blob: 33d6357c022525ac98936a0cab25b2b5c27b8b45 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Inference code for the text classification model.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "datetime/parser.h"
#include "feature-processor.h"
#include "model-executor.h"
#include "model_generated.h"
#include "strip-unpaired-brackets.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "util/memory/mmap.h"
#include "util/utf8/unilib.h"
namespace libtextclassifier2 {
struct SelectionOptions {
// Comma-separated list of locale specification for the input text (BCP 47
// tags).
std::string locales;
static SelectionOptions Default() { return SelectionOptions(); }
struct ClassificationOptions {
// For parsing relative datetimes, the reference now time against which the
// relative datetimes get resolved.
// UTC milliseconds since epoch.
int64 reference_time_ms_utc = 0;
// Timezone in which the input text was written (format as accepted by ICU).
std::string reference_timezone;
// Comma-separated list of locale specification for the input text (BCP 47
// tags).
std::string locales;
static ClassificationOptions Default() { return ClassificationOptions(); }
struct AnnotationOptions {
// For parsing relative datetimes, the reference now time against which the
// relative datetimes get resolved.
// UTC milliseconds since epoch.
int64 reference_time_ms_utc = 0;
// Timezone in which the input text was written (format as accepted by ICU).
std::string reference_timezone;
// Comma-separated list of locale specification for the input text (BCP 47
// tags).
std::string locales;
static AnnotationOptions Default() { return AnnotationOptions(); }
// A text processing model that provides text classification, annotation,
// selection suggestion for various types.
// NOTE: This class is not thread-safe.
class TextClassifier {
static std::unique_ptr<TextClassifier> FromUnownedBuffer(
const char* buffer, int size, const UniLib* unilib = nullptr);
// Takes ownership of the mmap.
static std::unique_ptr<TextClassifier> FromScopedMmap(
std::unique_ptr<ScopedMmap>* mmap, const UniLib* unilib = nullptr);
static std::unique_ptr<TextClassifier> FromFileDescriptor(
int fd, int offset, int size, const UniLib* unilib = nullptr);
static std::unique_ptr<TextClassifier> FromFileDescriptor(
int fd, const UniLib* unilib = nullptr);
static std::unique_ptr<TextClassifier> FromPath(
const std::string& path, const UniLib* unilib = nullptr);
// Returns true if the model is ready for use.
bool IsInitialized() { return initialized_; }
// Runs inference for given a context and current selection (i.e. index
// of the first and one past last selected characters (utf8 codepoint
// offsets)). Returns the indices (utf8 codepoint offsets) of the selection
// beginning character and one past selection end character.
// Returns the original click_indices if an error occurs.
// NOTE: The selection indices are passed in and returned in terms of
// UTF8 codepoints (not bytes).
// Requires that the model is a smart selection model.
CodepointSpan SuggestSelection(
const std::string& context, CodepointSpan click_indices,
const SelectionOptions& options = SelectionOptions::Default()) const;
// Classifies the selected text given the context string.
// Returns an empty result if an error occurs.
std::vector<ClassificationResult> ClassifyText(
const std::string& context, CodepointSpan selection_indices,
const ClassificationOptions& options =
ClassificationOptions::Default()) const;
// Annotates given input text. The annotations are sorted by their position
// in the context string and exclude spans classified as 'other'.
std::vector<AnnotatedSpan> Annotate(
const std::string& context,
const AnnotationOptions& options = AnnotationOptions::Default()) const;
// Exposes the selection feature processor for tests and evaluations.
const FeatureProcessor& SelectionFeatureProcessorForTests() const;
// String collection names for various classes.
static const std::string& kOtherCollection;
static const std::string& kPhoneCollection;
static const std::string& kDateCollection;
struct ScoredChunk {
TokenSpan token_span;
float score;
// Constructs and initializes text classifier from given model.
// Takes ownership of 'mmap', and thus owns the buffer that backs 'model'.
TextClassifier(std::unique_ptr<ScopedMmap>* mmap, const Model* model,
const UniLib* unilib)
: model_(model),
unilib_(internal::MaybeCreateUnilib(unilib, &owned_unilib_)) {
// Constructs, validates and initializes text classifier from given model.
// Does not own the buffer that backs 'model'.
explicit TextClassifier(const Model* model, const UniLib* unilib)
: model_(model),
unilib_(internal::MaybeCreateUnilib(unilib, &owned_unilib_)) {
// Checks that model contains all required fields, and initializes internal
// datastructures.
void ValidateAndInitialize();
// Initializes regular expressions for the regex model.
bool InitializeRegexModel();
// Resolves conflicts in the list of candidates by removing some overlapping
// ones. Returns indices of the surviving ones.
