blob: 5f7eef75113c6c7f03717fba437ceb106e6d833f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/dsp/convolve.h"
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h"
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/dsp/arm/common_neon.h"
#include "src/utils/common.h"
namespace libgav1 {
namespace dsp {
namespace low_bitdepth {
namespace {
constexpr int kBitdepth8 = 8;
constexpr int kIntermediateStride = kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels;
constexpr int kSubPixelMask = (1 << kSubPixelBits) - 1;
constexpr int kHorizontalOffset = 3;
constexpr int kVerticalOffset = 3;
constexpr int kInterRoundBitsVertical = 11;
int GetFilterIndex(const int filter_index, const int length) {
if (length <= 4) {
if (filter_index == kInterpolationFilterEightTap ||
filter_index == kInterpolationFilterEightTapSharp) {
return 4;
if (filter_index == kInterpolationFilterEightTapSmooth) {
return 5;
return filter_index;
inline int16x8_t ZeroExtend(const uint8x8_t in) {
return vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(in));
inline void Load8x8(const uint8_t* s, const ptrdiff_t p, int16x8_t* dst) {
dst[0] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(s));
s += p;
dst[1] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(s));
s += p;
dst[2] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(s));
s += p;
dst[3] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(s));
s += p;
dst[4] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(s));
s += p;
dst[5] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(s));
s += p;
dst[6] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(s));
s += p;
dst[7] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(s));
// Multiply every entry in |src[]| by the corresponding lane in |taps| and sum.
// The sum of the entries in |taps| is always 128. In some situations negative
// values are used. This creates a situation where the positive taps sum to more
// than 128. An example is:
// {-4, 10, -24, 100, 60, -20, 8, -2}
// The negative taps never sum to < -128
// The center taps are always positive. The remaining positive taps never sum
// to > 128.
// Summing these naively can overflow int16_t. This can be avoided by adding the
// center taps last and saturating the result.
// We do not need to expand to int32_t because later in the function the value
// is shifted by |kFilterBits| (7) and saturated to uint8_t. This means any
// value over 255 << 7 (32576 because of rounding) is clamped.
template <int num_taps>
int16x8_t SumTaps(const int16x8_t* const src, const int16x8_t taps) {
int16x8_t sum;
if (num_taps == 8) {
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
const int16x4_t taps_hi = vget_high_s16(taps);
sum = vmulq_lane_s16(src[0], taps_lo, 0);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[2], taps_lo, 2);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[5], taps_hi, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[6], taps_hi, 2);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[7], taps_hi, 3);
// Center taps.
sum = vqaddq_s16(sum, vmulq_lane_s16(src[3], taps_lo, 3));
sum = vqaddq_s16(sum, vmulq_lane_s16(src[4], taps_hi, 0));
} else if (num_taps == 6) {
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
const int16x4_t taps_hi = vget_high_s16(taps);
sum = vmulq_lane_s16(src[0], taps_lo, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 2);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[4], taps_hi, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[5], taps_hi, 2);
// Center taps.
sum = vqaddq_s16(sum, vmulq_lane_s16(src[2], taps_lo, 3));
sum = vqaddq_s16(sum, vmulq_lane_s16(src[3], taps_hi, 0));
} else if (num_taps == 4) {
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
sum = vmulq_lane_s16(src[0], taps_lo, 0);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[3], taps_lo, 3);
// Center taps.
sum = vqaddq_s16(sum, vmulq_lane_s16(src[1], taps_lo, 1));
sum = vqaddq_s16(sum, vmulq_lane_s16(src[2], taps_lo, 2));
} else {
assert(num_taps == 2);
// All the taps are positive so there is no concern regarding saturation.
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
sum = vmulq_lane_s16(src[0], taps_lo, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 2);
return sum;
// Add an offset to ensure the sum is positive and it fits within uint16_t.
template <int num_taps>
uint16x8_t SumTaps8To16(const int16x8_t* const src, const int16x8_t taps) {
// The worst case sum of negative taps is -56. The worst case sum of positive
// taps is 184. With the single pass versions of the Convolve we could safely
// saturate to int16_t because it outranged the final shift and narrow to
// uint8_t. For the 2D Convolve the intermediate values are 16 bits so we
// don't have that option.
// 184 * 255 = 46920 which is greater than int16_t can hold, but not uint16_t.
// The minimum value we need to handle is -56 * 255 = -14280.
// By offsetting the sum with 1 << 14 = 16384 we ensure that the sum is never
// negative and that 46920 + 16384 = 63304 fits comfortably in uint16_t. This
// allows us to use 16 bit registers instead of 32 bit registers.
// When considering the bit operations it is safe to ignore signedness. Due to
// the magic of 2's complement and well defined rollover rules the bit
// representations are equivalent.
