blob: b9e8cd3b5652f871f23931883742d0c82cf92bcb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include "src/gav1/frame_buffer.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
namespace libgav1 {
class YuvBuffer {
// Allocates the buffer. Returns true on success. Returns false on failure.
// * |width| and |height| are the image dimensions in pixels.
// * |subsampling_x| and |subsampling_y| (either 0 or 1) specify the
// subsampling of the width and height of the chroma planes, respectively.
// * |left_border|, |right_border|, |top_border|, and |bottom_border| are
// the sizes (in pixels) of the borders on the left, right, top, and
// bottom sides, respectively. The four border sizes must all be a
// multiple of 2.
// * If |get_frame_buffer| is not null, it is invoked to allocate the memory.
// If |get_frame_buffer| is null, YuvBuffer allocates the memory directly
// and ignores the |callback_private_data| and |buffer_private_data|
// parameters, which should be null.
// NOTE: The strides are a multiple of 16. Since the first row in each plane
// is 16-byte aligned, subsequent rows are also 16-byte aligned.
// Example: bitdepth=8 width=20 height=6 left/right/top/bottom_border=2. The
// diagram below shows how Realloc() allocates the data buffer for the Y
// plane.
// 16-byte aligned
// |
// v
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++pppppppp
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++pppppppp
// ++01234567890123456789++pppppppp
// ++11234567890123456789++pppppppp
// ++21234567890123456789++pppppppp
// ++31234567890123456789++pppppppp
// ++41234567890123456789++pppppppp
// ++51234567890123456789++pppppppp
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++pppppppp
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++pppppppp
// | |
// |<-- stride (multiple of 16) ->|
// The video frame has 6 rows of 20 pixels each. Each row is shown as the
// pattern r1234567890123456789, where |r| is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
// Realloc() first adds a border of 2 pixels around the video frame. The
// border pixels are shown as '+'.
// Each row is then padded to a multiple of the default alignment in bytes,
// which is 16. The padding bytes are shown as lowercase 'p'. (Since
// |bitdepth| is 8 in this example, each pixel is one byte.) The padded size
// in bytes is the stride. In this example, the stride is 32 bytes.
// Finally, Realloc() aligns the first byte of frame data, which is the '0'
// pixel/byte in the upper left corner of the frame, to the default (16-byte)
// alignment boundary.
// TODO(wtc): Add a check for width and height limits to defend against
// invalid bitstreams.
bool Realloc(int bitdepth, bool is_monochrome, int width, int height,
int8_t subsampling_x, int8_t subsampling_y, int left_border,
int right_border, int top_border, int bottom_border,
GetFrameBufferCallback get_frame_buffer,
void* callback_private_data, void** buffer_private_data);
int bitdepth() const { return bitdepth_; }
bool is_monochrome() const { return is_monochrome_; }
int8_t subsampling_x() const { return subsampling_x_; }
int8_t subsampling_y() const { return subsampling_y_; }
int width(int plane) const {
return (plane == kPlaneY) ? y_width_ : uv_width_;
int height(int plane) const {
return (plane == kPlaneY) ? y_height_ : uv_height_;
// Returns border sizes in pixels.
int left_border(int plane) const { return left_border_[plane]; }
int right_border(int plane) const { return right_border_[plane]; }
int top_border(int plane) const { return top_border_[plane]; }
int bottom_border(int plane) const { return bottom_border_[plane]; }
// Returns the alignment of frame buffer row in bytes.
int alignment() const { return kFrameBufferRowAlignment; }
// Backup the current set of warnings and disable -Warray-bounds for the
// following three functions as the compiler cannot, in all cases, determine
// whether |plane| is within [0, kMaxPlanes), e.g., with a variable based for
// loop.
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Warray-bounds"
// Returns the data buffer for |plane|.
uint8_t* data(int plane) {
assert(plane >= 0);
assert(static_cast<size_t>(plane) < std::extent<decltype(buffer_)>::value);
return buffer_[plane];
const uint8_t* data(int plane) const {
assert(plane >= 0);
assert(static_cast<size_t>(plane) < std::extent<decltype(buffer_)>::value);
return buffer_[plane];
// Returns the stride in bytes for |plane|.
int stride(int plane) const {
assert(plane >= 0);
assert(static_cast<size_t>(plane) < std::extent<decltype(stride_)>::value);
return stride_[plane];
// Restore the previous set of compiler warnings.
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
static constexpr int kFrameBufferRowAlignment = 16;
int bitdepth_ = 0;
bool is_monochrome_ = false;
// y_width_ and y_height_ are the |width| and |height| arguments passed to the
// Realloc() method.
// uv_width_ and uv_height_ are computed from y_width_ and y_height_ as
// follows:
// uv_width_ = (y_width_ + subsampling_x_) >> subsampling_x_
// uv_height_ = (y_height_ + subsampling_y_) >> subsampling_y_
int y_width_ = 0;
int uv_width_ = 0;
int y_height_ = 0;
int uv_height_ = 0;
int left_border_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
int right_border_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
int top_border_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
int bottom_border_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
int stride_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
uint8_t* buffer_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
// buffer_alloc_ and buffer_alloc_size_ are only used if the
// get_frame_buffer callback is null and we allocate the buffer ourselves.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer_alloc_;
size_t buffer_alloc_size_ = 0;
int8_t subsampling_x_ = 0; // 0 or 1.
int8_t subsampling_y_ = 0; // 0 or 1.
} // namespace libgav1