blob: 793b7e37cd72638525ba79145b732a31f204d725 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
// tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
// in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
// be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include "webm/id.h"
namespace webm {
// Represents an element's ancestory in descending order. For example, the
// Id::kTrackNumber element has an ancestory of {Id::kSegment, Id::kTracks,
// Id::kTrackEntry}.
class Ancestory {
// Constructs an empty ancestory.
Ancestory() = default;
Ancestory(const Ancestory&) = default;
Ancestory(Ancestory&&) = default;
Ancestory& operator=(const Ancestory&) = default;
Ancestory& operator=(Ancestory&&) = default;
// Returns the ancestory with the top-level parent removed. For example, if
// the current ancestory is {Id::kSegment, Id::kTracks, Id::kTrackEntry}, next
// will return {Id::kTracks, Id::kTrackEntry}. This must not be called if the
// ancestory is empty.
Ancestory next() const {
assert(begin_ < end_);
Ancestory copy = *this;
return copy;
// Gets the Id of the top-level parent. For example, if the current ancestory
// is {Id::kSegment, Id::kTracks, Id::kTrackEntry}, id will return
// Id::kSegment. This must not be called if the ancestory is empty.
Id id() const {
assert(begin_ < end_);
return *begin_;
// Returns true if the ancestory is empty.
bool empty() const { return begin_ == end_; }
// Looks up the ancestory of the given id. Returns true and sets ancestory if
// the element's ancestory could be deduced. Global elements (i.e. Id::kVoid)
// and unknown elements can't have their ancestory deduced.
static bool ById(Id id, Ancestory* ancestory);
// Constructs an Ancestory using the first count elements of ancestory.
// ancestory must have static storage duration.
template <std::size_t N>
Ancestory(const Id (&ancestory)[N], std::size_t count)
: begin_(ancestory), end_(ancestory + count) {
assert(count <= N);
// The following invariants apply to begin_ and end_:
// begin_ <= end_
// (begin_ == end_) || (std::begin(kIds) <= begin_ && end_ <= std::end(kIds))
// The beginning (inclusive) of the sequence of IDs in kIds that defines the
// ancestory.
const Id* begin_ = nullptr;
// The ending (exclusive) of the sequence of IDs in kIds that defines the
// ancestory.
const Id* end_ = nullptr;
} // namespace webm
#endif // SRC_ANCESTORY_H_