blob: aa6b94bae81809d7a549845be9d9c48d11f7712d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
* \file hme_err_compute.h
* \brief
* contains prototypes for functions that compute error or best results or
* return fxn ptrs for the same.
* \date
* 18/09/2012
* \author
* Ittiam
/* Constant Macros */
#define NUM_4X4 16
#define NUM_4X4_IN_8x8 4
#define NUM_4X4_IN_16x16 16
#define NUM_8X8_IN_16x16 4
#define NUM_8X8_IN_32x32 16
#define NUM_8X8_IN_64x64 64
#define NUM_16X16_IN_64x64 16
#define NUM_ROWS_IN_4X4 4
// 0 => best + good;
// 1 => 1st and 2nd best;
// good => worse or equal to second best
#define BESTEST 0
#define COST(a, b, c, d, e) (a)
/* Functions */
void hme_evalsad_pt_npu_MxN_16bit(err_prms_t *ps_prms);
#define compute_sad_16bit hme_evalsad_pt_npu_MxN_16bit
* @fn S32 hme_update_results_grid_pu_bestn(result_upd_prms_t *ps_result_prms);
* @brief Updates the best N results based on a grid SAD for enabled partitions
* @param[in,out] ps_result_prms : contains parametrs pertaining to the results
* @return None
void hme_update_results_grid_pu_bestn(result_upd_prms_t *ps_result_prms);
void hme_update_results_grid_pu_bestn_xtreme_speed(result_upd_prms_t *ps_result_prms);
* @fn hme_update_results_grid_pu_bestn_no_encode(result_upd_prms_t *ps_result_prms)
* @brief Updates results for the case where 1 best result is to be updated
* for a given pt, for several parts
* Note : The function is replicated for CLIPing the cost to 16bit to make
* bit match with SIMD version
* @param[in] result_upd_prms_t : Contains the input parameters to this fxn
* @return The result_upd_prms_t structure is updated for all the active
* parts in case the current candt has results for any given part
* that is the best result for that part
void hme_update_results_grid_pu_bestn_no_encode(result_upd_prms_t *ps_result_prms);
* @fn hme_get_result_fxn(i4_grid_mask, i4_part_mask, i4_num_results)
* @brief Implements predictive search with square grid refinement. In this
* case, the square grid is of step 1 always. since this is considered
* to be more of a refinement search
* @param[in] i4_grid_mask : Mask containing which of 9 grid pts active
* @param[in] i4_part_mask : Mask containing which of the 17 parts active
* @param[in] i4_num_results: Number of active results
* @return Pointer to the appropriate result update function
* (type PF_RESULT_FXN_T)
PF_RESULT_FXN_T hme_get_result_fxn(S32 i4_grid_mask, S32 i4_part_mask, S32 i4_num_results);
void compute_satd_16bit(err_prms_t *ps_prms);
void compute_satd_8bit(err_prms_t *ps_prms);
void compute_sad_16bit(err_prms_t *ps_prms);
S32 compute_mv_cost(search_node_t *ps_search_node, pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt, BLK_SIZE_T e_blk_size);
void hme_init_pred_ctxt_no_encode(
pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt,
search_results_t *ps_search_results,
search_node_t *ps_top_candts,
search_node_t *ps_left_candts,
search_node_t **pps_proj_coloc_candts,
search_node_t *ps_coloc_candts,
search_node_t *ps_zeromv_candt,
S32 pred_lx,
S32 lambda,
S32 lambda_q_shift,
U08 **ppu1_ref_bits_tlu,
S16 *pi2_ref_scf);
void hme_init_pred_ctxt_encode(
pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt,
search_results_t *ps_search_results,
search_node_t *ps_coloc_candts,
search_node_t *ps_zeromv_candt,
mv_grid_t *ps_mv_grid,
S32 pred_lx,
S32 lambda,
S32 lambda_q_shift,
U08 **ppu1_ref_bits_tlu,
S16 *pi2_ref_scf);
* @fn compute_mv_cost_coarse(search_node_t *ps_node,
* pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt,
* PART_ID_T e_part_id)
* @brief MV cost for coarse explicit search in coarsest layer
* @param[in] ps_node: search node having mv and ref id for which to eval cost
* @param[in] ps_pred_ctxt : mv pred context
* @param[in] e_part_id : Partition id.
* @return Cost value
S32 compute_mv_cost_coarse(
search_node_t *ps_node, pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt, PART_ID_T e_part_id, S32 inp_mv_pel);
* @fn compute_mv_cost_coarse(search_node_t *ps_node,
* pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt,
* PART_ID_T e_part_id)
* @brief MV cost for coarse explicit search in coarsest layer
* @param[in] ps_node: search node having mv and ref id for which to eval cost
* @param[in] ps_pred_ctxt : mv pred context
* @param[in] e_part_id : Partition id.
