blob: fabf51ae4f5d6b93597a9bb239bed8d86fc25dff [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/compiler_attributes.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
#include "src/utils/memory.h"
#include "src/utils/types.h"
namespace libgav1 {
class ParameterTree : public Allocable {
// Creates a parameter tree to store the parameters of a block of size
// |block_size| starting at coordinates |row4x4| and |column4x4|. If |is_leaf|
// is set to true, the memory will be allocated for the BlockParameters for
// this node. Otherwise, no memory will be allocated. If |is_leaf| is set to
// false, |block_size| must be a square block, i.e.,
// kBlockWidthPixels[block_size] must be equal to
// kBlockHeightPixels[block_size].
static std::unique_ptr<ParameterTree> Create(int row4x4, int column4x4,
BlockSize block_size,
bool is_leaf = false);
// Move only (not Copyable).
ParameterTree(ParameterTree&& other) = default;
ParameterTree& operator=(ParameterTree&& other) = default;
ParameterTree(const ParameterTree&) = delete;
ParameterTree& operator=(const ParameterTree&) = delete;
// Set the partition type of the current node to |partition|.
// if (partition == kPartitionNone) {
// Memory will be allocated for the BlockParameters for this node.
// } else if (partition != kPartitionSplit) {
// The appropriate child nodes will be populated and memory will be
// allocated for the BlockParameters of the children.
// } else {
// The appropriate child nodes will be populated but they are considered to
// be hanging, i.e., future calls to SetPartitionType() on the child nodes
// will have to set them or their descendants to a terminal type.
// }
// This function must be called only once per node.
LIBGAV1_MUST_USE_RESULT bool SetPartitionType(Partition partition);
// Basic getters.
int row4x4() const { return row4x4_; }
int column4x4() const { return column4x4_; }
BlockSize block_size() const { return block_size_; }
Partition partition() const { return partition_; }
ParameterTree* children(int index) const {
assert(index < 4);
return children_[index].get();
// Returns the BlockParameters object of the current node if one exists.
// Otherwise returns nullptr. This function will return a valid
// BlockParameters object only for leaf nodes.
BlockParameters* parameters() const { return parameters_.get(); }
ParameterTree(int row4x4, int column4x4, BlockSize block_size)
: row4x4_(row4x4), column4x4_(column4x4), block_size_(block_size) {}
Partition partition_ = kPartitionNone;
std::unique_ptr<BlockParameters> parameters_ = nullptr;
int row4x4_ = -1;
int column4x4_ = -1;
BlockSize block_size_ = kBlockInvalid;
bool partition_type_set_ = false;
// Child values are defined as follows for various partition types:
// * Horizontal: 0 top partition; 1 bottom partition; 2 nullptr; 3 nullptr;
// * Vertical: 0 left partition; 1 right partition; 2 nullptr; 3 nullptr;
// * Split: 0 top-left partition; 1 top-right partition; 2; bottom-left
// partition; 3 bottom-right partition;
// * HorizontalWithTopSplit: 0 top-left partition; 1 top-right partition; 2
// bottom partition; 3 nullptr;
// * HorizontalWithBottomSplit: 0 top partition; 1 bottom-left partition; 2
// bottom-right partition; 3 nullptr;
// * VerticalWithLeftSplit: 0 top-left partition; 1 bottom-left partition; 2
// right partition; 3 nullptr;
// * VerticalWithRightSplit: 0 left-partition; 1 top-right partition; 2
// bottom-right partition; 3 nullptr;
// * Horizontal4: 0 top partition; 1 second top partition; 2 third top
// partition; 3 bottom partition;
// * Vertical4: 0 left partition; 1 second left partition; 2 third left
// partition; 3 right partition;
std::unique_ptr<ParameterTree> children_[4] = {};
friend class ParameterTreeTest;
} // namespace libgav1