blob: 3a0ff608b93c293fb29a9ba5a1b32357a3d25ed0 [file] [log] [blame]
; Copyright (c) 2013 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
; that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
; tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
; in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
; be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
;TODO(cd): adjust these constant to be able to use vqdmulh for faster
; dct_const_round_shift(a * b) within butterfly calculations.
cospi_1_64 EQU 16364
cospi_2_64 EQU 16305
cospi_3_64 EQU 16207
cospi_4_64 EQU 16069
cospi_5_64 EQU 15893
cospi_6_64 EQU 15679
cospi_7_64 EQU 15426
cospi_8_64 EQU 15137
cospi_9_64 EQU 14811
cospi_10_64 EQU 14449
cospi_11_64 EQU 14053
cospi_12_64 EQU 13623
cospi_13_64 EQU 13160
cospi_14_64 EQU 12665
cospi_15_64 EQU 12140
cospi_16_64 EQU 11585
cospi_17_64 EQU 11003
cospi_18_64 EQU 10394
cospi_19_64 EQU 9760
cospi_20_64 EQU 9102
cospi_21_64 EQU 8423
cospi_22_64 EQU 7723
cospi_23_64 EQU 7005
cospi_24_64 EQU 6270
cospi_25_64 EQU 5520
cospi_26_64 EQU 4756
cospi_27_64 EQU 3981
cospi_28_64 EQU 3196
cospi_29_64 EQU 2404
cospi_30_64 EQU 1606
cospi_31_64 EQU 804
EXPORT |idct32_transpose_and_transform|
EXPORT |idct32_combine_add|
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Load from transposed_buffer
; q13 = transposed_buffer[first_offset]
; q14 = transposed_buffer[second_offset]
; for proper address calculation, the last offset used when manipulating
; transposed_buffer must be passed in. use 0 for first use.
LOAD_FROM_TRANSPOSED $prev_offset, $first_offset, $second_offset
; address calculation with proper stride and loading
add r0, #($first_offset - $prev_offset )*8*2
vld1.s16 {q14}, [r0]
add r0, #($second_offset - $first_offset)*8*2
vld1.s16 {q13}, [r0]
; (used) two registers (q14, q13)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Load from output (used as temporary storage)
; reg1 = output[first_offset]
; reg2 = output[second_offset]
; for proper address calculation, the last offset used when manipulating
; output, wethere reading or storing) must be passed in. use 0 for first
; use.
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT $prev_offset, $first_offset, $second_offset, $reg1, $reg2
; address calculation with proper stride and loading
add r1, #($first_offset - $prev_offset )*32*2
vld1.s16 {$reg1}, [r1]
add r1, #($second_offset - $first_offset)*32*2
vld1.s16 {$reg2}, [r1]
; (used) two registers ($reg1, $reg2)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Store into output (sometimes as as temporary storage)
; output[first_offset] = reg1
; output[second_offset] = reg2
; for proper address calculation, the last offset used when manipulating
; output, wethere reading or storing) must be passed in. use 0 for first
; use.
STORE_IN_OUTPUT $prev_offset, $first_offset, $second_offset, $reg1, $reg2
; address calculation with proper stride and storing
add r1, #($first_offset - $prev_offset )*32*2
vst1.16 {$reg1}, [r1]
add r1, #($second_offset - $first_offset)*32*2
vst1.16 {$reg2}, [r1]
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Touches q8-q12, q15 (q13-q14 are preserved)
; valid output registers are anything but q8-q11
DO_BUTTERFLY $regC, $regD, $regA, $regB, $first_constant, $second_constant, $reg1, $reg2, $reg3, $reg4
; TODO(cd): have special case to re-use constants when they are similar for
; consecutive butterflies
; TODO(cd): have special case when both constants are the same, do the
; additions/substractions before the multiplies.
