blob: 2961163c9661b8f863674ec3d5ed505423f6b170 [file] [log] [blame]
Contributing to libusb
For larger changes or API changes/extensions it may be wise to first
discuss on the mailing list or in the issue tracker before larger
coding efforts are initiated.
If you extend or change the API make sure documentation is updated.
Please run make -C doc and check for any Doxygen warnings.
Commit messages should be formatted to 72 chars width and have a
free-standing summary line. See for instance "Commit Guidelines" on
or about how to make well-formed commit
Put detailed information in the commit message itself, which will end
up in the git history. On the other hand the description that you fill
in the GitHub pull request web page does not go anywhere.
For copyright reasons it is preferable to have your full name in the
commit author field. Do not update the AUTHOR file yourself, the
maintainers will update it as part of the release preparation.
Please don't touch version_nano.h in your patches or pull requests.