blob: 17670b94b7a158703686c339be5f6ae0a970679b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/post_filter.h"
#include "src/utils/blocking_counter.h"
namespace libgav1 {
namespace {
template <typename Pixel>
void CopyTwoRows(const Pixel* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride, Pixel** dst,
const ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int width) {
for (int i = 0; i < kRestorationVerticalBorder; ++i) {
memcpy(*dst, src, sizeof(Pixel) * width);
src += src_stride;
*dst += dst_stride;
} // namespace
// static
template <typename Pixel>
void PostFilter::PrepareLoopRestorationBlock(
const Pixel* src_buffer, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const Pixel* deblock_buffer, const ptrdiff_t deblock_stride, Pixel* dst,
const ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int width, const int height,
const bool frame_top_border, const bool frame_bottom_border) {
src_buffer -=
kRestorationVerticalBorder * src_stride + kRestorationHorizontalBorder;
deblock_buffer -= kRestorationHorizontalBorder;
int h = height;
// Top 2 rows.
if (frame_top_border) {
h += kRestorationVerticalBorder;
} else {
CopyTwoRows<Pixel>(deblock_buffer, deblock_stride, &dst, dst_stride,
width + 2 * kRestorationHorizontalBorder);
src_buffer += kRestorationVerticalBorder * src_stride;
// If |frame_top_border| is true, then we are in the first superblock row,
// so in that case, do not increment |deblock_buffer| since we don't store
// anything from the first superblock row into |deblock_buffer|.
deblock_buffer += 4 * deblock_stride;
if (frame_bottom_border) h += kRestorationVerticalBorder;
// Main body.
do {
memcpy(dst, src_buffer,
sizeof(Pixel) * (width + 2 * kRestorationHorizontalBorder));
src_buffer += src_stride;
dst += dst_stride;
} while (--h != 0);
// Bottom 2 rows.
if (!frame_bottom_border) {
deblock_buffer += kRestorationVerticalBorder * deblock_stride;
CopyTwoRows<Pixel>(deblock_buffer, deblock_stride, &dst, dst_stride,
width + 2 * kRestorationHorizontalBorder);
template void PostFilter::PrepareLoopRestorationBlock<uint8_t>(
const uint8_t* src_buffer, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const uint8_t* deblock_buffer, ptrdiff_t deblock_stride, uint8_t* dst,
ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int width, const int height,
const bool frame_top_border, const bool frame_bottom_border);
template void PostFilter::PrepareLoopRestorationBlock<uint16_t>(
const uint16_t* src_buffer, ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const uint16_t* deblock_buffer, ptrdiff_t deblock_stride, uint16_t* dst,
ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int width, const int height,
const bool frame_top_border, const bool frame_bottom_border);
template <typename Pixel>
void PostFilter::ApplyLoopRestorationForOneRowInWindow(
const Pixel* src_buffer, const Plane plane, const int plane_height,
const int plane_width, const int y, const int x, const int row,
const int unit_row, const int current_process_unit_height,
const int plane_unit_size, const int window_width,
Array2DView<Pixel>* const loop_restored_window) {
const int num_horizontal_units =
const ptrdiff_t src_stride = frame_buffer_.stride(plane) / sizeof(Pixel);
const RestorationUnitInfo* const restoration_info =
unit_row * num_horizontal_units);
int unit_column = x / plane_unit_size;
src_buffer += (y + row) * src_stride + x;
int column = 0;
do {
const int unit_x = x + column;
const int unit_y = y + row;
const int current_process_unit_width =
std::min(plane_unit_size, plane_width - unit_x);
const Pixel* src = src_buffer + column;
unit_column = std::min(unit_column, num_horizontal_units - 1);
if (restoration_info[unit_column].type == kLoopRestorationTypeNone) {
const ptrdiff_t dst_stride = loop_restored_window->columns();
Pixel* dst = &(*loop_restored_window)[row][column];
for (int k = 0; k < current_process_unit_height; ++k) {
if (DoCdef()) {
memmove(dst, src, current_process_unit_width * sizeof(Pixel));
} else {
memcpy(dst, src, current_process_unit_width * sizeof(Pixel));
src += src_stride;
dst += dst_stride;
} else {
const ptrdiff_t block_buffer_stride = kRestorationUnitWidthWithBorders;
// The SIMD implementation of wiener filter over-reads 15 -
// |kRestorationHorizontalBorder| bytes, and the SIMD implementation of
// self-guided filter over-reads up to 7 bytes which happens when
// |current_process_unit_width| equals |kRestorationUnitWidth| - 7, and
// the radius of the first pass in sfg is 0. So add 8 extra bytes at the
// end of block_buffer for 8 bit.
