blob: 7cb4b5e9f80434e8421770eeb33992dde3d9deb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/dsp/inverse_transform.h"
#include "src/utils/cpu.h"
#include <smmintrin.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include "src/dsp/constants.h"
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h"
#include "src/dsp/x86/common_sse4.h"
#include "src/dsp/x86/transpose_sse4.h"
#include "src/utils/array_2d.h"
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/compiler_attributes.h"
namespace libgav1 {
namespace dsp {
namespace low_bitdepth {
namespace {
// Include the constants and utility functions inside the anonymous namespace.
#include "src/dsp/"
template <int store_width, int store_count>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void StoreDst(int16_t* dst, int32_t stride, int32_t idx,
const __m128i* s) {
// NOTE: It is expected that the compiler will unroll these loops.
if (store_width == 16) {
for (int i = 0; i < store_count; i += 4) {
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[i * stride + idx], s[i]);
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[(i + 1) * stride + idx], s[i + 1]);
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[(i + 2) * stride + idx], s[i + 2]);
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[(i + 3) * stride + idx], s[i + 3]);
if (store_width == 8) {
for (int i = 0; i < store_count; i += 4) {
StoreLo8(&dst[i * stride + idx], s[i]);
StoreLo8(&dst[(i + 1) * stride + idx], s[i + 1]);
StoreLo8(&dst[(i + 2) * stride + idx], s[i + 2]);
StoreLo8(&dst[(i + 3) * stride + idx], s[i + 3]);
template <int load_width, int load_count>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void LoadSrc(const int16_t* src, int32_t stride,
int32_t idx, __m128i* x) {
// NOTE: It is expected that the compiler will unroll these loops.
if (load_width == 16) {
for (int i = 0; i < load_count; i += 4) {
x[i] = LoadUnaligned16(&src[i * stride + idx]);
x[i + 1] = LoadUnaligned16(&src[(i + 1) * stride + idx]);
x[i + 2] = LoadUnaligned16(&src[(i + 2) * stride + idx]);
x[i + 3] = LoadUnaligned16(&src[(i + 3) * stride + idx]);
if (load_width == 8) {
for (int i = 0; i < load_count; i += 4) {
x[i] = LoadLo8(&src[i * stride + idx]);
x[i + 1] = LoadLo8(&src[(i + 1) * stride + idx]);
x[i + 2] = LoadLo8(&src[(i + 2) * stride + idx]);
x[i + 3] = LoadLo8(&src[(i + 3) * stride + idx]);
// Butterfly rotate 4 values.
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void ButterflyRotation_4(__m128i* a, __m128i* b,
const int angle,
const bool flip) {
const int16_t cos128 = Cos128(angle);
const int16_t sin128 = Sin128(angle);
const __m128i psin_pcos = _mm_set1_epi32(
static_cast<uint16_t>(cos128) | (static_cast<uint32_t>(sin128) << 16));
const __m128i ba = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(*a, *b);
const __m128i ab = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(*b, *a);
const __m128i sign =
_mm_set_epi32(0x80000001, 0x80000001, 0x80000001, 0x80000001);
// -sin cos, -sin cos, -sin cos, -sin cos
const __m128i msin_pcos = _mm_sign_epi16(psin_pcos, sign);
const __m128i x0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ba, msin_pcos);
const __m128i y0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ab, psin_pcos);
const __m128i x1 = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x0, 12);
const __m128i y1 = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(y0, 12);
const __m128i x = _mm_packs_epi32(x1, x1);
const __m128i y = _mm_packs_epi32(y1, y1);
if (flip) {
*a = y;
*b = x;
} else {
*a = x;
*b = y;
// Butterfly rotate 8 values.
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void ButterflyRotation_8(__m128i* a, __m128i* b,
const int angle,
const bool flip) {
const int16_t cos128 = Cos128(angle);
const int16_t sin128 = Sin128(angle);
const __m128i psin_pcos = _mm_set1_epi32(
static_cast<uint16_t>(cos128) | (static_cast<uint32_t>(sin128) << 16));
const __m128i sign =
_mm_set_epi32(0x80000001, 0x80000001, 0x80000001, 0x80000001);
// -sin cos, -sin cos, -sin cos, -sin cos
const __m128i msin_pcos = _mm_sign_epi16(psin_pcos, sign);
const __m128i ba = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(*a, *b);
const __m128i ab = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(*b, *a);
const __m128i ba_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(*a, *b);
const __m128i ab_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(*b, *a);
const __m128i x0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ba, msin_pcos);
const __m128i y0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ab, psin_pcos);
const __m128i x0_hi = _mm_madd_epi16(ba_hi, msin_pcos);
const __m128i y0_hi = _mm_madd_epi16(ab_hi, psin_pcos);
const __m128i x1 = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x0, 12);
const __m128i y1 = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(y0, 12);
const __m128i x1_hi = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x0_hi, 12);
const __m128i y1_hi = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(y0_hi, 12);
const __m128i x = _mm_packs_epi32(x1, x1_hi);
const __m128i y = _mm_packs_epi32(y1, y1_hi);
if (flip) {
*a = y;
*b = x;
} else {
*a = x;
*b = y;
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(__m128i* a, __m128i* b,
const int angle,
const bool flip) {
const int16_t cos128 = Cos128(angle);
const int16_t sin128 = Sin128(angle);
const __m128i pcos = _mm_set1_epi16(cos128 << 3);
const __m128i psin = _mm_set1_epi16(-(sin128 << 3));
const __m128i x = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(*b, psin);
const __m128i y = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(*b, pcos);
if (flip) {
*a = y;
*b = x;
} else {
*a = x;
*b = y;
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(__m128i* a,
__m128i* b,
const int angle,
const bool flip) {
const int16_t cos128 = Cos128(angle);
const int16_t sin128 = Sin128(angle);
const __m128i pcos = _mm_set1_epi16(cos128 << 3);
const __m128i psin = _mm_set1_epi16(sin128 << 3);
const __m128i x = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(*a, pcos);
const __m128i y = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(*a, psin);
if (flip) {
*a = y;
*b = x;
} else {
*a = x;
*b = y;
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void HadamardRotation(__m128i* a, __m128i* b, bool flip) {
__m128i x, y;
if (flip) {
y = _mm_adds_epi16(*b, *a);
x = _mm_subs_epi16(*b, *a);
} else {
x = _mm_adds_epi16(*a, *b);
y = _mm_subs_epi16(*a, *b);
*a = x;
*b = y;
using ButterflyRotationFunc = void (*)(__m128i* a, __m128i* b, int angle,
bool flip);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE __m128i ShiftResidual(const __m128i residual,
const __m128i v_row_shift_add,
const __m128i v_row_shift) {
const __m128i k7ffd = _mm_set1_epi16(0x7ffd);
// The max row_shift is 2, so int16_t values greater than 0x7ffd may
// overflow. Generate a mask for this case.
const __m128i mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(residual, k7ffd);
const __m128i x = _mm_add_epi16(residual, v_row_shift_add);
// Assume int16_t values.
const __m128i a = _mm_sra_epi16(x, v_row_shift);
// Assume uint16_t values.
const __m128i b = _mm_srl_epi16(x, v_row_shift);
// Select the correct shifted value.
return _mm_blendv_epi8(a, b, mask);
// Discrete Cosine Transforms (DCT).
template <int width>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool DctDcOnly(void* dest, int adjusted_tx_height,
bool should_round, int row_shift) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
const __m128i v_src_lo = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst[0]), 0);
const __m128i v_src =
(width == 4) ? v_src_lo : _mm_shuffle_epi32(v_src_lo, 0);
const __m128i v_mask = _mm_set1_epi16(should_round ? 0xffff : 0);
const __m128i v_kTransformRowMultiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kTransformRowMultiplier << 3);
const __m128i v_src_round =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
const __m128i s0 = _mm_blendv_epi8(v_src, v_src_round, v_mask);
const int16_t cos128 = Cos128(32);
const __m128i xy = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(s0, _mm_set1_epi16(cos128 << 3));
// Expand to 32 bits to prevent int16_t overflows during the shift add.
const __m128i v_row_shift_add = _mm_set1_epi32(row_shift);
const __m128i v_row_shift = _mm_cvtepu32_epi64(v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i a = _mm_cvtepi16_epi32(xy);
const __m128i a1 = _mm_cvtepi16_epi32(_mm_srli_si128(xy, 8));
const __m128i b = _mm_add_epi32(a, v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i b1 = _mm_add_epi32(a1, v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i c = _mm_sra_epi32(b, v_row_shift);
const __m128i c1 = _mm_sra_epi32(b1, v_row_shift);
const __m128i xy_shifted = _mm_packs_epi32(c, c1);
if (width == 4) {
StoreLo8(dst, xy_shifted);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < width; i += 8) {
StoreUnaligned16(dst, xy_shifted);
dst += 8;
return true;
template <int height>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool DctDcOnlyColumn(void* dest, int adjusted_tx_height,
int width) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
const int16_t cos128 = Cos128(32);
// Calculate dc values for first row.
if (width == 4) {
const __m128i v_src = LoadLo8(dst);
const __m128i xy = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, _mm_set1_epi16(cos128 << 3));
StoreLo8(dst, xy);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&dst[i]);
const __m128i xy = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, _mm_set1_epi16(cos128 << 3));
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[i], xy);
i += 8;
} while (i < width);
// Copy first row to the rest of the block.
for (int y = 1; y < height; ++y) {
memcpy(&dst[y * width], dst, width * sizeof(dst[0]));
return true;
template <ButterflyRotationFunc butterfly_rotation,
bool is_fast_butterfly = false>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Dct4Stages(__m128i* s) {
// stage 12.
if (is_fast_butterfly) {
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[0], &s[1], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[2], &s[3], 48, false);
} else {
butterfly_rotation(&s[0], &s[1], 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[2], &s[3], 48, false);
// stage 17.
HadamardRotation(&s[0], &s[3], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[1], &s[2], false);
// Process 4 dct4 rows or columns, depending on the transpose flag.
template <ButterflyRotationFunc butterfly_rotation, bool stage_is_rectangular>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Dct4_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step,
bool transpose) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[4], x[4];
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i input[8];
LoadSrc<8, 8>(dst, step, 0, input);
Transpose4x8To8x4_U16(input, x);
} else {
LoadSrc<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, x);
} else {
LoadSrc<8, 4>(dst, step, 0, x);
if (transpose) {
Transpose4x4_U16(x, x);
// stage 1.
