blob: b5581302bd50cea9b65af14c833cccace40a891f [file] [log] [blame]
// Set up common variables for usage across the libjpeg-turbo modules
cc_defaults {
name: "libjpeg-defaults",
cflags: [
srcs: [
arch: {
arm: {
// By default, the build system generates ARM target binaries in
// thumb mode, where each instruction is 16 bits wide. Defining
// this variable as arm forces the build system to generate object
// files in 32-bit arm mode. This is the same setting previously
// used by libjpeg and it provides a small performance benefit.
instruction_set: "arm",
// ARM v7 NEON
srcs: [
armv7_a_neon: {
// If we are certain that the ARM v7 device has NEON (and there
// is no need for a runtime check), we can indicate that with a
// flag.
cflags: ["-D__ARM_HAVE_NEON__"],
arm64: {
// ARM v8 64-bit NEON
srcs: [
x86: {
// x86 MMX and SSE2
srcs: [
asflags: [
local_include_dirs: ["simd"],
x86_64: {
// x86-64 SSE2
srcs: [
asflags: [
local_include_dirs: ["simd"],
mips: {
srcs: ["jsimd_none.c"],
mips64: {
srcs: ["jsimd_none.c"],
// Also build as a shared library.
cc_library {
name: "libjpeg",
host_supported: true,
vendor_available: true,
target: {
// TODO(b/67474260) Turn this back on
darwin: {
enabled: false,
vndk: {
enabled: true,
defaults: ["libjpeg-defaults"],
export_include_dirs: ["."],
// Build static library against the NDK
cc_library_static {
name: "libjpeg_static_ndk",
defaults: ["libjpeg-defaults"],
export_include_dirs: ["."],
sdk_version: "17",
// Definition for TJBench
cc_binary {
name: "tjbench",
whole_static_libs: ["libjpeg"],
multilib: {
lib32: {
stem: "tj32",
lib64: {
stem: "tj64",
compile_multilib: "both",
cflags: [
srcs: [