blob: 9177adb6839b37477130d6b344f11d4b75904ed0 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <jni.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "actions/types.h"
#include "annotator/types.h"
#include "utils/i18n/locale.h"
#include "utils/intents/intent-config_generated.h"
#include "utils/java/jni-cache.h"
#include "utils/java/scoped_local_ref.h"
#include "utils/optional.h"
#include "utils/resources.h"
#include "utils/resources_generated.h"
#include "utils/strings/stringpiece.h"
namespace libtextclassifier3 {
// A template with parameters for an Android remote action.
struct RemoteActionTemplate {
// Title shown for the action (see: RemoteAction.getTitle).
Optional<std::string> title_without_entity;
// Title with entity for the action. It is not guaranteed that the client
// will use this, so title should be always given and general enough.
Optional<std::string> title_with_entity;
// Description shown for the action (see: RemoteAction.getContentDescription).
Optional<std::string> description;
// Description shown for the action (see: RemoteAction.getContentDescription)
// when app name is available. Caller is expected to replace the placeholder
// by the name of the app that is going to handle the action.
Optional<std::string> description_with_app_name;
// The action to set on the Intent (see: Intent.setAction).
Optional<std::string> action;
// The data to set on the Intent (see: Intent.setData).
Optional<std::string> data;
// The type to set on the Intent (see: Intent.setType).
Optional<std::string> type;
// Flags for launching the Intent (see: Intent.setFlags).
Optional<int> flags;
// Categories to set on the Intent (see: Intent.addCategory).
std::vector<std::string> category;
// Explicit application package to set on the Intent (see: Intent.setPackage).
Optional<std::string> package_name;
// The list of all the extras to add to the Intent.
std::map<std::string, Variant> extra;
// Private request code ot use for the Intent.
Optional<int> request_code;
// Helper class to generate Android intents for text classifier results.
class IntentGenerator {
static std::unique_ptr<IntentGenerator> Create(
const IntentFactoryModel* options, const ResourcePool* resources,
const std::shared_ptr<JniCache>& jni_cache);
// Generates intents for a classification result.
// Returns true, if the intent generator snippets could be successfully run,
// returns false otherwise.
bool GenerateIntents(const jstring device_locales,
const ClassificationResult& classification,
const int64 reference_time_ms_utc,
const std::string& text,
const CodepointSpan selection_indices,
const jobject context,
const reflection::Schema* annotations_entity_data_schema,
std::vector<RemoteActionTemplate>* remote_actions) const;
// Generates intents for an action suggestion.
// Returns true, if the intent generator snippets could be successfully run,
// returns false otherwise.
bool GenerateIntents(const jstring device_locales,
const ActionSuggestion& action,
const Conversation& conversation, const jobject context,
const reflection::Schema* annotations_entity_data_schema,
const reflection::Schema* actions_entity_data_schema,
std::vector<RemoteActionTemplate>* remote_actions) const;
IntentGenerator(const IntentFactoryModel* options,
const ResourcePool* resources,
const std::shared_ptr<JniCache>& jni_cache)
: options_(options),
jni_cache_(jni_cache) {}
std::vector<Locale> ParseDeviceLocales(const jstring device_locales) const;
const IntentFactoryModel* options_;
const Resources resources_;
std::shared_ptr<JniCache> jni_cache_;
std::map<std::string, std::string> generators_;
} // namespace libtextclassifier3