blob: 2114f24c1be8240a369115d691e8f67c5cc62a35 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Some utility functions on VTermRect structures
#define STRFrect "(%d,%d-%d,%d)"
#define ARGSrect(r) (r).start_row, (r).start_col, (r).end_row, (r).end_col
/* Expand dst to contain src as well */
static void rect_expand(VTermRect *dst, VTermRect *src)
if(dst->start_row > src->start_row) dst->start_row = src->start_row;
if(dst->start_col > src->start_col) dst->start_col = src->start_col;
if(dst->end_row < src->end_row) dst->end_row = src->end_row;
if(dst->end_col < src->end_col) dst->end_col = src->end_col;
/* Clip the dst to ensure it does not step outside of bounds */
static void rect_clip(VTermRect *dst, VTermRect *bounds)
if(dst->start_row < bounds->start_row) dst->start_row = bounds->start_row;
if(dst->start_col < bounds->start_col) dst->start_col = bounds->start_col;
if(dst->end_row > bounds->end_row) dst->end_row = bounds->end_row;
if(dst->end_col > bounds->end_col) dst->end_col = bounds->end_col;
/* Ensure it doesn't end up negatively-sized */
if(dst->end_row < dst->start_row) dst->end_row = dst->start_row;
if(dst->end_col < dst->start_col) dst->end_col = dst->start_col;
/* True if the two rectangles are equal */
static int rect_equal(VTermRect *a, VTermRect *b)
return (a->start_row == b->start_row) &&
(a->start_col == b->start_col) &&
(a->end_row == b->end_row) &&
(a->end_col == b->end_col);
/* True if small is contained entirely within big */
static int rect_contains(VTermRect *big, VTermRect *small)
if(small->start_row < big->start_row) return 0;
if(small->start_col < big->start_col) return 0;
if(small->end_row > big->end_row) return 0;
if(small->end_col > big->end_col) return 0;
return 1;
/* True if the rectangles overlap at all */
static int rect_intersects(VTermRect *a, VTermRect *b)
if(a->start_row > b->end_row || b->start_row > a->end_row)
return 0;
if(a->start_col > b->end_col || b->start_col > a->end_col)
return 0;
return 1;