blob: c74e1408e573cd6927cce52142c6497d60b08a5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/yuv_buffer.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <new>
#include "src/frame_buffer_utils.h"
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/logging.h"
namespace libgav1 {
// Size conventions:
// * Widths, heights, and border sizes are in pixels.
// * Strides and plane sizes are in bytes.
// YuvBuffer objects may be reused through the BufferPool. Realloc() must
// assume that data members (except buffer_alloc_ and buffer_alloc_size_) may
// contain stale values from the previous use, and must set all data members
// from scratch. In particular, Realloc() must not rely on the initial values
// of data members set by the YuvBuffer constructor.
bool YuvBuffer::Realloc(int bitdepth, bool is_monochrome, int width, int height,
int8_t subsampling_x, int8_t subsampling_y,
int left_border, int right_border, int top_border,
int bottom_border,
GetFrameBufferCallback get_frame_buffer,
void* callback_private_data,
void** buffer_private_data) {
// Only support allocating buffers that have borders that are a multiple of
// 2. The border restriction is required because we may subsample the
// borders in the chroma planes.
if (((left_border | right_border | top_border | bottom_border) & 1) != 0) {
"Borders must be a multiple of 2: left_border = %d, "
"right_border = %d, top_border = %d, bottom_border = %d.",
left_border, right_border, top_border, bottom_border);
return false;
// Every row in the plane buffers needs to be kFrameBufferRowAlignment-byte
// aligned. Since the strides are multiples of kFrameBufferRowAlignment bytes,
// it suffices to just make the plane buffers kFrameBufferRowAlignment-byte
// aligned.
const int plane_align = kFrameBufferRowAlignment;
const int uv_width =
is_monochrome ? 0 : SubsampledValue(width, subsampling_x);
const int uv_height =
is_monochrome ? 0 : SubsampledValue(height, subsampling_y);
const int uv_left_border = is_monochrome ? 0 : left_border >> subsampling_x;
const int uv_right_border = is_monochrome ? 0 : right_border >> subsampling_x;
const int uv_top_border = is_monochrome ? 0 : top_border >> subsampling_y;
const int uv_bottom_border =
is_monochrome ? 0 : bottom_border >> subsampling_y;
if (get_frame_buffer != nullptr) {
assert(buffer_private_data != nullptr);
const Libgav1ImageFormat image_format =
ComposeImageFormat(is_monochrome, subsampling_x, subsampling_y);
FrameBuffer frame_buffer;
if (get_frame_buffer(callback_private_data, bitdepth, image_format, width,
height, left_border, right_border, top_border,
bottom_border, kFrameBufferRowAlignment,
&frame_buffer) != kStatusOk) {
return false;
if (frame_buffer.plane[0] == nullptr ||
(!is_monochrome && frame_buffer.plane[1] == nullptr) ||
(!is_monochrome && frame_buffer.plane[2] == nullptr)) {
assert(false && "The get_frame_buffer callback malfunctioned.");
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "The get_frame_buffer callback malfunctioned.");
return false;
stride_[kPlaneY] = frame_buffer.stride[0];
stride_[kPlaneU] = frame_buffer.stride[1];
stride_[kPlaneV] = frame_buffer.stride[2];
buffer_[kPlaneY] = frame_buffer.plane[0];
buffer_[kPlaneU] = frame_buffer.plane[1];
buffer_[kPlaneV] = frame_buffer.plane[2];
*buffer_private_data = frame_buffer.private_data;
} else {
assert(callback_private_data == nullptr);
assert(buffer_private_data == nullptr);
// Calculate y_stride (in bytes). It is padded to a multiple of
// kFrameBufferRowAlignment bytes.
int y_stride = width + left_border + right_border;
if (bitdepth > 8) y_stride *= sizeof(uint16_t);
y_stride = Align(y_stride, kFrameBufferRowAlignment);
// Size of the Y plane in bytes.
const uint64_t y_plane_size = (height + top_border + bottom_border) *
static_cast<uint64_t>(y_stride) +
(plane_align - 1);
// Calculate uv_stride (in bytes). It is padded to a multiple of
// kFrameBufferRowAlignment bytes.
int uv_stride = uv_width + uv_left_border + uv_right_border;
if (bitdepth > 8) uv_stride *= sizeof(uint16_t);
uv_stride = Align(uv_stride, kFrameBufferRowAlignment);
// Size of the U or V plane in bytes.
const uint64_t uv_plane_size =
is_monochrome ? 0
: (uv_height + uv_top_border + uv_bottom_border) *
static_cast<uint64_t>(uv_stride) +
(plane_align - 1);
// Allocate unaligned y_buffer, u_buffer, and v_buffer.
uint8_t* y_buffer = nullptr;
uint8_t* u_buffer = nullptr;
uint8_t* v_buffer = nullptr;
const uint64_t frame_size = y_plane_size + 2 * uv_plane_size;
if (frame_size > buffer_alloc_size_) {
// Allocation to hold larger frame, or first allocation.
if (frame_size != static_cast<size_t>(frame_size)) return false;
buffer_alloc_.reset(new (std::nothrow)
if (buffer_alloc_ == nullptr) {
buffer_alloc_size_ = 0;
return false;
buffer_alloc_size_ = static_cast<size_t>(frame_size);
y_buffer = buffer_alloc_.get();
if (!is_monochrome) {
u_buffer = y_buffer + y_plane_size;
v_buffer = u_buffer + uv_plane_size;
stride_[kPlaneY] = y_stride;
stride_[kPlaneU] = stride_[kPlaneV] = uv_stride;
int left_border_bytes = left_border;
int uv_left_border_bytes = uv_left_border;
if (bitdepth > 8) {
left_border_bytes *= sizeof(uint16_t);
uv_left_border_bytes *= sizeof(uint16_t);
buffer_[kPlaneY] = AlignAddr(
y_buffer + (top_border * y_stride) + left_border_bytes, plane_align);
buffer_[kPlaneU] =
AlignAddr(u_buffer + (uv_top_border * uv_stride) + uv_left_border_bytes,
buffer_[kPlaneV] =
AlignAddr(v_buffer + (uv_top_border * uv_stride) + uv_left_border_bytes,
y_width_ = width;
y_height_ = height;
left_border_[kPlaneY] = left_border;
right_border_[kPlaneY] = right_border;
top_border_[kPlaneY] = top_border;
bottom_border_[kPlaneY] = bottom_border;
uv_width_ = uv_width;
uv_height_ = uv_height;
left_border_[kPlaneU] = left_border_[kPlaneV] = uv_left_border;
right_border_[kPlaneU] = right_border_[kPlaneV] = uv_right_border;
top_border_[kPlaneU] = top_border_[kPlaneV] = uv_top_border;
bottom_border_[kPlaneU] = bottom_border_[kPlaneV] = uv_bottom_border;
subsampling_x_ = subsampling_x;
subsampling_y_ = subsampling_y;
bitdepth_ = bitdepth;
is_monochrome_ = is_monochrome;
assert(!is_monochrome || stride_[kPlaneU] == 0);
assert(!is_monochrome || stride_[kPlaneV] == 0);
assert(!is_monochrome || buffer_[kPlaneU] == nullptr);
assert(!is_monochrome || buffer_[kPlaneV] == nullptr);
return true;
} // namespace libgav1