blob: fce54f290ad0cc3924c8a896c946e5625b4b3171 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/dsp/loop_restoration.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/dsp/common.h"
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h"
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
namespace libgav1 {
namespace dsp {
// Section 7.17.3.
// a2: range [1, 256].
// if (z >= 255)
// a2 = 256;
// else if (z == 0)
// a2 = 1;
// else
// a2 = ((z << kSgrProjSgrBits) + (z >> 1)) / (z + 1);
// ma = 256 - a2;
const uint8_t kSgrMaLookup[256] = {
255, 128, 85, 64, 51, 43, 37, 32, 28, 26, 23, 21, 20, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14,
13, 13, 12, 12, 11, 11, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7,
7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 0};
namespace {
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
inline void WienerHorizontal(const Pixel* source, const ptrdiff_t source_stride,
const int width, const int height,
const int16_t* const filter,
const int number_zero_coefficients,
int16_t** wiener_buffer) {
constexpr int kCenterTap = kWienerFilterTaps / 2;
constexpr int kRoundBitsHorizontal = (bitdepth == 12)
? kInterRoundBitsHorizontal12bpp
: kInterRoundBitsHorizontal;
constexpr int offset =
1 << (bitdepth + kWienerFilterBits - kRoundBitsHorizontal - 1);
constexpr int limit = (offset << 2) - 1;
int y = height;
do {
int x = 0;
do {
// sum fits into 16 bits only when bitdepth = 8.
int sum = 0;
for (int k = number_zero_coefficients; k < kCenterTap; ++k) {
sum +=
filter[k] * (source[x + k] + source[x + kWienerFilterTaps - 1 - k]);
sum += filter[kCenterTap] * source[x + kCenterTap];
const int rounded_sum = RightShiftWithRounding(sum, kRoundBitsHorizontal);
(*wiener_buffer)[x] = Clip3(rounded_sum, -offset, limit - offset);
} while (++x != width);
source += source_stride;
*wiener_buffer += width;
} while (--y != 0);
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
inline void WienerVertical(const int16_t* wiener_buffer, const int width,
const int height, const int16_t* const filter,
const int number_zero_coefficients, void* const dest,
const ptrdiff_t dest_stride) {
constexpr int kCenterTap = kWienerFilterTaps / 2;
constexpr int kRoundBitsVertical =
(bitdepth == 12) ? kInterRoundBitsVertical12bpp : kInterRoundBitsVertical;
auto* dst = static_cast<Pixel*>(dest);
int y = height;
do {
int x = 0;
do {
// sum needs 32 bits.
int sum = 0;
for (int k = number_zero_coefficients; k < kCenterTap; ++k) {
sum += filter[k] *
(wiener_buffer[k * width + x] +
wiener_buffer[(kWienerFilterTaps - 1 - k) * width + x]);
sum += filter[kCenterTap] * wiener_buffer[kCenterTap * width + x];
const int rounded_sum = RightShiftWithRounding(sum, kRoundBitsVertical);
dst[x] = static_cast<Pixel>(Clip3(rounded_sum, 0, (1 << bitdepth) - 1));
} while (++x != width);
wiener_buffer += width;
dst += dest_stride;
} while (--y != 0);
// Note: bit range for wiener filter.
// Wiener filter process first applies horizontal filtering to input pixels,
// followed by rounding with predefined bits (dependent on bitdepth).
// Then vertical filtering is applied, followed by rounding (dependent on
// bitdepth).
// The process is the same as convolution:
// <input> --> <horizontal filter> --> <rounding 0> --> <vertical filter>
// --> <rounding 1>
// By design:
// (a). horizontal/vertical filtering adds 7 bits to input.
// (b). The output of first rounding fits into 16 bits.
// (c). The output of second rounding fits into 16 bits.
// If input bitdepth > 8, the accumulator of the horizontal filter is larger
// than 16 bit and smaller than 32 bits.
// The accumulator of the vertical filter is larger than 16 bits and smaller
// than 32 bits.
// Note: range of wiener filter coefficients.
// Wiener filter coefficients are symmetric, and their sum is 1 (128).