; generate the constants
; generate scalar constants
mov r3, #$first_constant & 0xFF00
add r3, #$first_constant & 0x00FF
mov r12, #$second_constant & 0xFF00
add r12, #$second_constant & 0x00FF
; generate vector constants
vdup.16 d30, r3
vdup.16 d31, r12
; (used) two for inputs (regA-regD), one for constants (q15)
; do some multiplications (ordered for maximum latency hiding)
vmull.s16 q8, $regC, d30
vmull.s16 q10, $regA, d31
vmull.s16 q9, $regD, d30
vmull.s16 q11, $regB, d31
vmull.s16 q12, $regC, d31
; (used) five for intermediate (q8-q12), one for constants (q15)
; do some addition/substractions (to get back two register)
vsub.s32 q8, q8, q10
vsub.s32 q9, q9, q11
; do more multiplications (ordered for maximum latency hiding)
vmull.s16 q10, $regD, d31
vmull.s16 q11, $regA, d30
vmull.s16 q15, $regB, d30
; (used) six for intermediate (q8-q12, q15)
; do more addition/substractions
vadd.s32 q11, q12, q11
vadd.s32 q10, q10, q15
; (used) four for intermediate (q8-q11)
; dct_const_round_shift
vqrshrn.s32 $reg1, q8, #14
vqrshrn.s32 $reg2, q9, #14
vqrshrn.s32 $reg3, q11, #14
vqrshrn.s32 $reg4, q10, #14
; (used) two for results, well four d registers
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Touches q8-q12, q15 (q13-q14 are preserved)
; valid output registers are anything but q8-q11
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD $first_constant, $second_constant, $reg1, $reg2, $reg3, $reg4
DO_BUTTERFLY d28, d29, d26, d27, $first_constant, $second_constant, $reg1, $reg2, $reg3, $reg4
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
;void idct32_transpose_and_transform(int16_t *transpose_buffer, int16_t *output, int16_t *input);
; r0 int16_t *transpose_buffer
; r1 int16_t *output
; r2 int16_t *input)
; TODO(cd): have more logical parameter ordering but this issue will disappear
; when functions are combined.
|idct32_transpose_and_transform| PROC
; This function does one pass of idct32x32 transform.
; This is done by transposing the input and then doing a 1d transform on
; columns. In the first pass, the transposed columns are the original
; rows. In the second pass, after the transposition, the colums are the
; original columns.
; The 1d transform is done by looping over bands of eight columns (the
; idct32_bands loop). For each band, the transform input transposition
; is done on demand, one band of four 8x8 matrices at a time. The four
; matrices are trsnposed by pairs (the idct32_transpose_pair loop).
push {r4}
mov r4, #0 ; initialize bands loop counter
; TODO(cd) get rid of these push/pop by properly adjusting register
; content at end of loop
push {r0}
push {r1}
push {r2}
mov r3, #0 ; initialize transpose loop counter
; Load two horizontally consecutive 8x8 16bit data matrices. The first one
; into q0-q7 and the second one into q8-q15. There is a stride of 64,
; adjusted to 32 because of the two post-increments.
vld1.s16 {q8}, [r2]!
vld1.s16 {q0}, [r2]!
add r2, #32
vld1.s16 {q9}, [r2]!
vld1.s16 {q1}, [r2]!
add r2, #32
vld1.s16 {q10}, [r2]!
vld1.s16 {q2}, [r2]!
add r2, #32
vld1.s16 {q11}, [r2]!
vld1.s16 {q3}, [r2]!
add r2, #32
vld1.s16 {q12}, [r2]!
vld1.s16 {q4}, [r2]!
add r2, #32
vld1.s16 {q13}, [r2]!
vld1.s16 {q5}, [r2]!
add r2, #32
vld1.s16 {q14}, [r2]!
vld1.s16 {q6}, [r2]!
add r2, #32
vld1.s16 {q15}, [r2]!
vld1.s16 {q7}, [r2]!
; Transpose the two 8x8 16bit data matrices.
vswp d17, d24
vswp d23, d30
vswp d21, d28
vswp d19, d26
vswp d1, d8
vswp d7, d14
vswp d5, d12
vswp d3, d10
vtrn.32 q8, q10
vtrn.32 q9, q11
vtrn.32 q12, q14
vtrn.32 q13, q15
vtrn.32 q0, q2
vtrn.32 q1, q3
vtrn.32 q4, q6
vtrn.32 q5, q7
vtrn.16 q8, q9
vtrn.16 q10, q11
vtrn.16 q12, q13
vtrn.16 q14, q15
vtrn.16 q0, q1
vtrn.16 q2, q3
vtrn.16 q4, q5
vtrn.16 q6, q7
; Store both matrices after each other. There is a stride of 32, which
; adjusts to nothing because of the post-increments.
vst1.16 {q8}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q9}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q10}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q11}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q12}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q13}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q14}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q15}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q0}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q1}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q2}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q3}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q4}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q5}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q6}, [r0]!
vst1.16 {q7}, [r0]!
