blob: 906230da16efef4be669aefcab2f81f2c0320789 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/dsp/film_grain.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include "src/dsp/constants.h"
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h"
#include "src/dsp/film_grain_common.h"
#include "src/utils/array_2d.h"
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/compiler_attributes.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
#include "src/utils/memory.h"
#include "src/utils/types.h"
namespace libgav1 {
namespace dsp {
namespace film_grain {
namespace {
template <int bitdepth>
void InitializeScalingLookupTable_C(int num_points, const uint8_t point_value[],
const uint8_t point_scaling[],
int16_t* scaling_lut,
const int scaling_lut_length) {
if (num_points == 0) {
memset(scaling_lut, 0, sizeof(scaling_lut[0]) * scaling_lut_length);
constexpr int index_shift = (bitdepth == kBitdepth10) ? 2 : 0;
static_assert(sizeof(scaling_lut[0]) == 2, "");
Memset(scaling_lut, point_scaling[0],
std::max(static_cast<int>(point_value[0]), 1) << index_shift);
for (int i = 0; i < num_points - 1; ++i) {
const int delta_y = point_scaling[i + 1] - point_scaling[i];
const int delta_x = point_value[i + 1] - point_value[i];
const int delta = delta_y * ((65536 + (delta_x >> 1)) / delta_x);
for (int x = 0; x < delta_x; ++x) {
const int v = point_scaling[i] + ((x * delta + 32768) >> 16);
assert(v >= 0 && v <= UINT8_MAX);
const int lut_index = (point_value[i] + x) << index_shift;
scaling_lut[lut_index] = v;
const int16_t last_point_value = point_value[num_points - 1];
const int x_base = last_point_value << index_shift;
Memset(&scaling_lut[x_base], point_scaling[num_points - 1],
scaling_lut_length - x_base);
// Fill in the gaps.
if (bitdepth == kBitdepth10) {
for (int x = 4; x < x_base + 4; x += 4) {
const int start = scaling_lut[x - 4];
const int end = scaling_lut[x];
const int delta = end - start;
scaling_lut[x - 3] = start + RightShiftWithRounding(delta, 2);
scaling_lut[x - 2] = start + RightShiftWithRounding(2 * delta, 2);
scaling_lut[x - 1] = start + RightShiftWithRounding(3 * delta, 2);
// Section
template <int bitdepth>
int ScaleLut(const int16_t* scaling_lut, int index) {
if (bitdepth <= kBitdepth10) {
assert(index < kScalingLookupTableSize << (bitdepth - 2));
return scaling_lut[index];
// Performs a piecewise linear interpolation into the scaling table.
const int shift = bitdepth - kBitdepth8;
const int quotient = index >> shift;
const int remainder = index - (quotient << shift);
assert(quotient + 1 < kScalingLookupTableSize);
const int start = scaling_lut[quotient];
const int end = scaling_lut[quotient + 1];
return start + RightShiftWithRounding((end - start) * remainder, shift);
// Applies an auto-regressive filter to the white noise in luma_grain.
template <int bitdepth, typename GrainType>
void ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C(const FilmGrainParams& params,
void* luma_grain_buffer) {
auto* luma_grain = static_cast<GrainType*>(luma_grain_buffer);
const int grain_min = GetGrainMin<bitdepth>();
const int grain_max = GetGrainMax<bitdepth>();
const int auto_regression_coeff_lag = params.auto_regression_coeff_lag;
assert(auto_regression_coeff_lag > 0 && auto_regression_coeff_lag <= 3);
// A pictorial representation of the auto-regressive filter for various values
// of auto_regression_coeff_lag. The letter 'O' represents the current sample.
// (The filter always operates on the current sample with filter
// coefficient 1.) The letters 'X' represent the neighboring samples that the
// filter operates on.