// The range of each coefficient:
// filter[0] = filter[6], 4 bits, min = -5, max = 10.
// filter[1] = filter[5], 5 bits, min = -23, max = 8.
// filter[2] = filter[4], 6 bits, min = -17, max = 46.
// filter[3] = 128 - 2 * (filter[0] + filter[1] + filter[2]).
// The difference from libaom is that in libaom:
// filter[3] = 0 - 2 * (filter[0] + filter[1] + filter[2]).
// Thus in libaom's computation, an offset of 128 is needed for filter[3].
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
void WienerFilter_C(const void* const source, void* const dest,
const RestorationUnitInfo& restoration_info,
ptrdiff_t source_stride, ptrdiff_t dest_stride, int width,
int height, RestorationBuffer* const restoration_buffer) {
constexpr int kCenterTap = kWienerFilterTaps / 2;
const int16_t* const number_leading_zero_coefficients =
const int number_rows_to_skip = std::max(
int16_t* const wiener_buffer_org = restoration_buffer->wiener_buffer;
// horizontal filtering.
const int height_horizontal =
height + kWienerFilterTaps - 1 - 2 * number_rows_to_skip;
const int16_t* const filter_horizontal =
const auto* src = static_cast<const Pixel*>(source);
src -= (kCenterTap - number_rows_to_skip) * source_stride + kCenterTap;
auto* wiener_buffer = wiener_buffer_org + number_rows_to_skip * width;
if (number_leading_zero_coefficients[WienerInfo::kHorizontal] == 0) {
WienerHorizontal<bitdepth, Pixel>(src, source_stride, width,
height_horizontal, filter_horizontal, 0,
} else if (number_leading_zero_coefficients[WienerInfo::kHorizontal] == 1) {
WienerHorizontal<bitdepth, Pixel>(src, source_stride, width,
height_horizontal, filter_horizontal, 1,
} else if (number_leading_zero_coefficients[WienerInfo::kHorizontal] == 2) {
WienerHorizontal<bitdepth, Pixel>(src, source_stride, width,
height_horizontal, filter_horizontal, 2,
} else {
assert(number_leading_zero_coefficients[WienerInfo::kHorizontal] == 3);
WienerHorizontal<bitdepth, Pixel>(src, source_stride, width,
height_horizontal, filter_horizontal, 3,
// vertical filtering.
const int16_t* const filter_vertical =
if (number_leading_zero_coefficients[WienerInfo::kVertical] == 0) {
// Because the top row of |source| is a duplicate of the second row, and the
// bottom row of |source| is a duplicate of its above row, we can duplicate
// the top and bottom row of |wiener_buffer| accordingly.
memcpy(wiener_buffer, wiener_buffer - width,
sizeof(*wiener_buffer) * width);
memcpy(wiener_buffer_org, wiener_buffer_org + width,
sizeof(*wiener_buffer) * width);
WienerVertical<bitdepth, Pixel>(wiener_buffer_org, width, height,
filter_vertical, 0, dest, dest_stride);
} else if (number_leading_zero_coefficients[WienerInfo::kVertical] == 1) {
WienerVertical<bitdepth, Pixel>(wiener_buffer_org, width, height,
filter_vertical, 1, dest, dest_stride);
} else if (number_leading_zero_coefficients[WienerInfo::kVertical] == 2) {
WienerVertical<bitdepth, Pixel>(wiener_buffer_org, width, height,
filter_vertical, 2, dest, dest_stride);
} else {
assert(number_leading_zero_coefficients[WienerInfo::kVertical] == 3);
WienerVertical<bitdepth, Pixel>(wiener_buffer_org, width, height,
filter_vertical, 3, dest, dest_stride);
// SGR