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
const int16x4_t taps_hi = vget_high_s16(taps);
// |offset| == 1 << (bitdepth + kFilterBits - 1);
int16x8_t sum = vdupq_n_s16(1 << 14);
if (num_taps == 8) {
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 0);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[2], taps_lo, 2);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[3], taps_lo, 3);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[4], taps_hi, 0);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[5], taps_hi, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[6], taps_hi, 2);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[7], taps_hi, 3);
} else if (num_taps == 6) {
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 2);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[2], taps_lo, 3);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[3], taps_hi, 0);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[4], taps_hi, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[5], taps_hi, 2);
} else if (num_taps == 4) {
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 2);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 3);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[2], taps_hi, 0);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[3], taps_hi, 1);
} else if (num_taps == 2) {
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 3);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_hi, 0);
// This is guaranteed to be positive. Convert it for the final shift.
return vreinterpretq_u16_s16(sum);
template <int num_taps, int filter_index, bool negative_outside_taps = true>
uint16x8_t SumCompoundHorizontalTaps(const uint8_t* const src,
const uint8x8_t* const v_tap) {
// Start with an offset to guarantee the sum is non negative.
uint16x8_t v_sum = vdupq_n_u16(1 << 14);
uint8x16_t v_src[8];
v_src[0] = vld1q_u8(&src[0]);
if (num_taps == 8) {
v_src[1] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 1);
v_src[2] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 2);
v_src[3] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 3);
v_src[4] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 4);
v_src[5] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 5);
v_src[6] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 6);
v_src[7] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 7);
// tap signs : - + - + + - + -
v_sum = vmlsl_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[0]), v_tap[0]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[1]), v_tap[1]);
v_sum = vmlsl_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[2]), v_tap[2]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[3]), v_tap[3]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[4]), v_tap[4]);
v_sum = vmlsl_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[5]), v_tap[5]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[6]), v_tap[6]);
v_sum = vmlsl_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[7]), v_tap[7]);
} else if (num_taps == 6) {
v_src[1] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 1);
v_src[2] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 2);
v_src[3] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 3);
v_src[4] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 4);
v_src[5] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 5);
v_src[6] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 6);
if (filter_index == 0) {
// tap signs : + - + + - +
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[1]), v_tap[1]);
v_sum = vmlsl_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[2]), v_tap[2]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[3]), v_tap[3]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[4]), v_tap[4]);
v_sum = vmlsl_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[5]), v_tap[5]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[6]), v_tap[6]);
} else {
if (negative_outside_taps) {
// tap signs : - + + + + -
v_sum = vmlsl_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[1]), v_tap[1]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[2]), v_tap[2]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[3]), v_tap[3]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[4]), v_tap[4]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[5]), v_tap[5]);
v_sum = vmlsl_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[6]), v_tap[6]);
} else {
// tap signs : + + + + + +
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[1]), v_tap[1]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[2]), v_tap[2]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[3]), v_tap[3]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[4]), v_tap[4]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[5]), v_tap[5]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[6]), v_tap[6]);
} else if (num_taps == 4) {
v_src[2] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 2);
v_src[3] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 3);
v_src[4] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 4);
v_src[5] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 5);
if (filter_index == 4) {
// tap signs : - + + -
v_sum = vmlsl_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[2]), v_tap[2]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[3]), v_tap[3]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[4]), v_tap[4]);
v_sum = vmlsl_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[5]), v_tap[5]);
} else {
// tap signs : + + + +
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[2]), v_tap[2]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[3]), v_tap[3]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[4]), v_tap[4]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[5]), v_tap[5]);
} else {
assert(num_taps == 2);
v_src[3] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 3);
v_src[4] = vextq_u8(v_src[0], v_src[0], 4);
// tap signs : + +
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[3]), v_tap[3]);
v_sum = vmlal_u8(v_sum, vget_low_u8(v_src[4]), v_tap[4]);
return v_sum;
template <int num_taps, int filter_index>
uint16x8_t SumHorizontalTaps2xH(const uint8_t* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const uint8x8_t* const v_tap) {
constexpr int positive_offset_bits = kBitdepth8 + kFilterBits - 1;
uint16x8_t sum = vdupq_n_u16(1 << positive_offset_bits);
uint8x8_t input0 = vld1_u8(src);
src += src_stride;
uint8x8_t input1 = vld1_u8(src);
uint8x8x2_t input = vzip_u8(input0, input1);
if (num_taps == 2) {
// tap signs : + +
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, vext_u8(input.val[0], input.val[1], 6), v_tap[3]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, input.val[1], v_tap[4]);
} else if (filter_index == 4) {
// tap signs : - + + -
sum = vmlsl_u8(sum, RightShift<4 * 8>(input.val[0]), v_tap[2]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, vext_u8(input.val[0], input.val[1], 6), v_tap[3]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, input.val[1], v_tap[4]);
sum = vmlsl_u8(sum, RightShift<2 * 8>(input.val[1]), v_tap[5]);
} else {
// tap signs : + + + +
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, RightShift<4 * 8>(input.val[0]), v_tap[2]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, vext_u8(input.val[0], input.val[1], 6), v_tap[3]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, input.val[1], v_tap[4]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, RightShift<2 * 8>(input.val[1]), v_tap[5]);
return vrshrq_n_u16(sum, kInterRoundBitsHorizontal);
// TODO(johannkoenig): Rename this function. It works for more than just
// compound convolutions.
