blob: 46f262fb04ab6da766068d608be9914a299937a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/warp_prediction.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include "absl/base/macros.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/obu_parser.h"
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
#include "src/utils/types.h"
#include "tests/third_party/libvpx/acm_random.h"
namespace libgav1 {
namespace {
constexpr int16_t kExpectedWarpParamsOutput[10][4] = {
{0, 0, 0, 0},
{2880, 2880, 2752, 2752},
{-1408, -1408, -1472, -1472},
{0, 0, 0, 0},
{6784, 6784, 6144, 6144}, // Invalid.
{-5312, -5312, -5824, -5824},
{-3904, -3904, -4160, -4160},
{2496, 2496, 2368, 2368},
{1024, 1024, 1024, 1024},
{-7808, -7808, -8832, -8832}, // Invalid.
constexpr bool kExpectedWarpValid[10] = {
true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, false,
int RandomWarpedParam(int seed_offset, int bits) {
libvpx_test::ACMRandom rnd(seed_offset +
// 1 in 8 chance of generating zero (arbitrary).
const bool zero = (rnd.Rand16() & 7) == 0;
if (zero) return 0;
// Generate uniform values in the range [-(1 << bits), 1] U [1, 1 << bits].
const int mask = (1 << bits) - 1;
const int value = 1 + (rnd.RandRange(1U << 31) & mask);
const bool sign = (rnd.Rand16() & 1) != 0;
return sign ? value : -value;
void GenerateWarpedModel(GlobalMotion* warp_params, int seed) {
do {
warp_params->params[0] =
RandomWarpedParam(seed, kWarpedModelPrecisionBits + 6);
warp_params->params[1] =
RandomWarpedParam(seed, kWarpedModelPrecisionBits + 6);
warp_params->params[2] =
RandomWarpedParam(seed, kWarpedModelPrecisionBits - 3) +
(1 << kWarpedModelPrecisionBits);
warp_params->params[3] =
RandomWarpedParam(seed, kWarpedModelPrecisionBits - 3);
warp_params->params[4] =
RandomWarpedParam(seed, kWarpedModelPrecisionBits - 3);
warp_params->params[5] =
RandomWarpedParam(seed, kWarpedModelPrecisionBits - 3) +
(1 << kWarpedModelPrecisionBits);
} while (warp_params->params[2] == 0);
TEST(WarpPredictionTest, SetupShear) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(kExpectedWarpParamsOutput); ++i) {
GlobalMotion warp_params;
GenerateWarpedModel(&warp_params, static_cast<int>(i));
const bool warp_valid = SetupShear(&warp_params);
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() << "Test failure at iteration: " << i);
EXPECT_EQ(warp_valid, kExpectedWarpValid[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(warp_params.alpha, kExpectedWarpParamsOutput[i][0]);
EXPECT_EQ(warp_params.beta, kExpectedWarpParamsOutput[i][1]);
EXPECT_EQ(warp_params.gamma, kExpectedWarpParamsOutput[i][2]);
EXPECT_EQ(, kExpectedWarpParamsOutput[i][3]);
// Test signed shift behavior in delta and gamma generation.
GlobalMotion warp_params;
warp_params.params[0] = 24748;
warp_params.params[1] = -142530;
warp_params.params[2] = 65516;
warp_params.params[3] = -640;
warp_params.params[4] = 256;
warp_params.params[5] = 65310;
EXPECT_EQ(warp_params.alpha, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(warp_params.beta, -640);
EXPECT_EQ(warp_params.gamma, 256);
EXPECT_EQ(, -192);
warp_params.params[0] = 24748;
warp_params.params[1] = -142530;
warp_params.params[2] = 61760;
warp_params.params[3] = -640;
warp_params.params[4] = -13312;
warp_params.params[5] = 65310;
EXPECT_EQ(warp_params.alpha, -3776);
EXPECT_EQ(warp_params.beta, -640);
EXPECT_EQ(warp_params.gamma, -14144);
EXPECT_EQ(, -384);
struct WarpInputParam {
WarpInputParam(int num_samples, int block_width4x4, int block_height4x4)
: num_samples(num_samples),
block_height4x4(block_height4x4) {}
int num_samples;
int block_width4x4;
int block_height4x4;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const WarpInputParam& param) {
return os << "num_samples: " << param.num_samples
<< ", block_(width/height)4x4: " << param.block_width4x4 << "x"
<< param.block_height4x4;
const WarpInputParam warp_test_param[] = {
// sample = 1.