template <typename Pixel, int size>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void BoxSum(const Pixel* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const int height, const int width,
uint16_t* sums, uint32_t* square_sums,
const ptrdiff_t sum_stride) {
int y = height;
do {
uint32_t sum = 0;
uint32_t square_sum = 0;
for (int dx = 0; dx < size; ++dx) {
const Pixel source = src[dx];
sum += source;
square_sum += source * source;
sums[0] = sum;
square_sums[0] = square_sum;
int x = 1;
do {
const Pixel source0 = src[x - 1];
const Pixel source1 = src[x - 1 + size];
sum -= source0;
sum += source1;
square_sum -= source0 * source0;
square_sum += source1 * source1;
sums[x] = sum;
square_sums[x] = square_sum;
} while (++x != width);
src += src_stride;
sums += sum_stride;
square_sums += sum_stride;
} while (--y != 0);
template <typename Pixel>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void BoxSum(const Pixel* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const int height, const int width,
uint16_t* sum3, uint16_t* sum5,
uint32_t* square_sum3, uint32_t* square_sum5,
const ptrdiff_t sum_stride) {
int y = height;
do {
uint32_t sum = 0;
uint32_t square_sum = 0;
for (int dx = 0; dx < 4; ++dx) {
const Pixel source = src[dx];
sum += source;
square_sum += source * source;
int x = 0;
do {
const Pixel source0 = src[x];
const Pixel source1 = src[x + 4];
sum -= source0;
square_sum -= source0 * source0;
sum3[x] = sum;
square_sum3[x] = square_sum;
sum += source1;
square_sum += source1 * source1;
sum5[x] = sum + source0;
square_sum5[x] = square_sum + source0 * source0;
} while (++x != width);
src += src_stride;
sum3 += sum_stride;
sum5 += sum_stride;
square_sum3 += sum_stride;
square_sum5 += sum_stride;
} while (--y != 0);
template <int bitdepth, int n>
inline void CalculateIntermediate(const uint32_t s, uint32_t a,
const uint32_t b, uint8_t* const ma_ptr,
uint32_t* const b_ptr) {
// a: before shift, max is 25 * (2^(bitdepth) - 1) * (2^(bitdepth) - 1).
// since max bitdepth = 12, max < 2^31.
// after shift, a < 2^16 * n < 2^22 regardless of bitdepth
a = RightShiftWithRounding(a, (bitdepth - 8) << 1);
// b: max is 25 * (2^(bitdepth) - 1). If bitdepth = 12, max < 2^19.
// d < 2^8 * n < 2^14 regardless of bitdepth
const uint32_t d = RightShiftWithRounding(b, bitdepth - 8);
// p: Each term in calculating p = a * n - b * b is < 2^16 * n^2 < 2^28,
// and p itself satisfies p < 2^14 * n^2 < 2^26.
// This bound on p is due to:
// Note: Sometimes, in high bitdepth, we can end up with a*n < b*b.
// This is an artifact of rounding, and can only happen if all pixels
// are (almost) identical, so in this case we saturate to p=0.
const uint32_t p = (a * n < d * d) ? 0 : a * n - d * d;
// p * s < (2^14 * n^2) * round(2^20 / (n^2 * scale)) < 2^34 / scale <
// 2^32 as long as scale >= 4. So p * s fits into a uint32_t, and z < 2^12
// (this holds even after accounting for the rounding in s)
const uint32_t z = RightShiftWithRounding(p * s, kSgrProjScaleBits);
// ma: range [0, 255].
const uint32_t ma = kSgrMaLookup[std::min(z, 255u)];
const uint32_t one_over_n = ((1 << kSgrProjReciprocalBits) + (n >> 1)) / n;
// ma < 2^8, b < 2^(bitdepth) * n,
// one_over_n = round(2^12 / n)
// => the product here is < 2^(20 + bitdepth) <= 2^32,
// and b is set to a value < 2^(8 + bitdepth).
