0xFF instead of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF).
if (std::is_signed<T>::value && num_bytes_remaining_ == 0 && size_ > 0) {
std::uint64_t sign_bits = std::numeric_limits<std::uint64_t>::max()
<< (8 * size_ - 1);
std::uint64_t unsigned_value = static_cast<std::uint64_t>(value_);
if (unsigned_value & sign_bits) {
value_ = static_cast<T>(unsigned_value | sign_bits);
return status;
// Gets the parsed int. This must not be called until the parse had been
// successfully completed.
T value() const {
assert(num_bytes_remaining_ == 0);
return value_;
// Gets the parsed int. This must not be called until the parse had been
// successfully completed.
T* mutable_value() {
assert(num_bytes_remaining_ == 0);
return &value_;
T value_;
T default_value_;
int num_bytes_remaining_ = -1;
int size_;
using SignedIntParser = IntParser<std::int64_t>;
using UnsignedIntParser = IntParser<std::uint64_t>;
} // namespace webm
#endif // SRC_INT_PARSER_H_