WarpInputParam(1, 1, 1),
WarpInputParam(1, 1, 2),
WarpInputParam(1, 2, 1),
WarpInputParam(1, 2, 2),
WarpInputParam(1, 2, 4),
WarpInputParam(1, 4, 2),
WarpInputParam(1, 4, 4),
WarpInputParam(1, 4, 8),
WarpInputParam(1, 8, 4),
WarpInputParam(1, 8, 8),
WarpInputParam(1, 8, 16),
WarpInputParam(1, 16, 8),
WarpInputParam(1, 16, 16),
WarpInputParam(1, 16, 32),
WarpInputParam(1, 32, 16),
WarpInputParam(1, 32, 32),
// sample = 8.
WarpInputParam(8, 1, 1),
WarpInputParam(8, 1, 2),
WarpInputParam(8, 2, 1),
WarpInputParam(8, 2, 2),
WarpInputParam(8, 2, 4),
WarpInputParam(8, 4, 2),
WarpInputParam(8, 4, 4),
WarpInputParam(8, 4, 8),
WarpInputParam(8, 8, 4),
WarpInputParam(8, 8, 8),
WarpInputParam(8, 8, 16),
WarpInputParam(8, 16, 8),
WarpInputParam(8, 16, 16),
WarpInputParam(8, 16, 32),
WarpInputParam(8, 32, 16),
WarpInputParam(8, 32, 32),
constexpr bool kExpectedWarpEstimationValid[2] = {false, true};
constexpr int kExpectedWarpEstimationOutput[16][6] = {
{8388607, 8388607, 57345, -8191, -8191, 57345},
{8388607, 8388607, 57345, -8191, -8191, 57345},
{8388607, 8388607, 57345, -8191, -8191, 57345},
{8388607, 8388607, 57345, -8191, -8191, 57345},
{8388607, 8388607, 57345, -8191, -8191, 57345},
{8388607, 8388607, 57345, -8191, -8191, 57345},
{8388607, 8388607, 57345, -8191, -8191, 57345},
{8388607, 8388607, 57345, -8191, -8191, 57345},
{8388607, 8388607, 57345, -8191, -8191, 57345},
{8388607, 8388607, 57345, -8191, -8191, 57345},
{2146296, 1589240, 57345, 8191, -8191, 73727},
{1753128, 1196072, 73727, -8191, 8191, 57345},
{-8388608, -8388608, 73727, 8191, 8191, 73727},
{-4435485, -8388608, 65260, 8191, 8191, 73727},
{-8388608, -7552929, 73727, 8191, 8191, 68240},
{-8388608, -8388608, 73727, 8191, 8191, 70800},
class WarpEstimationTest : public testing::TestWithParam<WarpInputParam> {
WarpEstimationTest() = default;
~WarpEstimationTest() override = default;
WarpInputParam param_ = GetParam();
TEST_P(WarpEstimationTest, WarpEstimation) {
// Set input params.
libvpx_test::ACMRandom rnd(libvpx_test::ACMRandom::DeterministicSeed());
const int row4x4 = rnd.Rand8();
const int column4x4 = rnd.Rand8();
MotionVector mv;[0] = rnd.Rand8();[1] = rnd.Rand8();
int candidates[kMaxLeastSquaresSamples][4];
for (int i = 0; i < param_.num_samples; ++i) {
// Make candidates relative to the top left of frame.
candidates[i][0] = rnd.Rand8() + MultiplyBy32(row4x4);
candidates[i][1] = rnd.Rand8() + MultiplyBy32(column4x4);
candidates[i][2] = rnd.Rand8() + MultiplyBy32(row4x4);
candidates[i][3] = rnd.Rand8() + MultiplyBy32(column4x4);
// Get output.
GlobalMotion warp_params;
const bool warp_success = WarpEstimation(
param_.num_samples, param_.block_width4x4, param_.block_height4x4, row4x4,
column4x4, mv, candidates, &warp_params);
if (param_.num_samples == 1) {
EXPECT_EQ(warp_success, kExpectedWarpEstimationValid[0]);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(warp_success, kExpectedWarpEstimationValid[1]);
int index = FloorLog2(param_.block_width4x4) * 3 - 1;
if (param_.block_width4x4 == param_.block_height4x4) {
index += 1;
} else if (param_.block_width4x4 < param_.block_height4x4) {
index += 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ABSL_ARRAYSIZE(warp_params.params); ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(warp_params.params[i], kExpectedWarpEstimationOutput[index][i]);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(WarpFuncTest, WarpEstimationTest,
} // namespace
} // namespace libgav1