; increment pointers by adjusted stride (not necessary for r0/out)
sub r2, r2, #8*32*2-32-16*2
; transpose pair loop processing
add r3, r3, #1
cmp r3, #1
ble idct32_transpose_pair_loop
; restore r0/input to its original value
sub r0, r0, #32*8*2
; Instead of doing the transforms stage by stage, it is done by loading
; some input values and doing as many stages as possible to minimize the
; storing/loading of intermediate results. To fit within registers, the
; final coefficients are cut into four blocks:
; BLOCK A: 16-19,28-31
; BLOCK B: 20-23,24-27
; BLOCK C: 8-10,11-15
; BLOCK D: 0-3,4-7
; Blocks A and C are straight calculation through the various stages. In
; block B, further calculations are performed using the results from
; block A. In block D, further calculations are performed using the results
; from block C and then the final calculations are done using results from
; block A and B which have been combined at the end of block B.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BLOCK A: 16-19,28-31
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; generate 16,17,30,31
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 1
;temp1 = input[1 * 32] * cospi_31_64 - input[31 * 32] * cospi_1_64;
;temp2 = input[1 * 32] * cospi_1_64 + input[31 * 32] * cospi_31_64;
;step1b[16][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1b[31][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_31_64, cospi_1_64, d0, d1, d4, d5
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 1
;temp1 = input[17 * 32] * cospi_15_64 - input[15 * 32] * cospi_17_64;
;temp2 = input[17 * 32] * cospi_17_64 + input[15 * 32] * cospi_15_64;
;step1b[17][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1b[30][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_15_64, cospi_17_64, d2, d3, d6, d7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 2
;step2[16] = step1b[16][i] + step1b[17][i];
;step2[17] = step1b[16][i] - step1b[17][i];
;step2[30] = -step1b[30][i] + step1b[31][i];
;step2[31] = step1b[30][i] + step1b[31][i];
vadd.s16 q4, q0, q1
vsub.s16 q13, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q6, q2, q3
vsub.s16 q14, q2, q3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 3
;temp1 = step1b[30][i] * cospi_28_64 - step1b[17][i] * cospi_4_64;
;temp2 = step1b[30][i] * cospi_4_64 - step1b[17][i] * cospi_28_64;
;step3[17] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step3[30] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_28_64, cospi_4_64, d10, d11, d14, d15
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; generate 18,19,28,29
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 1
;temp1 = input[9 * 32] * cospi_23_64 - input[23 * 32] * cospi_9_64;
;temp2 = input[9 * 32] * cospi_9_64 + input[23 * 32] * cospi_23_64;
;step1b[18][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1b[29][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_23_64, cospi_9_64, d0, d1, d4, d5
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 1
;temp1 = input[25 * 32] * cospi_7_64 - input[7 * 32] * cospi_25_64;
;temp2 = input[25 * 32] * cospi_25_64 + input[7 * 32] * cospi_7_64;
;step1b[19][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1b[28][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_7_64, cospi_25_64, d2, d3, d6, d7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 2
;step2[18] = -step1b[18][i] + step1b[19][i];
;step2[19] = step1b[18][i] + step1b[19][i];
;step2[28] = step1b[28][i] + step1b[29][i];
;step2[29] = step1b[28][i] - step1b[29][i];
vsub.s16 q13, q3, q2
vadd.s16 q3, q3, q2
vsub.s16 q14, q1, q0
vadd.s16 q2, q1, q0
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 3
;temp1 = step1b[18][i] * (-cospi_4_64) - step1b[29][i] * (-cospi_28_64);
;temp2 = step1b[18][i] * (-cospi_28_64) + step1b[29][i] * (-cospi_4_64);
;step3[29] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step3[18] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD (-cospi_4_64), (-cospi_28_64), d2, d3, d0, d1
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; combine 16-19,28-31
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 4
;step1[16] = step1b[16][i] + step1b[19][i];
;step1[17] = step1b[17][i] + step1b[18][i];
;step1[18] = step1b[17][i] - step1b[18][i];
;step1[29] = step1b[30][i] - step1b[29][i];
;step1[30] = step1b[30][i] + step1b[29][i];
;step1[31] = step1b[31][i] + step1b[28][i];
vadd.s16 q8, q4, q2
vadd.s16 q9, q5, q0
vadd.s16 q10, q7, q1
vadd.s16 q15, q6, q3
vsub.s16 q13, q5, q0
vsub.s16 q14, q7, q1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 0, 16, 31, q8, q15
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 31, 17, 30, q9, q10
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 5
;temp1 = step1b[29][i] * cospi_24_64 - step1b[18][i] * cospi_8_64;
;temp2 = step1b[29][i] * cospi_8_64 + step1b[18][i] * cospi_24_64;
;step2[18] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step2[29] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_24_64, cospi_8_64, d0, d1, d2, d3