// kBitReverseLookup 0, 2, 1, 3
s[0] = x[0];
s[1] = x[2];
s[2] = x[1];
s[3] = x[3];
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i output[8];
Transpose8x4To4x8_U16(s, output);
StoreDst<8, 8>(dst, step, 0, output);
} else {
StoreDst<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, s);
} else {
if (transpose) {
Transpose4x4_U16(s, s);
StoreDst<8, 4>(dst, step, 0, s);
template <ButterflyRotationFunc butterfly_rotation,
bool is_fast_butterfly = false>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Dct8Stages(__m128i* s) {
// stage 8.
if (is_fast_butterfly) {
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[4], &s[7], 56, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[5], &s[6], 24, false);
} else {
butterfly_rotation(&s[4], &s[7], 56, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[5], &s[6], 24, false);
// stage 13.
HadamardRotation(&s[4], &s[5], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[6], &s[7], true);
// stage 18.
butterfly_rotation(&s[6], &s[5], 32, true);
// stage 22.
HadamardRotation(&s[0], &s[7], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[1], &s[6], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[2], &s[5], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[3], &s[4], false);
// Process dct8 rows or columns, depending on the transpose flag.
template <ButterflyRotationFunc butterfly_rotation, bool stage_is_rectangular>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Dct8_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step,
bool transpose) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[8], x[8];
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i input[4];
LoadSrc<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, input);
Transpose8x4To4x8_U16(input, x);
} else {
LoadSrc<8, 8>(dst, step, 0, x);
} else {
if (transpose) {
__m128i input[8];
LoadSrc<16, 8>(dst, step, 0, input);
Transpose8x8_U16(input, x);
} else {
LoadSrc<16, 8>(dst, step, 0, x);
// stage 1.
// kBitReverseLookup 0, 4, 2, 6, 1, 5, 3, 7,
s[0] = x[0];
s[1] = x[4];
s[2] = x[2];
s[3] = x[6];
s[4] = x[1];
s[5] = x[5];
s[6] = x[3];
s[7] = x[7];
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i output[4];
Transpose4x8To8x4_U16(s, output);
StoreDst<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, output);
} else {
StoreDst<8, 8>(dst, step, 0, s);
} else {
if (transpose) {
__m128i output[8];
Transpose8x8_U16(s, output);
StoreDst<16, 8>(dst, step, 0, output);
} else {
StoreDst<16, 8>(dst, step, 0, s);
template <ButterflyRotationFunc butterfly_rotation,
bool is_fast_butterfly = false>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Dct16Stages(__m128i* s) {
// stage 5.
if (is_fast_butterfly) {
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[8], &s[15], 60, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[9], &s[14], 28, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[10], &s[13], 44, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[11], &s[12], 12, false);
} else {
butterfly_rotation(&s[8], &s[15], 60, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[9], &s[14], 28, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[10], &s[13], 44, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[11], &s[12], 12, false);
// stage 9.
HadamardRotation(&s[8], &s[9], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[10], &s[11], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[12], &s[13], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[14], &s[15], true);
// stage 14.
butterfly_rotation(&s[14], &s[9], 48, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[13], &s[10], 112, true);
// stage 19.
HadamardRotation(&s[8], &s[11], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[9], &s[10], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[12], &s[15], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[13], &s[14], true);
// stage 23.
butterfly_rotation(&s[13], &s[10], 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[12], &s[11], 32, true);
// stage 26.
HadamardRotation(&s[0], &s[15], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[1], &s[14], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[2], &s[13], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[3], &s[12], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[4], &s[11], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[5], &s[10], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[6], &s[9], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[7], &s[8], false);
// Process dct16 rows or columns, depending on the transpose flag.
template <ButterflyRotationFunc butterfly_rotation, bool stage_is_rectangular>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Dct16_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step,
bool transpose) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[16], x[16];
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i input[4];
LoadSrc<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, input);
Transpose8x4To4x8_U16(input, x);
LoadSrc<16, 4>(dst, step, 8, input);
Transpose8x4To4x8_U16(input, &x[8]);
} else {
LoadSrc<8, 16>(dst, step, 0, x);
} else {
if (transpose) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < 16; idx += 8) {
__m128i input[8];
LoadSrc<16, 8>(dst, step, idx, input);
Transpose8x8_U16(input, &x[idx]);
} else {
LoadSrc<16, 16>(dst, step, 0, x);
// stage 1
// kBitReverseLookup 0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14, 1, 9, 5, 13, 3, 11, 7, 15,
s[0] = x[0];
s[1] = x[8];
s[2] = x[4];
s[3] = x[12];
s[4] = x[2];
s[5] = x[10];
s[6] = x[6];
s[7] = x[14];
s[8] = x[1];
s[9] = x[9];
s[10] = x[5];
s[11] = x[13];
s[12] = x[3];
s[13] = x[11];
s[14] = x[7];
s[15] = x[15];
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i output[4];
Transpose4x8To8x4_U16(s, output);
StoreDst<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, output);
Transpose4x8To8x4_U16(&s[8], output);
StoreDst<16, 4>(dst, step, 8, output);
} else {
StoreDst<8, 16>(dst, step, 0, s);
} else {
if (transpose) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < 16; idx += 8) {
__m128i output[8];
Transpose8x8_U16(&s[idx], output);
StoreDst<16, 8>(dst, step, idx, output);
} else {
StoreDst<16, 16>(dst, step, 0, s);
template <ButterflyRotationFunc butterfly_rotation,
bool is_fast_butterfly = false>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Dct32Stages(__m128i* s) {
// stage 3
if (is_fast_butterfly) {
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[16], &s[31], 62, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[17], &s[30], 30, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[18], &s[29], 46, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[19], &s[28], 14, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[20], &s[27], 54, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[21], &s[26], 22, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[22], &s[25], 38, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[23], &s[24], 6, false);
} else {
butterfly_rotation(&s[16], &s[31], 62, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[17], &s[30], 30, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[18], &s[29], 46, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[19], &s[28], 14, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[20], &s[27], 54, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[21], &s[26], 22, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[22], &s[25], 38, false);
butterfly_rotation(&s[23], &s[24], 6, false);
// stage 6.
HadamardRotation(&s[16], &s[17], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[18], &s[19], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[20], &s[21], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[22], &s[23], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[24], &s[25], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[26], &s[27], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[28], &s[29], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[30], &s[31], true);
// stage 10.
butterfly_rotation(&s[30], &s[17], 24 + 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[29], &s[18], 24 + 64 + 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[26], &s[21], 24, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[25], &s[22], 24 + 64, true);
// stage 15.
HadamardRotation(&s[16], &s[19], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[17], &s[18], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[20], &s[23], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[21], &s[22], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[24], &s[27], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[25], &s[26], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[28], &s[31], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[29], &s[30], true);
// stage 20.
butterfly_rotation(&s[29], &s[18], 48, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[28], &s[19], 48, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[27], &s[20], 48 + 64, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[26], &s[21], 48 + 64, true);
// stage 24.
HadamardRotation(&s[16], &s[23], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[17], &s[22], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[18], &s[21], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[19], &s[20], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[24], &s[31], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[25], &s[30], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[26], &s[29], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[27], &s[28], true);
// stage 27.
butterfly_rotation(&s[27], &s[20], 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[26], &s[21], 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[25], &s[22], 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[24], &s[23], 32, true);
// stage 29.
HadamardRotation(&s[0], &s[31], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[1], &s[30], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[2], &s[29], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[3], &s[28], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[4], &s[27], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[5], &s[26], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[6], &s[25], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[7], &s[24], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[8], &s[23], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[9], &s[22], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[10], &s[21], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[11], &s[20], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[12], &s[19], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[13], &s[18], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[14], &s[17], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[15], &s[16], false);
// Process dct32 rows or columns, depending on the transpose flag.
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Dct32_SSE4_1(void* dest, const int32_t step,
const bool transpose) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[32], x[32];
if (transpose) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < 32; idx += 8) {
__m128i input[8];
LoadSrc<16, 8>(dst, step, idx, input);
Transpose8x8_U16(input, &x[idx]);
} else {
LoadSrc<16, 32>(dst, step, 0, x);
// stage 1
// kBitReverseLookup
// 0, 16, 8, 24, 4, 20, 12, 28, 2, 18, 10, 26, 6, 22, 14, 30,
s[0] = x[0];
s[1] = x[16];
s[2] = x[8];
s[3] = x[24];
s[4] = x[4];
s[5] = x[20];
s[6] = x[12];
s[7] = x[28];
s[8] = x[2];
s[9] = x[18];
s[10] = x[10];
s[11] = x[26];
s[12] = x[6];
s[13] = x[22];
s[14] = x[14];
s[15] = x[30];
// 1, 17, 9, 25, 5, 21, 13, 29, 3, 19, 11, 27, 7, 23, 15, 31,
s[16] = x[1];
s[17] = x[17];
s[18] = x[9];
s[19] = x[25];
s[20] = x[5];
s[21] = x[21];
s[22] = x[13];
s[23] = x[29];
s[24] = x[3];
s[25] = x[19];
s[26] = x[11];
s[27] = x[27];
s[28] = x[7];
s[29] = x[23];
s[30] = x[15];
s[31] = x[31];
if (transpose) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < 32; idx += 8) {
__m128i output[8];
Transpose8x8_U16(&s[idx], output);
StoreDst<16, 8>(dst, step, idx, output);
} else {
StoreDst<16, 32>(dst, step, 0, s);
// Allow the compiler to call this function instead of force inlining. Tests
// show the performance is slightly faster.
void Dct64_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step, bool transpose) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[64], x[32];
if (transpose) {
// The last 32 values of every row are always zero if the |tx_width| is
// 64.
for (int idx = 0; idx < 32; idx += 8) {
__m128i input[8];
LoadSrc<16, 8>(dst, step, idx, input);
Transpose8x8_U16(input, &x[idx]);
} else {
// The last 32 values of every column are always zero if the |tx_height| is
// 64.
LoadSrc<16, 32>(dst, step, 0, x);
// stage 1
// kBitReverseLookup
// 0, 32, 16, 48, 8, 40, 24, 56, 4, 36, 20, 52, 12, 44, 28, 60,
s[0] = x[0];
s[2] = x[16];
s[4] = x[8];
s[6] = x[24];
s[8] = x[4];
s[10] = x[20];
s[12] = x[12];
s[14] = x[28];
// 2, 34, 18, 50, 10, 42, 26, 58, 6, 38, 22, 54, 14, 46, 30, 62,
s[16] = x[2];
s[18] = x[18];
s[20] = x[10];
s[22] = x[26];
s[24] = x[6];
s[26] = x[22];
s[28] = x[14];
s[30] = x[30];
// 1, 33, 17, 49, 9, 41, 25, 57, 5, 37, 21, 53, 13, 45, 29, 61,
s[32] = x[1];
s[34] = x[17];
s[36] = x[9];
s[38] = x[25];
s[40] = x[5];
s[42] = x[21];
s[44] = x[13];
s[46] = x[29];
// 3, 35, 19, 51, 11, 43, 27, 59, 7, 39, 23, 55, 15, 47, 31, 63
s[48] = x[3];
s[50] = x[19];
s[52] = x[11];
s[54] = x[27];
s[56] = x[7];
s[58] = x[23];
s[60] = x[15];
s[62] = x[31];
Dct4Stages<ButterflyRotation_8, /*is_fast_butterfly=*/true>(s);
Dct8Stages<ButterflyRotation_8, /*is_fast_butterfly=*/true>(s);
Dct16Stages<ButterflyRotation_8, /*is_fast_butterfly=*/true>(s);
Dct32Stages<ButterflyRotation_8, /*is_fast_butterfly=*/true>(s);
//-- start dct 64 stages
// stage 2.