// auto_regression_coeff_lag == 3:
// X X X X X X X
// X X X X X X X
// X X X X X X X
// X X X O
// auto_regression_coeff_lag == 2:
// X X X X X
// X X X X X
// X X O
// auto_regression_coeff_lag == 1:
// X X X
// X O
// auto_regression_coeff_lag == 0:
// O
// Note that if auto_regression_coeff_lag is 0, the filter is the identity
// filter and therefore can be skipped. This implementation assumes it is not
// called in that case.
const int shift = params.auto_regression_shift;
for (int y = kAutoRegressionBorder; y < kLumaHeight; ++y) {
for (int x = kAutoRegressionBorder; x < kLumaWidth - kAutoRegressionBorder;
++x) {
int sum = 0;
int pos = 0;
int delta_row = -auto_regression_coeff_lag;
// The last iteration (delta_row == 0) is shorter and is handled
// separately.
do {
int delta_column = -auto_regression_coeff_lag;
do {
const int coeff = params.auto_regression_coeff_y[pos];
sum += luma_grain[(y + delta_row) * kLumaWidth + (x + delta_column)] *
} while (++delta_column <= auto_regression_coeff_lag);
} while (++delta_row < 0);
// Last iteration: delta_row == 0.
int delta_column = -auto_regression_coeff_lag;
do {
const int coeff = params.auto_regression_coeff_y[pos];
sum += luma_grain[y * kLumaWidth + (x + delta_column)] * coeff;
} while (++delta_column < 0);
luma_grain[y * kLumaWidth + x] = Clip3(
luma_grain[y * kLumaWidth + x] + RightShiftWithRounding(sum, shift),
grain_min, grain_max);
template <int bitdepth, typename GrainType, int auto_regression_coeff_lag,
bool use_luma>
void ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C(
const FilmGrainParams& params,
const void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT luma_grain_buffer, int subsampling_x,
int subsampling_y, void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT u_grain_buffer,
void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT v_grain_buffer) {
auto_regression_coeff_lag >= 0 && auto_regression_coeff_lag <= 3,
"Unsupported autoregression lag for chroma.");
const auto* luma_grain = static_cast<const GrainType*>(luma_grain_buffer);
const int grain_min = GetGrainMin<bitdepth>();
const int grain_max = GetGrainMax<bitdepth>();
auto* u_grain = static_cast<GrainType*>(u_grain_buffer);
auto* v_grain = static_cast<GrainType*>(v_grain_buffer);
const int shift = params.auto_regression_shift;
const int chroma_height =
(subsampling_y == 0) ? kMaxChromaHeight : kMinChromaHeight;
const int chroma_width =
(subsampling_x == 0) ? kMaxChromaWidth : kMinChromaWidth;
for (int y = kAutoRegressionBorder; y < chroma_height; ++y) {
const int luma_y =
((y - kAutoRegressionBorder) << subsampling_y) + kAutoRegressionBorder;
for (int x = kAutoRegressionBorder;
x < chroma_width - kAutoRegressionBorder; ++x) {
int sum_u = 0;
int sum_v = 0;
int pos = 0;
int delta_row = -auto_regression_coeff_lag;
do {
int delta_column = -auto_regression_coeff_lag;
do {
if (delta_row == 0 && delta_column == 0) {
const int coeff_u = params.auto_regression_coeff_u[pos];
const int coeff_v = params.auto_regression_coeff_v[pos];
sum_u +=
u_grain[(y + delta_row) * chroma_width + (x + delta_column)] *
sum_v +=
v_grain[(y + delta_row) * chroma_width + (x + delta_column)] *
} while (++delta_column <= auto_regression_coeff_lag);
} while (++delta_row <= 0);
if (use_luma) {
int luma = 0;
const int luma_x = ((x - kAutoRegressionBorder) << subsampling_x) +
int i = 0;
do {
int j = 0;
do {
luma += luma_grain[(luma_y + i) * kLumaWidth + (luma_x + j)];
} while (++j <= subsampling_x);
} while (++i <= subsampling_y);
luma = SubsampledValue(luma, subsampling_x + subsampling_y);
const int coeff_u = params.auto_regression_coeff_u[pos];
const int coeff_v = params.auto_regression_coeff_v[pos];
sum_u += luma * coeff_u;
sum_v += luma * coeff_v;
u_grain[y * chroma_width + x] = Clip3(
u_grain[y * chroma_width + x] + RightShiftWithRounding(sum_u, shift),
grain_min, grain_max);
v_grain[y * chroma_width + x] = Clip3(
v_grain[y * chroma_width + x] + RightShiftWithRounding(sum_v, shift),
grain_min, grain_max);
// This implementation is for the condition overlap_flag == false.
