blob: 79bb2b8f7e13dfbd9e8b16ae4d4c2e72bf65e28d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/utils/block_parameters_holder.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
#include "src/utils/logging.h"
#include "src/utils/parameter_tree.h"
#include "src/utils/types.h"
namespace libgav1 {
namespace {
// Returns the number of super block rows/columns for |value4x4| where value4x4
// is either rows4x4 or columns4x4.
int RowsOrColumns4x4ToSuperBlocks(int value4x4, bool use_128x128_superblock) {
return use_128x128_superblock ? DivideBy128(MultiplyBy4(value4x4) + 127)
: DivideBy64(MultiplyBy4(value4x4) + 63);
} // namespace
bool BlockParametersHolder::Reset(int rows4x4, int columns4x4,
bool use_128x128_superblock) {
rows4x4_ = rows4x4;
columns4x4_ = columns4x4;
use_128x128_superblock_ = use_128x128_superblock;
if (!block_parameters_cache_.Reset(rows4x4_, columns4x4_)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "block_parameters_cache_.Reset() failed.");
return false;
const int rows =
RowsOrColumns4x4ToSuperBlocks(rows4x4_, use_128x128_superblock_);
const int columns =
RowsOrColumns4x4ToSuperBlocks(columns4x4_, use_128x128_superblock_);
const BlockSize sb_size =
use_128x128_superblock_ ? kBlock128x128 : kBlock64x64;
const int multiplier = kNum4x4BlocksWide[sb_size];
if (!trees_.Reset(rows, columns)) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "trees_.Reset() failed.");
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j) {
trees_[i][j] =
ParameterTree::Create(i * multiplier, j * multiplier, sb_size);
if (trees_[i][j] == nullptr) {
LIBGAV1_DLOG(ERROR, "Allocation of trees_[%d][%d] failed.", i, j);
return false;
return true;
void BlockParametersHolder::FillCache(int row4x4, int column4x4,
BlockSize block_size,
BlockParameters* const bp) {
int rows = std::min(static_cast<int>(kNum4x4BlocksHigh[block_size]),
rows4x4_ - row4x4);
const int columns = std::min(static_cast<int>(kNum4x4BlocksWide[block_size]),
columns4x4_ - column4x4);
auto* bp_dst = &block_parameters_cache_[row4x4][column4x4];
// Specialize columns cases (values in kNum4x4BlocksWide[]) for better
// performance.
if (columns == 1) {
SetBlock<BlockParameters*>(rows, 1, bp, bp_dst, columns4x4_);
} else if (columns == 2) {
SetBlock<BlockParameters*>(rows, 2, bp, bp_dst, columns4x4_);
} else if (columns == 4) {
SetBlock<BlockParameters*>(rows, 4, bp, bp_dst, columns4x4_);
} else if (columns == 8) {
SetBlock<BlockParameters*>(rows, 8, bp, bp_dst, columns4x4_);
} else if (columns == 16) {
SetBlock<BlockParameters*>(rows, 16, bp, bp_dst, columns4x4_);
} else if (columns == 32) {
SetBlock<BlockParameters*>(rows, 32, bp, bp_dst, columns4x4_);
} else {
do {
// The following loop has better performance than using std::fill().
// std::fill() has some overhead in checking zero loop count.
int x = columns;
auto* d = bp_dst;
do {
*d++ = bp;
} while (--x != 0);
bp_dst += columns4x4_;
} while (--rows != 0);
} // namespace libgav1