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[32], &s[63], 63 - 0, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[33], &s[62], 63 - 32, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[34], &s[61], 63 - 16, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[35], &s[60], 63 - 48, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[36], &s[59], 63 - 8, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[37], &s[58], 63 - 40, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[38], &s[57], 63 - 24, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[39], &s[56], 63 - 56, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[40], &s[55], 63 - 4, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[41], &s[54], 63 - 36, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[42], &s[53], 63 - 20, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[43], &s[52], 63 - 52, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[44], &s[51], 63 - 12, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[45], &s[50], 63 - 44, false);
ButterflyRotation_SecondIsZero(&s[46], &s[49], 63 - 28, false);
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[47], &s[48], 63 - 60, false);
// stage 4.
HadamardRotation(&s[32], &s[33], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[34], &s[35], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[36], &s[37], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[38], &s[39], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[40], &s[41], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[42], &s[43], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[44], &s[45], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[46], &s[47], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[48], &s[49], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[50], &s[51], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[52], &s[53], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[54], &s[55], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[56], &s[57], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[58], &s[59], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[60], &s[61], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[62], &s[63], true);
// stage 7.
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[62], &s[33], 60 - 0, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[61], &s[34], 60 - 0 + 64, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[58], &s[37], 60 - 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[57], &s[38], 60 - 32 + 64, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[54], &s[41], 60 - 16, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[53], &s[42], 60 - 16 + 64, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[50], &s[45], 60 - 48, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[49], &s[46], 60 - 48 + 64, true);
// stage 11.
HadamardRotation(&s[32], &s[35], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[33], &s[34], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[36], &s[39], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[37], &s[38], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[40], &s[43], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[41], &s[42], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[44], &s[47], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[45], &s[46], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[48], &s[51], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[49], &s[50], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[52], &s[55], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[53], &s[54], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[56], &s[59], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[57], &s[58], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[60], &s[63], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[61], &s[62], true);
// stage 16.
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[61], &s[34], 56, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[60], &s[35], 56, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[59], &s[36], 56 + 64, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[58], &s[37], 56 + 64, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[53], &s[42], 56 - 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[52], &s[43], 56 - 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[51], &s[44], 56 - 32 + 64, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[50], &s[45], 56 - 32 + 64, true);
// stage 21.
HadamardRotation(&s[32], &s[39], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[33], &s[38], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[34], &s[37], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[35], &s[36], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[40], &s[47], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[41], &s[46], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[42], &s[45], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[43], &s[44], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[48], &s[55], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[49], &s[54], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[50], &s[53], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[51], &s[52], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[56], &s[63], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[57], &s[62], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[58], &s[61], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[59], &s[60], true);
// stage 25.
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[59], &s[36], 48, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[58], &s[37], 48, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[57], &s[38], 48, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[56], &s[39], 48, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[55], &s[40], 112, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[54], &s[41], 112, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[53], &s[42], 112, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[52], &s[43], 112, true);
// stage 28.
HadamardRotation(&s[32], &s[47], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[33], &s[46], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[34], &s[45], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[35], &s[44], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[36], &s[43], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[37], &s[42], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[38], &s[41], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[39], &s[40], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[48], &s[63], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[49], &s[62], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[50], &s[61], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[51], &s[60], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[52], &s[59], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[53], &s[58], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[54], &s[57], true);
HadamardRotation(&s[55], &s[56], true);
// stage 30.
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[55], &s[40], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[54], &s[41], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[53], &s[42], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[52], &s[43], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[51], &s[44], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[50], &s[45], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[49], &s[46], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_8(&s[48], &s[47], 32, true);
// stage 31.
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i += 4) {
HadamardRotation(&s[i], &s[63 - i], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[i + 1], &s[63 - i - 1], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[i + 2], &s[63 - i - 2], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[i + 3], &s[63 - i - 3], false);
//-- end dct 64 stages
if (transpose) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < 64; idx += 8) {
__m128i output[8];
Transpose8x8_U16(&s[idx], output);
StoreDst<16, 8>(dst, step, idx, output);
} else {
StoreDst<16, 64>(dst, step, 0, s);
// Asymmetric Discrete Sine Transforms (ADST).
template <bool stage_is_rectangular>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Adst4_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step,
bool transpose) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[8], x[4];
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i input[8];
LoadSrc<8, 8>(dst, step, 0, input);
Transpose4x8To8x4_U16(input, x);
} else {
LoadSrc<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, x);
} else {
LoadSrc<8, 4>(dst, step, 0, x);
if (transpose) {
Transpose4x4_U16(x, x);
const __m128i kAdst4Multiplier_1 = _mm_set1_epi16(kAdst4Multiplier[1]);
const __m128i kAdst4Multiplier_2 = _mm_set1_epi16(kAdst4Multiplier[2]);
const __m128i kAdst4Multiplier_3 = _mm_set1_epi16(kAdst4Multiplier[3]);
const __m128i kAdst4Multiplier_m0_1 =
_mm_set1_epi32(static_cast<uint16_t>(kAdst4Multiplier[1]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(-kAdst4Multiplier[0]) << 16));
const __m128i kAdst4Multiplier_3_0 =
_mm_set1_epi32(static_cast<uint16_t>(kAdst4Multiplier[0]) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(kAdst4Multiplier[3]) << 16));
// stage 1.
const __m128i x3_x0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(x[0], x[3]);
const __m128i x2_x0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(x[0], x[2]);
const __m128i zero_x1 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(x[1]);
const __m128i zero_x2 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(x[2]);
const __m128i zero_x3 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(x[3]);
s[5] = _mm_madd_epi16(zero_x3, kAdst4Multiplier_1);
s[6] = _mm_madd_epi16(zero_x3, kAdst4Multiplier_3);
// stage 2.
// ((src[0] - src[2]) + src[3]) * kAdst4Multiplier[2]
const __m128i k2_x3_x0 = _mm_madd_epi16(x3_x0, kAdst4Multiplier_2);
const __m128i k2_zero_x2 = _mm_madd_epi16(zero_x2, kAdst4Multiplier_2);
const __m128i b7 = _mm_sub_epi32(k2_x3_x0, k2_zero_x2);
// stage 3.
s[0] = _mm_madd_epi16(x2_x0, kAdst4Multiplier_3_0);
s[1] = _mm_madd_epi16(x2_x0, kAdst4Multiplier_m0_1);
s[2] = b7;
s[3] = _mm_madd_epi16(zero_x1, kAdst4Multiplier_2);
// stage 4.
s[0] = _mm_add_epi32(s[0], s[5]);
s[1] = _mm_sub_epi32(s[1], s[6]);
// stages 5 and 6.
x[0] = _mm_add_epi32(s[0], s[3]);
x[1] = _mm_add_epi32(s[1], s[3]);
x[2] = _mm_add_epi32(s[0], s[1]);
x[3] = _mm_sub_epi32(x[2], s[3]);
x[0] = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x[0], 12);
x[1] = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x[1], 12);
x[2] = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(s[2], 12);
x[3] = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x[3], 12);
x[0] = _mm_packs_epi32(x[0], x[1]);
x[2] = _mm_packs_epi32(x[2], x[3]);
x[1] = _mm_srli_si128(x[0], 8);
x[3] = _mm_srli_si128(x[2], 8);
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i output[8];
Transpose8x4To4x8_U16(x, output);
StoreDst<8, 8>(dst, step, 0, output);
} else {
StoreDst<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, x);
} else {
if (transpose) {
Transpose4x4_U16(x, x);
StoreDst<8, 4>(dst, step, 0, x);
constexpr int16_t kAdst4DcOnlyMultiplier[8] = {1321, 0, 2482, 0,
3344, 0, 2482, 1321};
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Adst4DcOnly(void* dest, int adjusted_tx_height,
bool should_round, int row_shift) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
const __m128i v_src =
_mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_shufflelo_epi16(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst[0]), 0), 0);
const __m128i v_mask = _mm_set1_epi16(should_round ? 0xffff : 0);
const __m128i v_kTransformRowMultiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kTransformRowMultiplier << 3);
const __m128i v_src_round =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
const __m128i s0 = _mm_blendv_epi8(v_src, v_src_round, v_mask);
const __m128i v_kAdst4DcOnlyMultipliers =
// s0*k0 s0*k1 s0*k2 s0*k1
// +
// s0*0 s0*0 s0*0 s0*k0
const __m128i x3 = _mm_madd_epi16(s0, v_kAdst4DcOnlyMultipliers);
const __m128i dst_0 = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x3, 12);
const __m128i v_row_shift_add = _mm_set1_epi32(row_shift);
const __m128i v_row_shift = _mm_cvtepu32_epi64(v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i a = _mm_add_epi32(dst_0, v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i b = _mm_sra_epi32(a, v_row_shift);
const __m128i c = _mm_packs_epi32(b, b);
StoreLo8(dst, c);
return true;
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Adst4DcOnlyColumn(void* dest, int adjusted_tx_height,
int width) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
int i = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_src = _mm_cvtepi16_epi32(LoadLo8(&dst[i]));
const __m128i kAdst4Multiplier_0 = _mm_set1_epi32(kAdst4Multiplier[0]);
const __m128i kAdst4Multiplier_1 = _mm_set1_epi32(kAdst4Multiplier[1]);
const __m128i kAdst4Multiplier_2 = _mm_set1_epi32(kAdst4Multiplier[2]);
const __m128i s0 = _mm_mullo_epi32(kAdst4Multiplier_0, v_src);
const __m128i s1 = _mm_mullo_epi32(kAdst4Multiplier_1, v_src);
const __m128i s2 = _mm_mullo_epi32(kAdst4Multiplier_2, v_src);
const __m128i x0 = s0;
const __m128i x1 = s1;
const __m128i x2 = s2;
const __m128i x3 = _mm_add_epi32(s0, s1);
const __m128i dst_0 = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x0, 12);
const __m128i dst_1 = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x1, 12);
const __m128i dst_2 = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x2, 12);
const __m128i dst_3 = RightShiftWithRounding_S32(x3, 12);
const __m128i dst_0_1 = _mm_packs_epi32(dst_0, dst_1);
const __m128i dst_2_3 = _mm_packs_epi32(dst_2, dst_3);
StoreLo8(&dst[i], dst_0_1);
StoreHi8(&dst[i + width * 1], dst_0_1);
StoreLo8(&dst[i + width * 2], dst_2_3);
StoreHi8(&dst[i + width * 3], dst_2_3);
i += 4;
} while (i < width);
return true;
template <ButterflyRotationFunc butterfly_rotation, bool stage_is_rectangular>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Adst8_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step,
bool transpose) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[8], x[8];
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i input[4];
LoadSrc<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, input);
Transpose8x4To4x8_U16(input, x);
} else {
LoadSrc<8, 8>(dst, step, 0, x);
} else {
if (transpose) {
__m128i input[8];
LoadSrc<16, 8>(dst, step, 0, input);
Transpose8x8_U16(input, x);
} else {
LoadSrc<16, 8>(dst, step, 0, x);
// stage 1.
s[0] = x[7];
s[1] = x[0];
s[2] = x[5];
s[3] = x[2];
s[4] = x[3];
s[5] = x[4];
s[6] = x[1];
s[7] = x[6];
// stage 2.
butterfly_rotation(&s[0], &s[1], 60 - 0, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[2], &s[3], 60 - 16, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[4], &s[5], 60 - 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[6], &s[7], 60 - 48, true);
// stage 3.