template <int num_taps, int step, int filter_index,
bool negative_outside_taps = true, bool is_2d = false,
bool is_8bit = false>
void ConvolveCompoundHorizontalBlock(const uint8_t* src,
const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
void* const dest,
const ptrdiff_t pred_stride,
const int width, const int height,
const uint8x8_t* const v_tap) {
const uint16x8_t v_compound_round_offset = vdupq_n_u16(1 << (kBitdepth8 + 4));
const int16x8_t v_inter_round_bits_0 =
auto* dest8 = static_cast<uint8_t*>(dest);
auto* dest16 = static_cast<uint16_t*>(dest);
if (width > 4) {
int y = 0;
do {
int x = 0;
do {
uint16x8_t v_sum =
SumCompoundHorizontalTaps<num_taps, filter_index,
negative_outside_taps>(&src[x], v_tap);
if (is_8bit) {
// Split shifts the way they are in C. They can be combined but that
// makes removing the 1 << 14 offset much more difficult.
v_sum = vrshrq_n_u16(v_sum, kInterRoundBitsHorizontal);
int16x8_t v_sum_signed = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vsubq_u16(
v_sum, vdupq_n_u16(1 << (14 - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal))));
uint8x8_t result = vqrshrun_n_s16(
v_sum_signed, kFilterBits - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal);
vst1_u8(&dest8[x], result);
} else {
v_sum = vrshlq_u16(v_sum, v_inter_round_bits_0);
if (!is_2d) {
v_sum = vaddq_u16(v_sum, v_compound_round_offset);
vst1q_u16(&dest16[x], v_sum);
x += step;
} while (x < width);
src += src_stride;
dest8 += pred_stride;
dest16 += pred_stride;
} while (++y < height);
} else if (width == 4) {
int y = 0;
do {
uint16x8_t v_sum =
SumCompoundHorizontalTaps<num_taps, filter_index,
negative_outside_taps>(&src[0], v_tap);
if (is_8bit) {
v_sum = vrshrq_n_u16(v_sum, kInterRoundBitsHorizontal);
int16x8_t v_sum_signed = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vsubq_u16(
v_sum, vdupq_n_u16(1 << (14 - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal))));
uint8x8_t result = vqrshrun_n_s16(
v_sum_signed, kFilterBits - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal);
StoreLo4(&dest8[0], result);
} else {
v_sum = vrshlq_u16(v_sum, v_inter_round_bits_0);
if (!is_2d) {
v_sum = vaddq_u16(v_sum, v_compound_round_offset);
vst1_u16(&dest16[0], vget_low_u16(v_sum));
src += src_stride;
dest8 += pred_stride;
dest16 += pred_stride;
} while (++y < height);
// Horizontal passes only needs to account for |num_taps| 2 and 4 when
// |width| == 2.
assert(width == 2);
assert(num_taps <= 4);
constexpr int positive_offset_bits = kBitdepth8 + kFilterBits - 1;
// Leave off + 1 << (kBitdepth8 + 3).
constexpr int compound_round_offset = 1 << (kBitdepth8 + 4);
if (num_taps <= 4) {
int y = 0;
do {
// TODO(johannkoenig): Re-order the values for storing.
uint16x8_t sum =
SumHorizontalTaps2xH<num_taps, filter_index>(src, src_stride, v_tap);
if (is_2d) {
dest16[0] = vgetq_lane_u16(sum, 0);
dest16[1] = vgetq_lane_u16(sum, 2);
dest16 += pred_stride;
dest16[0] = vgetq_lane_u16(sum, 1);
dest16[1] = vgetq_lane_u16(sum, 3);
dest16 += pred_stride;
} else if (!is_8bit) {
// None of the test vectors hit this path but the unit tests do.
