blob: 315e849f21e9493470bf7776bc935a9a417266d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Text classification model configuration.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
import "external/libtextclassifier/common/embedding-network.proto";
import "external/libtextclassifier/smartselect/tokenizer.proto";
package libtextclassifier;
// Generic options of a model, non-specific to selection or sharing.
message ModelOptions {
// If true, will use embeddings from a different model. This is mainly useful
// for the Sharing model using the embeddings from the Selection model.
optional bool use_shared_embeddings = 1;
// Language of the model.
optional string language = 2;
// Version of the model.
optional int32 version = 3;
message SelectionModelOptions {
// A list of Unicode codepoints to strip from predicted selections.
repeated int32 deprecated_punctuation_to_strip = 1;
// Enforce symmetrical selections.
optional bool enforce_symmetry = 3;
// Number of inferences made around the click position (to one side), for
// enforcing symmetry.
optional int32 symmetry_context_size = 4;
// If true, before the selection is returned, the unpaired brackets contained
// in the predicted selection are stripped from the both selection ends.
// The bracket codepoints are defined in the Unicode standard:
optional bool strip_unpaired_brackets = 5 [default = true];
reserved 2;
message SharingModelOptions {
// If true, will always return "url" when the url hint is passed in.
optional bool always_accept_url_hint = 1;
// If true, will always return "email" when the e-mail hint is passed in.
optional bool always_accept_email_hint = 2;
// Limits for phone numbers.
optional int32 phone_min_num_digits = 3 [default = 7];
optional int32 phone_max_num_digits = 4 [default = 15];
// List of regular expression matchers to check.
message RegexPattern {
// The name of the collection of a match.
optional string collection_name = 1;
// The pattern to check.
optional string pattern = 2;
repeated RegexPattern regex_pattern = 5;
// Next ID: 41
message FeatureProcessorOptions {
// Number of buckets used for hashing charactergrams.
optional int32 num_buckets = 1 [default = -1];
// Context size defines the number of words to the left and to the right of
// the selected word to be used as context. For example, if context size is
// N, then we take N words to the left and N words to the right of the
// selected word as its context.
optional int32 context_size = 2 [default = -1];
// Maximum number of words of the context to select in total.
optional int32 max_selection_span = 3 [default = -1];
// Orders of charactergrams to extract. E.g., 2 means character bigrams, 3
// character trigrams etc.
repeated int32 chargram_orders = 4;
// Maximum length of a word, in codepoints.
optional int32 max_word_length = 21 [default = 20];
// If true, will use the unicode-aware functionality for extracting features.
optional bool unicode_aware_features = 19 [default = false];
// Whether to extract the token case feature.
optional bool extract_case_feature = 5 [default = false];
// Whether to extract the selection mask feature.
optional bool extract_selection_mask_feature = 6 [default = false];
// List of regexps to run over each token. For each regexp, if there is a
// match, a dense feature of 1.0 is emitted. Otherwise -1.0 is used.
repeated string regexp_feature = 22;
// Whether to remap all digits to a single number.
optional bool remap_digits = 20 [default = false];
// Whether to lower-case each token before generating hashgrams.
optional bool lowercase_tokens = 33;
// If true, the selection classifier output will contain only the selections
// that are feasible (e.g., those that are shorter than max_selection_span),
// if false, the output will be a complete cross-product of possible
// selections to the left and posible selections to the right, including the
// infeasible ones.
// NOTE: Exists mainly for compatibility with older models that were trained
// with the non-reduced output space.
optional bool selection_reduced_output_space = 8 [default = true];
// Collection names.
repeated string collections = 9;
// An index of collection in collections to be used if a collection name can't
// be mapped to an id.
optional int32 default_collection = 10 [default = -1];
// If true, will split the input by lines, and only use the line that contains
// the clicked token.
optional bool only_use_line_with_click = 13 [default = false];
// If true, will split tokens that contain the selection boundary, at the
// position of the boundary.
// E.g. "foo{bar}" -> "foo", "bar", ""
optional bool split_tokens_on_selection_boundaries = 14 [default = false];
// Codepoint ranges that determine how different codepoints are tokenized.
// The ranges must not overlap.
repeated TokenizationCodepointRange tokenization_codepoint_config = 15;
// Method for selecting the center token.
enum CenterTokenSelectionMethod {
DEFAULT_CENTER_TOKEN_METHOD = 0; // Invalid option.
// Use click indices to determine the center token.
// Use selection indices to get a token range, and select the middle of it
// as the center token.
optional CenterTokenSelectionMethod center_token_selection_method = 16;
// If true, span boundaries will be snapped to containing tokens and not
// required to exactly match token boundaries.
optional bool snap_label_span_boundaries_to_containing_tokens = 18;
// Range of codepoints start - end, where end is exclusive.
message CodepointRange {
optional int32 start = 1;
optional int32 end = 2;
// A set of codepoint ranges supported by the model.
repeated CodepointRange supported_codepoint_ranges = 23;
// A set of codepoint ranges to use in the mixed tokenization mode to identify
// stretches of tokens to re-tokenize using the internal tokenizer.
repeated CodepointRange internal_tokenizer_codepoint_ranges = 34;
// Minimum ratio of supported codepoints in the input context. If the ratio
// is lower than this, the feature computation will fail.
optional float min_supported_codepoint_ratio = 24 [default = 0.0];
// Used for versioning the format of features the model expects.
// - feature_version == 0:
// For each token the features consist of:
// - chargram embeddings
// - dense features
// Chargram embeddings for tokens are concatenated first together,
// and at the end, the dense features for the tokens are concatenated
// to it. So the resulting feature vector has two regions.
optional int32 feature_version = 25 [default = 0];
// Controls the type of tokenization the model will use for the input text.
enum TokenizationType {
// Use the internal tokenizer for tokenization.
// Use ICU for tokenization.
ICU = 2;
// First apply ICU tokenization. Then identify stretches of tokens
// consisting only of codepoints in internal_tokenizer_codepoint_ranges
// and re-tokenize them using the internal tokenizer.
MIXED = 3;
optional TokenizationType tokenization_type = 30
optional bool icu_preserve_whitespace_tokens = 31 [default = false];
// List of codepoints that will be stripped from beginning and end of
// predicted spans.
repeated int32 ignored_span_boundary_codepoints = 36;
reserved 7, 11, 12, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 35, 39, 40;
// List of allowed charactergrams. The extracted charactergrams are filtered
// using this list, and charactergrams that are not present are interpreted as
// out-of-vocabulary.
// If no allowed_chargrams are specified, all charactergrams are allowed.
// The field is typed as bytes type to allow non-UTF8 chargrams.
repeated bytes allowed_chargrams = 38;
extend nlp_core.EmbeddingNetworkProto {
optional ModelOptions model_options_in_embedding_network_proto = 150063045;
optional FeatureProcessorOptions
feature_processor_options_in_embedding_network_proto = 146230910;
optional SelectionModelOptions
selection_model_options_in_embedding_network_proto = 148190899;
optional SharingModelOptions
sharing_model_options_in_embedding_network_proto = 151445439;