HadamardRotation(&s[0], &s[4], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[1], &s[5], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[2], &s[6], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[3], &s[7], false);
// stage 4.
butterfly_rotation(&s[4], &s[5], 48 - 0, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[7], &s[6], 48 - 32, true);
// stage 5.
HadamardRotation(&s[0], &s[2], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[4], &s[6], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[1], &s[3], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[5], &s[7], false);
// stage 6.
butterfly_rotation(&s[2], &s[3], 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[6], &s[7], 32, true);
// stage 7.
const __m128i v_zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
x[0] = s[0];
x[1] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[4]);
x[2] = s[6];
x[3] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[2]);
x[4] = s[3];
x[5] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[7]);
x[6] = s[5];
x[7] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[1]);
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i output[4];
Transpose4x8To8x4_U16(x, output);
StoreDst<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, output);
} else {
StoreDst<8, 8>(dst, step, 0, x);
} else {
if (transpose) {
__m128i output[8];
Transpose8x8_U16(x, output);
StoreDst<16, 8>(dst, step, 0, output);
} else {
StoreDst<16, 8>(dst, step, 0, x);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Adst8DcOnly(void* dest, int adjusted_tx_height,
bool should_round, int row_shift) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[8];
const __m128i v_src = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst[0]), 0);
const __m128i v_mask = _mm_set1_epi16(should_round ? 0xffff : 0);
const __m128i v_kTransformRowMultiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kTransformRowMultiplier << 3);
const __m128i v_src_round =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
// stage 1.
s[1] = _mm_blendv_epi8(v_src, v_src_round, v_mask);
// stage 2.
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[0], &s[1], 60, true);
// stage 3.
s[4] = s[0];
s[5] = s[1];
// stage 4.
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[4], &s[5], 48, true);
// stage 5.
s[2] = s[0];
s[3] = s[1];
s[6] = s[4];
s[7] = s[5];
// stage 6.
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[2], &s[3], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[6], &s[7], 32, true);
// stage 7.
__m128i x[8];
const __m128i v_zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
x[0] = s[0];
x[1] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[4]);
x[2] = s[6];
x[3] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[2]);
x[4] = s[3];
x[5] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[7]);
x[6] = s[5];
x[7] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[1]);
const __m128i x1_x0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(x[0], x[1]);
const __m128i x3_x2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(x[2], x[3]);
const __m128i x5_x4 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(x[4], x[5]);
const __m128i x7_x6 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(x[6], x[7]);
const __m128i x3_x0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(x1_x0, x3_x2);
const __m128i x7_x4 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(x5_x4, x7_x6);
const __m128i v_row_shift_add = _mm_set1_epi32(row_shift);
const __m128i v_row_shift = _mm_cvtepu32_epi64(v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i a = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_cvtepi16_epi32(x3_x0), v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i a1 = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_cvtepi16_epi32(x7_x4), v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i b = _mm_sra_epi32(a, v_row_shift);
const __m128i b1 = _mm_sra_epi32(a1, v_row_shift);
StoreUnaligned16(dst, _mm_packs_epi32(b, b1));
return true;
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Adst8DcOnlyColumn(void* dest, int adjusted_tx_height,
int width) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[8];
int i = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_src = LoadLo8(dst);
// stage 1.
s[1] = v_src;
// stage 2.
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[0], &s[1], 60, true);
// stage 3.
s[4] = s[0];
s[5] = s[1];
// stage 4.
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[4], &s[5], 48, true);
// stage 5.
s[2] = s[0];
s[3] = s[1];
s[6] = s[4];
s[7] = s[5];
// stage 6.
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[2], &s[3], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[6], &s[7], 32, true);
// stage 7.
__m128i x[8];
const __m128i v_zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
x[0] = s[0];
x[1] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[4]);
x[2] = s[6];
x[3] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[2]);
x[4] = s[3];
x[5] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[7]);
x[6] = s[5];
x[7] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[1]);
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
StoreLo8(&dst[j * width], x[j]);
i += 4;
dst += 4;
} while (i < width);
return true;
template <ButterflyRotationFunc butterfly_rotation, bool stage_is_rectangular>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Adst16_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step,
bool transpose) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[16], x[16];
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i input[4];
LoadSrc<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, input);
Transpose8x4To4x8_U16(input, x);
LoadSrc<16, 4>(dst, step, 8, input);
Transpose8x4To4x8_U16(input, &x[8]);
} else {
LoadSrc<8, 16>(dst, step, 0, x);
} else {
if (transpose) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < 16; idx += 8) {
__m128i input[8];
LoadSrc<16, 8>(dst, step, idx, input);
Transpose8x8_U16(input, &x[idx]);
} else {
LoadSrc<16, 16>(dst, step, 0, x);
// stage 1.
s[0] = x[15];
s[1] = x[0];
s[2] = x[13];
s[3] = x[2];
s[4] = x[11];
s[5] = x[4];
s[6] = x[9];
s[7] = x[6];
s[8] = x[7];
s[9] = x[8];
s[10] = x[5];
s[11] = x[10];
s[12] = x[3];
s[13] = x[12];
s[14] = x[1];
s[15] = x[14];
// stage 2.
butterfly_rotation(&s[0], &s[1], 62 - 0, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[2], &s[3], 62 - 8, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[4], &s[5], 62 - 16, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[6], &s[7], 62 - 24, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[8], &s[9], 62 - 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[10], &s[11], 62 - 40, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[12], &s[13], 62 - 48, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[14], &s[15], 62 - 56, true);
// stage 3.
HadamardRotation(&s[0], &s[8], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[1], &s[9], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[2], &s[10], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[3], &s[11], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[4], &s[12], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[5], &s[13], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[6], &s[14], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[7], &s[15], false);
// stage 4.
butterfly_rotation(&s[8], &s[9], 56 - 0, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[13], &s[12], 8 + 0, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[10], &s[11], 56 - 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[15], &s[14], 8 + 32, true);
// stage 5.
HadamardRotation(&s[0], &s[4], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[8], &s[12], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[1], &s[5], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[9], &s[13], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[2], &s[6], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[10], &s[14], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[3], &s[7], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[11], &s[15], false);
// stage 6.
butterfly_rotation(&s[4], &s[5], 48 - 0, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[12], &s[13], 48 - 0, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[7], &s[6], 48 - 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[15], &s[14], 48 - 32, true);
// stage 7.
HadamardRotation(&s[0], &s[2], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[4], &s[6], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[8], &s[10], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[12], &s[14], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[1], &s[3], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[5], &s[7], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[9], &s[11], false);
HadamardRotation(&s[13], &s[15], false);
// stage 8.
butterfly_rotation(&s[2], &s[3], 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[6], &s[7], 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[10], &s[11], 32, true);
butterfly_rotation(&s[14], &s[15], 32, true);
// stage 9.
const __m128i v_zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
x[0] = s[0];
x[1] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[8]);
x[2] = s[12];
x[3] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[4]);
x[4] = s[6];
x[5] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[14]);
x[6] = s[10];
x[7] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[2]);
x[8] = s[3];
x[9] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[11]);
x[10] = s[15];
x[11] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[7]);
x[12] = s[5];
x[13] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[13]);
x[14] = s[9];
x[15] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[1]);
if (stage_is_rectangular) {
if (transpose) {
__m128i output[4];
Transpose4x8To8x4_U16(x, output);
StoreDst<16, 4>(dst, step, 0, output);
Transpose4x8To8x4_U16(&x[8], output);
StoreDst<16, 4>(dst, step, 8, output);
} else {
StoreDst<8, 16>(dst, step, 0, x);
} else {
if (transpose) {
for (int idx = 0; idx < 16; idx += 8) {
__m128i output[8];
Transpose8x8_U16(&x[idx], output);
StoreDst<16, 8>(dst, step, idx, output);
} else {
StoreDst<16, 16>(dst, step, 0, x);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Adst16DcOnlyInternal(__m128i* s, __m128i* x) {
// stage 2.
ButterflyRotation_FirstIsZero(&s[0], &s[1], 62, true);
// stage 3.
s[8] = s[0];
s[9] = s[1];
// stage 4.
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[8], &s[9], 56, true);
// stage 5.
s[4] = s[0];
s[12] = s[8];
s[5] = s[1];
s[13] = s[9];
// stage 6.
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[4], &s[5], 48, true);
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[12], &s[13], 48, true);
// stage 7.
s[2] = s[0];
s[6] = s[4];
s[10] = s[8];
s[14] = s[12];
s[3] = s[1];
s[7] = s[5];
s[11] = s[9];
s[15] = s[13];
// stage 8.