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 30, 29, 18, q1, q0
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 4
;step1[19] = step1b[16][i] - step1b[19][i];
;step1[28] = step1b[31][i] - step1b[28][i];
vsub.s16 q13, q4, q2
vsub.s16 q14, q6, q3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 5
;temp1 = step1b[28][i] * cospi_24_64 - step1b[19][i] * cospi_8_64;
;temp2 = step1b[28][i] * cospi_8_64 + step1b[19][i] * cospi_24_64;
;step2[19] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step2[28] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_24_64, cospi_8_64, d8, d9, d12, d13
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 18, 19, 28, q4, q6
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BLOCK B: 20-23,24-27
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; generate 20,21,26,27
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 1
;temp1 = input[5 * 32] * cospi_27_64 - input[27 * 32] * cospi_5_64;
;temp2 = input[5 * 32] * cospi_5_64 + input[27 * 32] * cospi_27_64;
;step1b[20][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1b[27][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_27_64, cospi_5_64, d0, d1, d4, d5
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 1
;temp1 = input[21 * 32] * cospi_11_64 - input[11 * 32] * cospi_21_64;
;temp2 = input[21 * 32] * cospi_21_64 + input[11 * 32] * cospi_11_64;
;step1b[21][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1b[26][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_11_64, cospi_21_64, d2, d3, d6, d7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 2
;step2[20] = step1b[20][i] + step1b[21][i];
;step2[21] = step1b[20][i] - step1b[21][i];
;step2[26] = -step1b[26][i] + step1b[27][i];
;step2[27] = step1b[26][i] + step1b[27][i];
vsub.s16 q13, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q0, q0, q1
vsub.s16 q14, q2, q3
vadd.s16 q2, q2, q3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 3
;temp1 = step1b[26][i] * cospi_12_64 - step1b[21][i] * cospi_20_64;
;temp2 = step1b[26][i] * cospi_20_64 + step1b[21][i] * cospi_12_64;
;step3[21] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step3[26] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_12_64, cospi_20_64, d2, d3, d6, d7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; generate 22,23,24,25
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 1
;temp1 = input[13 * 32] * cospi_19_64 - input[19 * 32] * cospi_13_64;
;temp2 = input[13 * 32] * cospi_13_64 + input[19 * 32] * cospi_19_64;
;step1b[22][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1b[25][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_19_64, cospi_13_64, d10, d11, d14, d15
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 1
;temp1 = input[29 * 32] * cospi_3_64 - input[3 * 32] * cospi_29_64;
;temp2 = input[29 * 32] * cospi_29_64 + input[3 * 32] * cospi_3_64;
;step1b[23][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1b[24][i] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_3_64, cospi_29_64, d8, d9, d12, d13
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 2
;step2[22] = -step1b[22][i] + step1b[23][i];
;step2[23] = step1b[22][i] + step1b[23][i];
;step2[24] = step1b[24][i] + step1b[25][i];
;step2[25] = step1b[24][i] - step1b[25][i];
vsub.s16 q14, q4, q5
vadd.s16 q5, q4, q5
vsub.s16 q13, q6, q7
vadd.s16 q6, q6, q7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 3
;temp1 = step1b[22][i] * (-cospi_20_64) - step1b[25][i] * (-cospi_12_64);
;temp2 = step1b[22][i] * (-cospi_12_64) + step1b[25][i] * (-cospi_20_64);
;step3[25] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step3[22] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD (-cospi_20_64), (-cospi_12_64), d8, d9, d14, d15
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; combine 20-23,24-27
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 4
;step1[22] = step1b[22][i] + step1b[21][i];
;step1[23] = step1b[23][i] + step1b[20][i];
vadd.s16 q10, q7, q1
vadd.s16 q11, q5, q0
;step1[24] = step1b[24][i] + step1b[27][i];
;step1[25] = step1b[25][i] + step1b[26][i];
vadd.s16 q12, q6, q2
vadd.s16 q15, q4, q3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 6
;step3[16] = step1b[16][i] + step1b[23][i];
;step3[17] = step1b[17][i] + step1b[22][i];
;step3[22] = step1b[17][i] - step1b[22][i];
;step3[23] = step1b[16][i] - step1b[23][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 28, 16, 17, q14, q13
vadd.s16 q8, q14, q11
vadd.s16 q9, q13, q10
vsub.s16 q13, q13, q10
vsub.s16 q11, q14, q11
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 17, 17, 16, q9, q8
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 6
;step3[24] = step1b[31][i] - step1b[24][i];
;step3[25] = step1b[30][i] - step1b[25][i];
;step3[30] = step1b[30][i] + step1b[25][i];
;step3[31] = step1b[31][i] + step1b[24][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 16, 30, 31, q14, q9
vsub.s16 q8, q9, q12
vadd.s16 q10, q14, q15
vsub.s16 q14, q14, q15
vadd.s16 q12, q9, q12
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 31, 30, 31, q10, q12
