blob: d7476ca09d8e0113068acbf84d6ca7bc55a912a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "gav1/symbol_visibility.h"
// All the declarations in this file are part of the public ABI. This file may
// be included by both C and C++ files.
// The Libgav1StatusCode enum type: A libgav1 function may return
// Libgav1StatusCode to indicate success or the reason for failure.
typedef enum {
// Success.
kLibgav1StatusOk = 0,
// An unknown error. Used as the default error status if error detail is not
// available.
kLibgav1StatusUnknownError = -1,
// An invalid function argument.
kLibgav1StatusInvalidArgument = -2,
// Memory allocation failure.
kLibgav1StatusOutOfMemory = -3,
// Ran out of a resource (other than memory).
kLibgav1StatusResourceExhausted = -4,
// The object is not initialized.
kLibgav1StatusNotInitialized = -5,
// An operation that can only be performed once has already been performed.
kLibgav1StatusAlready = -6,
// Not implemented, or not supported.
kLibgav1StatusUnimplemented = -7,
// An internal error in libgav1. Usually this indicates a programming error.
kLibgav1StatusInternalError = -8,
// The bitstream is not encoded correctly or violates a bitstream conformance
// requirement.
kLibgav1StatusBitstreamError = -9,
// The operation is not allowed at the moment. This is not a fatal error. Try
// again later.
kLibgav1StatusTryAgain = -10,
// Used only by DequeueFrame(). There are no enqueued frames, so there is
// nothing to dequeue. This is not a fatal error. Try enqueuing a frame before
// trying to dequeue again.
kLibgav1StatusNothingToDequeue = -11,
// An extra enumerator to prevent people from writing code that fails to
// compile when a new status code is added.
// Do not reference this enumerator. In particular, if you write code that
// switches on Libgav1StatusCode, add a default: case instead of a case that
// mentions this enumerator.
// Do not depend on the value (currently -1000) listed here. It may change in
// the future.
kLibgav1StatusReservedForFutureExpansionUseDefaultInSwitchInstead_ = -1000
} Libgav1StatusCode;
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
// Returns a human readable error string in en-US for the status code |status|.
// Always returns a valid (non-NULL) string.
LIBGAV1_PUBLIC const char* Libgav1GetErrorString(Libgav1StatusCode status);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
namespace libgav1 {
// Declare type aliases for C++.
using StatusCode = Libgav1StatusCode;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusOk = kLibgav1StatusOk;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusUnknownError = kLibgav1StatusUnknownError;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusInvalidArgument = kLibgav1StatusInvalidArgument;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusOutOfMemory = kLibgav1StatusOutOfMemory;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusResourceExhausted = kLibgav1StatusResourceExhausted;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusNotInitialized = kLibgav1StatusNotInitialized;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusAlready = kLibgav1StatusAlready;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusUnimplemented = kLibgav1StatusUnimplemented;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusInternalError = kLibgav1StatusInternalError;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusBitstreamError = kLibgav1StatusBitstreamError;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusTryAgain = kLibgav1StatusTryAgain;
constexpr StatusCode kStatusNothingToDequeue = kLibgav1StatusNothingToDequeue;
// Returns a human readable error string in en-US for the status code |status|.
// Always returns a valid (non-NULL) string.
inline const char* GetErrorString(StatusCode status) {
return Libgav1GetErrorString(status);
} // namespace libgav1
#endif // defined(__cplusplus)