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[2], &s[3], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[6], &s[7], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[10], &s[11], 32, true);
ButterflyRotation_4(&s[14], &s[15], 32, true);
// stage 9.
const __m128i v_zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
x[0] = s[0];
x[1] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[8]);
x[2] = s[12];
x[3] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[4]);
x[4] = s[6];
x[5] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[14]);
x[6] = s[10];
x[7] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[2]);
x[8] = s[3];
x[9] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[11]);
x[10] = s[15];
x[11] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[7]);
x[12] = s[5];
x[13] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[13]);
x[14] = s[9];
x[15] = _mm_subs_epi16(v_zero, s[1]);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Adst16DcOnly(void* dest, int adjusted_tx_height,
bool should_round, int row_shift) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
__m128i s[16];
__m128i x[16];
const __m128i v_src = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst[0]), 0);
const __m128i v_mask = _mm_set1_epi16(should_round ? 0xffff : 0);
const __m128i v_kTransformRowMultiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kTransformRowMultiplier << 3);
const __m128i v_src_round =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
// stage 1.
s[1] = _mm_blendv_epi8(v_src, v_src_round, v_mask);
Adst16DcOnlyInternal(s, x);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
const __m128i x1_x0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(x[0 + i * 8], x[1 + i * 8]);
const __m128i x3_x2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(x[2 + i * 8], x[3 + i * 8]);
const __m128i x5_x4 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(x[4 + i * 8], x[5 + i * 8]);
const __m128i x7_x6 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(x[6 + i * 8], x[7 + i * 8]);
const __m128i x3_x0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(x1_x0, x3_x2);
const __m128i x7_x4 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(x5_x4, x7_x6);
const __m128i v_row_shift_add = _mm_set1_epi32(row_shift);
const __m128i v_row_shift = _mm_cvtepu32_epi64(v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i a = _mm_add_epi32(_mm_cvtepi16_epi32(x3_x0), v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i a1 =
_mm_add_epi32(_mm_cvtepi16_epi32(x7_x4), v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i b = _mm_sra_epi32(a, v_row_shift);
const __m128i b1 = _mm_sra_epi32(a1, v_row_shift);
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[i * 8], _mm_packs_epi32(b, b1));
return true;
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Adst16DcOnlyColumn(void* dest,
int adjusted_tx_height,
int width) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
int i = 0;
do {
__m128i s[16];
__m128i x[16];
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(dst);
// stage 1.
s[1] = v_src;
Adst16DcOnlyInternal(s, x);
for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
StoreLo8(&dst[j * width], x[j]);
i += 4;
dst += 4;
} while (i < width);
return true;
// Identity Transforms.
template <bool is_row_shift>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Identity4_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
if (is_row_shift) {
const int shift = 1;
const __m128i v_dual_round = _mm_set1_epi16((1 + (shift << 1)) << 11);
const __m128i v_multiplier_one =
_mm_set1_epi32((kIdentity4Multiplier << 16) | 0x0001);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i += 2) {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&dst[i * step]);
const __m128i v_src_round = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(v_dual_round, v_src);
const __m128i v_src_round_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(v_dual_round, v_src);
const __m128i a = _mm_madd_epi16(v_src_round, v_multiplier_one);
const __m128i a_hi = _mm_madd_epi16(v_src_round_hi, v_multiplier_one);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi32(a, 12 + shift);
const __m128i b_hi = _mm_srai_epi32(a_hi, 12 + shift);
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[i * step], _mm_packs_epi32(b, b_hi));
} else {
const __m128i v_multiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kIdentity4MultiplierFraction << 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i += 2) {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&dst[i * step]);
const __m128i a = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_multiplier);
const __m128i b = _mm_adds_epi16(a, v_src);
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[i * step], b);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Identity4DcOnly(void* dest, int adjusted_tx_height,
bool should_round, int tx_height) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
const __m128i v_src0 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst[0]);
const __m128i v_mask = _mm_set1_epi16(should_round ? 0xffff : 0);
const __m128i v_kTransformRowMultiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kTransformRowMultiplier << 3);
const __m128i v_src_round =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src0, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
const __m128i v_src = _mm_blendv_epi8(v_src0, v_src_round, v_mask);
const int shift = (tx_height < 16) ? 0 : 1;
const __m128i v_dual_round = _mm_set1_epi16((1 + (shift << 1)) << 11);
const __m128i v_multiplier_one =
_mm_set1_epi32((kIdentity4Multiplier << 16) | 0x0001);
const __m128i v_src_round_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(v_dual_round, v_src);
const __m128i a = _mm_madd_epi16(v_src_round_lo, v_multiplier_one);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi32(a, 12 + shift);
dst[0] = _mm_extract_epi16(_mm_packs_epi32(b, b), 0);
return true;
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Identity4ColumnStoreToFrame(
Array2DView<uint8_t> frame, const int start_x, const int start_y,
const int tx_width, const int tx_height, const int16_t* source) {
const int stride = frame.columns();
uint8_t* dst = frame[start_y] + start_x;
const __m128i v_multiplier_fraction =
_mm_set1_epi16(static_cast<int16_t>(kIdentity4MultiplierFraction << 3));
const __m128i v_eight = _mm_set1_epi16(8);
if (tx_width == 4) {
int i = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_src = LoadLo8(&source[i * tx_width]);
const __m128i v_src_mult = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_multiplier_fraction);
const __m128i frame_data = Load4(dst);
const __m128i v_dst_i = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src_mult, v_src);
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(v_dst_i, v_eight);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi16(a, 4);
const __m128i c = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i d = _mm_adds_epi16(c, b);
Store4(dst, _mm_packus_epi16(d, d));
dst += stride;
} while (++i < tx_height);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
const int row = i * tx_width;
int j = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&source[row + j]);
const __m128i v_src_mult =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_multiplier_fraction);
const __m128i frame_data = LoadLo8(dst + j);
const __m128i v_dst_i = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src_mult, v_src);
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(v_dst_i, v_eight);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi16(a, 4);
const __m128i c = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i d = _mm_adds_epi16(c, b);
StoreLo8(dst + j, _mm_packus_epi16(d, d));
j += 8;
} while (j < tx_width);
dst += stride;
} while (++i < tx_height);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Identity4RowColumnStoreToFrame(
Array2DView<uint8_t> frame, const int start_x, const int start_y,
const int tx_width, const int tx_height, const int16_t* source) {
const int stride = frame.columns();
uint8_t* dst = frame[start_y] + start_x;
const __m128i v_multiplier_fraction =
_mm_set1_epi16(static_cast<int16_t>(kIdentity4MultiplierFraction << 3));
const __m128i v_eight = _mm_set1_epi16(8);
const __m128i v_kTransformRowMultiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kTransformRowMultiplier << 3);
if (tx_width == 4) {
int i = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_src = LoadLo8(&source[i * tx_width]);
const __m128i v_src_mult = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_multiplier_fraction);
const __m128i frame_data = Load4(dst);
const __m128i v_dst_row = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src_mult, v_src);
const __m128i v_src_mult2 =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_dst_row, v_multiplier_fraction);
const __m128i frame_data16 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i v_dst_col = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src_mult2, v_dst_row);
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(v_dst_col, v_eight);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi16(a, 4);
const __m128i c = _mm_adds_epi16(frame_data16, b);
Store4(dst, _mm_packus_epi16(c, c));
dst += stride;
} while (++i < tx_height);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
const int row = i * tx_width;
int j = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&source[row + j]);
const __m128i v_src_round =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
const __m128i v_dst_row = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src_round, v_src_round);
const __m128i v_src_mult2 =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_dst_row, v_multiplier_fraction);
const __m128i frame_data = LoadLo8(dst + j);
const __m128i frame_data16 = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i v_dst_col = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src_mult2, v_dst_row);
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(v_dst_col, v_eight);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi16(a, 4);
const __m128i c = _mm_adds_epi16(frame_data16, b);
StoreLo8(dst + j, _mm_packus_epi16(c, c));
j += 8;
} while (j < tx_width);
dst += stride;
} while (++i < tx_height);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Identity8Row32_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
// When combining the identity8 multiplier with the row shift, the
// calculations for tx_height equal to 32 can be simplified from
// ((A * 2) + 2) >> 2) to ((A + 1) >> 1).
const __m128i v_row_multiplier = _mm_set1_epi16(1 << 14);
for (int h = 0; h < 4; ++h) {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&dst[h * step]);
const __m128i v_src_mult = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_row_multiplier);
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[h * step], v_src_mult);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Identity8Row4_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
for (int h = 0; h < 4; ++h) {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&dst[h * step]);
// For bitdepth == 8, the identity row clamps to a signed 16bit value, so
// saturating add here is ok.
