blob: f34fb3d2f8ed4c996b9cc5b09a79d07a3ab8ebac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.Bundle;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* This class represents events that are sent by components to a TextClassifier to report something
* of note that relates to a feature powered by the TextClassifier. The TextClassifier may log these
* events or use them to improve future responses to queries.
* <p>Each category of events has its their own subclass. Events of each type have an associated set
* of related properties. You can find their specification in the subclasses.
public abstract class TextClassifierEvent {
/** Category of the event */
public @interface Category {
// For custom event categories, use range 1000+.
* Smart selection
* @see TextSelectionEvent
public static final int CATEGORY_SELECTION = 1;
* Linkify
* @see TextLinkifyEvent
public static final int CATEGORY_LINKIFY = 2;
* Conversation actions
* @see ConversationActionsEvent
public static final int CATEGORY_CONVERSATION_ACTIONS = 3;
* Language detection
* @see LanguageDetectionEvent
public static final int CATEGORY_LANGUAGE_DETECTION = 4;
/** Type of the event */
public @interface Type {
// For custom event types, use range 1,000,000+.
// All these event type constants are required to match with those defined in
// textclassifier_enums.proto.
/** User started a new selection. */
public static final int TYPE_SELECTION_STARTED = 1;
/** User modified an existing selection. */
public static final int TYPE_SELECTION_MODIFIED = 2;
/** Smart selection triggered for a single token (word). */
public static final int TYPE_SMART_SELECTION_SINGLE = 3;
/** Smart selection triggered spanning multiple tokens (words). */
public static final int TYPE_SMART_SELECTION_MULTI = 4;
/** Something else other than user or the default TextClassifier triggered a selection. */
public static final int TYPE_AUTO_SELECTION = 5;
/** Smart actions shown to the user. */
public static final int TYPE_ACTIONS_SHOWN = 6;
/** User clicked a link. */
public static final int TYPE_LINK_CLICKED = 7;
/** User typed over the selection. */
public static final int TYPE_OVERTYPE = 8;
/** User clicked on Copy action. */
public static final int TYPE_COPY_ACTION = 9;
/** User clicked on Paste action. */
public static final int TYPE_PASTE_ACTION = 10;
/** User clicked on Cut action. */
public static final int TYPE_CUT_ACTION = 11;
/** User clicked on Share action. */
public static final int TYPE_SHARE_ACTION = 12;
/** User clicked on a Smart action. */
public static final int TYPE_SMART_ACTION = 13;
/** User dragged+dropped the selection. */
public static final int TYPE_SELECTION_DRAG = 14;
/** Selection is destroyed. */
public static final int TYPE_SELECTION_DESTROYED = 15;
/** User clicked on a custom action. */
public static final int TYPE_OTHER_ACTION = 16;
/** User clicked on Select All action */
public static final int TYPE_SELECT_ALL = 17;
/** User reset the smart selection. */
public static final int TYPE_SELECTION_RESET = 18;
/** User composed a reply. */
public static final int TYPE_MANUAL_REPLY = 19;
/** TextClassifier generated some actions */
public static final int TYPE_ACTIONS_GENERATED = 20;
/** Some text links were generated. */
public static final int TYPE_LINKS_GENERATED = 21;
@Category private final int eventCategory;
@Type private final int eventType;
@Nullable private final String[] entityTypes;
@Nullable private TextClassificationContext eventContext;
@Nullable private final String resultId;
private final int eventIndex;
private final float[] scores;
@Nullable private final String modelName;
private final int[] actionIndices;
@Nullable private final Locale locale;
private final Bundle extras;
private TextClassifierEvent(Builder<?> builder) {
eventCategory = builder.eventCategory;
eventType = builder.eventType;
entityTypes = builder.entityTypes;
eventContext = builder.eventContext;
resultId = builder.resultId;
eventIndex = builder.eventIndex;
scores = builder.scores;
modelName = builder.modelName;
actionIndices = builder.actionIndices;
locale = builder.locale;
extras = builder.extras == null ? Bundle.EMPTY : builder.extras;
/** Returns the event category. e.g. {@link #CATEGORY_SELECTION}. */
public int getEventCategory() {
return eventCategory;
/** Returns the event type. e.g. {@link #TYPE_SELECTION_STARTED}. */
public int getEventType() {
return eventType;
* Returns an array of entity types. e.g. {@link TextClassifier#TYPE_ADDRESS}.