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; TODO(cd) do some register allocation change to remove these push/pop
vpush {q8} ; [24]
vpush {q11} ; [23]
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 7
;temp1 = (step1b[25][i] - step1b[22][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;temp2 = (step1b[25][i] + step1b[22][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;step1[22] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1[25] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_16_64, cospi_16_64, d26, d27, d28, d29
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 31, 25, 22, q14, q13
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 7
;temp1 = (step1b[24][i] - step1b[23][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;temp2 = (step1b[24][i] + step1b[23][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;step1[23] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1[24] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
; TODO(cd) do some register allocation change to remove these push/pop
vpop {q13} ; [23]
vpop {q14} ; [24]
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_16_64, cospi_16_64, d26, d27, d28, d29
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 22, 24, 23, q14, q13
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 4
;step1[20] = step1b[23][i] - step1b[20][i];
;step1[27] = step1b[24][i] - step1b[27][i];
vsub.s16 q14, q5, q0
vsub.s16 q13, q6, q2
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 5
;temp1 = step1b[20][i] * (-cospi_8_64) - step1b[27][i] * (-cospi_24_64);
;temp2 = step1b[20][i] * (-cospi_24_64) + step1b[27][i] * (-cospi_8_64);
;step2[27] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step2[20] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD (-cospi_8_64), (-cospi_24_64), d10, d11, d12, d13
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 4
;step1[21] = step1b[22][i] - step1b[21][i];
;step1[26] = step1b[25][i] - step1b[26][i];
vsub.s16 q14, q7, q1
vsub.s16 q13, q4, q3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 5
;temp1 = step1b[21][i] * (-cospi_8_64) - step1b[26][i] * (-cospi_24_64);
;temp2 = step1b[21][i] * (-cospi_24_64) + step1b[26][i] * (-cospi_8_64);
;step2[26] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step2[21] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD (-cospi_8_64), (-cospi_24_64), d0, d1, d2, d3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 6
;step3[18] = step1b[18][i] + step1b[21][i];
;step3[19] = step1b[19][i] + step1b[20][i];
;step3[20] = step1b[19][i] - step1b[20][i];
;step3[21] = step1b[18][i] - step1b[21][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 23, 18, 19, q14, q13
vadd.s16 q8, q14, q1
vadd.s16 q9, q13, q6
vsub.s16 q13, q13, q6
vsub.s16 q1, q14, q1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 19, 18, 19, q8, q9
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 6
;step3[27] = step1b[28][i] - step1b[27][i];
;step3[28] = step1b[28][i] + step1b[27][i];
;step3[29] = step1b[29][i] + step1b[26][i];
;step3[26] = step1b[29][i] - step1b[26][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 19, 28, 29, q8, q9
vsub.s16 q14, q8, q5
vadd.s16 q10, q8, q5
vadd.s16 q11, q9, q0
vsub.s16 q0, q9, q0
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 29, 28, 29, q10, q11
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 7
;temp1 = (step1b[27][i] - step1b[20][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;temp2 = (step1b[27][i] + step1b[20][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;step1[20] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1[27] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_16_64, cospi_16_64, d26, d27, d28, d29
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 29, 20, 27, q13, q14
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 7
;temp1 = (step1b[26][i] - step1b[21][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;temp2 = (step1b[26][i] + step1b[21][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;step1[21] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1[26] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY d0, d1, d2, d3, cospi_16_64, cospi_16_64, d2, d3, d0, d1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 27, 21, 26, q1, q0
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BLOCK C: 8-10,11-15
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; generate 8,9,14,15
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 2
;temp1 = input[2 * 32] * cospi_30_64 - input[30 * 32] * cospi_2_64;
;temp2 = input[2 * 32] * cospi_2_64 + input[30 * 32] * cospi_30_64;
;step2[8] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step2[15] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_30_64, cospi_2_64, d0, d1, d4, d5
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 2
;temp1 = input[18 * 32] * cospi_14_64 - input[14 * 32] * cospi_18_64;
;temp2 = input[18 * 32] * cospi_18_64 + input[14 * 32] * cospi_14_64;