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src, v_src);
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[h * step], a);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Identity8DcOnly(void* dest, int adjusted_tx_height,
bool should_round, int row_shift) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
const __m128i v_src0 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst[0]);
const __m128i v_mask = _mm_set1_epi16(should_round ? 0xffff : 0);
const __m128i v_kTransformRowMultiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kTransformRowMultiplier << 3);
const __m128i v_src_round =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src0, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
const __m128i v_src =
_mm_cvtepi16_epi32(_mm_blendv_epi8(v_src0, v_src_round, v_mask));
const __m128i v_srcx2 = _mm_add_epi32(v_src, v_src);
const __m128i v_row_shift_add = _mm_set1_epi32(row_shift);
const __m128i v_row_shift = _mm_cvtepu32_epi64(v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i a = _mm_add_epi32(v_srcx2, v_row_shift_add);
const __m128i b = _mm_sra_epi32(a, v_row_shift);
dst[0] = _mm_extract_epi16(_mm_packs_epi32(b, b), 0);
return true;
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Identity8ColumnStoreToFrame_SSE4_1(
Array2DView<uint8_t> frame, const int start_x, const int start_y,
const int tx_width, const int tx_height, const int16_t* source) {
const int stride = frame.columns();
uint8_t* dst = frame[start_y] + start_x;
const __m128i v_eight = _mm_set1_epi16(8);
if (tx_width == 4) {
int i = 0;
do {
const int row = i * tx_width;
const __m128i v_src = LoadLo8(&source[row]);
const __m128i v_dst_i = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src, v_src);
const __m128i frame_data = Load4(dst);
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(v_dst_i, v_eight);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi16(a, 4);
const __m128i c = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i d = _mm_adds_epi16(c, b);
Store4(dst, _mm_packus_epi16(d, d));
dst += stride;
} while (++i < tx_height);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
const int row = i * tx_width;
int j = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&source[row + j]);
const __m128i v_dst_i = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src, v_src);
const __m128i frame_data = LoadLo8(dst + j);
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(v_dst_i, v_eight);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi16(a, 4);
const __m128i c = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i d = _mm_adds_epi16(c, b);
StoreLo8(dst + j, _mm_packus_epi16(d, d));
j += 8;
} while (j < tx_width);
dst += stride;
} while (++i < tx_height);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Identity16Row_SSE4_1(void* dest, int32_t step,
int shift) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
const __m128i v_dual_round = _mm_set1_epi16((1 + (shift << 1)) << 11);
const __m128i v_multiplier_one =
_mm_set1_epi32((kIdentity16Multiplier << 16) | 0x0001);
const __m128i v_shift = _mm_set_epi64x(0, 12 + shift);
for (int h = 0; h < 4; ++h) {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&dst[h * step]);
const __m128i v_src2 = LoadUnaligned16(&dst[h * step + 8]);
const __m128i v_src_round0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(v_dual_round, v_src);
const __m128i v_src_round1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(v_dual_round, v_src);
const __m128i v_src2_round0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(v_dual_round, v_src2);
const __m128i v_src2_round1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(v_dual_round, v_src2);
const __m128i madd0 = _mm_madd_epi16(v_src_round0, v_multiplier_one);
const __m128i madd1 = _mm_madd_epi16(v_src_round1, v_multiplier_one);
const __m128i madd20 = _mm_madd_epi16(v_src2_round0, v_multiplier_one);
const __m128i madd21 = _mm_madd_epi16(v_src2_round1, v_multiplier_one);
const __m128i shift0 = _mm_sra_epi32(madd0, v_shift);
const __m128i shift1 = _mm_sra_epi32(madd1, v_shift);
const __m128i shift20 = _mm_sra_epi32(madd20, v_shift);
const __m128i shift21 = _mm_sra_epi32(madd21, v_shift);
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[h * step], _mm_packs_epi32(shift0, shift1));
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[h * step + 8], _mm_packs_epi32(shift20, shift21));
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Identity16DcOnly(void* dest, int adjusted_tx_height,
bool should_round, int shift) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
const __m128i v_src0 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst[0]);
const __m128i v_mask = _mm_set1_epi16(should_round ? 0xffff : 0);
const __m128i v_kTransformRowMultiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kTransformRowMultiplier << 3);
const __m128i v_src_round0 =
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src0, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
const __m128i v_src = _mm_blendv_epi8(v_src0, v_src_round0, v_mask);
const __m128i v_dual_round = _mm_set1_epi16((1 + (shift << 1)) << 11);
const __m128i v_multiplier_one =
_mm_set1_epi32((kIdentity16Multiplier << 16) | 0x0001);
const __m128i v_shift = _mm_set_epi64x(0, 12 + shift);
const __m128i v_src_round = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(v_dual_round, v_src);
const __m128i a = _mm_madd_epi16(v_src_round, v_multiplier_one);
const __m128i b = _mm_sra_epi32(a, v_shift);
dst[0] = _mm_extract_epi16(_mm_packs_epi32(b, b), 0);
return true;
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Identity16ColumnStoreToFrame_SSE4_1(
Array2DView<uint8_t> frame, const int start_x, const int start_y,
const int tx_width, const int tx_height, const int16_t* source) {
const int stride = frame.columns();
uint8_t* dst = frame[start_y] + start_x;
const __m128i v_eight = _mm_set1_epi16(8);
const __m128i v_multiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(static_cast<int16_t>(kIdentity4MultiplierFraction << 4));
if (tx_width == 4) {
int i = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_src = LoadLo8(&source[i * tx_width]);
const __m128i v_src_mult = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_multiplier);
const __m128i frame_data = Load4(dst);
const __m128i v_srcx2 = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src, v_src);
const __m128i v_dst_i = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src_mult, v_srcx2);
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(v_dst_i, v_eight);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi16(a, 4);
const __m128i c = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i d = _mm_adds_epi16(c, b);
Store4(dst, _mm_packus_epi16(d, d));
dst += stride;
} while (++i < tx_height);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
const int row = i * tx_width;
int j = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&source[row + j]);
const __m128i v_src_mult = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src, v_multiplier);
const __m128i frame_data = LoadLo8(dst + j);
const __m128i v_srcx2 = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src, v_src);
const __m128i v_dst_i = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src_mult, v_srcx2);
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(v_dst_i, v_eight);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi16(a, 4);
const __m128i c = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i d = _mm_adds_epi16(c, b);
StoreLo8(dst + j, _mm_packus_epi16(d, d));
j += 8;
} while (j < tx_width);
dst += stride;
} while (++i < tx_height);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Identity32Row16_SSE4_1(void* dest,
const int32_t step) {
auto* const dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
// When combining the identity32 multiplier with the row shift, the
// calculation for tx_height equal to 16 can be simplified from
// ((A * 4) + 1) >> 1) to (A * 2).
for (int h = 0; h < 4; ++h) {
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i += 8) {
const __m128i v_src = LoadUnaligned16(&dst[h * step + i]);
// For bitdepth == 8, the identity row clamps to a signed 16bit value, so
// saturating add here is ok.
const __m128i v_dst_i = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src, v_src);
StoreUnaligned16(&dst[h * step + i], v_dst_i);
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE bool Identity32DcOnly(void* dest,
int adjusted_tx_height) {
if (adjusted_tx_height > 1) return false;
auto* dst = static_cast<int16_t*>(dest);
const __m128i v_src0 = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(dst[0]);
const __m128i v_kTransformRowMultiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kTransformRowMultiplier << 3);
const __m128i v_src = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(v_src0, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
// When combining the identity32 multiplier with the row shift, the
// calculation for tx_height equal to 16 can be simplified from
// ((A * 4) + 1) >> 1) to (A * 2).
const __m128i v_dst_0 = _mm_adds_epi16(v_src, v_src);
dst[0] = _mm_extract_epi16(v_dst_0, 0);
return true;
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Identity32ColumnStoreToFrame(
Array2DView<uint8_t> frame, const int start_x, const int start_y,
const int tx_width, const int tx_height, const int16_t* source) {
const int stride = frame.columns();
uint8_t* dst = frame[start_y] + start_x;
const __m128i v_two = _mm_set1_epi16(2);
int i = 0;
do {
const int row = i * tx_width;
int j = 0;
do {
const __m128i v_dst_i = LoadUnaligned16(&source[row + j]);
const __m128i frame_data = LoadLo8(dst + j);
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(v_dst_i, v_two);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi16(a, 2);
const __m128i c = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i d = _mm_adds_epi16(c, b);
StoreLo8(dst + j, _mm_packus_epi16(d, d));
j += 8;
} while (j < tx_width);
dst += stride;
} while (++i < tx_height);
// Walsh Hadamard Transform.
// Process 4 wht4 rows and columns.
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void Wht4_SSE4_1(Array2DView<uint8_t> frame,
const int start_x, const int start_y,
const void* source,
const int adjusted_tx_height) {
const auto* const src = static_cast<const int16_t*>(source);
__m128i s[4], x[4];
if (adjusted_tx_height == 1) {
// Special case: only src[0] is nonzero.
// src[0] 0 0 0
// 0 0 0 0
// 0 0 0 0
// 0 0 0 0
// After the row and column transforms are applied, we have:
// f h h h
// g i i i
// g i i i
// g i i i
// where f, g, h, i are computed as follows.
int16_t f = (src[0] >> 2) - (src[0] >> 3);
const int16_t g = f >> 1;
f = f - (f >> 1);
const int16_t h = (src[0] >> 3) - (src[0] >> 4);
const int16_t i = (src[0] >> 4);
s[0] = _mm_set1_epi16(h);
s[0] = _mm_insert_epi16(s[0], f, 0);
s[1] = _mm_set1_epi16(i);
s[1] = _mm_insert_epi16(s[1], g, 0);
s[2] = s[3] = s[1];
} else {
x[0] = LoadLo8(&src[0 * 4]);
x[2] = LoadLo8(&src[1 * 4]);
x[3] = LoadLo8(&src[2 * 4]);
x[1] = LoadLo8(&src[3 * 4]);
// Row transforms.
Transpose4x4_U16(x, x);
s[0] = _mm_srai_epi16(x[0], 2);
s[2] = _mm_srai_epi16(x[1], 2);
s[3] = _mm_srai_epi16(x[2], 2);
s[1] = _mm_srai_epi16(x[3], 2);
s[0] = _mm_add_epi16(s[0], s[2]);
s[3] = _mm_sub_epi16(s[3], s[1]);
__m128i e = _mm_sub_epi16(s[0], s[3]);
e = _mm_srai_epi16(e, 1);
s[1] = _mm_sub_epi16(e, s[1]);
s[2] = _mm_sub_epi16(e, s[2]);
s[0] = _mm_sub_epi16(s[0], s[1]);
s[3] = _mm_add_epi16(s[3], s[2]);
Transpose4x4_U16(s, s);
// Column transforms.
s[0] = _mm_add_epi16(s[0], s[2]);
s[3] = _mm_sub_epi16(s[3], s[1]);
e = _mm_sub_epi16(s[0], s[3]);
e = _mm_srai_epi16(e, 1);
s[1] = _mm_sub_epi16(e, s[1]);
s[2] = _mm_sub_epi16(e, s[2]);
s[0] = _mm_sub_epi16(s[0], s[1]);
s[3] = _mm_add_epi16(s[3], s[2]);
// Store to frame.
const int stride = frame.columns();
uint8_t* dst = frame[start_y] + start_x;
for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
const __m128i frame_data = Load4(dst);
const __m128i a = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
// Saturate to prevent overflowing int16_t
const __m128i b = _mm_adds_epi16(a, s[row]);
Store4(dst, _mm_packus_epi16(b, b));
dst += stride;
// row/column transform loops
template <bool enable_flip_rows = false>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void StoreToFrameWithRound(
Array2DView<uint8_t> frame, const int start_x, const int start_y,
const int tx_width, const int tx_height, const int16_t* source,
TransformType tx_type) {
const bool flip_rows =
enable_flip_rows ? kTransformFlipRowsMask.Contains(tx_type) : false;
const __m128i v_eight = _mm_set1_epi16(8);
const int stride = frame.columns();
uint8_t* dst = frame[start_y] + start_x;
if (tx_width == 4) {
for (int i = 0; i < tx_height; ++i) {
const int row = flip_rows ? (tx_height - i - 1) * 4 : i * 4;
const __m128i residual = LoadLo8(&source[row]);
const __m128i frame_data = Load4(dst);
// Saturate to prevent overflowing int16_t
const __m128i a = _mm_adds_epi16(residual, v_eight);
const __m128i b = _mm_srai_epi16(a, 4);
const __m128i c = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i d = _mm_adds_epi16(c, b);
Store4(dst, _mm_packus_epi16(d, d));
dst += stride;
} else if (tx_width == 8) {
for (int i = 0; i < tx_height; ++i) {
const int row = flip_rows ? (tx_height - i - 1) * 8 : i * 8;
const __m128i residual = LoadUnaligned16(&source[row]);
const __m128i frame_data = LoadLo8(dst);
// Saturate to prevent overflowing int16_t
const __m128i b = _mm_adds_epi16(residual, v_eight);
const __m128i c = _mm_srai_epi16(b, 4);
const __m128i d = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i e = _mm_adds_epi16(d, c);
StoreLo8(dst, _mm_packus_epi16(e, e));
dst += stride;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < tx_height; ++i) {
const int y = start_y + i;
const int row = flip_rows ? (tx_height - i - 1) * tx_width : i * tx_width;
int j = 0;
do {
const int x = start_x + j;
const __m128i residual = LoadUnaligned16(&source[row + j]);
const __m128i residual_hi = LoadUnaligned16(&source[row + j + 8]);
const __m128i frame_data = LoadUnaligned16(frame[y] + x);
const __m128i b = _mm_adds_epi16(residual, v_eight);
const __m128i b_hi = _mm_adds_epi16(residual_hi, v_eight);
const __m128i c = _mm_srai_epi16(b, 4);
const __m128i c_hi = _mm_srai_epi16(b_hi, 4);
const __m128i d = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(frame_data);
const __m128i d_hi = _mm_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_srli_si128(frame_data, 8));
const __m128i e = _mm_adds_epi16(d, c);
const __m128i e_hi = _mm_adds_epi16(d_hi, c_hi);
StoreUnaligned16(frame[y] + x, _mm_packus_epi16(e, e_hi));
j += 16;
} while (j < tx_width);
template <int tx_height>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void FlipColumns(int16_t* source, int tx_width) {
const __m128i word_reverse_8 =
_mm_set_epi32(0x01000302, 0x05040706, 0x09080b0a, 0x0d0c0f0e);
if (tx_width >= 16) {
int i = 0;
do {
// read 16 shorts
const __m128i v3210 = LoadUnaligned16(&source[i]);
const __m128i v7654 = LoadUnaligned16(&source[i + 8]);
const __m128i v0123 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(v3210, word_reverse_8);
const __m128i v4567 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(v7654, word_reverse_8);
StoreUnaligned16(&source[i], v4567);
StoreUnaligned16(&source[i + 8], v0123);
i += 16;
} while (i < tx_width * tx_height);
} else if (tx_width == 8) {
for (int i = 0; i < 8 * tx_height; i += 8) {
const __m128i a = LoadUnaligned16(&source[i]);
const __m128i b = _mm_shuffle_epi8(a, word_reverse_8);
StoreUnaligned16(&source[i], b);
} else {
const __m128i dual_word_reverse_4 =
_mm_set_epi32(0x09080b0a, 0x0d0c0f0e, 0x01000302, 0x05040706);
// Process two rows per iteration.
