blob: 22a23966b5196c168d06c58176e58a495c47d252 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include "src/buffer_pool.h"
#include "src/decoder_state.h"
#include "src/dsp/common.h"
#include "src/gav1/decoder_buffer.h"
#include "src/gav1/status_code.h"
#include "src/quantizer.h"
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/compiler_attributes.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
#include "src/utils/raw_bit_reader.h"
#include "src/utils/segmentation.h"
#include "src/utils/vector.h"
namespace libgav1 {
// structs and enums related to Open Bitstream Units (OBU).
enum {
kMinimumMajorBitstreamLevel = 2,
kSelectScreenContentTools = 2,
kSelectIntegerMv = 2,
kLoopRestorationTileSizeMax = 256,
kGlobalMotionAlphaBits = 12,
kGlobalMotionTranslationBits = 12,
kGlobalMotionTranslationOnlyBits = 9,
kGlobalMotionAlphaPrecisionBits = 15,
kGlobalMotionTranslationPrecisionBits = 6,
kGlobalMotionTranslationOnlyPrecisionBits = 3,
kMaxTileWidth = 4096,
kMaxTileArea = 4096 * 2304,
kPrimaryReferenceNone = 7,
// A special value of the scalability_mode_idc syntax element that indicates
// the picture prediction structure is specified in scalability_structure().
kScalabilitySS = 14
}; // anonymous enum
struct ObuHeader {
ObuType type;
bool has_extension;
bool has_size_field;
int8_t temporal_id;
int8_t spatial_id;
enum BitstreamProfile : uint8_t {
// In the bitstream the level is encoded in five bits: the first three bits
// encode |major| - 2 and the last two bits encode |minor|.
// If the mapped level (major.minor) is in the tables in Annex A.3, there are
// bitstream conformance requirements on the maximum or minimum values of
// several variables. The encoded value of 31 (which corresponds to the mapped
// level 9.3) is the "maximum parameters" level and imposes no level-based
// constraints on the bitstream.
struct BitStreamLevel {
uint8_t major; // Range: 2-9.
uint8_t minor; // Range: 0-3.
struct ColorConfig {
int8_t bitdepth;
bool is_monochrome;
ColorPrimary color_primary;
TransferCharacteristics transfer_characteristics;
MatrixCoefficients matrix_coefficients;
// A binary value (0 or 1) that is associated with the VideoFullRangeFlag
// variable specified in ISO/IEC 23091-4/ITUT H.273.
// * 0: the studio swing representation.
// * 1: the full swing representation.
ColorRange color_range;
int8_t subsampling_x;
int8_t subsampling_y;
ChromaSamplePosition chroma_sample_position;
bool separate_uv_delta_q;
struct TimingInfo {
uint32_t num_units_in_tick;
uint32_t time_scale;
bool equal_picture_interval;
uint32_t num_ticks_per_picture;
struct DecoderModelInfo {
uint8_t encoder_decoder_buffer_delay_length;
uint32_t num_units_in_decoding_tick;
uint8_t buffer_removal_time_length;
uint8_t frame_presentation_time_length;
struct OperatingParameters {
uint32_t decoder_buffer_delay[kMaxOperatingPoints];
uint32_t encoder_buffer_delay[kMaxOperatingPoints];
bool low_delay_mode_flag[kMaxOperatingPoints];
struct ObuSequenceHeader {
// Section 7.5:
// Within a particular coded video sequence, the contents of
// sequence_header_obu must be bit-identical each time the sequence header
// appears except for the contents of operating_parameters_info. A new
// coded video sequence is required if the sequence header parameters
// change.
// IMPORTANT: ParametersChanged() is implemented with a memcmp() call. For
// this to work, this object and the |old| object must be initialized with
// an empty brace-enclosed list, which initializes any padding to zero bits.
// See
bool ParametersChanged(const ObuSequenceHeader& old) const;
BitstreamProfile profile;
bool still_picture;
bool reduced_still_picture_header;
int operating_points;
int operating_point_idc[kMaxOperatingPoints];
BitStreamLevel level[kMaxOperatingPoints];
int8_t tier[kMaxOperatingPoints];
int8_t frame_width_bits;
int8_t frame_height_bits;
int32_t max_frame_width;
int32_t max_frame_height;
bool frame_id_numbers_present;
int8_t frame_id_length_bits;
int8_t delta_frame_id_length_bits;
bool use_128x128_superblock;
bool enable_filter_intra;
bool enable_intra_edge_filter;
bool enable_interintra_compound;
bool enable_masked_compound;
bool enable_warped_motion;
bool enable_dual_filter;
bool enable_order_hint;
// If enable_order_hint is true, order_hint_bits is in the range [1, 8].
// If enable_order_hint is false, order_hint_bits is 0.
int8_t order_hint_bits;
// order_hint_shift_bits equals (32 - order_hint_bits) % 32.