// This holds even with the rounding in one_over_n and in the overall result,
// as long as ma is strictly less than 2^8.
const uint32_t b2 = ma * b * one_over_n;
*ma_ptr = ma;
*b_ptr = RightShiftWithRounding(b2, kSgrProjReciprocalBits);
template <typename T>
inline uint32_t Sum343(const T* const src) {
return 3 * (src[0] + src[2]) + 4 * src[1];
template <typename T>
inline uint32_t Sum444(const T* const src) {
return 4 * (src[0] + src[1] + src[2]);
template <typename T>
inline uint32_t Sum565(const T* const src) {
return 5 * (src[0] + src[2]) + 6 * src[1];
template <int bitdepth>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void BoxFilterPreProcess5(
const uint16_t* const sum5[5], const uint32_t* const square_sum5[5],
const int width, const uint32_t s, SgrBuffer* const sgr_buffer,
uint16_t* const ma565, uint32_t* const b565) {
int x = 0;
do {
uint32_t a = 0;
uint32_t b = 0;
for (int dy = 0; dy < 5; ++dy) {
a += square_sum5[dy][x];
b += sum5[dy][x];
CalculateIntermediate<bitdepth, 25>(s, a, b, sgr_buffer->ma + x,
sgr_buffer->b + x);
} while (++x != width + 2);
x = 0;
do {
ma565[x] = Sum565(sgr_buffer->ma + x);
b565[x] = Sum565(sgr_buffer->b + x);
} while (++x != width);
template <int bitdepth>
LIBGAV1_ALWAYS_INLINE void BoxFilterPreProcess3(
const uint16_t* const sum3[3], const uint32_t* const square_sum3[3],
const int width, const uint32_t s, const bool calculate444,
SgrBuffer* const sgr_buffer, uint16_t* const ma343, uint32_t* const b343,
uint16_t* const ma444, uint32_t* const b444) {
int x = 0;
do {
uint32_t a = 0;
uint32_t b = 0;
for (int dy = 0; dy < 3; ++dy) {
a += square_sum3[dy][x];
b += sum3[dy][x];
CalculateIntermediate<bitdepth, 9>(s, a, b, sgr_buffer->ma + x,
sgr_buffer->b + x);
} while (++x != width + 2);
x = 0;
do {
ma343[x] = Sum343(sgr_buffer->ma + x);
b343[x] = Sum343(sgr_buffer->b + x);
} while (++x != width);
if (calculate444) {
x = 0;
do {
ma444[x] = Sum444(sgr_buffer->ma + x);
b444[x] = Sum444(sgr_buffer->b + x);
} while (++x != width);
template <typename Pixel>
inline int CalculateFilteredOutput(const Pixel src, const uint32_t ma,
const uint32_t b, const int shift) {
const int32_t v = b - ma * src;
return RightShiftWithRounding(v,
kSgrProjSgrBits + shift - kSgrProjRestoreBits);
template <typename Pixel>
inline void BoxFilterPass(const Pixel src0, const Pixel src1,
const uint16_t* const ma565[2],
const uint32_t* const b565[2], const ptrdiff_t x,
int p[2]) {
p[0] = CalculateFilteredOutput<Pixel>(src0, ma565[0][x] + ma565[1][x],
b565[0][x] + b565[1][x], 5);
p[1] = CalculateFilteredOutput<Pixel>(src1, ma565[1][x], b565[1][x], 4);
template <typename Pixel>
inline int BoxFilterPass2(const Pixel src, const uint16_t* const ma343[3],
const uint16_t* const ma444,
const uint32_t* const b343[3],
const uint32_t* const b444, const ptrdiff_t x) {
const uint32_t ma = ma343[0][x] + ma444[x] + ma343[2][x];
const uint32_t b = b343[0][x] + b444[x] + b343[2][x];
return CalculateFilteredOutput<Pixel>(src, ma, b, 5);
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
inline Pixel SelfGuidedFinal(const int src, const int v) {
// if radius_pass_0 == 0 and radius_pass_1 == 0, the range of v is:
// bits(u) + bits(w0/w1/w2) + 2 = bitdepth + 13.