for (int i = 0; i < 4 * tx_height; i += 8) {
const __m128i a = LoadUnaligned16(&source[i]);
const __m128i b = _mm_shuffle_epi8(a, dual_word_reverse_4);
StoreUnaligned16(&source[i], b);
template <int tx_width>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void ApplyRounding(int16_t* source, int num_rows) {
const __m128i v_kTransformRowMultiplier =
_mm_set1_epi16(kTransformRowMultiplier << 3);
if (tx_width == 4) {
// Process two rows per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
const __m128i a = LoadUnaligned16(&source[i]);
const __m128i b = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(a, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
StoreUnaligned16(&source[i], b);
i += 8;
} while (i < tx_width * num_rows);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
// The last 32 values of every row are always zero if the |tx_width| is
// 64.
const int non_zero_width = (tx_width < 64) ? tx_width : 32;
int j = 0;
do {
const __m128i a = LoadUnaligned16(&source[i * tx_width + j]);
const __m128i b = _mm_mulhrs_epi16(a, v_kTransformRowMultiplier);
StoreUnaligned16(&source[i * tx_width + j], b);
j += 8;
} while (j < non_zero_width);
} while (++i < num_rows);
template <int tx_width>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void RowShift(int16_t* source, int num_rows,
int row_shift) {
const __m128i v_row_shift_add = _mm_set1_epi16(row_shift);
const __m128i v_row_shift = _mm_cvtepu16_epi64(v_row_shift_add);
if (tx_width == 4) {
// Process two rows per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
const __m128i residual = LoadUnaligned16(&source[i]);
const __m128i shifted_residual =
ShiftResidual(residual, v_row_shift_add, v_row_shift);
StoreUnaligned16(&source[i], shifted_residual);
i += 8;
} while (i < tx_width * num_rows);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
for (int j = 0; j < tx_width; j += 8) {
const __m128i residual = LoadUnaligned16(&source[i * tx_width + j]);
const __m128i shifted_residual =
ShiftResidual(residual, v_row_shift_add, v_row_shift);
StoreUnaligned16(&source[i * tx_width + j], shifted_residual);
} while (++i < num_rows);
void Dct4TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size, int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int /*start_x*/,
int /*start_y*/, void* /*dst_frame*/) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_height = kTransformHeight[tx_size];
const bool should_round = (tx_height == 8);
const int row_shift = static_cast<int>(tx_height == 16);
if (DctDcOnly<4>(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, row_shift)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<4>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
if (adjusted_tx_height <= 4) {
// Process 4 1d dct4 rows in parallel.
Dct4_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_4, false>(src, /*step=*/4,
} else {
// Process 8 1d dct4 rows in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Dct4_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_8, true>(&src[i * 4], /*step=*/4,
i += 8;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
if (tx_height == 16) {
RowShift<4>(src, adjusted_tx_height, 1);
void Dct4TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int start_x, int start_y, void* dst_frame) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
if (kTransformFlipColumnsMask.Contains(tx_type)) {
FlipColumns<4>(src, tx_width);
if (!DctDcOnlyColumn<4>(src, adjusted_tx_height, tx_width)) {
if (tx_width == 4) {
// Process 4 1d dct4 columns in parallel.
Dct4_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_4, false>(src, tx_width,
} else {
// Process 8 1d dct4 columns in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Dct4_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_8, true>(&src[i], tx_width,
i += 8;
} while (i < tx_width);
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
StoreToFrameWithRound(frame, start_x, start_y, tx_width, 4, src, tx_type);
void Dct8TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size, int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int /*start_x*/,
int /*start_y*/, void* /*dst_frame*/) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const bool should_round = kShouldRound[tx_size];
const uint8_t row_shift = kTransformRowShift[tx_size];
if (DctDcOnly<8>(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, row_shift)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<8>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
if (adjusted_tx_height <= 4) {
// Process 4 1d dct8 rows in parallel.
Dct8_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_4, true>(src, /*step=*/8, /*transpose=*/true);
} else {
// Process 8 1d dct8 rows in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Dct8_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_8, false>(&src[i * 8], /*step=*/8,
i += 8;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
if (row_shift > 0) {
RowShift<8>(src, adjusted_tx_height, row_shift);
void Dct8TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int start_x, int start_y, void* dst_frame) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
if (kTransformFlipColumnsMask.Contains(tx_type)) {
FlipColumns<8>(src, tx_width);
if (!DctDcOnlyColumn<8>(src, adjusted_tx_height, tx_width)) {
if (tx_width == 4) {
// Process 4 1d dct8 columns in parallel.
Dct8_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_4, true>(src, 4, /*transpose=*/false);
} else {
// Process 8 1d dct8 columns in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Dct8_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_8, false>(&src[i], tx_width,
i += 8;
} while (i < tx_width);
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
StoreToFrameWithRound(frame, start_x, start_y, tx_width, 8, src, tx_type);
void Dct16TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size, int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int /*start_x*/,
int /*start_y*/, void* /*dst_frame*/) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const bool should_round = kShouldRound[tx_size];
const uint8_t row_shift = kTransformRowShift[tx_size];
if (DctDcOnly<16>(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, row_shift)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<16>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
if (adjusted_tx_height <= 4) {
// Process 4 1d dct16 rows in parallel.
Dct16_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_4, true>(src, 16, /*transpose=*/true);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
// Process 8 1d dct16 rows in parallel per iteration.
Dct16_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_8, false>(&src[i * 16], 16,
i += 8;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
// row_shift is always non zero here.
RowShift<16>(src, adjusted_tx_height, row_shift);
void Dct16TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int start_x, int start_y,
void* dst_frame) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
if (kTransformFlipColumnsMask.Contains(tx_type)) {
FlipColumns<16>(src, tx_width);
if (!DctDcOnlyColumn<16>(src, adjusted_tx_height, tx_width)) {
if (tx_width == 4) {
// Process 4 1d dct16 columns in parallel.
Dct16_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_4, true>(src, 4, /*transpose=*/false);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
// Process 8 1d dct16 columns in parallel per iteration.
Dct16_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_8, false>(&src[i], tx_width,
i += 8;
} while (i < tx_width);
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
StoreToFrameWithRound(frame, start_x, start_y, tx_width, 16, src, tx_type);
void Dct32TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size, int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int /*start_x*/,
int /*start_y*/, void* /*dst_frame*/) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const bool should_round = kShouldRound[tx_size];
const uint8_t row_shift = kTransformRowShift[tx_size];
if (DctDcOnly<32>(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, row_shift)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<32>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
// Process 8 1d dct32 rows in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Dct32_SSE4_1(&src[i * 32], 32, /*transpose=*/true);
i += 8;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
// row_shift is always non zero here.
RowShift<32>(src, adjusted_tx_height, row_shift);
void Dct32TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int start_x, int start_y,
void* dst_frame) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
if (!DctDcOnlyColumn<32>(src, adjusted_tx_height, tx_width)) {
// Process 8 1d dct32 columns in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Dct32_SSE4_1(&src[i], tx_width, /*transpose=*/false);
i += 8;
} while (i < tx_width);
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
StoreToFrameWithRound(frame, start_x, start_y, tx_width, 32, src, tx_type);
void Dct64TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size, int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int /*start_x*/,
int /*start_y*/, void* /*dst_frame*/) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const bool should_round = kShouldRound[tx_size];
const uint8_t row_shift = kTransformRowShift[tx_size];
if (DctDcOnly<64>(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, row_shift)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<64>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
// Process 8 1d dct64 rows in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Dct64_SSE4_1(&src[i * 64], 64, /*transpose=*/true);
i += 8;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
// row_shift is always non zero here.
RowShift<64>(src, adjusted_tx_height, row_shift);
void Dct64TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int start_x, int start_y,
void* dst_frame) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
if (!DctDcOnlyColumn<64>(src, adjusted_tx_height, tx_width)) {
// Process 8 1d dct64 columns in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Dct64_SSE4_1(&src[i], tx_width, /*transpose=*/false);
i += 8;
} while (i < tx_width);
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
StoreToFrameWithRound(frame, start_x, start_y, tx_width, 64, src, tx_type);
void Adst4TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size, int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int /*start_x*/,
int /*start_y*/, void* /*dst_frame*/) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_height = kTransformHeight[tx_size];
const int row_shift = static_cast<int>(tx_height == 16);
const bool should_round = (tx_height == 8);
if (Adst4DcOnly(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, row_shift)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<4>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
// Process 4 1d adst4 rows in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Adst4_SSE4_1<false>(&src[i * 4], /*step=*/4, /*transpose=*/true);
i += 4;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
if (row_shift != 0) {
RowShift<4>(src, adjusted_tx_height, 1);
void Adst4TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int start_x, int start_y,
void* dst_frame) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
if (kTransformFlipColumnsMask.Contains(tx_type)) {
FlipColumns<4>(src, tx_width);
if (!Adst4DcOnlyColumn(src, adjusted_tx_height, tx_width)) {
// Process 4 1d adst4 columns in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Adst4_SSE4_1<false>(&src[i], tx_width, /*transpose=*/false);
i += 4;
} while (i < tx_width);
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
StoreToFrameWithRound</*enable_flip_rows=*/true>(frame, start_x, start_y,
tx_width, 4, src, tx_type);
void Adst8TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size, int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int /*start_x*/,
int /*start_y*/, void* /*dst_frame*/) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const bool should_round = kShouldRound[tx_size];
const uint8_t row_shift = kTransformRowShift[tx_size];
if (Adst8DcOnly(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, row_shift)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<8>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
if (adjusted_tx_height <= 4) {
// Process 4 1d adst8 rows in parallel.