// This is used frequently in GetRelativeDistance().
uint8_t order_hint_shift_bits;
bool enable_jnt_comp;
bool enable_ref_frame_mvs;
bool choose_screen_content_tools;
int8_t force_screen_content_tools;
bool choose_integer_mv;
int8_t force_integer_mv;
bool enable_superres;
bool enable_cdef;
bool enable_restoration;
ColorConfig color_config;
bool timing_info_present_flag;
TimingInfo timing_info;
bool decoder_model_info_present_flag;
DecoderModelInfo decoder_model_info;
bool decoder_model_present_for_operating_point[kMaxOperatingPoints];
bool initial_display_delay_present_flag;
uint8_t initial_display_delay[kMaxOperatingPoints];
bool film_grain_params_present;
// IMPORTANT: the operating_parameters member must be at the end of the
// struct so that ParametersChanged() can be implemented with a memcmp()
// call.
OperatingParameters operating_parameters;
// Verify it is safe to use offsetof with ObuSequenceHeader and to use memcmp
// to compare two ObuSequenceHeader objects.
static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<ObuSequenceHeader>::value, "");
// Verify operating_parameters is the last member of ObuSequenceHeader. The
// second assertion assumes that ObuSequenceHeader has no padding after the
// operating_parameters field. The first assertion is a sufficient condition
// for ObuSequenceHeader to have no padding after the operating_parameters
// field.
static_assert(alignof(ObuSequenceHeader) == alignof(OperatingParameters), "");
static_assert(sizeof(ObuSequenceHeader) ==
offsetof(ObuSequenceHeader, operating_parameters) +
struct TileBuffer {
const uint8_t* data;
size_t size;
enum MetadataType : uint8_t {
// 0 is reserved for AOM use.
kMetadataTypeHdrContentLightLevel = 1,
kMetadataTypeHdrMasteringDisplayColorVolume = 2,
kMetadataTypeScalability = 3,
kMetadataTypeItutT35 = 4,
kMetadataTypeTimecode = 5,
// 6-31 are unregistered user private.
// 32 and greater are reserved for AOM use.
struct ObuMetadata {
// Maximum content light level.
uint16_t max_cll;
// Maximum frame-average light level.
uint16_t max_fall;
uint16_t primary_chromaticity_x[3];
uint16_t primary_chromaticity_y[3];
uint16_t white_point_chromaticity_x;
uint16_t white_point_chromaticity_y;
uint32_t luminance_max;
uint32_t luminance_min;
// ITU-T T.35.
uint8_t itu_t_t35_country_code;
uint8_t itu_t_t35_country_code_extension_byte; // Valid if
// itu_t_t35_country_code is
// 0xFF.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> itu_t_t35_payload_bytes;
size_t itu_t_t35_payload_size;
class ObuParser : public Allocable {
ObuParser(const uint8_t* const data, size_t size, int operating_point,
BufferPool* const buffer_pool, DecoderState* const decoder_state)
: data_(data),
decoder_state_(*decoder_state) {}
// Not copyable or movable.
ObuParser(const ObuParser& rhs) = delete;
ObuParser& operator=(const ObuParser& rhs) = delete;
// Returns true if there is more data that needs to be parsed.
bool HasData() const;
// Parses a sequence of Open Bitstream Units until a decodable frame is found
// (or until the end of stream is reached). A decodable frame is considered to
// be found when one of the following happens:
// * A kObuFrame is seen.
// * The kObuTileGroup containing the last tile is seen.
// * A kFrameHeader with show_existing_frame = true is seen.
// If the parsing is successful, relevant fields will be populated. The fields
// are valid only if the return value is kStatusOk. Returns kStatusOk on
// success, an error status otherwise. On success, |current_frame| will be
// populated with a valid frame buffer.
StatusCode ParseOneFrame(RefCountedBufferPtr* current_frame);
// Getters. Only valid if ParseOneFrame() completes successfully.
const Vector<ObuHeader>& obu_headers() const { return obu_headers_; }
const ObuSequenceHeader& sequence_header() const { return sequence_header_; }
const ObuFrameHeader& frame_header() const { return frame_header_; }
const Vector<TileBuffer>& tile_buffers() const { return tile_buffers_; }
const ObuMetadata& metadata() const { return metadata_; }
// Setters.
void set_sequence_header(const ObuSequenceHeader& sequence_header) {
sequence_header_ = sequence_header;
has_sequence_header_ = true;
// Moves |tile_buffers_| into |tile_buffers|.
void MoveTileBuffer(Vector<TileBuffer>* tile_buffers) {
*tile_buffers = std::move(tile_buffers_);
// Initializes the bit reader. This is a function of its own to make unit
// testing of private functions simpler.
LIBGAV1_MUST_USE_RESULT bool InitBitReader(const uint8_t* data, size_t size);
// Parse helper functions.
bool ParseHeader(); // 5.3.2 and 5.3.3.
bool ParseColorConfig(ObuSequenceHeader* sequence_header); // 5.5.2.
bool ParseTimingInfo(ObuSequenceHeader* sequence_header); // 5.5.3.
bool ParseDecoderModelInfo(ObuSequenceHeader* sequence_header); // 5.5.4.
bool ParseOperatingParameters(ObuSequenceHeader* sequence_header,
int index); // 5.5.5.
bool ParseSequenceHeader(bool seen_frame_header); // 5.5.1.
bool ParseFrameParameters(); // 5.9.2, 5.9.7 and 5.9.10.
void MarkInvalidReferenceFrames(); // 5.9.4.
bool ParseFrameSizeAndRenderSize(); // 5.9.5 and 5.9.6.
bool ParseSuperResParametersAndComputeImageSize(); // 5.9.8 and 5.9.9.
