blob: 8415d5141ef586909f424d72f9edd15692a9fe2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/dsp/intrapred_cfl.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/time/clock.h"
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/dsp/constants.h"
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h"
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/compiler_attributes.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
#include "src/utils/cpu.h"
#include "src/utils/memory.h"
#include "tests/block_utils.h"
#include "tests/third_party/libvpx/acm_random.h"
#include "tests/utils.h"
namespace libgav1 {
namespace dsp {
namespace {
constexpr int kMaxBlockSize = 64;
constexpr int kTotalPixels = kMaxBlockSize * kMaxBlockSize;
const char* const kCflIntraPredName = "kCflIntraPredictor";
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
class IntraPredTestBase : public testing::TestWithParam<TransformSize>,
public test_utils::MaxAlignedAllocable {
static_assert(bitdepth >= kBitdepth8 && bitdepth <= LIBGAV1_MAX_BITDEPTH, "");
IntraPredTestBase() {
switch (tx_size_) {
case kNumTransformSizes:
EXPECT_NE(tx_size_, kNumTransformSizes);
block_width_ = kTransformWidth[tx_size_];
block_height_ = kTransformHeight[tx_size_];
IntraPredTestBase(const IntraPredTestBase&) = delete;
IntraPredTestBase& operator=(const IntraPredTestBase&) = delete;
~IntraPredTestBase() override = default;
struct IntraPredMem {
void Reset(libvpx_test::ACMRandom* rnd) {
ASSERT_NE(rnd, nullptr);
Pixel* const left = left_mem + 16;
Pixel* const top = top_mem + 16;
const int mask = (1 << bitdepth) - 1;
for (auto& r : ref_src) r = rnd->Rand16() & mask;
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxBlockSize; ++i) left[i] = rnd->Rand16() & mask;
for (int i = -1; i < kMaxBlockSize; ++i) top[i] = rnd->Rand16() & mask;
// Some directional predictors require top-right, bottom-left.
for (int i = kMaxBlockSize; i < 2 * kMaxBlockSize; ++i) {
left[i] = rnd->Rand16() & mask;
top[i] = rnd->Rand16() & mask;
// TODO(jzern): reorder this and regenerate the digests after switching
// random number generators.
// Upsampling in the directional predictors extends left/top[-1] to [-2].
left[-1] = rnd->Rand16() & mask;
left[-2] = rnd->Rand16() & mask;
top[-2] = rnd->Rand16() & mask;
memset(left_mem, 0, sizeof(left_mem[0]) * 14);
memset(top_mem, 0, sizeof(top_mem[0]) * 14);
memset(top_mem + kMaxBlockSize * 2 + 16, 0,
sizeof(top_mem[0]) * kTopMemPadding);
// Set ref_src, top-left, top and left to |pixel|.
void Set(const Pixel pixel) {
Pixel* const left = left_mem + 16;
Pixel* const top = top_mem + 16;
for (auto& r : ref_src) r = pixel;
// Upsampling in the directional predictors extends left/top[-1] to [-2].
for (int i = -2; i < 2 * kMaxBlockSize; ++i) {
left[i] = top[i] = pixel;
// DirectionalZone1_Large() overreads up to 7 pixels in |top_mem|.
static constexpr int kTopMemPadding = 7;
alignas(kMaxAlignment) Pixel dst[kTotalPixels];
alignas(kMaxAlignment) Pixel ref_src[kTotalPixels];
alignas(kMaxAlignment) Pixel left_mem[kMaxBlockSize * 2 + 16];
kMaxAlignment) Pixel top_mem[kMaxBlockSize * 2 + 16 + kTopMemPadding];
void SetUp() override { test_utils::ResetDspTable(bitdepth); }
const TransformSize tx_size_ = GetParam();
int block_width_;
int block_height_;
IntraPredMem intra_pred_mem_;
// CflIntraPredTest
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
class CflIntraPredTest : public IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel> {
static_assert(bitdepth >= kBitdepth8 && bitdepth <= LIBGAV1_MAX_BITDEPTH, "");
CflIntraPredTest() = default;
CflIntraPredTest(const CflIntraPredTest&) = delete;
CflIntraPredTest& operator=(const CflIntraPredTest&) = delete;
~CflIntraPredTest() override = default;
using IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel>::tx_size_;
using IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel>::block_width_;
using IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel>::block_height_;
using IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel>::intra_pred_mem_;
void SetUp() override {
IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel>::SetUp();
const Dsp* const dsp = GetDspTable(bitdepth);
ASSERT_NE(dsp, nullptr);
base_cfl_intra_pred_ = dsp->cfl_intra_predictors[tx_size_];
const testing::TestInfo* const test_info =
const char* const test_case = test_info->test_suite_name();
if (absl::StartsWith(test_case, "C/")) {
base_cfl_intra_pred_ = nullptr;
} else if (absl::StartsWith(test_case, "NEON/")) {
} else if (absl::StartsWith(test_case, "SSE41/")) {
if ((GetCpuInfo() & kSSE4_1) != 0) {
} else {
FAIL() << "Unrecognized architecture prefix in test case name: "
<< test_case;
cur_cfl_intra_pred_ = dsp->cfl_intra_predictors[tx_size_];
if (cur_cfl_intra_pred_ == base_cfl_intra_pred_) {
cur_cfl_intra_pred_ = nullptr;
// This test modifies intra_pred_mem_.