template <int bitdepth, typename GrainType>
void ConstructNoiseStripes_C(const void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT grain_buffer,
int grain_seed, int width, int height,
int subsampling_x, int subsampling_y,
void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT noise_stripes_buffer) {
auto* noise_stripes =
const auto* grain = static_cast<const GrainType*>(grain_buffer);
const int half_width = DivideBy2(width + 1);
const int half_height = DivideBy2(height + 1);
assert(half_width > 0);
assert(half_height > 0);
static_assert(kLumaWidth == kMaxChromaWidth,
"kLumaWidth width should be equal to kMaxChromaWidth");
const int grain_width =
(subsampling_x == 0) ? kMaxChromaWidth : kMinChromaWidth;
const int plane_width = (width + subsampling_x) >> subsampling_x;
constexpr int kNoiseStripeHeight = 34;
int luma_num = 0;
int y = 0;
do {
GrainType* const noise_stripe = (*noise_stripes)[luma_num];
uint16_t seed = grain_seed;
seed ^= ((luma_num * 37 + 178) & 255) << 8;
seed ^= ((luma_num * 173 + 105) & 255);
int x = 0;
do {
const int rand = GetFilmGrainRandomNumber(8, &seed);
const int offset_x = rand >> 4;
const int offset_y = rand & 15;
const int plane_offset_x =
(subsampling_x != 0) ? 6 + offset_x : 9 + offset_x * 2;
const int plane_offset_y =
(subsampling_y != 0) ? 6 + offset_y : 9 + offset_y * 2;
int i = 0;
do {
// Section says:
// noiseStripe[ lumaNum ][ 0 ] is 34 samples high and w samples
// wide (a few additional samples across are actually written to
// the array, but these are never read) ...
// Note: The warning in the parentheses also applies to
// noiseStripe[ lumaNum ][ 1 ] and noiseStripe[ lumaNum ][ 2 ].
// Writes beyond the width of each row could happen below. To
// prevent those writes, we clip the number of pixels to copy against
// the remaining width.
const int copy_size =
std::min(kNoiseStripeHeight >> subsampling_x,
plane_width - (x << (1 - subsampling_x)));
memcpy(&noise_stripe[i * plane_width + (x << (1 - subsampling_x))],
&grain[(plane_offset_y + i) * grain_width + plane_offset_x],
copy_size * sizeof(noise_stripe[0]));
} while (++i < (kNoiseStripeHeight >> subsampling_y));
x += 16;
} while (x < half_width);
y += 16;
} while (y < half_height);
// This implementation is for the condition overlap_flag == true.
template <int bitdepth, typename GrainType>
void ConstructNoiseStripesWithOverlap_C(
const void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT grain_buffer, int grain_seed, int width,
int height, int subsampling_x, int subsampling_y,
void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT noise_stripes_buffer) {
auto* noise_stripes =
const auto* grain = static_cast<const GrainType*>(grain_buffer);
const int half_width = DivideBy2(width + 1);
const int half_height = DivideBy2(height + 1);
assert(half_width > 0);
assert(half_height > 0);
static_assert(kLumaWidth == kMaxChromaWidth,
"kLumaWidth width should be equal to kMaxChromaWidth");
const int grain_width =
(subsampling_x == 0) ? kMaxChromaWidth : kMinChromaWidth;
const int plane_width = (width + subsampling_x) >> subsampling_x;
constexpr int kNoiseStripeHeight = 34;
int luma_num = 0;
int y = 0;
do {
GrainType* const noise_stripe = (*noise_stripes)[luma_num];
uint16_t seed = grain_seed;
seed ^= ((luma_num * 37 + 178) & 255) << 8;
seed ^= ((luma_num * 173 + 105) & 255);
// Begin special iteration for x == 0.
