blob: ac15a44c98e9d275feee05488bef97ea294f0d6e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "utils/base/integral_types.h"
#include "utils/grammar/rules_generated.h"
#include "utils/grammar/types.h"
namespace libtextclassifier3::grammar {
// Pre-defined nonterminal classes that the lexer can handle.
constexpr const char* kStartNonterm = "<^>";
constexpr const char* kEndNonterm = "<$>";
constexpr const char* kWordBreakNonterm = "<\b>";
constexpr const char* kTokenNonterm = "<token>";
constexpr const char* kUppercaseTokenNonterm = "<uppercase_token>";
constexpr const char* kDigitsNonterm = "<digits>";
constexpr const char* kNDigitsNonterm = "<%d_digits>";
constexpr const int kMaxNDigitsNontermLength = 20;
// Low-level intermediate rules representation.
// In this representation, nonterminals are specified simply as integers
// (Nonterms), rather than strings which is more efficient.
// Rule set optimizations are done on this representation.
// Rules are represented in (mostly) Chomsky Normal Form, where all rules are
// of the following form, either:
// * <nonterm> ::= term
// * <nonterm> ::= <nonterm>
// * <nonterm> ::= <nonterm> <nonterm>
class Ir {
// A rule callback as a callback id and parameter pair.
struct Callback {
bool operator==(const Callback& other) const {
return std::tie(id, param) == std::tie(, other.param);
CallbackId id = kNoCallback;
int64 param = 0;
// Constraints for triggering a rule.
struct Preconditions {
bool operator==(const Preconditions& other) const {
return max_whitespace_gap == other.max_whitespace_gap;
// The maximum allowed whitespace between parts of the rule.
// The default of -1 allows for unbounded whitespace.
int8 max_whitespace_gap = -1;
struct Lhs {
bool operator==(const Lhs& other) const {
return std::tie(nonterminal, callback, preconditions) ==
std::tie(other.nonterminal, other.callback, other.preconditions);
Nonterm nonterminal = kUnassignedNonterm;
Callback callback;
Preconditions preconditions;
using LhsSet = std::vector<Lhs>;
// A rules shard.
struct RulesShard {
// Terminal rules.
std::unordered_map<std::string, LhsSet> terminal_rules;
std::unordered_map<std::string, LhsSet> lowercase_terminal_rules;
// Unary rules.
std::unordered_map<Nonterm, LhsSet> unary_rules;
// Binary rules.
std::unordered_map<TwoNonterms, LhsSet, BinaryRuleHasher> binary_rules;
explicit Ir(const std::unordered_set<CallbackId>& filters = {},
const int num_shards = 1)
: num_nonterminals_(0), filters_(filters), shards_(num_shards) {}
// Adds a new non-terminal.
Nonterm AddNonterminal(const std::string& name = "") {
const Nonterm nonterminal = ++num_nonterminals_;
if (!name.empty()) {
// Record debug information.
SetNonterminal(name, nonterminal);
return nonterminal;
// Sets the name of a nonterminal.
void SetNonterminal(const std::string& name, const Nonterm nonterminal) {
nonterminal_names_[nonterminal] = name;
nonterminal_ids_[name] = nonterminal;
// Defines a nonterminal if not yet defined.
Nonterm DefineNonterminal(Nonterm nonterminal) {
return (nonterminal != kUnassignedNonterm) ? nonterminal : AddNonterminal();
// Defines a new non-terminal that cannot be shared internally.
Nonterm AddUnshareableNonterminal(const std::string& name = "") {
const Nonterm nonterminal = AddNonterminal(name);
return nonterminal;
// Gets the non-terminal for a given name, if it was previously defined.
Nonterm GetNonterminalForName(const std::string& name) const {
const auto it = nonterminal_ids_.find(name);
if (it == nonterminal_ids_.end()) {
return kUnassignedNonterm;
return it->second;
// Adds a terminal rule <lhs> ::= terminal.