// Then, range of s is bitdepth + 2. This is a rough estimation, taking the
// maximum value of each element.
const int s = src + RightShiftWithRounding(
v, kSgrProjRestoreBits + kSgrProjPrecisionBits);
return static_cast<Pixel>(Clip3(s, 0, (1 << bitdepth) - 1));
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
inline Pixel SelfGuidedDoubleMultiplier(const int src, const int filter0,
const int filter1, const int16_t w0,
const int16_t w2) {
const int v = w0 * filter0 + w2 * filter1;
return SelfGuidedFinal<bitdepth, Pixel>(src, v);
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
inline Pixel SelfGuidedSingleMultiplier(const int src, const int filter,
const int16_t w0) {
const int v = w0 * filter;
return SelfGuidedFinal<bitdepth, Pixel>(src, v);
template <typename T>
void Circulate3PointersBy1(T* p[3]) {
T* const p0 = p[0];
p[0] = p[1];
p[1] = p[2];
p[2] = p0;
template <typename T>
void Circulate4PointersBy2(T* p[4]) {
std::swap(p[0], p[2]);
std::swap(p[1], p[3]);
template <typename T>
void Circulate5PointersBy2(T* p[5]) {
T* const p0 = p[0];
T* const p1 = p[1];
p[0] = p[2];
p[1] = p[3];
p[2] = p[4];
p[3] = p0;
p[4] = p1;
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
inline void BoxFilterProcess(const RestorationUnitInfo& restoration_info,
const Pixel* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const int width, const int height,
SgrBuffer* const sgr_buffer, Pixel* dst,
const ptrdiff_t dst_stride) {
const auto temp_stride = Align<ptrdiff_t>(width, 8);
const ptrdiff_t sum_stride = temp_stride + 8;
const int sgr_proj_index = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.index;
const uint16_t* const scales = kSgrScaleParameter[sgr_proj_index]; // < 2^12.
const int16_t w0 = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.multiplier[0];
const int16_t w1 = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.multiplier[1];
const int16_t w2 = (1 << kSgrProjPrecisionBits) - w0 - w1;
uint16_t *sum3[4], *sum5[5], *ma343[4], *ma444[3], *ma565[2];
uint32_t *square_sum3[4], *square_sum5[5], *b343[4], *b444[3], *b565[2];
sum3[0] = sgr_buffer->sum3;
square_sum3[0] = sgr_buffer->square_sum3;
ma343[0] = sgr_buffer->ma343;
b343[0] = sgr_buffer->b343;
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) {
sum3[i] = sum3[i - 1] + sum_stride;
square_sum3[i] = square_sum3[i - 1] + sum_stride;
ma343[i] = ma343[i - 1] + temp_stride;
b343[i] = b343[i - 1] + temp_stride;
sum5[0] = sgr_buffer->sum5;
square_sum5[0] = sgr_buffer->square_sum5;
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) {
sum5[i] = sum5[i - 1] + sum_stride;
square_sum5[i] = square_sum5[i - 1] + sum_stride;
ma444[0] = sgr_buffer->ma444;
b444[0] = sgr_buffer->b444;
for (int i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {
ma444[i] = ma444[i - 1] + temp_stride;
b444[i] = b444[i - 1] + temp_stride;
ma565[0] = sgr_buffer->ma565;
ma565[1] = ma565[0] + temp_stride;
b565[0] = sgr_buffer->b565;
b565[1] = b565[0] + temp_stride;
assert(scales[0] != 0);
assert(scales[1] != 0);
BoxSum<Pixel>(src - 2 * src_stride - 3, src_stride, 4, width + 2, sum3[0],
sum5[1], square_sum3[0], square_sum5[1], sum_stride);