const int rand = GetFilmGrainRandomNumber(8, &seed);
const int offset_x = rand >> 4;
const int offset_y = rand & 15;
const int plane_offset_x =
(subsampling_x != 0) ? 6 + offset_x : 9 + offset_x * 2;
const int plane_offset_y =
(subsampling_y != 0) ? 6 + offset_y : 9 + offset_y * 2;
// The overlap computation only occurs when x > 0, so it is omitted here.
int i = 0;
do {
const int copy_size =
std::min(kNoiseStripeHeight >> subsampling_x, plane_width);
memcpy(&noise_stripe[i * plane_width],
&grain[(plane_offset_y + i) * grain_width + plane_offset_x],
copy_size * sizeof(noise_stripe[0]));
} while (++i < (kNoiseStripeHeight >> subsampling_y));
// End special iteration for x == 0.
for (int x = 16; x < half_width; x += 16) {
const int rand = GetFilmGrainRandomNumber(8, &seed);
const int offset_x = rand >> 4;
const int offset_y = rand & 15;
const int plane_offset_x =
(subsampling_x != 0) ? 6 + offset_x : 9 + offset_x * 2;
const int plane_offset_y =
(subsampling_y != 0) ? 6 + offset_y : 9 + offset_y * 2;
int i = 0;
do {
int j = 0;
int grain_sample =
grain[(plane_offset_y + i) * grain_width + plane_offset_x];
// The first pixel(s) of each segment of the noise_stripe are subject to
// the "overlap" computation.
if (subsampling_x == 0) {
// Corresponds to the line in the spec:
// if (j < 2 && x > 0)
// j = 0
int old = noise_stripe[i * plane_width + x * 2];
grain_sample = old * 27 + grain_sample * 17;
grain_sample =
Clip3(RightShiftWithRounding(grain_sample, 5),
GetGrainMin<bitdepth>(), GetGrainMax<bitdepth>());
noise_stripe[i * plane_width + x * 2] = grain_sample;
// This check prevents overwriting for the iteration j = 1. The
// continue applies to the i-loop.
if (x * 2 + 1 >= plane_width) continue;
// j = 1
grain_sample =
grain[(plane_offset_y + i) * grain_width + plane_offset_x + 1];
old = noise_stripe[i * plane_width + x * 2 + 1];
grain_sample = old * 17 + grain_sample * 27;
grain_sample =
Clip3(RightShiftWithRounding(grain_sample, 5),
GetGrainMin<bitdepth>(), GetGrainMax<bitdepth>());
noise_stripe[i * plane_width + x * 2 + 1] = grain_sample;
j = 2;
} else {
// Corresponds to the line in the spec:
// if (j == 0 && x > 0)
const int old = noise_stripe[i * plane_width + x];
grain_sample = old * 23 + grain_sample * 22;
grain_sample =
Clip3(RightShiftWithRounding(grain_sample, 5),
GetGrainMin<bitdepth>(), GetGrainMax<bitdepth>());
noise_stripe[i * plane_width + x] = grain_sample;
j = 1;
// The following covers the rest of the loop over j as described in the
// spec.
// Section says:
// noiseStripe[ lumaNum ][ 0 ] is 34 samples high and w samples
// wide (a few additional samples across are actually written to
// the array, but these are never read) ...
// Note: The warning in the parentheses also applies to
// noiseStripe[ lumaNum ][ 1 ] and noiseStripe[ lumaNum ][ 2 ].
// Writes beyond the width of each row could happen below. To
// prevent those writes, we clip the number of pixels to copy against
// the remaining width.