Adst8_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_4, true>(src, /*step=*/8,
} else {
// Process 8 1d adst8 rows in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Adst8_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_8, false>(&src[i * 8], /*step=*/8,
i += 8;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
if (row_shift > 0) {
RowShift<8>(src, adjusted_tx_height, row_shift);
void Adst8TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int start_x, int start_y,
void* dst_frame) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
if (kTransformFlipColumnsMask.Contains(tx_type)) {
FlipColumns<8>(src, tx_width);
if (!Adst8DcOnlyColumn(src, adjusted_tx_height, tx_width)) {
if (tx_width == 4) {
// Process 4 1d adst8 columns in parallel.
Adst8_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_4, true>(src, 4, /*transpose=*/false);
} else {
// Process 8 1d adst8 columns in parallel per iteration.
int i = 0;
do {
Adst8_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_8, false>(&src[i], tx_width,
i += 8;
} while (i < tx_width);
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
StoreToFrameWithRound</*enable_flip_rows=*/true>(frame, start_x, start_y,
tx_width, 8, src, tx_type);
void Adst16TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int /*start_x*/, int /*start_y*/,
void* /*dst_frame*/) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const bool should_round = kShouldRound[tx_size];
const uint8_t row_shift = kTransformRowShift[tx_size];
if (Adst16DcOnly(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, row_shift)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<16>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
if (adjusted_tx_height <= 4) {
// Process 4 1d adst16 rows in parallel.
Adst16_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_4, true>(src, 16, /*transpose=*/true);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
// Process 8 1d adst16 rows in parallel per iteration.
Adst16_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_8, false>(&src[i * 16], 16,
i += 8;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
// row_shift is always non zero here.
RowShift<16>(src, adjusted_tx_height, row_shift);
void Adst16TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int start_x, int start_y,
void* dst_frame) {
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
if (kTransformFlipColumnsMask.Contains(tx_type)) {
FlipColumns<16>(src, tx_width);
if (!Adst16DcOnlyColumn(src, adjusted_tx_height, tx_width)) {
if (tx_width == 4) {
// Process 4 1d adst16 columns in parallel.
Adst16_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_4, true>(src, 4, /*transpose=*/false);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
// Process 8 1d adst16 columns in parallel per iteration.
Adst16_SSE4_1<ButterflyRotation_8, false>(&src[i], tx_width,
i += 8;
} while (i < tx_width);
StoreToFrameWithRound</*enable_flip_rows=*/true>(frame, start_x, start_y,
tx_width, 16, src, tx_type);
void Identity4TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int /*start_x*/, int /*start_y*/,
void* /*dst_frame*/) {
// Special case: Process row calculations during column transform call.
// Improves performance.
if (tx_type == kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity &&
tx_size == kTransformSize4x4) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_height = kTransformHeight[tx_size];
const bool should_round = (tx_height == 8);
if (Identity4DcOnly(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, tx_height)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<4>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
if (tx_height < 16) {
int i = 0;
do {
Identity4_SSE4_1<false>(&src[i * 4], /*step=*/4);
i += 4;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
} else {
int i = 0;
do {
Identity4_SSE4_1<true>(&src[i * 4], /*step=*/4);
i += 4;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
void Identity4TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int start_x,
int start_y, void* dst_frame) {
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
// Special case: Process row calculations during column transform call.
if (tx_type == kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity &&
(tx_size == kTransformSize4x4 || tx_size == kTransformSize8x4)) {
Identity4RowColumnStoreToFrame(frame, start_x, start_y, tx_width,
adjusted_tx_height, src);
if (kTransformFlipColumnsMask.Contains(tx_type)) {
FlipColumns<4>(src, tx_width);
Identity4ColumnStoreToFrame(frame, start_x, start_y, tx_width,
adjusted_tx_height, src);
void Identity8TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int /*start_x*/, int /*start_y*/,
void* /*dst_frame*/) {
// Special case: Process row calculations during column transform call.
// Improves performance.
if (tx_type == kTransformTypeIdentityIdentity &&
tx_size == kTransformSize8x4) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_height = kTransformHeight[tx_size];
const bool should_round = kShouldRound[tx_size];
const uint8_t row_shift = kTransformRowShift[tx_size];
if (Identity8DcOnly(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, row_shift)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<8>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
// When combining the identity8 multiplier with the row shift, the
// calculations for tx_height == 8 and tx_height == 16 can be simplified
// from ((A * 2) + 1) >> 1) to A.
if ((tx_height & 0x18) != 0) {
if (tx_height == 32) {
int i = 0;
do {
Identity8Row32_SSE4_1(&src[i * 8], /*step=*/8);
i += 4;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
assert(tx_size == kTransformSize8x4);
int i = 0;
do {
Identity8Row4_SSE4_1(&src[i * 8], /*step=*/8);
i += 4;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
void Identity8TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int start_x,
int start_y, void* dst_frame) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
if (kTransformFlipColumnsMask.Contains(tx_type)) {
FlipColumns<8>(src, tx_width);
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
Identity8ColumnStoreToFrame_SSE4_1(frame, start_x, start_y, tx_width,
adjusted_tx_height, src);
void Identity16TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int /*start_x*/, int /*start_y*/,
void* /*dst_frame*/) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const bool should_round = kShouldRound[tx_size];
const uint8_t row_shift = kTransformRowShift[tx_size];
if (Identity16DcOnly(src, adjusted_tx_height, should_round, row_shift)) {
if (should_round) {
ApplyRounding<16>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
int i = 0;
do {
Identity16Row_SSE4_1(&src[i * 16], /*step=*/16,
i += 4;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
void Identity16TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int start_x,
int start_y, void* dst_frame) {
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
if (kTransformFlipColumnsMask.Contains(tx_type)) {
FlipColumns<16>(src, tx_width);
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
Identity16ColumnStoreToFrame_SSE4_1(frame, start_x, start_y, tx_width,
adjusted_tx_height, src);
void Identity32TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int /*start_x*/, int /*start_y*/,
void* /*dst_frame*/) {
const int tx_height = kTransformHeight[tx_size];
// When combining the identity32 multiplier with the row shift, the
// calculations for tx_height == 8 and tx_height == 32 can be simplified
// from ((A * 4) + 2) >> 2) to A.
if ((tx_height & 0x28) != 0) {
// Process kTransformSize32x16. The src is always rounded before the
// identity transform and shifted by 1 afterwards.
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
if (Identity32DcOnly(src, adjusted_tx_height)) {
assert(tx_size == kTransformSize32x16);
ApplyRounding<32>(src, adjusted_tx_height);
int i = 0;
do {
Identity32Row16_SSE4_1(&src[i * 32], /*step=*/32);
i += 4;
} while (i < adjusted_tx_height);
void Identity32TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType /*tx_type*/,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height,
void* src_buffer, int start_x,
int start_y, void* dst_frame) {
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
const int tx_width = kTransformWidth[tx_size];
Identity32ColumnStoreToFrame(frame, start_x, start_y, tx_width,
adjusted_tx_height, src);
void Wht4TransformLoopRow_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type, TransformSize tx_size,
int /*adjusted_tx_height*/,
void* /*src_buffer*/, int /*start_x*/,
int /*start_y*/, void* /*dst_frame*/) {
assert(tx_type == kTransformTypeDctDct);
assert(tx_size == kTransformSize4x4);
// Do both row and column transforms in the column-transform pass.
void Wht4TransformLoopColumn_SSE4_1(TransformType tx_type,
TransformSize tx_size,
int adjusted_tx_height, void* src_buffer,
int start_x, int start_y, void* dst_frame) {
assert(tx_type == kTransformTypeDctDct);
assert(tx_size == kTransformSize4x4);
// Do both row and column transforms in the column-transform pass.
// Process 4 1d wht4 rows and columns in parallel.
const auto* src = static_cast<int16_t*>(src_buffer);
auto& frame = *static_cast<Array2DView<uint8_t>*>(dst_frame);
Wht4_SSE4_1(frame, start_x, start_y, src, adjusted_tx_height);
void Init8bpp() {
Dsp* const dsp = dsp_internal::GetWritableDspTable(kBitdepth8);
assert(dsp != nullptr);
// Maximum transform size for Dct is 64.
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize4_1DTransformDct)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformDct][k1DTransformSize4][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformDct][k1DTransformSize4][kColumn] =
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize8_1DTransformDct)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformDct][k1DTransformSize8][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformDct][k1DTransformSize8][kColumn] =
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize16_1DTransformDct)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformDct][k1DTransformSize16][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformDct][k1DTransformSize16][kColumn] =
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize32_1DTransformDct)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformDct][k1DTransformSize32][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformDct][k1DTransformSize32][kColumn] =
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize64_1DTransformDct)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformDct][k1DTransformSize64][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformDct][k1DTransformSize64][kColumn] =
// Maximum transform size for Adst is 16.
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize4_1DTransformAdst)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformAdst][k1DTransformSize4][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformAdst][k1DTransformSize4][kColumn] =
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize8_1DTransformAdst)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformAdst][k1DTransformSize8][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformAdst][k1DTransformSize8][kColumn] =
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize16_1DTransformAdst)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformAdst][k1DTransformSize16][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformAdst][k1DTransformSize16][kColumn] =
// Maximum transform size for Identity transform is 32.
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize4_1DTransformIdentity)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformIdentity][k1DTransformSize4][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformIdentity][k1DTransformSize4][kColumn] =
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize8_1DTransformIdentity)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformIdentity][k1DTransformSize8][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformIdentity][k1DTransformSize8][kColumn] =
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize16_1DTransformIdentity)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformIdentity][k1DTransformSize16][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformIdentity][k1DTransformSize16][kColumn] =
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize32_1DTransformIdentity)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformIdentity][k1DTransformSize32][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformIdentity][k1DTransformSize32][kColumn] =
// Maximum transform size for Wht is 4.
#if DSP_ENABLED_8BPP_SSE4_1(1DTransformSize4_1DTransformWht)
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformWht][k1DTransformSize4][kRow] =
dsp->inverse_transforms[k1DTransformWht][k1DTransformSize4][kColumn] =
} // namespace
} // namespace low_bitdepth
void InverseTransformInit_SSE4_1() { low_bitdepth::Init8bpp(); }
} // namespace dsp
} // namespace libgav1
namespace libgav1 {
namespace dsp {
void InverseTransformInit_SSE4_1() {}
} // namespace dsp
} // namespace libgav1