memcpy(sum5[0], sum5[1], sizeof(**sum5) * sum_stride);
memcpy(square_sum5[0], square_sum5[1], sizeof(**square_sum5) * sum_stride);
BoxFilterPreProcess5<bitdepth>(sum5, square_sum5, width, scales[0],
sgr_buffer, ma565[0], b565[0]);
BoxFilterPreProcess3<bitdepth>(sum3, square_sum3, width, scales[1], false,
sgr_buffer, ma343[0], b343[0], nullptr,
BoxFilterPreProcess3<bitdepth>(sum3 + 1, square_sum3 + 1, width, scales[1],
true, sgr_buffer, ma343[1], b343[1], ma444[0],
for (int y = height >> 1; y != 0; --y) {
BoxSum<Pixel>(src + 2 * src_stride - 3, src_stride, 1, width + 2, sum3[2],
sum5[3], square_sum3[2], square_sum5[3], sum_stride);
BoxSum<Pixel>(src + 3 * src_stride - 3, src_stride, 1, width + 2, sum3[3],
sum5[4], square_sum3[3], square_sum5[4], sum_stride);
BoxFilterPreProcess5<bitdepth>(sum5, square_sum5, width, scales[0],
sgr_buffer, ma565[1], b565[1]);
BoxFilterPreProcess3<bitdepth>(sum3, square_sum3, width, scales[1], true,
sgr_buffer, ma343[2], b343[2], ma444[1],
BoxFilterPreProcess3<bitdepth>(sum3 + 1, square_sum3 + 1, width, scales[1],
true, sgr_buffer, ma343[3], b343[3],
ma444[2], b444[2]);
int x = 0;
do {
int p[2][2];
BoxFilterPass<Pixel>(src[x], src[src_stride + x], ma565, b565, x, p[0]);
p[1][0] =
BoxFilterPass2<Pixel>(src[x], ma343, ma444[0], b343, b444[0], x);
p[1][1] = BoxFilterPass2<Pixel>(src[src_stride + x], ma343 + 1, ma444[1],
b343 + 1, b444[1], x);
dst[x] = SelfGuidedDoubleMultiplier<bitdepth, Pixel>(src[x], p[0][0],
p[1][0], w0, w2);
dst[dst_stride + x] = SelfGuidedDoubleMultiplier<bitdepth, Pixel>(
src[src_stride + x], p[0][1], p[1][1], w0, w2);
} while (++x != width);
src += 2 * src_stride;
dst += 2 * dst_stride;
std::swap(ma444[0], ma444[2]);
std::swap(b444[0], b444[2]);
std::swap(ma565[0], ma565[1]);
std::swap(b565[0], b565[1]);
if ((height & 1) != 0) {
BoxSum<Pixel>(src + 2 * src_stride - 3, src_stride, 1, width + 2, sum3[2],
sum5[3], square_sum3[2], square_sum5[3], sum_stride);
memcpy(sum5[4], sum5[3], sizeof(**sum5) * sum_stride);
memcpy(square_sum5[4], square_sum5[3], sizeof(**square_sum5) * sum_stride);
BoxFilterPreProcess5<bitdepth>(sum5, square_sum5, width, scales[0],
sgr_buffer, ma565[1], b565[1]);
BoxFilterPreProcess3<bitdepth>(sum3, square_sum3, width, scales[1], false,
sgr_buffer, ma343[2], b343[2], nullptr,
int x = 0;
do {
const int p0 = CalculateFilteredOutput<Pixel>(
src[x], ma565[0][x] + ma565[1][x], b565[0][x] + b565[1][x], 5);
const int p1 =
BoxFilterPass2<Pixel>(src[x], ma343, ma444[0], b343, b444[0], x);
dst[x] =
SelfGuidedDoubleMultiplier<bitdepth, Pixel>(src[x], p0, p1, w0, w2);
} while (++x != width);
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
inline void BoxFilterProcessPass1(const RestorationUnitInfo& restoration_info,
const Pixel* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const int width, const int height,
SgrBuffer* const sgr_buffer, Pixel* dst,
const ptrdiff_t dst_stride) {
const auto temp_stride = Align<ptrdiff_t>(width, 8);
const ptrdiff_t sum_stride = temp_stride + 8;
const int sgr_proj_index = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.index;
const uint32_t s = kSgrScaleParameter[sgr_proj_index][0]; // s < 2^12.