const int copy_size =
std::min(kNoiseStripeHeight >> subsampling_x,
plane_width - (x << (1 - subsampling_x))) -
memcpy(&noise_stripe[i * plane_width + (x << (1 - subsampling_x)) + j],
&grain[(plane_offset_y + i) * grain_width + plane_offset_x + j],
copy_size * sizeof(noise_stripe[0]));
} while (++i < (kNoiseStripeHeight >> subsampling_y));
y += 16;
} while (y < half_height);
template <int bitdepth, typename GrainType>
inline void WriteOverlapLine_C(
const GrainType* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT noise_stripe_row,
const GrainType* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT noise_stripe_row_prev, int plane_width,
int grain_coeff, int old_coeff,
GrainType* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT noise_image_row) {
int x = 0;
do {
int grain = noise_stripe_row[x];
const int old = noise_stripe_row_prev[x];
grain = old * old_coeff + grain * grain_coeff;
grain = Clip3(RightShiftWithRounding(grain, 5), GetGrainMin<bitdepth>(),
noise_image_row[x] = grain;
} while (++x < plane_width);
template <int bitdepth, typename GrainType>
void ConstructNoiseImageOverlap_C(
const void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT noise_stripes_buffer, int width, int height,
int subsampling_x, int subsampling_y,
void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT noise_image_buffer) {
const auto* noise_stripes =
static_cast<const Array2DView<GrainType>*>(noise_stripes_buffer);
auto* noise_image = static_cast<Array2D<GrainType>*>(noise_image_buffer);
const int plane_width = (width + subsampling_x) >> subsampling_x;
const int plane_height = (height + subsampling_y) >> subsampling_y;
const int stripe_height = 32 >> subsampling_y;
const int stripe_mask = stripe_height - 1;
int y = stripe_height;
int luma_num = 1;
if (subsampling_y == 0) {
// Begin complete stripes section. This is when we are guaranteed to have
// two overlap rows in each stripe.
for (; y < (plane_height & ~stripe_mask); ++luma_num, y += stripe_height) {
const GrainType* noise_stripe = (*noise_stripes)[luma_num];
const GrainType* noise_stripe_prev = (*noise_stripes)[luma_num - 1];
// First overlap row.
&noise_stripe_prev[32 * plane_width],
plane_width, 17, 27, (*noise_image)[y]);
// Second overlap row.
&noise_stripe_prev[(32 + 1) * plane_width],
plane_width, 27, 17, (*noise_image)[y + 1]);
// End complete stripes section.
const int remaining_height = plane_height - y;
// Either one partial stripe remains (remaining_height > 0),
// OR image is less than one stripe high (remaining_height < 0),
// OR all stripes are completed (remaining_height == 0).
if (remaining_height <= 0) {
const GrainType* noise_stripe = (*noise_stripes)[luma_num];
const GrainType* noise_stripe_prev = (*noise_stripes)[luma_num - 1];
&noise_stripe_prev[32 * plane_width],
plane_width, 17, 27, (*noise_image)[y]);
// Check if second overlap row is in the image.
if (remaining_height > 1) {
&noise_stripe_prev[(32 + 1) * plane_width],
plane_width, 27, 17, (*noise_image)[y + 1]);
} else { // |subsampling_y| == 1
// No special checks needed for partial stripes, because if one exists, the
// first and only overlap row is guaranteed to exist.
for (; y < plane_height; ++luma_num, y += stripe_height) {
const GrainType* noise_stripe = (*noise_stripes)[luma_num];
const GrainType* noise_stripe_prev = (*noise_stripes)[luma_num - 1];
&noise_stripe_prev[16 * plane_width],
plane_width, 22, 23, (*noise_image)[y]);
template <int bitdepth, typename GrainType, typename Pixel>
void BlendNoiseWithImageLuma_C(const void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT noise_image_ptr,
int min_value, int max_luma, int scaling_shift,
int width, int height, int start_height,
const int16_t* scaling_lut_y,
const void* source_plane_y,
ptrdiff_t source_stride_y, void* dest_plane_y,
ptrdiff_t dest_stride_y) {
const auto* noise_image =
static_cast<const Array2D<GrainType>*>(noise_image_ptr);
const auto* in_y = static_cast<const Pixel*>(source_plane_y);
source_stride_y /= sizeof(Pixel);
auto* out_y = static_cast<Pixel*>(dest_plane_y);
dest_stride_y /= sizeof(Pixel);
int y = 0;
do {
int x = 0;
do {
const int orig = in_y[y * source_stride_y + x];
int noise = noise_image[kPlaneY][y + start_height][x];
noise = RightShiftWithRounding(
ScaleLut<bitdepth>(scaling_lut_y, orig) * noise, scaling_shift);
out_y[y * dest_stride_y + x] = Clip3(orig + noise, min_value, max_luma);
} while (++x < width);
} while (++y < height);
// This function is for the case params_.chroma_scaling_from_luma == false.