* @see Builder#setEntityTypes(String...) for supported types.
public String[] getEntityTypes() {
return entityTypes;
/** Returns the event context. */
public TextClassificationContext getEventContext() {
return eventContext;
* Sets the event context.
* <p>Package-private for SystemTextClassifier's use.
void setEventContext(@Nullable TextClassificationContext eventContext) {
this.eventContext = eventContext;
/** Returns the id of the text classifier result related to this event. */
public String getResultId() {
return resultId;
/** Returns the index of this event in the series of event it belongs to. */
public int getEventIndex() {
return eventIndex;
/** Returns the scores of the suggestions. */
public float[] getScores() {
return scores;
/** Returns the model name. */
public String getModelName() {
return modelName;
* Returns the indices of the actions relating to this event. Actions are usually returned by the
* text classifier in priority order with the most preferred action at index 0. This list gives an
* indication of the position of the actions that are being reported.
* @see Builder#setActionIndices(int...)
public int[] getActionIndices() {
return actionIndices;
/** Returns the detected locale. */
public Locale getLocale() {
return locale;
* Returns a bundle containing non-structured extra information about this event.
* <p><b>NOTE: </b>Do not modify this bundle.
public Bundle getExtras() {
return extras;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(128);
out.append(", mEventType=").append(eventType);
out.append(", mEntityTypes=").append(Arrays.toString(entityTypes));
out.append(", mEventContext=").append(eventContext);
out.append(", mResultId=").append(resultId);
out.append(", mEventIndex=").append(eventIndex);
out.append(", mExtras=").append(extras);
out.append(", mScores=").append(Arrays.toString(scores));
out.append(", mModelName=").append(modelName);
out.append(", mActionIndices=").append(Arrays.toString(actionIndices));
return out.toString();
* Overrides this to append extra fields to the output of {@link #toString()}.
* <p>Extra fields should be formatted like this: ", {field_name}={field_value}".
void toString(StringBuilder out) {}
* Builder to build a text classifier event.
* @param <T> The subclass to be built.
public abstract static class Builder<T extends Builder<T>> {
private final int eventCategory;
private final int eventType;
private String[] entityTypes = new String[0];
@Nullable private TextClassificationContext eventContext;
@Nullable private String resultId;
private int eventIndex;
private float[] scores = new float[0];
@Nullable private String modelName;
private int[] actionIndices = new int[0];
@Nullable private Locale locale;
@Nullable private Bundle extras;
* Creates a builder for building {@link TextClassifierEvent}s.
* @param eventCategory The event category. e.g. {@link #CATEGORY_SELECTION}
* @param eventType The event type. e.g. {@link #TYPE_SELECTION_STARTED}
private Builder(@Category int eventCategory, @Type int eventType) {
this.eventCategory = eventCategory;
this.eventType = eventType;
* Sets the entity types. e.g. {@link android.view.textclassifier.TextClassifier#TYPE_ADDRESS}.
* <p>Supported types:
* <p>See {@link android.view.textclassifier.TextClassifier.EntityType}
* <p>See {@link android.view.textclassifier.ConversationAction.ActionType}
* <p>See {@link Locale#toLanguageTag()}
public T setEntityTypes(String... entityTypes) {
this.entityTypes = new String[entityTypes.length];
System.arraycopy(entityTypes, 0, this.entityTypes, 0, entityTypes.length);
return self();
/** Sets the event context. */
public T setEventContext(@Nullable TextClassificationContext eventContext) {
this.eventContext = eventContext;
return self();
/** Sets the id of the text classifier result related to this event. */
public T setResultId(@Nullable String resultId) {
this.resultId = resultId;
return self();
/** Sets the index of this event in the series of events it belongs to. */
public T setEventIndex(int eventIndex) {
this.eventIndex = eventIndex;
return self();
/** Sets the scores of the suggestions. */
public T setScores(@Nonnull float... scores) {
this.scores = new float[scores.length];
System.arraycopy(scores, 0, this.scores, 0, scores.length);
return self();
/** Sets the model name string. */
public T setModelName(@Nullable String modelVersion) {
modelName = modelVersion;
return self();
* Sets the indices of the actions involved in this event. Actions are usually returned by the
* text classifier in priority order with the most preferred action at index 0. These indices
* give an indication of the position of the actions that are being reported.
