blob: 3d0cf4c6b9b93ffc607142759292c1970378621e [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cassert>
#include <utility>
namespace libgav1 {
// A LIFO stack of a fixed capacity. The elements are moved using std::move, so
// the element type T has to be movable.
// WARNING: No error checking is performed.
template <typename T, int capacity>
class Stack {
// Pushes the element |value| to the top of the stack. It is an error to call
// Push() when the stack is full.
void Push(T value) {
assert(top_ < capacity);
elements_[top_] = std::move(value);
// Returns the element at the top of the stack and removes it from the stack.
// It is an error to call Pop() when the stack is empty.
T Pop() {
assert(top_ >= 0);
return std::move(elements_[top_--]);
// Returns true if the stack is empty.
bool Empty() const { return top_ < 0; }
static_assert(capacity > 0, "");
T elements_[capacity];
// The array index of the top of the stack. The stack is empty if top_ is -1.
int top_ = -1;
} // namespace libgav1