// Checks the bitstream conformance requirement in Section 6.8.6.
bool ValidateInterFrameSize() const;
bool ParseReferenceOrderHint();
static int FindLatestBackwardReference(
const int current_frame_hint,
const std::array<int, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>& shifted_order_hints,
const std::array<bool, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>& used_frame);
static int FindEarliestBackwardReference(
const int current_frame_hint,
const std::array<int, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>& shifted_order_hints,
const std::array<bool, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>& used_frame);
static int FindLatestForwardReference(
const int current_frame_hint,
const std::array<int, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>& shifted_order_hints,
const std::array<bool, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>& used_frame);
static int FindReferenceWithSmallestOutputOrder(
const std::array<int, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>& shifted_order_hints);
bool SetFrameReferences(int8_t last_frame_idx,
int8_t gold_frame_idx); // 7.8.
bool ParseLoopFilterParameters(); // 5.9.11.
bool ParseDeltaQuantizer(int8_t* delta); // 5.9.13.
bool ParseQuantizerParameters(); // 5.9.12.
bool ParseSegmentationParameters(); // 5.9.14.
bool ParseQuantizerIndexDeltaParameters(); // 5.9.17.
bool ParseLoopFilterDeltaParameters(); // 5.9.18.
void ComputeSegmentLosslessAndQIndex();
bool ParseCdefParameters(); // 5.9.19.
bool ParseLoopRestorationParameters(); // 5.9.20.
bool ParseTxModeSyntax(); // 5.9.21.
bool ParseFrameReferenceModeSyntax(); // 5.9.23.
// Returns whether skip mode is allowed. When it returns true, it also sets
// the frame_header_.skip_mode_frame array.
bool IsSkipModeAllowed();
bool ParseSkipModeParameters(); // 5.9.22.
bool ReadAllowWarpedMotion();
bool ParseGlobalParamSyntax(
int ref, int index,
const std::array<GlobalMotion, kNumReferenceFrameTypes>&
prev_global_motions); // 5.9.25.
bool ParseGlobalMotionParameters(); // 5.9.24.
bool ParseFilmGrainParameters(); // 5.9.30.
bool ParseTileInfoSyntax(); // 5.9.15.
bool ParseFrameHeader(); // 5.9.
// |data| and |size| specify the payload data of the padding OBU.
// NOTE: Although the payload data is available in the bit_reader_ member,
// it is also passed to ParsePadding() as function parameters so that
// ParsePadding() can find the trailing bit of the OBU and skip over the
// payload data as an opaque chunk of data.
bool ParsePadding(const uint8_t* data, size_t size); // 5.7.
bool ParseMetadataScalability(); // 5.8.5 and 5.8.6.
bool ParseMetadataTimecode(); // 5.8.7.
// |data| and |size| specify the payload data of the metadata OBU.
// NOTE: Although the payload data is available in the bit_reader_ member,
// it is also passed to ParseMetadata() as function parameters so that
// ParseMetadata() can find the trailing bit of the OBU and either extract
// or skip over the payload data as an opaque chunk of data.
bool ParseMetadata(const uint8_t* data, size_t size); // 5.8.
// Adds and populates the TileBuffer for each tile in the tile group.
bool AddTileBuffers(int start, int end, size_t total_size,
size_t tg_header_size, size_t bytes_consumed_so_far);
bool ParseTileGroup(size_t size, size_t bytes_consumed_so_far); // 5.11.1.
// Parser elements.
std::unique_ptr<RawBitReader> bit_reader_;
const uint8_t* data_;
size_t size_;
const int operating_point_;
// OBU elements. Only valid if ParseOneFrame() completes successfully.
Vector<ObuHeader> obu_headers_;
ObuSequenceHeader sequence_header_ = {};
ObuFrameHeader frame_header_ = {};
Vector<TileBuffer> tile_buffers_;
ObuMetadata metadata_ = {};
// The expected starting tile number of the next Tile Group.
int next_tile_group_start_ = 0;
// If true, the sequence_header_ field is valid.
bool has_sequence_header_ = false;
// If true, the obu_extension_flag syntax element in the OBU header must be
// 0. Set to true when parsing a sequence header if OperatingPointIdc is 0.
bool extension_disallowed_ = false;
BufferPool* const buffer_pool_;
DecoderState& decoder_state_;
// Used by ParseOneFrame() to populate the current frame that is being
// decoded. The invariant maintained is that this variable will be nullptr at
// the beginning and at the end of each call to ParseOneFrame(). This ensures
// that the ObuParser is not holding on to any references to the current
// frame once the ParseOneFrame() call is complete.
RefCountedBufferPtr current_frame_;
// For unit testing private functions.
friend class ObuParserTest;
} // namespace libgav1