void TestSpeed(const char* digest, int num_runs);
void TestSaturatedValues();
void TestRandomValues();
CflIntraPredictorFunc base_cfl_intra_pred_;
CflIntraPredictorFunc cur_cfl_intra_pred_;
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
void CflIntraPredTest<bitdepth, Pixel>::TestSpeed(const char* const digest,
const int num_runs) {
if (cur_cfl_intra_pred_ == nullptr) return;
libvpx_test::ACMRandom rnd(libvpx_test::ACMRandom::DeterministicSeed());
int16_t luma[kCflLumaBufferStride][kCflLumaBufferStride] = {};
const int alpha = rnd(33) - 16;
const int dc = rnd(1 << bitdepth);
const int max_luma = ((1 << bitdepth) - 1) << 3;
for (int i = 0; i < block_height_; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < block_width_; ++j) {
if (i < kCflLumaBufferStride && j < kCflLumaBufferStride) {
luma[i][j] = max_luma - rnd(max_luma << 1);
for (auto& r : intra_pred_mem_.ref_src) r = dc;
absl::Duration elapsed_time;
for (int run = 0; run < num_runs; ++run) {
const ptrdiff_t stride = kMaxBlockSize * sizeof(Pixel);
memcpy(intra_pred_mem_.dst, intra_pred_mem_.ref_src,
const absl::Time start = absl::Now();
cur_cfl_intra_pred_(intra_pred_mem_.dst, stride, luma, alpha);
elapsed_time += absl::Now() - start;
test_utils::CheckMd5Digest(ToString(tx_size_), kCflIntraPredName, digest,
intra_pred_mem_.dst, sizeof(intra_pred_mem_.dst),
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
void CflIntraPredTest<bitdepth, Pixel>::TestSaturatedValues() {
// Skip the 'C' test case as this is used as the reference.
if (base_cfl_intra_pred_ == nullptr) return;
int16_t luma_buffer[kCflLumaBufferStride][kCflLumaBufferStride];
for (auto& line : luma_buffer) {
for (auto& luma : line) luma = ((1 << bitdepth) - 1) << 3;
libvpx_test::ACMRandom rnd(libvpx_test::ACMRandom::DeterministicSeed());
static constexpr int kSaturatedAlpha[] = {-16, 16};
for (const int alpha : kSaturatedAlpha) {
for (auto& r : intra_pred_mem_.ref_src) r = (1 << bitdepth) - 1;
memcpy(intra_pred_mem_.dst, intra_pred_mem_.ref_src,
const ptrdiff_t stride = kMaxBlockSize * sizeof(Pixel);
base_cfl_intra_pred_(intra_pred_mem_.ref_src, stride, luma_buffer, alpha);
cur_cfl_intra_pred_(intra_pred_mem_.dst, stride, luma_buffer, alpha);
if (!test_utils::CompareBlocks(intra_pred_mem_.dst, intra_pred_mem_.ref_src,
block_width_, block_height_, kMaxBlockSize,
kMaxBlockSize, true)) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Result from optimized version of CFL with alpha "
<< alpha << " differs from reference.";
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
void CflIntraPredTest<bitdepth, Pixel>::TestRandomValues() {
// Skip the 'C' test case as this is used as the reference.
if (base_cfl_intra_pred_ == nullptr) return;
int16_t luma_buffer[kCflLumaBufferStride][kCflLumaBufferStride];
const int max_luma = ((1 << bitdepth) - 1) << 3;
// Use an alternate seed to differentiate this test from TestSpeed().
