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* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
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// Generic utils similar to those from the C++ header <algorithm>.
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
namespace libtextclassifier3 {
namespace mobile {
// Returns index of max element from the vector |elements|. Returns 0 if
// |elements| is empty. T should be a type that can be compared by operator<.
template<typename T>
inline int GetArgMax(const std::vector<T> &elements) {
return std::distance(
std::max_element(elements.begin(), elements.end()));
// Returns index of min element from the vector |elements|. Returns 0 if
// |elements| is empty. T should be a type that can be compared by operator<.
template<typename T>
inline int GetArgMin(const std::vector<T> &elements) {
return std::distance(
std::min_element(elements.begin(), elements.end()));
// Returns indices of greatest k elements from |v|.
// The order between elements is indicated by |smaller|, which should be an
// object like std::less<T>, std::greater<T>, etc. If smaller(a, b) is true,
// that means that "a is smaller than b". Intuitively, |smaller| is a
// generalization of operator<. Formally, it is a strict weak ordering, see
// Calling this function with std::less<T>() returns the indices of the larger k
// elements; calling it with std::greater<T>() returns the indices of the
// smallest k elements. This is similar to e.g., std::priority_queue: using the
// default std::less gives you a max-heap, while using std::greater results in a
// min-heap.
// Returned indices are sorted in decreasing order of the corresponding elements
// (e.g., first element of the returned array is the index of the largest
// element). In case of ties (e.g., equal elements) we select the one with the
// smallest index. E.g., getting the indices of the top-2 elements from [3, 2,
// 1, 3, 0, 3] returns [0, 3] (the indices of the first and the second 3).
// Corner cases: If k <= 0, this function returns an empty vector. If |v| has
// only n < k elements, this function returns all n indices [0, 1, 2, ..., n -
// 1], sorted according to the comp order of the indicated elements.
// Assuming each comparison is O(1), this function uses O(k) auxiliary space,
// and runs in O(n * log k) time. Note: it is possible to use std::nth_element
// and obtain an O(n + k * log k) time algorithm, but that uses O(n) auxiliary
// space. In our case, k << n, e.g., we may want to select the top-3 most
// likely classes from a set of 100 classes, so the time complexity difference
// should not matter in practice.
template <typename T, typename Smaller>
std::vector<int> GetTopKIndices(int k, const std::vector<T> &v,
Smaller smaller) {
if (k <= 0) {
return std::vector<int>();
if (static_cast<size_t>(k) > v.size()) {
k = v.size();
// An order between indices. Intuitively, rev_vcomp(i1, i2) iff v[i2] is
// smaller than v[i1]. No typo: this inversion is necessary for Invariant B
// below. "vcomp" stands for "value comparator" (we compare the values
// indicates by the two indices) and "rev_" stands for the reverse order.
const auto rev_vcomp = [&v, &smaller](int i1, int i2) -> bool {
if (smaller(v[i2], v[i1])) return true;
if (smaller(v[i1], v[i2])) return false;
// Break ties in favor of earlier elements.
return i1 < i2;
// Indices of the top-k elements seen so far.
std::vector<int> heap(k);
// First, we fill |heap| with the first k indices.
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
heap[i] = i;
std::make_heap(heap.begin(), heap.end(), rev_vcomp);
// Next, we explore the rest of the vector v. Loop invariants:
// Invariant A: |heap| contains the indices of the top-k elements from v[0:i].
// Invariant B: heap[0] is the index of the smallest element from all elements
// indicated by the indices from |heap|.
// Invariant C: |heap| is a max heap, according to order rev_vcomp.
for (size_t i = k; i < v.size(); ++i) {
// We have to update |heap| iff v[i] is larger than the smallest of the
// top-k seen so far. This test is easy to do, due to Invariant B above.
if (smaller(v[heap[0]], v[i])) {
// Next lines replace heap[0] with i and re-"heapify" heap[0:k-1].
std::pop_heap(heap.begin(), heap.end(), rev_vcomp);
// Arrange indices from |heap| in decreasing order of corresponding elements.
// More info: in iteration #0, we extract the largest heap element (according
// to rev_vcomp, i.e., the index of the smallest of the top-k elements) and
// place it at the end of heap, i.e., in heap[k-1]. In iteration #1, we
// extract the second largest and place it in heap[k-2], etc.
for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
std::pop_heap(heap.begin(), heap.end() - i, rev_vcomp);
return heap;
template <typename T>
std::vector<int> GetTopKIndices(int k, const std::vector<T> &elements) {
return GetTopKIndices(k, elements, std::less<T>());
} // namespace mobile
} // namespace nlp_saft