* @return Cost value
S32 compute_mv_cost_coarse_high_speed(
search_node_t *ps_node, pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt, PART_ID_T e_part_id, S32 inp_mv_pel);
* @fn compute_mv_cost_coarse(search_node_t *ps_node,
* pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt,
* PART_ID_T e_part_id)
* @brief MV cost for coarse explicit search in coarsest layer
* @param[in] ps_node: search node having mv and ref id for which to eval cost
* @param[in] ps_pred_ctxt : mv pred context
* @param[in] e_part_id : Partition id.
* @return Cost value
S32 compute_mv_cost_refine(
search_node_t *ps_node, pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt, PART_ID_T e_part_id, S32 inp_mv_pel);
* @fn compute_mv_cost_explicit(search_node_t *ps_node,
* pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt,
* PART_ID_T e_part_id)
* @brief MV cost for explicit search in layers not encoded
* @param[in] ps_node: search node having mv and ref id for which to eval cost
* @param[in] ps_pred_ctxt : mv pred context
* @param[in] e_part_id : Partition id.
* @return Cost value
S32 compute_mv_cost_explicit(
search_node_t *ps_node, pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt, PART_ID_T e_part_id, S32 inp_mv_pel);
S32 compute_mv_cost_implicit(
search_node_t *ps_node, pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt, PART_ID_T e_part_id, S32 inp_mv_pel);
S32 compute_mv_cost_implicit_high_speed(
search_node_t *ps_node, pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt, PART_ID_T e_part_id, S32 inp_mv_pel);
S32 compute_mv_cost_implicit_high_speed_modified(
search_node_t *ps_node, pred_ctxt_t *ps_pred_ctxt, PART_ID_T e_part_id, S32 inp_mv_pel);
void hme_evalsad_grid_pu_16x16(err_prms_t *ps_prms);
void hme_evalsatd_pt_pu_8x8(err_prms_t *ps_prms);
WORD32 hme_evalsatd_pt_pu_8x8_tu_rec(
err_prms_t *ps_prms,
WORD32 lambda,
WORD32 lambda_q_shift,
WORD32 i4_frm_qstep,
me_func_selector_t *ps_func_selector);
void hme_evalsatd_update_1_best_result_pt_pu_16x16(
err_prms_t *ps_prms, result_upd_prms_t *ps_result_prms);
WORD32 hme_evalsatd_pt_pu_32x32_tu_rec(
err_prms_t *ps_prms,
WORD32 lambda,
WORD32 lambda_q_shift,
WORD32 i4_frm_qstep,
me_func_selector_t *ps_func_selector);
void hme_evalsatd_pt_pu_32x32(err_prms_t *ps_prms);
void hme_evalsatd_pt_pu_64x64(err_prms_t *ps_prms);
WORD32 hme_evalsatd_pt_pu_64x64_tu_rec(
err_prms_t *ps_prms,
WORD32 lambda,
WORD32 lambda_q_shift,
WORD32 i4_frm_qstep,
me_func_selector_t *ps_func_selector);
WORD32 hme_evalsatd_pt_pu_16x16_tu_rec(
err_prms_t *ps_prms,
WORD32 lambda,
WORD32 lambda_q_shift,
WORD32 i4_frm_qstep,
me_func_selector_t *ps_func_selector);
void ihevce_had_32x32_r(
UWORD8 *pu1_src,
WORD32 src_strd,
UWORD8 *pu1_pred,
WORD32 pred_strd,
WORD16 *pi2_dst,
WORD32 dst_strd,
WORD32 **ppi4_hsad,
WORD32 **ppi4_tu_split,
WORD32 **ppi4_tu_early_cbf,
WORD32 pos_x_y_4x4,
WORD32 num_4x4_in_row,
WORD32 lambda,
WORD32 lambda_q_shift,
WORD32 i4_frm_qstep,
WORD32 i4_cur_depth,
WORD32 i4_max_depth,
WORD32 i4_max_tr_size,
WORD32 *pi4_tu_split_cost,
me_func_selector_t *ps_func_selector);
void hme_update_results_pt_pu_best1_subpel_hs(
err_prms_t *ps_err_prms, result_upd_prms_t *ps_result_prms);
void hme_set_mvp_node(
search_results_t *ps_search_results,
search_node_t *ps_candt_prj_coloc,
U08 u1_pred_lx,
U08 u1_default_ref_id);
S32 hme_cmp_nodes(search_node_t *ps_best_node1, search_node_t *ps_best_node2);
#endif /* #ifndef _HME_SEARCH_ALGO_H_*/