template <int bitdepth, typename GrainType, typename Pixel>
void BlendNoiseWithImageChroma_C(
Plane plane, const FilmGrainParams& params,
const void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT noise_image_ptr, int min_value, int max_chroma,
int width, int height, int start_height, int subsampling_x,
int subsampling_y, const int16_t* scaling_lut_uv,
const void* source_plane_y, ptrdiff_t source_stride_y,
const void* source_plane_uv, ptrdiff_t source_stride_uv,
void* dest_plane_uv, ptrdiff_t dest_stride_uv) {
const auto* noise_image =
static_cast<const Array2D<GrainType>*>(noise_image_ptr);
const int chroma_width = (width + subsampling_x) >> subsampling_x;
const int chroma_height = (height + subsampling_y) >> subsampling_y;
const auto* in_y = static_cast<const Pixel*>(source_plane_y);
source_stride_y /= sizeof(Pixel);
const auto* in_uv = static_cast<const Pixel*>(source_plane_uv);
source_stride_uv /= sizeof(Pixel);
auto* out_uv = static_cast<Pixel*>(dest_plane_uv);
dest_stride_uv /= sizeof(Pixel);
const int offset = (plane == kPlaneU) ? params.u_offset : params.v_offset;
const int luma_multiplier =
(plane == kPlaneU) ? params.u_luma_multiplier : params.v_luma_multiplier;
const int multiplier =
(plane == kPlaneU) ? params.u_multiplier : params.v_multiplier;
const int scaling_shift = params.chroma_scaling;
start_height >>= subsampling_y;
int y = 0;
do {
int x = 0;
do {
const int luma_x = x << subsampling_x;
const int luma_y = y << subsampling_y;
const int luma_next_x = std::min(luma_x + 1, width - 1);
int average_luma;
if (subsampling_x != 0) {
average_luma = RightShiftWithRounding(
in_y[luma_y * source_stride_y + luma_x] +
in_y[luma_y * source_stride_y + luma_next_x],
} else {
average_luma = in_y[luma_y * source_stride_y + luma_x];
const int orig = in_uv[y * source_stride_uv + x];
const int combined = average_luma * luma_multiplier + orig * multiplier;
const int merged =
Clip3((combined >> 6) + LeftShift(offset, bitdepth - kBitdepth8), 0,
(1 << bitdepth) - 1);
int noise = noise_image[plane][y + start_height][x];
noise = RightShiftWithRounding(
ScaleLut<bitdepth>(scaling_lut_uv, merged) * noise, scaling_shift);
out_uv[y * dest_stride_uv + x] =
Clip3(orig + noise, min_value, max_chroma);
} while (++x < chroma_width);
} while (++y < chroma_height);
// This function is for the case params_.chroma_scaling_from_luma == true.
// This further implies that scaling_lut_u == scaling_lut_v == scaling_lut_y.