block_buffer[kRestorationUnitHeightWithBorders * block_buffer_stride +
((sizeof(Pixel) == 1) ? 15 - kRestorationHorizontalBorder
: 0)];
RestorationBuffer restoration_buffer;
const Pixel* source;
ptrdiff_t source_stride;
if (DoCdef()) {
const int deblock_buffer_units = 64 >> subsampling_y_[plane];
const auto* const deblock_buffer =
reinterpret_cast<const Pixel*>(;
assert(deblock_buffer != nullptr);
const ptrdiff_t deblock_buffer_stride =
deblock_buffer_.stride(plane) / sizeof(Pixel);
const int deblock_unit_y =
std::max(MultiplyBy4(Ceil(unit_y, deblock_buffer_units)) - 4, 0);
const Pixel* const deblock_unit_buffer =
deblock_buffer + deblock_unit_y * deblock_buffer_stride + unit_x;
src, src_stride, deblock_unit_buffer, deblock_buffer_stride,
block_buffer, block_buffer_stride, current_process_unit_width,
current_process_unit_height, unit_y == 0,
unit_y + current_process_unit_height >= plane_height);
source = block_buffer +
kRestorationVerticalBorder * block_buffer_stride +
source_stride = kRestorationUnitWidthWithBorders;
} else {
source = src;
source_stride = src_stride;
const LoopRestorationType type = restoration_info[unit_column].type;
assert(type == kLoopRestorationTypeSgrProj ||
type == kLoopRestorationTypeWiener);
const dsp::LoopRestorationFunc restoration_func =
dsp_.loop_restorations[type - 2];
restoration_func(source, &(*loop_restored_window)[row][column],
restoration_info[unit_column], source_stride,
current_process_unit_width, current_process_unit_height,
column += plane_unit_size;
} while (column < window_width);
template <typename Pixel>
void PostFilter::ApplyLoopRestorationSingleThread(const int row4x4_start,
const int sb4x4) {
assert(row4x4_start >= 0);
for (int plane = 0; plane < planes_; ++plane) {
if (loop_restoration_.type[plane] == kLoopRestorationTypeNone) {
const ptrdiff_t stride = frame_buffer_.stride(plane) / sizeof(Pixel);
const int unit_height_offset =
kRestorationUnitOffset >> subsampling_y_[plane];
const int plane_height =
RightShiftWithRounding(height_, subsampling_y_[plane]);
const int plane_width =
RightShiftWithRounding(upscaled_width_, subsampling_x_[plane]);
const int num_vertical_units =
const int plane_unit_size = loop_restoration_.unit_size[plane];
const int plane_process_unit_height =
kRestorationUnitHeight >> subsampling_y_[plane];
int y = (row4x4_start == 0)
? 0
: (MultiplyBy4(row4x4_start) >> subsampling_y_[plane]) -
int expected_height = plane_process_unit_height -
((row4x4_start == 0) ? unit_height_offset : 0);
int current_process_unit_height;
for (int sb_y = 0; sb_y < sb4x4;
sb_y += 16, y += current_process_unit_height) {
if (y >= plane_height) break;
const int unit_row = std::min((y + unit_height_offset) / plane_unit_size,
num_vertical_units - 1);
current_process_unit_height = std::min(expected_height, plane_height - y);
expected_height = plane_process_unit_height;
Array2DView<Pixel> loop_restored_window(
current_process_unit_height, static_cast<int>(stride),
reinterpret_cast<Pixel*>(loop_restoration_buffer_[plane]) +
y * stride);
static_cast<Plane>(plane), plane_height, plane_width, y, 0, 0,
unit_row, current_process_unit_height, plane_unit_size, plane_width,
// Multi-thread version of loop restoration, based on a moving window of size
// |window_buffer_width_|x|window_buffer_height_|. Inside the moving window, we
// create a filtering job for each row and each filtering job is submitted to
// the thread pool. Each free thread takes one job from the thread pool and
// completes filtering until all jobs are finished. This approach requires an
// extra buffer (|threaded_window_buffer_|) to hold the filtering output, whose
// size is the size of the window. It also needs block buffers (i.e.,
// |block_buffer| in ApplyLoopRestorationForOneRowInWindow()) to store
// intermediate results in loop restoration for each thread. After all units
// inside the window are filtered, the output is written to the frame buffer.