Nonterm Add(const Lhs& lhs, const std::string& terminal,
bool case_sensitive = false, int shard = 0);
Nonterm Add(const Nonterm lhs, const std::string& terminal,
bool case_sensitive = false, int shard = 0) {
return Add(Lhs{lhs}, terminal, case_sensitive, shard);
// Adds a unary rule <lhs> ::= <rhs>.
Nonterm Add(const Lhs& lhs, Nonterm rhs, int shard = 0) {
return AddRule(lhs, rhs, &shards_[shard].unary_rules);
Nonterm Add(Nonterm lhs, Nonterm rhs, int shard = 0) {
return Add(Lhs{lhs}, rhs, shard);
// Adds a binary rule <lhs> ::= <rhs_1> <rhs_2>.
Nonterm Add(const Lhs& lhs, Nonterm rhs_1, Nonterm rhs_2, int shard = 0) {
return AddRule(lhs, {rhs_1, rhs_2}, &shards_[shard].binary_rules);
Nonterm Add(Nonterm lhs, Nonterm rhs_1, Nonterm rhs_2, int shard = 0) {
return Add(Lhs{lhs}, rhs_1, rhs_2, shard);
// Adds a rule <lhs> ::= <rhs_1> <rhs_2> ... <rhs_k>
// If k > 2, we internally create a series of Nonterms representing prefixes
// of the full rhs.
// <temp_1> ::= <RHS_1> <RHS_2>
// <temp_2> ::= <temp_1> <RHS_3>
// ...
// <LHS> ::= <temp_(k-1)> <RHS_k>
Nonterm Add(const Lhs& lhs, const std::vector<Nonterm>& rhs, int shard = 0);
Nonterm Add(Nonterm lhs, const std::vector<Nonterm>& rhs, int shard = 0) {
return Add(Lhs{lhs}, rhs, shard);
// Adds a regex rule <lhs> ::= <regex_pattern>.
Nonterm AddRegex(Nonterm lhs, const std::string& regex_pattern);
// Adds a definition for a nonterminal provided by a text annotation.
void AddAnnotation(Nonterm lhs, const std::string& annotation);
// Serializes a rule set in the intermediate representation into the
// memory mappable inference format.
void Serialize(bool include_debug_information, RulesSetT* output) const;
std::string SerializeAsFlatbuffer(
bool include_debug_information = false) const;
const std::vector<RulesShard>& shards() const { return shards_; }
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Nonterm>>& regex_rules() const {
return regex_rules_;
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Nonterm>>& annotations() const {
return annotations_;
template <typename R, typename H>
Nonterm AddRule(const Lhs& lhs, const R& rhs,
std::unordered_map<R, LhsSet, H>* rules) {
const auto it = rules->find(rhs);
// Rhs was not yet used.
if (it == rules->end()) {
const Nonterm nonterminal = DefineNonterminal(lhs.nonterminal);
{rhs, {Lhs{nonterminal, lhs.callback, lhs.preconditions}}});
return nonterminal;
return AddToSet(lhs, &it->second);
// Adds a new callback to an lhs set, potentially sharing nonterminal ids and
// existing callbacks.
Nonterm AddToSet(const Lhs& lhs, LhsSet* lhs_set);
// Serializes the sharded terminal rules.
void SerializeTerminalRules(
RulesSetT* rules_set,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RulesSet_::RulesT>>* rules_shards) const;
// The defined non-terminals.
Nonterm num_nonterminals_;
std::unordered_set<Nonterm> nonshareable_;
// The set of callbacks that should be treated as filters.
std::unordered_set<CallbackId> filters_;
// The sharded rules.
std::vector<RulesShard> shards_;
// The regex rules.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Nonterm>> regex_rules_;
// Mapping from annotation name to nonterminal.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Nonterm>> annotations_;
// Debug information.
std::unordered_map<Nonterm, std::string> nonterminal_names_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Nonterm> nonterminal_ids_;
} // namespace libtextclassifier3::grammar