blob: dab5455f656918afb2c1ef4093d301abcc26475a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#if defined(__ANDROID__) || defined(__ANDROID_HOST__)
#include "chrome_to_android_compatibility.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace ui {
struct COMPONENT_EXPORT(EVDEV) NeuralStylusPalmDetectionFilterModelConfig {
// Explicit constructor to make chromium style happy.
const NeuralStylusPalmDetectionFilterModelConfig& other);
// Number of nearest neighbors to use in vector construction.
uint32_t nearest_neighbor_count = 0;
// Number of biggest nearby neighbors to use in vector construction.
uint32_t biggest_near_neighbor_count = 0;
// Maximum distance of neighbor centroid, in millimeters.
float max_neighbor_distance_in_mm = 0.0f;
base::TimeDelta max_dead_neighbor_time;
// Minimum count of samples in a stroke for neural comparison.
uint32_t min_sample_count = 0;
// Maximum sample count.
uint32_t max_sample_count = 0;
// Minimum count of samples for a stroke to be considered as a neighbor.
uint32_t neighbor_min_sample_count = 0;
bool include_sequence_count_in_strokes = false;
// If this number is positive, short strokes with a touch major greater than
// or equal to this should be marked as a palm. If 0 or less, has no effect.
float heuristic_palm_touch_limit = 0.0f;
// If this number is positive, short strokes with any touch having an area
// greater than or equal to this should be marked as a palm. If <= 0, has no
// effect
float heuristic_palm_area_limit = 0.0f;
// If true, runs the heuristic palm check on short strokes, and enables delay
// on them if the heuristic would have marked the touch as a palm at that
// point.
bool heuristic_delay_start_if_palm = false;
// Similar to `heuristic_delay_start_if_palm`, but uses NN model to do the
// early check. NN early check happens on strokes with certain sample_counts
// defined in `early_stage_sample_counts`.
bool nn_delay_start_if_palm = false;
// Maximum blank time within a session, in milliseconds.
// Two tracking_ids are considered in one session if they overlap with each
// other or the gap between them is less than max_blank_time.
base::TimeDelta max_blank_time;
// If true, uses tracking_id count within a session as a feature.
bool use_tracking_id_count = false;
// If true, uses current active tracking_id count as a feature.
bool use_active_tracking_id_count = false;
// The model version (e.g. "alpha" for kohaku, "beta" for redrix) to use.
std::string model_version;
// If empty, the radius by the device is left as is.
// If non empty, the radius reported by device is re-sized in features by the
// polynomial defined in this vector. E.g. if this vector is {0.5, 1.3,
// -0.2, 1.0} Each radius r is replaced by
// R = 0.5 * r^3 + 1.3 * r^2 - 0.2 * r + 1
std::vector<float> radius_polynomial_resize;
float output_threshold = 0.0f;
// If a stroke has these numbers of samples, run an early stage detection to
// check if it's spurious and mark it held if so.
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> early_stage_sample_counts;
// If set, time between values to resample. Must match the value coded into
// model. Currently the model is developed for 120Hz touch devices, so this
// value must be set to "8 ms" if your device has a different refresh rate.
// If not set, no resampling is done.
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> resample_period;
// An abstract model utilized by NueralStylusPalmDetectionFilter.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(EVDEV) NeuralStylusPalmDetectionFilterModel {
virtual ~NeuralStylusPalmDetectionFilterModel() {}
// Actually execute inference on floating point input. If the length of
// features is not correct, return Nan. The return value is assumed to be the
// input of a sigmoid. i.e. any value greater than 0 implies a positive
// result.
virtual float Inference(const std::vector<float>& features) const = 0;
virtual const NeuralStylusPalmDetectionFilterModelConfig& config() const = 0;
} // namespace ui