template <typename Pixel>
void PostFilter::ApplyLoopRestorationThreaded() {
const int plane_process_unit_height[kMaxPlanes] = {
kRestorationUnitHeight, kRestorationUnitHeight >> subsampling_y_[kPlaneU],
kRestorationUnitHeight >> subsampling_y_[kPlaneV]};
Array2DView<Pixel> loop_restored_window;
if (!DoCdef()) {
window_buffer_height_, window_buffer_width_,
for (int plane = kPlaneY; plane < planes_; ++plane) {
if (loop_restoration_.type[plane] == kLoopRestorationTypeNone) {
const int unit_height_offset =
kRestorationUnitOffset >> subsampling_y_[plane];
auto* const src_buffer = reinterpret_cast<Pixel*>(superres_buffer_[plane]);
const ptrdiff_t src_stride = frame_buffer_.stride(plane) / sizeof(Pixel);
const int plane_unit_size = loop_restoration_.unit_size[plane];
const int num_vertical_units =
const int plane_width =
RightShiftWithRounding(upscaled_width_, subsampling_x_[plane]);
const int plane_height =
RightShiftWithRounding(height_, subsampling_y_[plane]);
src_buffer, plane_width, plane_height, src_stride,
kRestorationHorizontalBorder, kRestorationHorizontalBorder,
kRestorationVerticalBorder, kRestorationVerticalBorder);
const int num_workers = thread_pool_->num_threads();
for (int y = 0; y < plane_height; y += window_buffer_height_) {
const int actual_window_height =
std::min(window_buffer_height_ - ((y == 0) ? unit_height_offset : 0),
plane_height - y);
int vertical_units_per_window =
(actual_window_height + plane_process_unit_height[plane] - 1) /
if (y == 0) {
// The first row of loop restoration processing units is not 64x64, but
// 64x56 (|unit_height_offset| = 8 rows less than other restoration
// processing units). For u/v with subsampling, the size is halved. To
// compute the number of vertical units per window, we need to take a
// special handling for it.
const int height_without_first_unit =
actual_window_height -
plane_process_unit_height[plane] - unit_height_offset);
vertical_units_per_window =
(height_without_first_unit + plane_process_unit_height[plane] - 1) /
plane_process_unit_height[plane] +
const int jobs_for_threadpool =
vertical_units_per_window * num_workers / (num_workers + 1);
for (int x = 0; x < plane_width; x += window_buffer_width_) {
const int actual_window_width =
std::min(window_buffer_width_, plane_width - x);
assert(jobs_for_threadpool < vertical_units_per_window);
if (DoCdef()) {
actual_window_height, static_cast<int>(src_stride),
reinterpret_cast<Pixel*>(loop_restoration_buffer_[plane]) +
y * src_stride + x);
BlockingCounter pending_jobs(jobs_for_threadpool);
int job_count = 0;
int current_process_unit_height;
for (int row = 0; row < actual_window_height;
row += current_process_unit_height) {
const int unit_y = y + row;
const int expected_height = plane_process_unit_height[plane] -
((unit_y == 0) ? unit_height_offset : 0);
current_process_unit_height =
std::min(expected_height, plane_height - unit_y);
const int unit_row =
std::min((unit_y + unit_height_offset) / plane_unit_size,
num_vertical_units - 1);
if (job_count < jobs_for_threadpool) {
[this, src_buffer, plane, plane_height, plane_width, y, x, row,
unit_row, current_process_unit_height, plane_unit_size,
actual_window_width, &loop_restored_window, &pending_jobs]() {
src_buffer, static_cast<Plane>(plane), plane_height,
plane_width, y, x, row, unit_row,
current_process_unit_height, plane_unit_size,
actual_window_width, &loop_restored_window);
} else {
src_buffer, static_cast<Plane>(plane), plane_height,
plane_width, y, x, row, unit_row, current_process_unit_height,
plane_unit_size, actual_window_width, &loop_restored_window);
// Wait for all jobs of current window to finish.
if (!DoCdef()) {
// Copy |threaded_window_buffer_| to output frame.
reinterpret_cast<const Pixel*>(threaded_window_buffer_),
window_buffer_width_, actual_window_width, actual_window_height,
reinterpret_cast<Pixel*>(loop_restoration_buffer_[plane]) +
y * src_stride + x,
if (y == 0) y -= unit_height_offset;
void PostFilter::ApplyLoopRestoration(const int row4x4_start, const int sb4x4) {
if (bitdepth_ >= 10) {
ApplyLoopRestorationSingleThread<uint16_t>(row4x4_start, sb4x4);
ApplyLoopRestorationSingleThread<uint8_t>(row4x4_start, sb4x4);
void PostFilter::ApplyLoopRestoration() {
assert(threaded_window_buffer_ != nullptr);
if (bitdepth_ >= 10) {
} // namespace libgav1