const int16_t w0 = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.multiplier[0];
uint16_t *sum5[5], *ma565[2];
uint32_t *square_sum5[5], *b565[2];
sum5[0] = sgr_buffer->sum5;
square_sum5[0] = sgr_buffer->square_sum5;
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) {
sum5[i] = sum5[i - 1] + sum_stride;
square_sum5[i] = square_sum5[i - 1] + sum_stride;
ma565[0] = sgr_buffer->ma565;
ma565[1] = ma565[0] + temp_stride;
b565[0] = sgr_buffer->b565;
b565[1] = b565[0] + temp_stride;
assert(s != 0);
BoxSum<Pixel, 5>(src - 2 * src_stride - 3, src_stride, 4, width + 2, sum5[1],
square_sum5[1], sum_stride);
memcpy(sum5[0], sum5[1], sizeof(**sum5) * sum_stride);
memcpy(square_sum5[0], square_sum5[1], sizeof(**square_sum5) * sum_stride);
BoxFilterPreProcess5<bitdepth>(sum5, square_sum5, width, s, sgr_buffer,
ma565[0], b565[0]);
for (int y = height >> 1; y != 0; --y) {
BoxSum<Pixel, 5>(src + 2 * src_stride - 3, src_stride, 1, width + 2,
sum5[3], square_sum5[3], sum_stride);
BoxSum<Pixel, 5>(src + 3 * src_stride - 3, src_stride, 1, width + 2,
sum5[4], square_sum5[4], sum_stride);
BoxFilterPreProcess5<bitdepth>(sum5, square_sum5, width, s, sgr_buffer,
ma565[1], b565[1]);
int x = 0;
do {
int p[2];
BoxFilterPass<Pixel>(src[x], src[src_stride + x], ma565, b565, x, p);
dst[x] = SelfGuidedSingleMultiplier<bitdepth, Pixel>(src[x], p[0], w0);
dst[dst_stride + x] = SelfGuidedSingleMultiplier<bitdepth, Pixel>(
src[src_stride + x], p[1], w0);
} while (++x != width);
src += 2 * src_stride;
dst += 2 * dst_stride;
std::swap(ma565[0], ma565[1]);
std::swap(b565[0], b565[1]);
if ((height & 1) != 0) {
BoxSum<Pixel, 5>(src + 2 * src_stride - 3, src_stride, 1, width + 2,
sum5[3], square_sum5[3], sum_stride);
memcpy(sum5[4], sum5[3], sizeof(**sum5) * sum_stride);
memcpy(square_sum5[4], square_sum5[3], sizeof(**square_sum5) * sum_stride);
BoxFilterPreProcess5<bitdepth>(sum5, square_sum5, width, s, sgr_buffer,
ma565[1], b565[1]);
int x = 0;
do {
const int p = CalculateFilteredOutput<Pixel>(
src[x], ma565[0][x] + ma565[1][x], b565[0][x] + b565[1][x], 5);
dst[x] = SelfGuidedSingleMultiplier<bitdepth, Pixel>(src[x], p, w0);
} while (++x != width);
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
inline void BoxFilterProcessPass2(const RestorationUnitInfo& restoration_info,
const Pixel* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const int width, const int height,
SgrBuffer* const sgr_buffer, Pixel* dst,
const ptrdiff_t dst_stride) {
assert(restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.multiplier[0] == 0);
const auto temp_stride = Align<ptrdiff_t>(width, 8);
const ptrdiff_t sum_stride = temp_stride + 8;
const int16_t w1 = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.multiplier[1];
const int16_t w0 = (1 << kSgrProjPrecisionBits) - w1;
const int sgr_proj_index = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.index;
const uint32_t s = kSgrScaleParameter[sgr_proj_index][1]; // s < 2^12.