template <int bitdepth, typename GrainType, typename Pixel>
void BlendNoiseWithImageChromaWithCfl_C(
Plane plane, const FilmGrainParams& params,
const void* LIBGAV1_RESTRICT noise_image_ptr, int min_value, int max_chroma,
int width, int height, int start_height, int subsampling_x,
int subsampling_y, const int16_t* scaling_lut, const void* source_plane_y,
ptrdiff_t source_stride_y, const void* source_plane_uv,
ptrdiff_t source_stride_uv, void* dest_plane_uv, ptrdiff_t dest_stride_uv) {
const auto* noise_image =
static_cast<const Array2D<GrainType>*>(noise_image_ptr);
const auto* in_y = static_cast<const Pixel*>(source_plane_y);
source_stride_y /= sizeof(Pixel);
const auto* in_uv = static_cast<const Pixel*>(source_plane_uv);
source_stride_uv /= sizeof(Pixel);
auto* out_uv = static_cast<Pixel*>(dest_plane_uv);
dest_stride_uv /= sizeof(Pixel);
const int chroma_width = (width + subsampling_x) >> subsampling_x;
const int chroma_height = (height + subsampling_y) >> subsampling_y;
const int scaling_shift = params.chroma_scaling;
start_height >>= subsampling_y;
int y = 0;
do {
int x = 0;
do {
const int luma_x = x << subsampling_x;
const int luma_y = y << subsampling_y;
const int luma_next_x = std::min(luma_x + 1, width - 1);
int average_luma;
if (subsampling_x != 0) {
average_luma = RightShiftWithRounding(
in_y[luma_y * source_stride_y + luma_x] +
in_y[luma_y * source_stride_y + luma_next_x],
} else {
average_luma = in_y[luma_y * source_stride_y + luma_x];
const int orig_uv = in_uv[y * source_stride_uv + x];
int noise_uv = noise_image[plane][y + start_height][x];
noise_uv = RightShiftWithRounding(
ScaleLut<bitdepth>(scaling_lut, average_luma) * noise_uv,
out_uv[y * dest_stride_uv + x] =
Clip3(orig_uv + noise_uv, min_value, max_chroma);
} while (++x < chroma_width);
} while (++y < chroma_height);
void Init8bpp() {
Dsp* const dsp = dsp_internal::GetWritableDspTable(8);
assert(dsp != nullptr);
// LumaAutoRegressionFunc
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
// ChromaAutoRegressionFunc
// Chroma autoregression should never be called when lag is 0 and use_luma is
// false.
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][0] = nullptr;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 1, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 2, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 3, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 0, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 1, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 2, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 3, true>;
// ConstructNoiseStripesFunc
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[0] =
ConstructNoiseStripes_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[1] =
ConstructNoiseStripesWithOverlap_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
// ConstructNoiseImageOverlapFunc
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_image_overlap =
ConstructNoiseImageOverlap_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
// InitializeScalingLutFunc
dsp->film_grain.initialize_scaling_lut =
// BlendNoiseWithImageLumaFunc
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_luma =
BlendNoiseWithImageLuma_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, uint8_t>;
// BlendNoiseWithImageChromaFunc
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[0] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChroma_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, uint8_t>;
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[1] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChromaWithCfl_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, uint8_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp8bpp_FilmGrainAutoregressionLuma
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp8bpp_FilmGrainAutoregressionChroma
// Chroma autoregression should never be called when lag is 0 and use_luma is
// false.
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][0] = nullptr;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 1, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 2, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 3, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 0, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 1, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 2, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, 3, true>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp8bpp_FilmGrainConstructNoiseStripes
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[0] =
ConstructNoiseStripes_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[1] =
ConstructNoiseStripesWithOverlap_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp8bpp_FilmGrainConstructNoiseImageOverlap
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_image_overlap =
ConstructNoiseImageOverlap_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp8bpp_FilmGrainInitializeScalingLutFunc
dsp->film_grain.initialize_scaling_lut =
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp8bpp_FilmGrainBlendNoiseLuma
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_luma =
BlendNoiseWithImageLuma_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, uint8_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp8bpp_FilmGrainBlendNoiseChroma
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[0] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChroma_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, uint8_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp8bpp_FilmGrainBlendNoiseChromaWithCfl
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[1] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChromaWithCfl_C<kBitdepth8, int8_t, uint8_t>;
void Init10bpp() {
Dsp* const dsp = dsp_internal::GetWritableDspTable(10);
assert(dsp != nullptr);
// LumaAutoRegressionFunc
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
// ChromaAutoRegressionFunc
// Chroma autoregression should never be called when lag is 0 and use_luma is
// false.