sum = vaddq_u16(sum, vdupq_n_u16(compound_round_offset));
dest16[0] = vgetq_lane_u16(sum, 0);
dest16[1] = vgetq_lane_u16(sum, 2);
dest16 += pred_stride;
dest16[0] = vgetq_lane_u16(sum, 1);
dest16[1] = vgetq_lane_u16(sum, 3);
dest16 += pred_stride;
} else {
// Split shifts the way they are in C. They can be combined but that
// makes removing the 1 << 14 offset much more difficult.
int16x8_t sum_signed = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vsubq_u16(
sum, vdupq_n_u16(
1 << (positive_offset_bits - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal))));
uint8x8_t result =
vqrshrun_n_s16(sum_signed, kFilterBits - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal);
// Could de-interleave and vst1_lane_u16().
dest8[0] = vget_lane_u8(result, 0);
dest8[1] = vget_lane_u8(result, 2);
dest8 += pred_stride;
dest8[0] = vget_lane_u8(result, 1);
dest8[1] = vget_lane_u8(result, 3);
dest8 += pred_stride;
src += src_stride << 1;
y += 2;
} while (y < height - 1);
// The 2d filters have an odd |height| because the horizontal pass generates
// context for the vertical pass.
if (is_2d) {
assert(height % 2 == 1);
uint16x8_t sum = vdupq_n_u16(1 << positive_offset_bits);
uint8x8_t input = vld1_u8(src);
if (filter_index == 3) { // |num_taps| == 2
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, RightShift<3 * 8>(input), v_tap[3]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, RightShift<4 * 8>(input), v_tap[4]);
} else if (filter_index == 4) {
sum = vmlsl_u8(sum, RightShift<2 * 8>(input), v_tap[2]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, RightShift<3 * 8>(input), v_tap[3]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, RightShift<4 * 8>(input), v_tap[4]);
sum = vmlsl_u8(sum, RightShift<5 * 8>(input), v_tap[5]);
} else {
assert(filter_index == 5);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, RightShift<2 * 8>(input), v_tap[2]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, RightShift<3 * 8>(input), v_tap[3]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, RightShift<4 * 8>(input), v_tap[4]);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, RightShift<5 * 8>(input), v_tap[5]);
sum = vrshrq_n_u16(sum, kInterRoundBitsHorizontal);
Store2<0>(dest16, sum);
// Process 16 bit inputs and output 32 bits.
template <int num_taps>
uint32x4x2_t Sum2DVerticalTaps(const int16x8_t* const src,
const int16x8_t taps) {
// In order to get the rollover correct with the lengthening instruction we
// need to treat these as signed so that they sign extend properly.
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
const int16x4_t taps_hi = vget_high_s16(taps);
// An offset to guarantee the sum is non negative. Captures 56 * -4590 =
// 257040 (worst case negative value from horizontal pass). It should be
// possible to use 1 << 18 (262144) instead of 1 << 19 but there probably
// isn't any benefit.
// |offset_bits| = bitdepth + 2 * kFilterBits - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal
// == 19.
int32x4_t sum_lo = vdupq_n_s32(1 << 19);
int32x4_t sum_hi = sum_lo;
if (num_taps == 8) {
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[0]), taps_lo, 0);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[0]), taps_lo, 0);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[1]), taps_lo, 1);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[1]), taps_lo, 1);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[2]), taps_lo, 2);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[2]), taps_lo, 2);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[3]), taps_lo, 3);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[3]), taps_lo, 3);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[4]), taps_hi, 0);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[4]), taps_hi, 0);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[5]), taps_hi, 1);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[5]), taps_hi, 1);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[6]), taps_hi, 2);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[6]), taps_hi, 2);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[7]), taps_hi, 3);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[7]), taps_hi, 3);
} else if (num_taps == 6) {
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[0]), taps_lo, 1);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[0]), taps_lo, 1);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[1]), taps_lo, 2);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[1]), taps_lo, 2);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[2]), taps_lo, 3);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[2]), taps_lo, 3);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[3]), taps_hi, 0);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[3]), taps_hi, 0);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[4]), taps_hi, 1);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[4]), taps_hi, 1);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[5]), taps_hi, 2);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[5]), taps_hi, 2);
} else if (num_taps == 4) {
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[0]), taps_lo, 2);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[0]), taps_lo, 2);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[1]), taps_lo, 3);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[1]), taps_lo, 3);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[2]), taps_hi, 0);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[2]), taps_hi, 0);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[3]), taps_hi, 1);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[3]), taps_hi, 1);
} else if (num_taps == 2) {
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[0]), taps_lo, 3);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[0]), taps_lo, 3);
sum_lo = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(src[1]), taps_hi, 0);
sum_hi = vmlal_lane_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(src[1]), taps_hi, 0);
// This is guaranteed to be positive. Convert it for the final shift.
const uint32x4x2_t return_val = {vreinterpretq_u32_s32(sum_lo),
return return_val;
// Process 16 bit inputs and output 32 bits.
template <int num_taps>
uint32x4_t Sum2DVerticalTaps(const int16x4_t* const src, const int16x8_t taps) {
// In order to get the rollover correct with the lengthening instruction we
// need to treat these as signed so that they sign extend properly.