;step2[9] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step2[14] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_14_64, cospi_18_64, d2, d3, d6, d7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 3
;step3[8] = step1b[8][i] + step1b[9][i];
;step3[9] = step1b[8][i] - step1b[9][i];
;step3[14] = step1b[15][i] - step1b[14][i];
;step3[15] = step1b[15][i] + step1b[14][i];
vsub.s16 q13, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q0, q0, q1
vsub.s16 q14, q2, q3
vadd.s16 q2, q2, q3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 4
;temp1 = step1b[14][i] * cospi_24_64 - step1b[9][i] * cospi_8_64;
;temp2 = step1b[14][i] * cospi_8_64 + step1b[9][i] * cospi_24_64;
;step1[9] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1[14] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_24_64, cospi_8_64, d2, d3, d6, d7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; generate 10,11,12,13
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 2
;temp1 = input[10 * 32] * cospi_22_64 - input[22 * 32] * cospi_10_64;
;temp2 = input[10 * 32] * cospi_10_64 + input[22 * 32] * cospi_22_64;
;step2[10] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step2[13] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_22_64, cospi_10_64, d10, d11, d14, d15
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 2
;temp1 = input[26 * 32] * cospi_6_64 - input[6 * 32] * cospi_26_64;
;temp2 = input[26 * 32] * cospi_26_64 + input[6 * 32] * cospi_6_64;
;step2[11] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step2[12] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_6_64, cospi_26_64, d8, d9, d12, d13
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 3
;step3[10] = step1b[11][i] - step1b[10][i];
;step3[11] = step1b[11][i] + step1b[10][i];
;step3[12] = step1b[12][i] + step1b[13][i];
;step3[13] = step1b[12][i] - step1b[13][i];
vsub.s16 q14, q4, q5
vadd.s16 q5, q4, q5
vsub.s16 q13, q6, q7
vadd.s16 q6, q6, q7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 4
;temp1 = step1b[10][i] * (-cospi_8_64) - step1b[13][i] * (-cospi_24_64);
;temp2 = step1b[10][i] * (-cospi_24_64) + step1b[13][i] * (-cospi_8_64);
;step1[13] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1[10] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD (-cospi_8_64), (-cospi_24_64), d8, d9, d14, d15
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; combine 8-10,11-15
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 5
;step2[8] = step1b[8][i] + step1b[11][i];
;step2[9] = step1b[9][i] + step1b[10][i];
;step2[10] = step1b[9][i] - step1b[10][i];
vadd.s16 q8, q0, q5
vadd.s16 q9, q1, q7
vsub.s16 q13, q1, q7
;step2[13] = step1b[14][i] - step1b[13][i];
;step2[14] = step1b[14][i] + step1b[13][i];
;step2[15] = step1b[15][i] + step1b[12][i];
vsub.s16 q14, q3, q4
vadd.s16 q10, q3, q4
vadd.s16 q15, q2, q6
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 26, 8, 15, q8, q15
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 15, 9, 14, q9, q10
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 6
;temp1 = (step1b[13][i] - step1b[10][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;temp2 = (step1b[13][i] + step1b[10][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;step3[10] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step3[13] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_16_64, cospi_16_64, d2, d3, d6, d7
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 14, 13, 10, q3, q1
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 5
;step2[11] = step1b[8][i] - step1b[11][i];
;step2[12] = step1b[15][i] - step1b[12][i];
vsub.s16 q13, q0, q5
vsub.s16 q14, q2, q6
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 6
;temp1 = (step1b[12][i] - step1b[11][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;temp2 = (step1b[12][i] + step1b[11][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;step3[11] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step3[12] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_16_64, cospi_16_64, d2, d3, d6, d7
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 10, 11, 12, q1, q3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BLOCK D: 0-3,4-7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; generate 4,5,6,7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 3
;temp1 = input[4 * 32] * cospi_28_64 - input[28 * 32] * cospi_4_64;
;temp2 = input[4 * 32] * cospi_4_64 + input[28 * 32] * cospi_28_64;
;step3[4] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step3[7] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_28_64, cospi_4_64, d0, d1, d4, d5
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 3
;temp1 = input[20 * 32] * cospi_12_64 - input[12 * 32] * cospi_20_64;
;temp2 = input[20 * 32] * cospi_20_64 + input[12 * 32] * cospi_12_64;
;step3[5] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step3[6] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_12_64, cospi_20_64, d2, d3, d6, d7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 4
;step1[4] = step1b[4][i] + step1b[5][i];