libvpx_test::ACMRandom rnd(test_utils::kAlternateDeterministicSeed);
for (auto& line : luma_buffer) {
for (auto& luma : line) luma = max_luma - rnd(max_luma << 1);
const int dc = rnd(1 << bitdepth);
for (auto& r : intra_pred_mem_.ref_src) r = dc;
static constexpr int kSaturatedAlpha[] = {-16, 16};
for (const int alpha : kSaturatedAlpha) {
memcpy(intra_pred_mem_.dst, intra_pred_mem_.ref_src,
const ptrdiff_t stride = kMaxBlockSize * sizeof(Pixel);
base_cfl_intra_pred_(intra_pred_mem_.ref_src, stride, luma_buffer, alpha);
cur_cfl_intra_pred_(intra_pred_mem_.dst, stride, luma_buffer, alpha);
if (!test_utils::CompareBlocks(intra_pred_mem_.dst, intra_pred_mem_.ref_src,
block_width_, block_height_, kMaxBlockSize,
kMaxBlockSize, true)) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Result from optimized version of CFL with alpha "
<< alpha << " differs from reference.";
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel, SubsamplingType subsampling_type>
class CflSubsamplerTest : public IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel> {
static_assert(bitdepth >= kBitdepth8 && bitdepth <= LIBGAV1_MAX_BITDEPTH, "");
CflSubsamplerTest() = default;
CflSubsamplerTest(const CflSubsamplerTest&) = delete;
CflSubsamplerTest& operator=(const CflSubsamplerTest&) = delete;
~CflSubsamplerTest() override = default;
using IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel>::tx_size_;
using IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel>::block_width_;
using IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel>::block_height_;
using IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel>::intra_pred_mem_;
void SetUp() override {
IntraPredTestBase<bitdepth, Pixel>::SetUp();
const Dsp* const dsp = GetDspTable(bitdepth);
ASSERT_NE(dsp, nullptr);
base_cfl_subsampler_ = dsp->cfl_subsamplers[tx_size_][subsampling_type];
const testing::TestInfo* const test_info =
const char* const test_case = test_info->test_suite_name();
if (absl::StartsWith(test_case, "C/")) {
base_cfl_subsampler_ = nullptr;
} else if (absl::StartsWith(test_case, "NEON/")) {
} else if (absl::StartsWith(test_case, "SSE41/")) {
if ((GetCpuInfo() & kSSE4_1) != 0) {
} else {
FAIL() << "Unrecognized architecture prefix in test case name: "
<< test_case;
cur_cfl_subsampler_ = dsp->cfl_subsamplers[tx_size_][subsampling_type];
// This test modifies intra_pred_mem_.
void TestSpeed(const char* digest, int num_runs);
void TestSaturatedValues();
void TestRandomValues();
enum SubsamplingType SubsamplingType() const { return subsampling_type; }
CflSubsamplerFunc base_cfl_subsampler_;
CflSubsamplerFunc cur_cfl_subsampler_;
// There is no case where both source and output have lowest height or width
// when that dimension is subsampled.
int GetLumaWidth(int block_width, SubsamplingType subsampling_type) {
if (block_width == 4) {
const int width_shift =
static_cast<int>(subsampling_type != kSubsamplingType444);
return block_width << width_shift;
return block_width;
int GetLumaHeight(int block_height, SubsamplingType subsampling_type) {
if (block_height == 4) {
const int height_shift =
static_cast<int>(subsampling_type == kSubsamplingType420);
return block_height << height_shift;
return block_height;
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel, SubsamplingType subsampling_type>
void CflSubsamplerTest<bitdepth, Pixel, subsampling_type>::TestSpeed(
const char* const digest, const int num_runs) {
// C declines initializing the table in normal circumstances because there are
// assembly implementations.
if (cur_cfl_subsampler_ == nullptr) return;
libvpx_test::ACMRandom rnd(libvpx_test::ACMRandom::DeterministicSeed());
const int width = GetLumaWidth(block_width_, subsampling_type);
const int height = GetLumaHeight(block_height_, subsampling_type);
Pixel* src = intra_pred_mem_.ref_src;
// Quiet 10bpp CflSubsampler420_NEON() msan warning.