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
const int16x4_t taps_hi = vget_high_s16(taps);
// An offset to guarantee the sum is non negative. Captures 56 * -4590 =
// 257040 (worst case negative value from horizontal pass). It should be
// possible to use 1 << 18 (262144) instead of 1 << 19 but there probably
// isn't any benefit.
// |offset_bits| = bitdepth + 2 * kFilterBits - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal
// == 19.
int32x4_t sum = vdupq_n_s32(1 << 19);
if (num_taps == 8) {
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 0);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 1);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[2], taps_lo, 2);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[3], taps_lo, 3);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[4], taps_hi, 0);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[5], taps_hi, 1);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[6], taps_hi, 2);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[7], taps_hi, 3);
} else if (num_taps == 6) {
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 1);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 2);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[2], taps_lo, 3);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[3], taps_hi, 0);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[4], taps_hi, 1);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[5], taps_hi, 2);
} else if (num_taps == 4) {
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 2);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 3);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[2], taps_hi, 0);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[3], taps_hi, 1);
} else if (num_taps == 2) {
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 3);
sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_hi, 0);
// This is guaranteed to be positive. Convert it for the final shift.
return vreinterpretq_u32_s32(sum);
template <int num_taps, bool is_compound = false>
void Filter2DVertical(const uint16_t* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
void* const dst, const ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
const int width, const int height, const int16x8_t taps,
const int inter_round_bits_vertical) {
constexpr int next_row = num_taps - 1;
const int32x4_t v_inter_round_bits_vertical =
auto* dst8 = static_cast<uint8_t*>(dst);
auto* dst16 = static_cast<uint16_t*>(dst);
if (width > 4) {
int x = 0;
do {
int16x8_t srcs[8];
srcs[0] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vld1q_u16(src + x));
if (num_taps >= 4) {
srcs[1] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vld1q_u16(src + x + src_stride));
srcs[2] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vld1q_u16(src + x + 2 * src_stride));
if (num_taps >= 6) {
srcs[3] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vld1q_u16(src + x + 3 * src_stride));
srcs[4] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vld1q_u16(src + x + 4 * src_stride));
if (num_taps == 8) {
srcs[5] =
vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vld1q_u16(src + x + 5 * src_stride));
srcs[6] =
vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vld1q_u16(src + x + 6 * src_stride));
int y = 0;
do {
srcs[next_row] = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(
vld1q_u16(src + x + (y + next_row) * src_stride));
const uint32x4x2_t sums = Sum2DVerticalTaps<num_taps>(srcs, taps);
if (is_compound) {
const uint16x8_t results = vcombine_u16(
vmovn_u32(vqrshlq_u32(sums.val[0], v_inter_round_bits_vertical)),
vmovn_u32(vqrshlq_u32(sums.val[1], v_inter_round_bits_vertical)));
vst1q_u16(dst16 + x + y * dst_stride, results);
} else {
const uint16x8_t first_shift =
vcombine_u16(vqrshrn_n_u32(sums.val[0], kInterRoundBitsVertical),
vqrshrn_n_u32(sums.val[1], kInterRoundBitsVertical));
// |single_round_offset| == (1 << bitdepth) + (1 << (bitdepth - 1)) ==
// 384
const uint8x8_t results =
vqmovn_u16(vqsubq_u16(first_shift, vdupq_n_u16(384)));
vst1_u8(dst8 + x + y * dst_stride, results);
srcs[0] = srcs[1];
if (num_taps >= 4) {
srcs[1] = srcs[2];
srcs[2] = srcs[3];
if (num_taps >= 6) {
srcs[3] = srcs[4];
srcs[4] = srcs[5];
if (num_taps == 8) {
srcs[5] = srcs[6];
srcs[6] = srcs[7];
} while (++y < height);
x += 8;
} while (x < width);
assert(width == 4);
int16x4_t srcs[8];
srcs[0] = vreinterpret_s16_u16(vld1_u16(src));
src += src_stride;
if (num_taps >= 4) {
srcs[1] = vreinterpret_s16_u16(vld1_u16(src));
src += src_stride;
srcs[2] = vreinterpret_s16_u16(vld1_u16(src));
src += src_stride;
if (num_taps >= 6) {