;step1[5] = step1b[4][i] - step1b[5][i];
;step1[6] = step1b[7][i] - step1b[6][i];
;step1[7] = step1b[7][i] + step1b[6][i];
vsub.s16 q13, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q0, q0, q1
vsub.s16 q14, q2, q3
vadd.s16 q2, q2, q3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 5
;temp1 = (step1b[6][i] - step1b[5][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;temp2 = (step1b[5][i] + step1b[6][i]) * cospi_16_64;
;step2[5] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step2[6] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_16_64, cospi_16_64, d2, d3, d6, d7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; generate 0,1,2,3
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 4
;temp1 = (input[0 * 32] - input[16 * 32]) * cospi_16_64;
;temp2 = (input[0 * 32] + input[16 * 32]) * cospi_16_64;
;step1[1] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1[0] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_16_64, cospi_16_64, d10, d11, d14, d15
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 4
;temp1 = input[8 * 32] * cospi_24_64 - input[24 * 32] * cospi_8_64;
;temp2 = input[8 * 32] * cospi_8_64 + input[24 * 32] * cospi_24_64;
;step1[2] = dct_const_round_shift(temp1);
;step1[3] = dct_const_round_shift(temp2);
DO_BUTTERFLY_STD cospi_24_64, cospi_8_64, d28, d29, d12, d13
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 5
;step2[0] = step1b[0][i] + step1b[3][i];
;step2[1] = step1b[1][i] + step1b[2][i];
;step2[2] = step1b[1][i] - step1b[2][i];
;step2[3] = step1b[0][i] - step1b[3][i];
vadd.s16 q4, q7, q6
vsub.s16 q7, q7, q6
vsub.s16 q6, q5, q14
vadd.s16 q5, q5, q14
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; combine 0-3,4-7
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 6
;step3[0] = step1b[0][i] + step1b[7][i];
;step3[1] = step1b[1][i] + step1b[6][i];
;step3[2] = step1b[2][i] + step1b[5][i];
;step3[3] = step1b[3][i] + step1b[4][i];
vadd.s16 q8, q4, q2
vadd.s16 q9, q5, q3
vadd.s16 q10, q6, q1
vadd.s16 q11, q7, q0
;step3[4] = step1b[3][i] - step1b[4][i];
;step3[5] = step1b[2][i] - step1b[5][i];
;step3[6] = step1b[1][i] - step1b[6][i];
;step3[7] = step1b[0][i] - step1b[7][i];
vsub.s16 q12, q7, q0
vsub.s16 q13, q6, q1
vsub.s16 q14, q5, q3
vsub.s16 q15, q4, q2
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 7
;step1[0] = step1b[0][i] + step1b[15][i];
;step1[1] = step1b[1][i] + step1b[14][i];
;step1[14] = step1b[1][i] - step1b[14][i];
;step1[15] = step1b[0][i] - step1b[15][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 12, 14, 15, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q2, q8, q1
vadd.s16 q3, q9, q0
vsub.s16 q4, q9, q0
vsub.s16 q5, q8, q1
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of final stage
;output[14 * 32] = step1b[14][i] + step1b[17][i];
;output[15 * 32] = step1b[15][i] + step1b[16][i];
;output[16 * 32] = step1b[15][i] - step1b[16][i];
;output[17 * 32] = step1b[14][i] - step1b[17][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 15, 16, 17, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q8, q4, q1
vadd.s16 q9, q5, q0
vsub.s16 q6, q5, q0
vsub.s16 q7, q4, q1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 17, 17, 16, q7, q6
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 16, 15, 14, q9, q8
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of final stage
;output[ 0 * 32] = step1b[0][i] + step1b[31][i];
;output[ 1 * 32] = step1b[1][i] + step1b[30][i];
;output[30 * 32] = step1b[1][i] - step1b[30][i];
;output[31 * 32] = step1b[0][i] - step1b[31][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 14, 30, 31, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q4, q2, q1
vadd.s16 q5, q3, q0
vsub.s16 q6, q3, q0
vsub.s16 q7, q2, q1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 31, 31, 30, q7, q6
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 30, 0, 1, q4, q5
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 7
;step1[2] = step1b[2][i] + step1b[13][i];
;step1[3] = step1b[3][i] + step1b[12][i];
;step1[12] = step1b[3][i] - step1b[12][i];
;step1[13] = step1b[2][i] - step1b[13][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 1, 12, 13, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q2, q10, q1
vadd.s16 q3, q11, q0
vsub.s16 q4, q11, q0
vsub.s16 q5, q10, q1
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of final stage
;output[12 * 32] = step1b[12][i] + step1b[19][i];
;output[13 * 32] = step1b[13][i] + step1b[18][i];
;output[18 * 32] = step1b[13][i] - step1b[18][i];
;output[19 * 32] = step1b[12][i] - step1b[19][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 13, 18, 19, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q6, q4, q1
vadd.s16 q7, q5, q0
vsub.s16 q8, q5, q0
vsub.s16 q9, q4, q1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 19, 19, 18, q9, q8
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 18, 13, 12, q7, q6
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of final stage
;output[ 2 * 32] = step1b[2][i] + step1b[29][i];