* <p>E.g.
* <pre>
* // 3 smart actions are shown at index 0, 1, 2 respectively in response to a link click.
* new TextClassifierEvent.Builder(CATEGORY_LINKIFY, TYPE_ACTIONS_SHOWN)
* .setEventIndex(0, 1, 2)
* ...
* .build();
* ...
* // Smart action at index 1 is activated.
* new TextClassifierEvent.Builder(CATEGORY_LINKIFY, TYPE_SMART_ACTION)
* .setEventIndex(1)
* ...
* .build();
* </pre>
* @see android.view.textclassifier.TextClassification#getActions()
public T setActionIndices(@Nonnull int... actionIndices) {
this.actionIndices = new int[actionIndices.length];
System.arraycopy(actionIndices, 0, this.actionIndices, 0, actionIndices.length);
return self();
/** Sets the detected locale. */
public T setLocale(@Nullable Locale locale) {
this.locale = locale;
return self();
* Sets a bundle containing non-structured extra information about the event.
* <p><b>NOTE: </b>Prefer to set only immutable values on the bundle otherwise, avoid updating
* the internals of this bundle as it may have unexpected consequences on the clients of the
* built event object. For similar reasons, avoid depending on mutable objects in this bundle.
public T setExtras(@Nonnull Bundle extras) {
this.extras = Preconditions.checkNotNull(extras);
return self();
abstract T self();
* This class represents events that are related to the smart text selection feature.
* <p>
* <pre>
* // User started a selection. e.g. "York" in text "New York City, NY".
* new TextSelectionEvent.Builder(TYPE_SELECTION_STARTED)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setEventIndex(0)
* .build();
* // System smart-selects a recognized entity. e.g. "New York City".
* new TextSelectionEvent.Builder(TYPE_SMART_SELECTION_MULTI)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textSelection.getId())
* .setRelativeWordStartIndex(-1) // Goes back one word to "New" from "York".
* .setRelativeWordEndIndex(2) // Goes forward 2 words from "York" to start of ",".
* .setEntityTypes(textClassification.getEntity(0))
* .setScore(textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entityType))
* .setEventIndex(1)
* .build();
* // User resets the selection to the original selection. i.e. "York".
* new TextSelectionEvent.Builder(TYPE_SELECTION_RESET)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textSelection.getId())
* .setRelativeSuggestedWordStartIndex(-1) // Repeated from above.
* .setRelativeSuggestedWordEndIndex(2) // Repeated from above.
* .setRelativeWordStartIndex(0) // Original selection is always at (0, 1].
* .setRelativeWordEndIndex(1)
* .setEntityTypes(textClassification.getEntity(0))
* .setScore(textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entityType))
* .setEventIndex(2)
* .build();
* // User modified the selection. e.g. "New".
* new TextSelectionEvent.Builder(TYPE_SELECTION_MODIFIED)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textSelection.getId())
* .setRelativeSuggestedWordStartIndex(-1) // Repeated from above.
* .setRelativeSuggestedWordEndIndex(2) // Repeated from above.
* .setRelativeWordStartIndex(-1) // Goes backward one word from "York" to
* "New".
* .setRelativeWordEndIndex(0) // Goes backward one word to exclude "York".
* .setEntityTypes(textClassification.getEntity(0))
* .setScore(textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entityType))
* .setEventIndex(3)
* .build();
* // Smart (contextual) actions (at indices, 0, 1, 2) presented to the user.
* // e.g. "Map", "Ride share", "Explore".
* new TextSelectionEvent.Builder(TYPE_ACTIONS_SHOWN)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textClassification.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(textClassification.getEntity(0))
* .setScore(textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entityType))
* .setActionIndices(0, 1, 2)
* .setEventIndex(4)
* .build();
* // User chooses the "Copy" action.
* new TextSelectionEvent.Builder(TYPE_COPY_ACTION)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textClassification.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(textClassification.getEntity(0))
* .setScore(textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entityType))
* .setEventIndex(5)
* .build();
* // User chooses smart action at index 1. i.e. "Ride share".
* new TextSelectionEvent.Builder(TYPE_SMART_ACTION)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textClassification.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(textClassification.getEntity(0))
* .setScore(textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entityType))
* .setActionIndices(1)
* .setEventIndex(5)
* .build();
* // Selection dismissed.