memset(src, 0, sizeof(intra_pred_mem_.ref_src));
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
src[j] = rnd.RandRange(1 << bitdepth);
src += kMaxBlockSize;
const absl::Time start = absl::Now();
int16_t luma[kCflLumaBufferStride][kCflLumaBufferStride] = {};
const ptrdiff_t stride = kMaxBlockSize * sizeof(Pixel);
for (int run = 0; run < num_runs; ++run) {
cur_cfl_subsampler_(luma, width, height, intra_pred_mem_.ref_src, stride);
const absl::Duration elapsed_time = absl::Now() - start;
test_utils::CheckMd5Digest(ToString(tx_size_), kCflIntraPredName, digest,
luma, sizeof(luma), elapsed_time);
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel, SubsamplingType subsampling_type>
void CflSubsamplerTest<bitdepth, Pixel,
subsampling_type>::TestSaturatedValues() {
if (base_cfl_subsampler_ == nullptr) return;
const ptrdiff_t stride = kMaxBlockSize * sizeof(Pixel);
for (int width = GetLumaWidth(block_width_, subsampling_type); width > 0;
width -= 8) {
for (int height = GetLumaHeight(block_height_, subsampling_type);
height > 0; height -= 8) {
Pixel* src = intra_pred_mem_.ref_src;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
Memset(src, (1 << bitdepth) - 1, width);
Memset(src + width, 0, kMaxBlockSize - width);
src += kMaxBlockSize;
Memset(intra_pred_mem_.ref_src + kMaxBlockSize * height, 0,
kMaxBlockSize * (kMaxBlockSize - height));
int16_t luma_base[kCflLumaBufferStride][kCflLumaBufferStride] = {};
int16_t luma_cur[kCflLumaBufferStride][kCflLumaBufferStride] = {};
base_cfl_subsampler_(luma_base, width, height, intra_pred_mem_.ref_src,
cur_cfl_subsampler_(luma_cur, width, height, intra_pred_mem_.ref_src,
if (!test_utils::CompareBlocks(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(luma_cur[0]),
block_width_, block_height_,
kCflLumaBufferStride, kCflLumaBufferStride,
true)) {
FAIL() << "Result from optimized version of CFL subsampler"
<< " differs from reference. max_luma_width: " << width
<< " max_luma_height: " << height;
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel, SubsamplingType subsampling_type>
void CflSubsamplerTest<bitdepth, Pixel, subsampling_type>::TestRandomValues() {
if (base_cfl_subsampler_ == nullptr) return;
const ptrdiff_t stride = kMaxBlockSize * sizeof(Pixel);
// Use an alternate seed to differentiate this test from TestSpeed().
libvpx_test::ACMRandom rnd(test_utils::kAlternateDeterministicSeed);
for (int width = GetLumaWidth(block_width_, subsampling_type); width > 0;
width -= 8) {
for (int height = GetLumaHeight(block_height_, subsampling_type);
height > 0; height -= 8) {
Pixel* src = intra_pred_mem_.ref_src;
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
src[j] = rnd.RandRange(1 << bitdepth);
Memset(src + width, 0, kMaxBlockSize - width);
src += kMaxBlockSize;
Memset(intra_pred_mem_.ref_src + kMaxBlockSize * height, 0,
kMaxBlockSize * (kMaxBlockSize - height));
int16_t luma_base[kCflLumaBufferStride][kCflLumaBufferStride] = {};
int16_t luma_cur[kCflLumaBufferStride][kCflLumaBufferStride] = {};
base_cfl_subsampler_(luma_base, width, height, intra_pred_mem_.ref_src,
cur_cfl_subsampler_(luma_cur, width, height, intra_pred_mem_.ref_src,
if (!test_utils::CompareBlocks(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(luma_cur[0]),
block_width_, block_height_,
kCflLumaBufferStride, kCflLumaBufferStride,
true)) {
FAIL() << "Result from optimized version of CFL subsampler"
<< " differs from reference. max_luma_width: " << width
<< " max_luma_height: " << height;
using CflIntraPredTest8bpp = CflIntraPredTest<8, uint8_t>;
const char* GetCflIntraPredDigest8bpp(TransformSize tx_size) {
static const char* const kDigest4x4 = "9ea7088e082867fd5ae394ca549fe1ed";
static const char* const kDigest4x8 = "323b0b4784b6658da781398e61f2da3d";
static const char* const kDigest4x16 = "99eb9c65f227ca7f71dcac24645a4fec";
static const char* const kDigest8x4 = "e8e782e31c94f3974b87b93d455262d8";
static const char* const kDigest8x8 = "23ab9fb65e7bbbdb985709e115115eb5";
static const char* const kDigest8x16 = "52f5add2fc4bbb2ff893148645e95b9c";
static const char* const kDigest8x32 = "283fdee9af8afdb76f72dd7339c92c3c";
static const char* const kDigest16x4 = "eead35f515b1aa8b5175b283192b86e6";
static const char* const kDigest16x8 = "5778e934254eaab04230bc370f64f778";
static const char* const kDigest16x16 = "4e8ed38ccba0d62f1213171da2212ed3";
static const char* const kDigest16x32 = "61a29bd7699e18ca6ea5641d1d023bfd";
static const char* const kDigest32x8 = "7f31607bd4f9ec879aa47f4daf9c7bb0";
static const char* const kDigest32x16 = "eb84dfab900fa6a90e132b186b4c6c36";
static const char* const kDigest32x32 = "e0ff35d407cb214578d61ef419c94237";
switch (tx_size) {
case kTransformSize4x4:
return kDigest4x4;
case kTransformSize4x8:
return kDigest4x8;
case kTransformSize4x16:
return kDigest4x16;
case kTransformSize8x4:
return kDigest8x4;
case kTransformSize8x8:
return kDigest8x8;
case kTransformSize8x16:
return kDigest8x16;
case kTransformSize8x32:
return kDigest8x32;
case kTransformSize16x4:
return kDigest16x4;
case kTransformSize16x8:
return kDigest16x8;
case kTransformSize16x16:
return kDigest16x16;
case kTransformSize16x32:
return kDigest16x32;
case kTransformSize32x8:
return kDigest32x8;
case kTransformSize32x16:
return kDigest32x16;
case kTransformSize32x32:
return kDigest32x32;
ADD_FAILURE() << "Unknown transform size: " << tx_size;
return nullptr;
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest8bpp, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflIntraPredDigest8bpp(tx_size_), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest8bpp, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflIntraPredDigest8bpp(tx_size_), 1);
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest8bpp, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest8bpp, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
using CflSubsamplerTest8bpp444 =
CflSubsamplerTest<8, uint8_t, kSubsamplingType444>;
using CflSubsamplerTest8bpp422 =
CflSubsamplerTest<8, uint8_t, kSubsamplingType422>;
using CflSubsamplerTest8bpp420 =
CflSubsamplerTest<8, uint8_t, kSubsamplingType420>;
const char* GetCflSubsamplerDigest8bpp(TransformSize tx_size,
SubsamplingType subsampling_type) {
static const char* const kDigests4x4[3] = {
"a8fa98d76cc3ccffcffc0d02dfae052c", "929cf2c23d926b500616797f8b1baf5b",
static const char* const kDigests4x8[3] = {
"717b84f867f413c87c90a7c5d0125c8c", "6ccd9f48842b1a802e128b46b8f4885d",
static const char* const kDigests4x16[3] = {
"ecd1340b7e065dd8807fd9861abb7d99", "042c3fee17df7ef8fb8cef616f212a91",
static const char* const kDigests8x4[3] = {
"4ea5617f4ed8e9edc2fff88d0ab8e53f", "b02288905f218c9f54ce4a472ec7b22e",
static const char* const kDigests8x8[3] = {
"a0488493e6bcdb868713a95f9b4a0091", "ff6c1ac1d94fce63c282ba49186529bf",
static const char* const kDigests8x16[3] = {
"e01dd4bb21daaa6e991cd5b1e6f30300", "2a1b13f932e39cc5f561afea9956f47a",
static const char* const kDigests8x32[3] = {
"0fc95e4ab798b95ccd2966ff75028b03", "6bc6e45ef2f664134449342fe76006ff",
static const char* const kDigests16x4[3] = {
"4798c2cf649b786bd153ad88353d52aa", "43a4bfa3b8caf4b72f58c6a1d1054f64",
static const char* const kDigests16x8[3] = {
"736b7f5b603cb34abcbe1b7e69b6ce93", "90422000ab20ecb519e4d277a9b3ea2b",
static const char* const kDigests16x16[3] = {
"4f15a694966ee50a9e987e9a0aa2423b", "9e31e2f5a7ce7bef738b135755e25dcd",
static const char* const kDigests16x32[3] = {
"3a10438bfe17ea39efad20608a0520eb", "79e8e8732a6ffc29dfbb0b3fc29c2883",
static const char* const kDigests32x8[3] = {
"683704f08839a15e42603e4977a3e815", "13d311635372aee8998fca1758e75e20",
static const char* const kDigests32x16[3] = {
"14b6761bf9f1156cf2496f532512aa99", "ee57bb7f0aa2302d29cdc1bfce72d5fc",
static const char* const kDigests32x32[3] = {
"dcfbe71b70a37418ccb90dbf27f04226", "c578556a584019c1bdc2d0c3b9fd0c88",
switch (tx_size) {
case kTransformSize4x4:
return kDigests4x4[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize4x8:
return kDigests4x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize4x16:
return kDigests4x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x4:
return kDigests8x4[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x8:
return kDigests8x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x16:
return kDigests8x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x32:
return kDigests8x32[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x4:
return kDigests16x4[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x8:
return kDigests16x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x16:
return kDigests16x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x32:
return kDigests16x32[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize32x8:
return kDigests32x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize32x16:
return kDigests32x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize32x32:
return kDigests32x32[subsampling_type];
ADD_FAILURE() << "Unknown transform size: " << tx_size;
return nullptr;
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp444, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest8bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp444, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest8bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), 1);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp444, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp444, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp422, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest8bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp422, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest8bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), 1);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp422, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp422, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp420, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest8bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp420, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest8bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), 1);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp420, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest8bpp420, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