uint16_t *sum3[3], *ma343[3], *ma444[2];
uint32_t *square_sum3[3], *b343[3], *b444[2];
sum3[0] = sgr_buffer->sum3;
square_sum3[0] = sgr_buffer->square_sum3;
ma343[0] = sgr_buffer->ma343;
b343[0] = sgr_buffer->b343;
for (int i = 1; i <= 2; ++i) {
sum3[i] = sum3[i - 1] + sum_stride;
square_sum3[i] = square_sum3[i - 1] + sum_stride;
ma343[i] = ma343[i - 1] + temp_stride;
b343[i] = b343[i - 1] + temp_stride;
ma444[0] = sgr_buffer->ma444;
ma444[1] = ma444[0] + temp_stride;
b444[0] = sgr_buffer->b444;
b444[1] = b444[0] + temp_stride;
assert(s != 0);
BoxSum<Pixel, 3>(src - 2 * src_stride - 2, src_stride, 3, width + 2, sum3[0],
square_sum3[0], sum_stride);
BoxFilterPreProcess3<bitdepth>(sum3, square_sum3, width, s, false, sgr_buffer,
ma343[0], b343[0], nullptr, nullptr);
BoxSum<Pixel, 3>(src + src_stride - 2, src_stride, 1, width + 2, sum3[2],
square_sum3[2], sum_stride);
BoxFilterPreProcess3<bitdepth>(sum3, square_sum3, width, s, true, sgr_buffer,
ma343[1], b343[1], ma444[0], b444[0]);
int y = height;
do {
BoxSum<Pixel, 3>(src + 2 * src_stride - 2, src_stride, 1, width + 2,
sum3[2], square_sum3[2], sum_stride);
BoxFilterPreProcess3<bitdepth>(sum3, square_sum3, width, s, true,
sgr_buffer, ma343[2], b343[2], ma444[1],
int x = 0;
do {
const int p =
BoxFilterPass2<Pixel>(src[x], ma343, ma444[0], b343, b444[0], x);
dst[x] = SelfGuidedSingleMultiplier<bitdepth, Pixel>(src[x], p, w0);
} while (++x != width);
src += src_stride;
dst += dst_stride;
std::swap(ma444[0], ma444[1]);
std::swap(b444[0], b444[1]);
} while (--y != 0);
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
void SelfGuidedFilter_C(const void* const source, void* const dest,
const RestorationUnitInfo& restoration_info,
ptrdiff_t source_stride, ptrdiff_t dest_stride,
int width, int height,
RestorationBuffer* const restoration_buffer) {
const int index = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.index;
const int radius_pass_0 = kSgrProjParams[index][0]; // 2 or 0
const int radius_pass_1 = kSgrProjParams[index][2]; // 1 or 0
const auto* src = static_cast<const Pixel*>(source);
auto* dst = static_cast<Pixel*>(dest);
SgrBuffer* const sgr_buffer = &restoration_buffer->sgr_buffer;
if (radius_pass_1 == 0) {
// |radius_pass_0| and |radius_pass_1| cannot both be 0, so we have the
// following assertion.
assert(radius_pass_0 != 0);
BoxFilterProcessPass1<bitdepth, Pixel>(restoration_info, src, source_stride,
width, height, sgr_buffer, dst,
} else if (radius_pass_0 == 0) {
BoxFilterProcessPass2<bitdepth, Pixel>(restoration_info, src, source_stride,
width, height, sgr_buffer, dst,
} else {
BoxFilterProcess<bitdepth, Pixel>(restoration_info, src, source_stride,
width, height, sgr_buffer, dst,
void Init8bpp() {
Dsp* const dsp = dsp_internal::GetWritableDspTable(8);
assert(dsp != nullptr);
dsp->loop_restorations[0] = WienerFilter_C<8, uint8_t>;
dsp->loop_restorations[1] = SelfGuidedFilter_C<8, uint8_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp8bpp_WienerFilter
dsp->loop_restorations[0] = WienerFilter_C<8, uint8_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp8bpp_SelfGuidedFilter
dsp->loop_restorations[1] = SelfGuidedFilter_C<8, uint8_t>;
void Init10bpp() {
Dsp* const dsp = dsp_internal::GetWritableDspTable(10);
assert(dsp != nullptr);
dsp->loop_restorations[0] = WienerFilter_C<10, uint16_t>;
dsp->loop_restorations[1] = SelfGuidedFilter_C<10, uint16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp10bpp_WienerFilter
dsp->loop_restorations[0] = WienerFilter_C<10, uint16_t>;
#ifndef LIBGAV1_Dsp10bpp_SelfGuidedFilter
dsp->loop_restorations[1] = SelfGuidedFilter_C<10, uint16_t>;
#endif // LIBGAV1_MAX_BITDEPTH >= 10
} // namespace
void LoopRestorationInit_C() {
} // namespace dsp
} // namespace libgav1