srcs[3] = vreinterpret_s16_u16(vld1_u16(src));
src += src_stride;
srcs[4] = vreinterpret_s16_u16(vld1_u16(src));
src += src_stride;
if (num_taps == 8) {
srcs[5] = vreinterpret_s16_u16(vld1_u16(src));
src += src_stride;
srcs[6] = vreinterpret_s16_u16(vld1_u16(src));
src += src_stride;
int y = 0;
do {
srcs[next_row] = vreinterpret_s16_u16(vld1_u16(src));
src += src_stride;
const uint32x4_t sums = Sum2DVerticalTaps<num_taps>(srcs, taps);
if (is_compound) {
const uint16x4_t results =
vmovn_u32(vqrshlq_u32(sums, v_inter_round_bits_vertical));
vst1_u16(dst16, results);
dst16 += dst_stride;
} else {
const uint16x4_t first_shift =
vqrshrn_n_u32(sums, kInterRoundBitsVertical);
// |single_round_offset| == (1 << bitdepth) + (1 << (bitdepth - 1)) ==
// 384
const uint8x8_t results = vqmovn_u16(
vcombine_u16(vqsub_u16(first_shift, vdup_n_u16(384)), vdup_n_u16(0)));
StoreLo4(dst8, results);
dst8 += dst_stride;
srcs[0] = srcs[1];
if (num_taps >= 4) {
srcs[1] = srcs[2];
srcs[2] = srcs[3];
if (num_taps >= 6) {
srcs[3] = srcs[4];
srcs[4] = srcs[5];
if (num_taps == 8) {
srcs[5] = srcs[6];
srcs[6] = srcs[7];
} while (++y < height);
template <bool is_2d = false, bool is_8bit = false>
void HorizontalPass(const uint8_t* const src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
void* const dst, const ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
const int width, const int height, const int subpixel,
const int filter_index) {
// Duplicate the absolute value for each tap. Negative taps are corrected
// by using the vmlsl_u8 instruction. Positive taps use vmlal_u8.
uint8x8_t v_tap[kSubPixelTaps];
const int filter_id = (subpixel >> 6) & kSubPixelMask;
for (int k = 0; k < kSubPixelTaps; ++k) {
v_tap[k] = vreinterpret_u8_s8(
if (filter_index == 2) { // 8 tap.
ConvolveCompoundHorizontalBlock<8, 8, 2, true, is_2d, is_8bit>(
src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride, width, height, v_tap);
} else if (filter_index == 1) { // 6 tap.
// Check if outside taps are positive.
if ((filter_id == 1) | (filter_id == 15)) {
ConvolveCompoundHorizontalBlock<6, 8, 1, false, is_2d, is_8bit>(
src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride, width, height, v_tap);
} else {
ConvolveCompoundHorizontalBlock<6, 8, 1, true, is_2d, is_8bit>(
src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride, width, height, v_tap);
} else if (filter_index == 0) { // 6 tap.
ConvolveCompoundHorizontalBlock<6, 8, 0, true, is_2d, is_8bit>(
src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride, width, height, v_tap);
} else if (filter_index == 4) { // 4 tap.
ConvolveCompoundHorizontalBlock<4, 8, 4, true, is_2d, is_8bit>(
src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride, width, height, v_tap);
} else if (filter_index == 5) { // 4 tap.
ConvolveCompoundHorizontalBlock<4, 8, 5, true, is_2d, is_8bit>(
src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride, width, height, v_tap);
} else { // 2 tap.
ConvolveCompoundHorizontalBlock<2, 8, 3, true, is_2d, is_8bit>(
src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride, width, height, v_tap);
// There are three forms of this function:
// 2D: input 8bit, output 16bit. |is_compound| has no effect.
// 1D Horizontal: input 8bit, output 8bit.
// 1D Compound Horizontal: input 8bit, output 16bit. Different rounding from 2D.
// |width| is guaranteed to be 2 because all other cases are handled in neon.
template <bool is_2d = true, bool is_compound = false>
void HorizontalPass2xH(const uint8_t* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
void* const dst, const ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
const int height, const int filter_index, const int taps,
const int subpixel) {
// Even though |is_compound| has no effect when |is_2d| is true we block this
// combination in case the compiler gets confused.
static_assert(!is_2d || !is_compound, "|is_compound| is ignored.");
// Since this only handles |width| == 2, we only need to be concerned with
// 2 or 4 tap filters.
assert(taps == 2 || taps == 4);
auto* dst8 = static_cast<uint8_t*>(dst);
auto* dst16 = static_cast<uint16_t*>(dst);
const int compound_round_offset =
(1 << (kBitdepth8 + 4)) + (1 << (kBitdepth8 + 3));
const int filter_id = (subpixel >> 6) & kSubPixelMask;
const int taps_start = (kSubPixelTaps - taps) / 2;
int y = 0;
do {
int x = 0;
do {
int sum;
if (is_2d) {
// An offset to guarantee the sum is non negative.
sum = 1 << (kBitdepth8 + kFilterBits - 1);
} else if (is_compound) {
sum = 0;
} else {
// 1D non-Compound. The C uses a two stage shift with rounding. Here the
// shifts are combined and the rounding bit from the first stage is
// added in.