;output[ 3 * 32] = step1b[3][i] + step1b[28][i];
;output[28 * 32] = step1b[3][i] - step1b[28][i];
;output[29 * 32] = step1b[2][i] - step1b[29][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 12, 28, 29, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q4, q2, q1
vadd.s16 q5, q3, q0
vsub.s16 q6, q3, q0
vsub.s16 q7, q2, q1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 29, 29, 28, q7, q6
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 28, 2, 3, q4, q5
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 7
;step1[4] = step1b[4][i] + step1b[11][i];
;step1[5] = step1b[5][i] + step1b[10][i];
;step1[10] = step1b[5][i] - step1b[10][i];
;step1[11] = step1b[4][i] - step1b[11][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 3, 10, 11, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q2, q12, q1
vadd.s16 q3, q13, q0
vsub.s16 q4, q13, q0
vsub.s16 q5, q12, q1
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of final stage
;output[10 * 32] = step1b[10][i] + step1b[21][i];
;output[11 * 32] = step1b[11][i] + step1b[20][i];
;output[20 * 32] = step1b[11][i] - step1b[20][i];
;output[21 * 32] = step1b[10][i] - step1b[21][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 11, 20, 21, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q6, q4, q1
vadd.s16 q7, q5, q0
vsub.s16 q8, q5, q0
vsub.s16 q9, q4, q1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 21, 21, 20, q9, q8
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 20, 11, 10, q7, q6
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of final stage
;output[ 4 * 32] = step1b[4][i] + step1b[27][i];
;output[ 5 * 32] = step1b[5][i] + step1b[26][i];
;output[26 * 32] = step1b[5][i] - step1b[26][i];
;output[27 * 32] = step1b[4][i] - step1b[27][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 10, 26, 27, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q4, q2, q1
vadd.s16 q5, q3, q0
vsub.s16 q6, q3, q0
vsub.s16 q7, q2, q1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 27, 27, 26, q7, q6
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 26, 4, 5, q4, q5
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of stage 7
;step1[6] = step1b[6][i] + step1b[9][i];
;step1[7] = step1b[7][i] + step1b[8][i];
;step1[8] = step1b[7][i] - step1b[8][i];
;step1[9] = step1b[6][i] - step1b[9][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 5, 8, 9, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q2, q14, q1
vadd.s16 q3, q15, q0
vsub.s16 q4, q15, q0
vsub.s16 q5, q14, q1
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of final stage
;output[ 8 * 32] = step1b[8][i] + step1b[23][i];
;output[ 9 * 32] = step1b[9][i] + step1b[22][i];
;output[22 * 32] = step1b[9][i] - step1b[22][i];
;output[23 * 32] = step1b[8][i] - step1b[23][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 9, 22, 23, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q6, q4, q1
vadd.s16 q7, q5, q0
vsub.s16 q8, q5, q0
vsub.s16 q9, q4, q1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 23, 23, 22, q9, q8
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 22, 9, 8, q7, q6
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; part of final stage
;output[ 6 * 32] = step1b[6][i] + step1b[25][i];
;output[ 7 * 32] = step1b[7][i] + step1b[24][i];
;output[24 * 32] = step1b[7][i] - step1b[24][i];
;output[25 * 32] = step1b[6][i] - step1b[25][i];
LOAD_FROM_OUTPUT 8, 24, 25, q0, q1
vadd.s16 q4, q2, q1
vadd.s16 q5, q3, q0
vsub.s16 q6, q3, q0
vsub.s16 q7, q2, q1
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 25, 25, 24, q7, q6
STORE_IN_OUTPUT 24, 6, 7, q4, q5
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; TODO(cd) get rid of these push/pop by properly adjusting register
; content at end of loop
pop {r2}
pop {r1}
pop {r0}
add r1, r1, #8*2
add r2, r2, #8*32*2
; bands loop processing
add r4, r4, #1
cmp r4, #3
ble idct32_bands_loop
pop {r4}
bx lr
ENDP ; |idct32_transpose_and_transform|
;void idct32_combine_add(uint8_t *dest, int16_t *out, int dest_stride);
; r0 uint8_t *dest
; r1 int16_t *out
; r2 int dest_stride)
|idct32_combine_add| PROC
mov r12, r0 ; dest pointer used for stores
sub r2, r2, #32 ; adjust the stride (remove the post-increments)
mov r3, #0 ; initialize loop counter
; load out[j * 32 + 0-31]
vld1.s16 {q12}, [r1]!
vld1.s16 {q13}, [r1]!
vld1.s16 {q14}, [r1]!
vld1.s16 {q15}, [r1]!
; load dest[j * dest_stride + 0-31]
vld1.s16 {q6}, [r0]!
vld1.s16 {q7}, [r0]!
vrshr.s16 q12, q12, #6
vrshr.s16 q13, q13, #6
vrshr.s16 q14, q14, #6
vrshr.s16 q15, q15, #6
; add to dest[j * dest_stride + 0-31]
vaddw.u8 q12, q12, d12
vaddw.u8 q13, q13, d13
vaddw.u8 q14, q14, d14
vaddw.u8 q15, q15, d15
; clip pixel
vqmovun.s16 d12, q12
vqmovun.s16 d13, q13
vqmovun.s16 d14, q14
vqmovun.s16 d15, q15
; store back into dest[j * dest_stride + 0-31]
vst1.16 {q6}, [r12]!
vst1.16 {q7}, [r12]!
; increment pointers by adjusted stride (not necessary for r1/out)
add r0, r0, r2
add r12, r12, r2
; loop processing
add r3, r3, #1
cmp r3, #31
ble idct32_combine_add_loop
bx lr
ENDP ; |idct32_transpose|