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][0] = nullptr;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 1, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 2, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 3, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 0, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 1, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 2, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 3, true>;
// ConstructNoiseStripesFunc
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[0] =
ConstructNoiseStripes_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[1] =
ConstructNoiseStripesWithOverlap_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
// ConstructNoiseImageOverlapFunc
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_image_overlap =
ConstructNoiseImageOverlap_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
// InitializeScalingLutFunc
dsp->film_grain.initialize_scaling_lut =
// BlendNoiseWithImageLumaFunc
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_luma =
BlendNoiseWithImageLuma_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, uint16_t>;
// BlendNoiseWithImageChromaFunc
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[0] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChroma_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, uint16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[1] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChromaWithCfl_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, uint16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp10bpp_FilmGrainAutoregressionLuma
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp10bpp_FilmGrainAutoregressionChroma
// Chroma autoregression should never be called when lag is 0 and use_luma is
// false.
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][0] = nullptr;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 1, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 2, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 3, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 0, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 1, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 2, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, 3, true>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp10bpp_FilmGrainConstructNoiseStripes
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[0] =
ConstructNoiseStripes_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[1] =
ConstructNoiseStripesWithOverlap_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp10bpp_FilmGrainConstructNoiseImageOverlap
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_image_overlap =
ConstructNoiseImageOverlap_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp10bpp_FilmGrainInitializeScalingLutFunc
dsp->film_grain.initialize_scaling_lut =
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp10bpp_FilmGrainBlendNoiseLuma
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_luma =
BlendNoiseWithImageLuma_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, uint16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp10bpp_FilmGrainBlendNoiseChroma
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[0] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChroma_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, uint16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp10bpp_FilmGrainBlendNoiseChromaWithCfl
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[1] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChromaWithCfl_C<kBitdepth10, int16_t, uint16_t>;
#endif // LIBGAV1_MAX_BITDEPTH >= 10
void Init12bpp() {
Dsp* const dsp = dsp_internal::GetWritableDspTable(12);
assert(dsp != nullptr);
// LumaAutoRegressionFunc
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
// ChromaAutoRegressionFunc
// Chroma autoregression should never be called when lag is 0 and use_luma is
// false.
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][0] = nullptr;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 1, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 2, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 3, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 0, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 1, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 2, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 3, true>;
// ConstructNoiseStripesFunc
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[0] =
ConstructNoiseStripes_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[1] =
ConstructNoiseStripesWithOverlap_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
// ConstructNoiseImageOverlapFunc
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_image_overlap =
ConstructNoiseImageOverlap_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
// InitializeScalingLutFunc
dsp->film_grain.initialize_scaling_lut =
// BlendNoiseWithImageLumaFunc
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_luma =
BlendNoiseWithImageLuma_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, uint16_t>;
// BlendNoiseWithImageChromaFunc
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[0] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChroma_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, uint16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[1] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChromaWithCfl_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, uint16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp12bpp_FilmGrainAutoregressionLuma
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.luma_auto_regression[2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToLumaGrain_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp12bpp_FilmGrainAutoregressionChroma
// Chroma autoregression should never be called when lag is 0 and use_luma is
// false.
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][0] = nullptr;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 1, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 2, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[0][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 3, false>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][0] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 0, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][1] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 1, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][2] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 2, true>;
dsp->film_grain.chroma_auto_regression[1][3] =
ApplyAutoRegressiveFilterToChromaGrains_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, 3, true>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp12bpp_FilmGrainConstructNoiseStripes
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[0] =
ConstructNoiseStripes_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_stripes[1] =
ConstructNoiseStripesWithOverlap_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp12bpp_FilmGrainConstructNoiseImageOverlap
dsp->film_grain.construct_noise_image_overlap =
ConstructNoiseImageOverlap_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp12bpp_FilmGrainInitializeScalingLutFunc
dsp->film_grain.initialize_scaling_lut =
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp12bpp_FilmGrainBlendNoiseLuma
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_luma =
BlendNoiseWithImageLuma_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, uint16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp12bpp_FilmGrainBlendNoiseChroma
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[0] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChroma_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, uint16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp12bpp_FilmGrainBlendNoiseChromaWithCfl
dsp->film_grain.blend_noise_chroma[1] =
BlendNoiseWithImageChromaWithCfl_C<kBitdepth12, int16_t, uint16_t>;
#endif // LIBGAV1_MAX_BITDEPTH == 12
} // namespace
} // namespace film_grain
void FilmGrainInit_C() {
} // namespace dsp
} // namespace libgav1