// (sum + 4 >> 3) + 8) >> 4 == (sum + 64 + 4) >> 7
sum = 4;
for (int k = 0; k < taps; ++k) {
const int tap = k + taps_start;
sum += kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][filter_id][tap] * src[x + k];
if (is_2d) {
dst16[x] = static_cast<int16_t>(
RightShiftWithRounding(sum, kInterRoundBitsHorizontal));
} else if (is_compound) {
sum = RightShiftWithRounding(sum, kInterRoundBitsHorizontal);
dst16[x] = sum + compound_round_offset;
} else {
// 1D non-Compound.
dst8[x] = static_cast<uint8_t>(
Clip3(RightShiftWithRounding(sum, kFilterBits), 0, 255));
} while (++x < 2);
src += src_stride;
dst8 += dst_stride;
dst16 += dst_stride;
} while (++y < height);
// This will always need to handle all |filter_index| values. Even with |width|
// restricted to 2 the value of |height| can go up to at least 16.
template <bool is_2d = true, bool is_compound = false>
void VerticalPass2xH(const void* const src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
void* const dst, const ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
const int height, const int inter_round_bits_vertical,
const int filter_index, const int taps,
const int subpixel) {
const auto* src8 = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(src);
const auto* src16 = static_cast<const uint16_t*>(src);
auto* dst8 = static_cast<uint8_t*>(dst);
auto* dst16 = static_cast<uint16_t*>(dst);
const int filter_id = (subpixel >> 6) & kSubPixelMask;
const int taps_start = (kSubPixelTaps - taps) / 2;
constexpr int max_pixel_value = (1 << kBitdepth8) - 1;
int y = 0;
do {
int x = 0;
do {
int sum;
if (is_2d) {
sum = 1 << (kBitdepth8 + 2 * kFilterBits - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal);
} else if (is_compound) {
// TODO(johannkoenig): Keeping the sum positive is valuable for neon but
// may not actually help the C implementation. Investigate removing
// this.
// Use this offset to cancel out 1 << (kBitdepth8 + 3) >> 3 from
// |compound_round_offset|.
sum = (1 << (kBitdepth8 + 3)) << 3;
} else {
sum = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < taps; ++k) {
const int tap = k + taps_start;
if (is_2d) {
sum += kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][filter_id][tap] *
src16[x + k * src_stride];
} else {
sum += kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][filter_id][tap] *
src8[x + k * src_stride];
if (is_2d) {
if (is_compound) {
dst16[x] = static_cast<uint16_t>(
RightShiftWithRounding(sum, inter_round_bits_vertical));
} else {
constexpr int single_round_offset =
(1 << kBitdepth8) + (1 << (kBitdepth8 - 1));
dst8[x] = static_cast<uint8_t>(
Clip3(RightShiftWithRounding(sum, kInterRoundBitsVertical) -
0, max_pixel_value));
} else if (is_compound) {
// Leave off + 1 << (kBitdepth8 + 3).
constexpr int compound_round_offset = 1 << (kBitdepth8 + 4);
dst16[x] = RightShiftWithRounding(sum, 3) + compound_round_offset;
} else {
// 1D non-compound.
dst8[x] = static_cast<uint8_t>(Clip3(
RightShiftWithRounding(sum, kFilterBits), 0, max_pixel_value));
} while (++x < 2);
src8 += src_stride;
src16 += src_stride;
dst8 += dst_stride;
dst16 += dst_stride;
} while (++y < height);
int NumTapsInFilter(const int filter_index) {
if (filter_index < 2) {
// Despite the names these only use 6 taps.
// kInterpolationFilterEightTap
// kInterpolationFilterEightTapSmooth
return 6;
if (filter_index == 2) {
// kInterpolationFilterEightTapSharp
return 8;
if (filter_index == 3) {
// kInterpolationFilterBilinear
return 2;
assert(filter_index > 3);
// For small sizes (width/height <= 4) the large filters are replaced with 4
// tap options.
// If the original filters were |kInterpolationFilterEightTap| or
// |kInterpolationFilterEightTapSharp| then it becomes
// |kInterpolationFilterSwitchable|.
