blob: f7fa796e3888ec6b32ebbad3f7254ade34132161 [file] [log] [blame]
@ *
@ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
@ *
@ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
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@ *
@ *
@ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
@ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
@ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
@ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
@ * limitations under the License.
@ *
@ *****************************************************************************
@ * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
@* @brief
@* This file contains definitions of routines for spatial filter
@* @author
@* Ittiam
@* @par List of Functions:
@* - ideint_spatial_filter_a9()
@* @remarks
@* None
@* @brief Performs spatial filtering
@* @par Description
@* This functions performs edge adaptive spatial filtering on a 8x8 block
@* @param[in] pu1_src
@* UWORD8 pointer to the source
@* @param[in] pu1_out
@* UWORD8 pointer to the destination
@* @param[in] src_strd
@* source stride
@* @param[in] src_strd
@* destination stride
@* @returns
@* None
@* @remarks
.global ideint_spatial_filter_a9
stmfd sp!, {r4-r10, lr}
vmov.u16 q8, #0
vmov.u16 q9, #0
vmov.u16 q10, #0
@ Backup r0
mov r10, r0
@ Load from &pu1_row_1[0]
sub r5, r0, #1
vld1.8 d0, [r0], r2
@ Load from &pu1_row_1[-1]
vld1.8 d1, [r5]
add r5, r5, #2
@ Load from &pu1_row_1[1]
vld1.8 d2, [r5]
@ Number of rows
mov r4, #4
vmov.u32 d30, #5
vmov.u32 d31, #7
@ Load from &pu1_row_2[0]
sub r5, r0, #1
vld1.8 d3, [r0], r2
@ Load from &pu1_row_2[-1]
vld1.8 d4, [r5]
add r5, r5, #2
@ Load from &pu1_row_2[1]
vld1.8 d5, [r5]
@ Calculate absolute differences
@ pu1_row_1[i] - pu1_row_2[i]
vabal.u8 q8, d0, d3
@ pu1_row_1[i - 1] - pu1_row_2[i + 1]
vabal.u8 q9, d1, d5
@ pu1_row_1[i + 1] - pu1_row_2[i - 1]
vabal.u8 q10, d4, d2
vmov d0, d3
vmov d1, d4
vmov d2, d5
subs r4, r4, #1
bgt detect_edge
@ Calculate sum of absolute differeces for each edge
vpadd.u16 d16, d16, d17
vpadd.u16 d18, d18, d19
vpadd.u16 d20, d20, d21
vpaddl.u16 d16, d16
vpaddl.u16 d18, d18
vpaddl.u16 d20, d20
@ adiff[0] *= EDGE_BIAS_0;
vmul.u32 d16, d16, d30
@ adiff[1] *= EDGE_BIAS_1;
vmul.u32 d18, d18, d31
@ adiff[2] *= EDGE_BIAS_1;
vmul.u32 d20, d20, d31
@ Move the differences to ARM registers
@ Compute shift for first half of the block
vmov.u32 r5, d16[0]
vmov.u32 r6, d18[0]
vmov.u32 r7, d20[0]
@ Compute shift
mov r8, #0
@ adiff[2] <= adiff[1]
cmp r7, r6
bgt dir_45_gt_135_1
@ adiff[2] <= adiff[0]
cmp r7, r5
movle r8, #1
b compute_shift_2
@ adiff[1] <= adiff[0]
cmp r6, r5
@ Move -1 if less than or equal to
mvnle r8, #0
@ Compute shift for first half of the block
vmov.u32 r5, d16[1]
vmov.u32 r6, d18[1]
vmov.u32 r7, d20[1]
@ Compute shift
mov r9, #0
@ adiff[2] <= adiff[1]
cmp r7, r6
bgt dir_45_gt_135_2
@ adiff[2] <= adiff[0]
cmp r7, r5
movle r9, #1
b interpolate
@ adiff[1] <= adiff[0]
cmp r6, r5
@ Move -1 if less than or equal to
mvnle r9, #0
add r4, r10, r8
add r5, r10, r2
sub r5, r5, r8
add r10, r10, #4
add r6, r10, r9
add r7, r10, r2
sub r7, r7, r9
mov r8, #4
vld1.u32 d0[0], [r4], r2
vld1.u32 d2[0], [r5], r2
vld1.u32 d0[1], [r6], r2
vld1.u32 d2[1], [r7], r2
vrhadd.u8 d4, d0, d2
vst1.u32 d4, [r1], r3
subs r8, #1
bgt filter_loop
ldmfd sp!, {r4-r10, pc}