using CflIntraPredTest10bpp = CflIntraPredTest<10, uint16_t>;
const char* GetCflIntraPredDigest10bpp(TransformSize tx_size) {
static const char* const kDigest4x4 = "b4ca5f6fbb643a94eb05d59976d44c5d";
static const char* const kDigest4x8 = "040139b76ee22af05c56baf887d3d43b";
static const char* const kDigest4x16 = "4a1d59ace84ff07e68a0d30e9b1cebdd";
static const char* const kDigest8x4 = "c2c149cea5fdcd18bfe5c19ec2a8aa90";
static const char* const kDigest8x8 = "68ad90bd6f409548fa5551496b7cb0d0";
static const char* const kDigest8x16 = "bdc54eff4de8c5d597b03afaa705d3fe";
static const char* const kDigest8x32 = "362aebc6d68ff0d312d55dcd6a8a927d";
static const char* const kDigest16x4 = "349e813aedd211581c5e64ba1938eaa7";
static const char* const kDigest16x8 = "35c64f6da17f836618b5804185cf3eef";
static const char* const kDigest16x16 = "95be0c78dbd8dda793c62c6635b4bfb7";
static const char* const kDigest16x32 = "4752b9eda069854d3f5c56d3f2057e79";
static const char* const kDigest32x8 = "dafc5e973e4b6a55861f4586a11b7dd1";
static const char* const kDigest32x16 = "1e177ed3914a165183916aca1d01bb74";
static const char* const kDigest32x32 = "4c9ab3cf9baa27bb34e29729dabc1ea6";
switch (tx_size) {
case kTransformSize4x4:
return kDigest4x4;
case kTransformSize4x8:
return kDigest4x8;
case kTransformSize4x16:
return kDigest4x16;
case kTransformSize8x4:
return kDigest8x4;
case kTransformSize8x8:
return kDigest8x8;
case kTransformSize8x16:
return kDigest8x16;
case kTransformSize8x32:
return kDigest8x32;
case kTransformSize16x4:
return kDigest16x4;
case kTransformSize16x8:
return kDigest16x8;
case kTransformSize16x16:
return kDigest16x16;
case kTransformSize16x32:
return kDigest16x32;
case kTransformSize32x8:
return kDigest32x8;
case kTransformSize32x16:
return kDigest32x16;
case kTransformSize32x32:
return kDigest32x32;
ADD_FAILURE() << "Unknown transform size: " << tx_size;
return nullptr;
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest10bpp, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflIntraPredDigest10bpp(tx_size_), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest10bpp, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflIntraPredDigest10bpp(tx_size_), 1);
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest10bpp, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest10bpp, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
using CflSubsamplerTest10bpp444 =
CflSubsamplerTest<10, uint16_t, kSubsamplingType444>;
using CflSubsamplerTest10bpp422 =
CflSubsamplerTest<10, uint16_t, kSubsamplingType422>;
using CflSubsamplerTest10bpp420 =
CflSubsamplerTest<10, uint16_t, kSubsamplingType420>;
const char* GetCflSubsamplerDigest10bpp(TransformSize tx_size,
SubsamplingType subsampling_type) {
static const char* const kDigests4x4[3] = {
"a8abcad9a6c9b046a100689135a108cb", "01081c2a0d0c15dabdbc725be5660451",
static const char* const kDigests4x8[3] = {
"d1fd8cd0709ca6634ad85f3e331672e1", "0d603fcc910aca3db41fc7f64e826c27",
static const char* const kDigests4x16[3] = {
"ce2e036a950388a564d8637b1416a6c6", "6c36c46cd72057a6b36bc12188b6d22c",
static const char* const kDigests8x4[3] = {
"174e961983ed71fb105ed71aa3f9daf5", "330946cc369a534618a1014b4e3f6f18",
static const char* const kDigests8x8[3] = {
"86884feb35217010f73ccdbadecb635e", "b8cbc646e1bf1352e5b4b599eaef1193",
static const char* const kDigests8x16[3] = {
"a694c4e1f89648ffb49efd6a1d35b300", "864b9da67d23a2f8284b28b2a1e5aa30",
static const char* const kDigests8x32[3] = {
"60c42201bc24e518c1a3b3b6306d8125", "4d530e47c2b7555d5f311ee910d61842",
static const char* const kDigests16x4[3] = {
"6b6d5ae4cc294c070ce65ab31c5a7d4f", "0fbecee20d294939e7a0183c2b4a0b96",
static const char* const kDigests16x8[3] = {
"688c41726d9ac35fb5b18c57bca76b9c", "d439a2e0a60d672b644cd1189e2858b9",
static const char* const kDigests16x16[3] = {
"feb2bad9f6bb3f60eaeaf6c1bfd89ca5", "d65cabce5fcd9a29d1dfc530e4764f3a",
static const char* const kDigests16x32[3] = {
"6f23b1851444d29633e62ce77bf09559", "4a449fd078bd0c9657cdc24b709c0796",
static const char* const kDigests32x8[3] = {
"77bf9ba56f7e1d2f04068a8a00b139da", "a85a1dea82963dedab9a2f7ad4169b5f",
static const char* const kDigests32x16[3] = {
"cce3422f7f8cf57145f979359ac92f98", "1c18738d40bfa91296e5fdb7230bf9a7",
static const char* const kDigests32x32[3] = {
"789008e49d0276de186af968196dd4a7", "b8848b00968a7ba4787765b7214da05f",
switch (tx_size) {
case kTransformSize4x4:
return kDigests4x4[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize4x8:
return kDigests4x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize4x16:
return kDigests4x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x4:
return kDigests8x4[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x8:
return kDigests8x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x16:
return kDigests8x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x32:
return kDigests8x32[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x4:
return kDigests16x4[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x8:
return kDigests16x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x16:
return kDigests16x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x32:
return kDigests16x32[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize32x8:
return kDigests32x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize32x16:
return kDigests32x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize32x32:
return kDigests32x32[subsampling_type];
ADD_FAILURE() << "Unknown transform size: " << tx_size;
return nullptr;
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp444, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest10bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp444, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest10bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), 1);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp444, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp444, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp422, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest10bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp422, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest10bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), 1);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp422, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp422, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp420, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest10bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp420, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest10bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), 1);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp420, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest10bpp420, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
#endif // LIBGAV1_MAX_BITDEPTH >= 10
using CflIntraPredTest12bpp = CflIntraPredTest<12, uint16_t>;
const char* GetCflIntraPredDigest12bpp(TransformSize tx_size) {
static const char* const kDigest4x4 = "1d92a681a58f99396f22acd8b3154e2b";
static const char* const kDigest4x8 = "cf6833ebc64c9ae45f192ee384ef4aa3";
static const char* const kDigest4x16 = "06a4fbb8590aca98a045c902ed15c777";
static const char* const kDigest8x4 = "ad5944c7455f731ae8dd28b2b25a1b9f";
static const char* const kDigest8x8 = "c19621e42ca2bc184d5065131d27be2c";
static const char* const kDigest8x16 = "8faa7c95e8c3c18621168ed6759c1ac1";
static const char* const kDigest8x32 = "502699ef7a8c7aebc8c3bc653e733703";
static const char* const kDigest16x4 = "7f30bb038217967336fb8548a6f7df45";
static const char* const kDigest16x8 = "b70943098d0fb256c2943e2ebdbe6d34";
static const char* const kDigest16x16 = "4c34f5669880ab78d648b16b68ea0c24";
static const char* const kDigest16x32 = "5d85daf690020ed235617870a1a179b1";
static const char* const kDigest32x8 = "f8eec12e58c469ffb698fc60b13b927c";
static const char* const kDigest32x16 = "f272bb7e5d2df333aa63d806c95e6748";
static const char* const kDigest32x32 = "c737987c0a5414b03e6014f145dd999c";
switch (tx_size) {
case kTransformSize4x4:
return kDigest4x4;
case kTransformSize4x8:
return kDigest4x8;
case kTransformSize4x16:
return kDigest4x16;
case kTransformSize8x4:
return kDigest8x4;
case kTransformSize8x8:
return kDigest8x8;
case kTransformSize8x16:
return kDigest8x16;
case kTransformSize8x32:
return kDigest8x32;
case kTransformSize16x4:
return kDigest16x4;
case kTransformSize16x8:
return kDigest16x8;
case kTransformSize16x16:
return kDigest16x16;
case kTransformSize16x32:
return kDigest16x32;
case kTransformSize32x8:
return kDigest32x8;
case kTransformSize32x16:
return kDigest32x16;
case kTransformSize32x32:
return kDigest32x32;
ADD_FAILURE() << "Unknown transform size: " << tx_size;
return nullptr;
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest12bpp, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflIntraPredDigest12bpp(tx_size_), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest12bpp, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflIntraPredDigest12bpp(tx_size_), 1);
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest12bpp, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflIntraPredTest12bpp, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
using CflSubsamplerTest12bpp444 =
CflSubsamplerTest<12, uint16_t, kSubsamplingType444>;
using CflSubsamplerTest12bpp422 =
CflSubsamplerTest<12, uint16_t, kSubsamplingType422>;
using CflSubsamplerTest12bpp420 =
CflSubsamplerTest<12, uint16_t, kSubsamplingType420>;
const char* GetCflSubsamplerDigest12bpp(TransformSize tx_size,
SubsamplingType subsampling_type) {
static const char* const kDigests4x4[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests4x8[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests4x16[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests8x4[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests8x8[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests8x16[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests8x32[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests16x4[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests16x8[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests16x16[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests16x32[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests32x8[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests32x16[3] = {