* new TextSelectionEvent.Builder(TYPE_SELECTION_DESTROYED)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textClassification.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(textClassification.getEntity(0))
* .setScore(textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entityType))
* .setEventIndex(6)
* .build();
* </pre>
* <p>
public static final class TextSelectionEvent extends TextClassifierEvent {
final int relativeWordStartIndex;
final int relativeWordEndIndex;
final int relativeSuggestedWordStartIndex;
final int relativeSuggestedWordEndIndex;
private TextSelectionEvent(TextSelectionEvent.Builder builder) {
relativeWordStartIndex = builder.relativeWordStartIndex;
relativeWordEndIndex = builder.relativeWordEndIndex;
relativeSuggestedWordStartIndex = builder.relativeSuggestedWordStartIndex;
relativeSuggestedWordEndIndex = builder.relativeSuggestedWordEndIndex;
/** Returns the relative word index of the start of the selection. */
public int getRelativeWordStartIndex() {
return relativeWordStartIndex;
/** Returns the relative word (exclusive) index of the end of the selection. */
public int getRelativeWordEndIndex() {
return relativeWordEndIndex;
/** Returns the relative word index of the start of the smart selection. */
public int getRelativeSuggestedWordStartIndex() {
return relativeSuggestedWordStartIndex;
/** Returns the relative word (exclusive) index of the end of the smart selection. */
public int getRelativeSuggestedWordEndIndex() {
return relativeSuggestedWordEndIndex;
void toString(StringBuilder out) {
out.append(", getRelativeWordStartIndex=").append(relativeWordStartIndex);
out.append(", getRelativeWordEndIndex=").append(relativeWordEndIndex);
out.append(", getRelativeSuggestedWordStartIndex=").append(relativeSuggestedWordStartIndex);
out.append(", getRelativeSuggestedWordEndIndex=").append(relativeSuggestedWordEndIndex);
/** Builder class for {@link TextSelectionEvent}. */
public static final class Builder
extends TextClassifierEvent.Builder<TextSelectionEvent.Builder> {
int relativeWordStartIndex;
int relativeWordEndIndex;
int relativeSuggestedWordStartIndex;
int relativeSuggestedWordEndIndex;
* Creates a builder for building {@link TextSelectionEvent}s.
* @param eventType The event type. e.g. {@link #TYPE_SELECTION_STARTED}
public Builder(@Type int eventType) {
super(CATEGORY_SELECTION, eventType);
/** Sets the relative word index of the start of the selection. */
public Builder setRelativeWordStartIndex(int relativeWordStartIndex) {
this.relativeWordStartIndex = relativeWordStartIndex;
return this;
/** Sets the relative word (exclusive) index of the end of the selection. */
public Builder setRelativeWordEndIndex(int relativeWordEndIndex) {
this.relativeWordEndIndex = relativeWordEndIndex;
return this;
/** Sets the relative word index of the start of the smart selection. */
public Builder setRelativeSuggestedWordStartIndex(int relativeSuggestedWordStartIndex) {
this.relativeSuggestedWordStartIndex = relativeSuggestedWordStartIndex;
return this;
/** Sets the relative word (exclusive) index of the end of the smart selection. */
public Builder setRelativeSuggestedWordEndIndex(int relativeSuggestedWordEndIndex) {
this.relativeSuggestedWordEndIndex = relativeSuggestedWordEndIndex;
return this;
TextSelectionEvent.Builder self() {
return this;
/** Builds and returns a {@link TextSelectionEvent}. */
public TextSelectionEvent build() {
return new TextSelectionEvent(this);
* This class represents events that are related to the smart linkify feature.
* <p>
* <pre>
* // User clicked on a link.
* new TextLinkifyEvent.Builder(TYPE_LINK_CLICKED)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textClassification.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(textClassification.getEntity(0))
* .setScore(textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entityType))
* .setEventIndex(0)
* .build();
* // Smart (contextual) actions presented to the user in response to a link click.
* new TextLinkifyEvent.Builder(TYPE_ACTIONS_SHOWN)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textClassification.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(textClassification.getEntity(0))
* .setScore(textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entityType))
* .setActionIndices(range(textClassification.getActions().size()))
* .setEventIndex(1)
* .build();
* // User chooses smart action at index 0.