// NOTE: Assumes that the candidates are sorted according to their position in
// the span.
bool ResolveConflicts(const std::vector<AnnotatedSpan>& candidates,
const std::string& context,
std::vector<int>* result) const;
// Resolves one conflict between candidates on indices 'start_index'
// (inclusive) and 'end_index' (exclusive). Assigns the winning candidate
// indices to 'chosen_indices'. Returns false if a problem arises.
bool ResolveConflict(const std::string& context,
const std::vector<AnnotatedSpan>& candidates,
int start_index, int end_index,
std::vector<int>* chosen_indices) const;
// Gets selection candidates from the ML model.
bool ModelSuggestSelection(const UnicodeText& context_unicode,
CodepointSpan click_indices,
std::vector<AnnotatedSpan>* result) const;
// Classifies the selected text given the context string with the
// classification model.
// Returns true if no error occurred.
bool ModelClassifyText(
const std::string& context, CodepointSpan selection_indices,
std::vector<ClassificationResult>* classification_results) const;
// Classifies the selected text with the regular expressions models.
// Returns true if any regular expression matched and the result was set.
bool RegexClassifyText(const std::string& context,
CodepointSpan selection_indices,
ClassificationResult* classification_result) const;
// Classifies the selected text with the date time model.
// Returns true if there was a match and the result was set.
bool DatetimeClassifyText(const std::string& context,
CodepointSpan selection_indices,
const ClassificationOptions& options,
ClassificationResult* classification_result) const;
// Chunks given input text with the selection model and classifies the spans
// with the classification model.
// The annotations are sorted by their position in the context string and
// exclude spans classified as 'other'.
bool ModelAnnotate(const std::string& context,
std::vector<AnnotatedSpan>* result) const;
// Groups the tokens into chunks. A chunk is a token span that should be the
// suggested selection when any of its contained tokens is clicked. The chunks
// are non-overlapping and are sorted by their position in the context string.
// "num_tokens" is the total number of tokens available (as this method does
// not need the actual vector of tokens).
// "span_of_interest" is a span of all the tokens that could be clicked.
// The resulting chunks all have to overlap with it and they cover this span
// completely. The first and last chunk might extend beyond it.
// The chunks vector is cleared before filling.
bool ModelChunk(int num_tokens, const TokenSpan& span_of_interest,
const CachedFeatures& cached_features,
std::vector<TokenSpan>* chunks) const;
// A helper method for ModelChunk(). It generates scored chunk candidates for
// a click context model.
// NOTE: The returned chunks can (and most likely do) overlap.
bool ModelClickContextScoreChunks(
int num_tokens, const TokenSpan& span_of_interest,
const CachedFeatures& cached_features,
std::vector<ScoredChunk>* scored_chunks) const;
// A helper method for ModelChunk(). It generates scored chunk candidates for
// a bounds-sensitive model.
// NOTE: The returned chunks can (and most likely do) overlap.
bool ModelBoundsSensitiveScoreChunks(
int num_tokens, const TokenSpan& span_of_interest,
const TokenSpan& inference_span, const CachedFeatures& cached_features,
std::vector<ScoredChunk>* scored_chunks) const;
// Produces chunks isolated by a set of regular expressions.
bool RegexChunk(const UnicodeText& context_unicode,
const std::vector<int>& rules,
std::vector<AnnotatedSpan>* result) const;
// Produces chunks from the datetime parser.
bool DatetimeChunk(const UnicodeText& context_unicode,
int64 reference_time_ms_utc,
const std::string& reference_timezone,
const std::string& locales,
std::vector<AnnotatedSpan>* result) const;
const Model* model_;
std::unique_ptr<ModelExecutor> selection_executor_;
std::unique_ptr<ModelExecutor> classification_executor_;
std::unique_ptr<EmbeddingExecutor> embedding_executor_;
std::unique_ptr<FeatureProcessor> selection_feature_processor_;
std::unique_ptr<FeatureProcessor> classification_feature_processor_;
std::unique_ptr<DatetimeParser> datetime_parser_;
struct CompiledRegexPattern {
std::string collection_name;
float target_classification_score;
float priority_score;
std::unique_ptr<UniLib::RegexPattern> pattern;
std::unique_ptr<ScopedMmap> mmap_;
bool initialized_ = false;
std::vector<CompiledRegexPattern> regex_patterns_;
// Indices into regex_patterns_ for the different modes.
std::vector<int> annotation_regex_patterns_, classification_regex_patterns_,
std::unique_ptr<UniLib> owned_unilib_;
const UniLib* unilib_;
// Interprets the buffer as a Model flatbuffer and returns it for reading.
const Model* ViewModel(const void* buffer, int size);
} // namespace libtextclassifier2