static const char* const kDigests32x32[3] = {
switch (tx_size) {
case kTransformSize4x4:
return kDigests4x4[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize4x8:
return kDigests4x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize4x16:
return kDigests4x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x4:
return kDigests8x4[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x8:
return kDigests8x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x16:
return kDigests8x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize8x32:
return kDigests8x32[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x4:
return kDigests16x4[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x8:
return kDigests16x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x16:
return kDigests16x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize16x32:
return kDigests16x32[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize32x8:
return kDigests32x8[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize32x16:
return kDigests32x16[subsampling_type];
case kTransformSize32x32:
return kDigests32x32[subsampling_type];
ADD_FAILURE() << "Unknown transform size: " << tx_size;
return nullptr;
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp444, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest12bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp444, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest12bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), 1);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp444, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp444, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp422, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest12bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp422, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest12bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), 1);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp422, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp422, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp420, DISABLED_Speed) {
const auto num_runs =
static_cast<int>(2.0e9 / (block_width_ * block_height_));
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest12bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), num_runs);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp420, FixedInput) {
TestSpeed(GetCflSubsamplerDigest12bpp(tx_size_, SubsamplingType()), 1);
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp420, Overflow) { TestSaturatedValues(); }
TEST_P(CflSubsamplerTest12bpp420, Random) { TestRandomValues(); }
#endif // LIBGAV1_MAX_BITDEPTH == 12
// Cfl predictors are available only for transform sizes with
// max(width, height) <= 32.
constexpr TransformSize kTransformSizesSmallerThan32x32[] = {
kTransformSize4x4, kTransformSize4x8, kTransformSize4x16,
kTransformSize8x4, kTransformSize8x8, kTransformSize8x16,
kTransformSize8x32, kTransformSize16x4, kTransformSize16x8,
kTransformSize16x16, kTransformSize16x32, kTransformSize32x8,
kTransformSize32x16, kTransformSize32x32};
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(C, CflSubsamplerTest8bpp444,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(C, CflSubsamplerTest8bpp422,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(C, CflSubsamplerTest8bpp420,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SSE41, CflSubsamplerTest8bpp444,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SSE41, CflSubsamplerTest8bpp420,
#endif // LIBGAV1_ENABLE_SSE4_1
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(NEON, CflSubsamplerTest8bpp444,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(NEON, CflSubsamplerTest8bpp420,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(C, CflSubsamplerTest10bpp444,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(C, CflSubsamplerTest10bpp422,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(C, CflSubsamplerTest10bpp420,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SSE41, CflSubsamplerTest10bpp444,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SSE41, CflSubsamplerTest10bpp420,
#endif // LIBGAV1_ENABLE_SSE4_1
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(NEON, CflSubsamplerTest10bpp444,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(NEON, CflSubsamplerTest10bpp420,
#endif // LIBGAV1_MAX_BITDEPTH >= 10
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(C, CflSubsamplerTest12bpp444,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(C, CflSubsamplerTest12bpp422,
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(C, CflSubsamplerTest12bpp420,
#endif // LIBGAV1_MAX_BITDEPTH == 12
} // namespace
} // namespace dsp
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TransformSize tx_size) {
return os << ToString(tx_size);
} // namespace libgav1