* new TextLinkifyEvent.Builder(TYPE_SMART_ACTION)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textClassification.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(textClassification.getEntity(0))
* .setScore(textClassification.getConfidenceScore(entityType))
* .setActionIndices(0)
* .setEventIndex(2)
* .build();
* </pre>
public static final class TextLinkifyEvent extends TextClassifierEvent {
private TextLinkifyEvent(TextLinkifyEvent.Builder builder) {
/** Builder class for {@link TextLinkifyEvent}. */
public static final class Builder
extends TextClassifierEvent.Builder<TextLinkifyEvent.Builder> {
* Creates a builder for building {@link TextLinkifyEvent}s.
* @param eventType The event type. e.g. {@link #TYPE_SMART_ACTION}
public Builder(@Type int eventType) {
super(TextClassifierEvent.CATEGORY_LINKIFY, eventType);
Builder self() {
return this;
/** Builds and returns a {@link TextLinkifyEvent}. */
public TextLinkifyEvent build() {
return new TextLinkifyEvent(this);
* This class represents events that are related to the language detection feature.
* <p>
* <pre>
* // Translate action shown for foreign text.
* new LanguageDetectionEvent.Builder(TYPE_ACTIONS_SHOWN)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textClassification.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(language)
* .setScore(score)
* .setActionIndices(textClassification.getActions().indexOf(translateAction))
* .setEventIndex(0)
* .build();
* // Translate action selected.
* new LanguageDetectionEvent.Builder(TYPE_SMART_ACTION)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(textClassification.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(language)
* .setScore(score)
* .setActionIndices(textClassification.getActions().indexOf(translateAction))
* .setEventIndex(1)
* .build();
public static final class LanguageDetectionEvent extends TextClassifierEvent {
private LanguageDetectionEvent(LanguageDetectionEvent.Builder builder) {
/** Builder class for {@link LanguageDetectionEvent}. */
public static final class Builder
extends TextClassifierEvent.Builder<LanguageDetectionEvent.Builder> {
* Creates a builder for building {@link TextSelectionEvent}s.
* @param eventType The event type. e.g. {@link #TYPE_SMART_ACTION}
public Builder(@Type int eventType) {
super(TextClassifierEvent.CATEGORY_LANGUAGE_DETECTION, eventType);
Builder self() {
return this;
/** Builds and returns a {@link LanguageDetectionEvent}. */
public LanguageDetectionEvent build() {
return new LanguageDetectionEvent(this);
* This class represents events that are related to the conversation actions feature.
* <p>
* <pre>
* // Conversation (contextual) actions/replies generated.
* new ConversationActionsEvent.Builder(TYPE_ACTIONS_GENERATED)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(conversationActions.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(getTypes(conversationActions))
* .setActionIndices(range(conversationActions.getActions().size()))
* .setEventIndex(0)
* .build();
* // Conversation actions/replies presented to user.
* new ConversationActionsEvent.Builder(TYPE_ACTIONS_SHOWN)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(conversationActions.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(getTypes(conversationActions))
* .setActionIndices(range(conversationActions.getActions().size()))
* .setEventIndex(1)
* .build();
* // User clicked the "Reply" button to compose their custom reply.
* new ConversationActionsEvent.Builder(TYPE_MANUAL_REPLY)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(conversationActions.getId())
* .setEventIndex(2)
* .build();
* // User selected a smart (contextual) action/reply.
* new ConversationActionsEvent.Builder(TYPE_SMART_ACTION)
* .setEventContext(classificationContext)
* .setResultId(conversationActions.getId())
* .setEntityTypes(conversationActions.get(1).getType())
* .setScore(conversationAction.get(1).getConfidenceScore())
* .setActionIndices(1)
* .setEventIndex(2)
* .build();
* </pre>
public static final class ConversationActionsEvent extends TextClassifierEvent {
private ConversationActionsEvent(ConversationActionsEvent.Builder builder) {
/** Builder class for {@link ConversationActionsEvent}. */
public static final class Builder
extends TextClassifierEvent.Builder<ConversationActionsEvent.Builder> {
* Creates a builder for building {@link TextSelectionEvent}s.
* @param eventType The event type. e.g. {@link #TYPE_SMART_ACTION}
public Builder(@Type int eventType) {
super(TextClassifierEvent.CATEGORY_CONVERSATION_ACTIONS, eventType);
Builder self() {
return this;
/** Builds and returns a {@link ConversationActionsEvent}. */
public ConversationActionsEvent build() {
return new ConversationActionsEvent(this);