// If it was |kInterpolationFilterEightTapSmooth| then it becomes an unnamed 4
// tap filter.
return 4;
void Convolve2D_NEON(const void* const reference,
const ptrdiff_t reference_stride,
const int horizontal_filter_index,
const int vertical_filter_index,
const int /*inter_round_bits_vertical*/,
const int subpixel_x, const int subpixel_y,
const int /*step_x*/, const int /*step_y*/,
const int width, const int height, void* prediction,
const ptrdiff_t pred_stride) {
const int horiz_filter_index = GetFilterIndex(horizontal_filter_index, width);
const int vert_filter_index = GetFilterIndex(vertical_filter_index, height);
const int horizontal_taps = NumTapsInFilter(horiz_filter_index);
const int vertical_taps = NumTapsInFilter(vert_filter_index);
// The output of the horizontal filter is guaranteed to fit in 16 bits.
intermediate_result[kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels *
(kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels + kSubPixelTaps - 1)];
const int intermediate_stride = width;
const int intermediate_height = height + vertical_taps - 1;
if (width >= 4) {
const ptrdiff_t src_stride = reference_stride;
const auto* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) -
(vertical_taps / 2 - 1) * src_stride - kHorizontalOffset;
HorizontalPass<true>(src, src_stride, intermediate_result,
intermediate_stride, width, intermediate_height,
subpixel_x, horiz_filter_index);
// Vertical filter.
auto* dest = static_cast<uint8_t*>(prediction);
const ptrdiff_t dest_stride = pred_stride;
const int filter_id = ((subpixel_y & 1023) >> 6) & kSubPixelMask;
const int16x8_t taps =
if (vertical_taps == 8) {
Filter2DVertical<8>(intermediate_result, intermediate_stride, dest,
dest_stride, width, height, taps, 0);
} else if (vertical_taps == 6) {
Filter2DVertical<6>(intermediate_result, intermediate_stride, dest,
dest_stride, width, height, taps, 0);
} else if (vertical_taps == 4) {
Filter2DVertical<4>(intermediate_result, intermediate_stride, dest,
dest_stride, width, height, taps, 0);
} else { // |vertical_taps| == 2
Filter2DVertical<2>(intermediate_result, intermediate_stride, dest,
dest_stride, width, height, taps, 0);
} else {
assert(width == 2);
// Horizontal filter.
const auto* const src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) -
((vertical_taps / 2) - 1) * reference_stride -
((horizontal_taps / 2) - 1);
HorizontalPass2xH(src, reference_stride, intermediate_result,
intermediate_stride, intermediate_height,
horiz_filter_index, horizontal_taps, subpixel_x);
// Vertical filter.
auto* dest = static_cast<uint8_t*>(prediction);
const ptrdiff_t dest_stride = pred_stride;
VerticalPass2xH(intermediate_result, intermediate_stride, dest, dest_stride,
height, 0, vert_filter_index, vertical_taps, subpixel_y);
template <int tap_lane0, int tap_lane1>
inline int16x8_t CombineFilterTapsLong(const int16x8_t sum,
const int16x8_t src0, int16x8_t src1,
int16x4_t taps0, int16x4_t taps1) {
int32x4_t sum_lo = vmovl_s16(vget_low_s16(sum));
int32x4_t sum_hi = vmovl_s16(vget_high_s16(sum));
const int16x8_t product0 = vmulq_lane_s16(src0, taps0, tap_lane0);
const int16x8_t product1 = vmulq_lane_s16(src1, taps1, tap_lane1);
const int32x4_t center_vals_lo =
vaddl_s16(vget_low_s16(product0), vget_low_s16(product1));
const int32x4_t center_vals_hi =
vaddl_s16(vget_high_s16(product0), vget_high_s16(product1));
sum_lo = vaddq_s32(sum_lo, center_vals_lo);
sum_hi = vaddq_s32(sum_hi, center_vals_hi);
return vcombine_s16(vrshrn_n_s32(sum_lo, 3), vrshrn_n_s32(sum_hi, 3));
// TODO(b/133525024): Replace usage of this function with version that uses
// unsigned trick, once cl/263050071 is submitted.
template <int num_taps>
inline int16x8_t SumTapsCompound(const int16x8_t* const src,
const int16x8_t taps) {
int16x8_t sum = vdupq_n_s16(1 << (kBitdepth8 + kFilterBits - 1));
if (num_taps == 8) {
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
const int16x4_t taps_hi = vget_high_s16(taps);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 0);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[2], taps_lo, 2);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[5], taps_hi, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[6], taps_hi, 2);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[7], taps_hi, 3);
// Center taps may sum to as much as 160, which pollutes the sign bit in
// int16 types.
sum = CombineFilterTapsLong<3, 0>(sum, src[3], src[4], taps_lo, taps_hi);
} else if (num_taps == 6) {
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
const int16x4_t taps_hi = vget_high_s16(taps);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 0);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 1);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[4], taps_hi, 0);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[5], taps_hi, 1);
// Center taps in filter 0 may sum to as much as 148, which pollutes the
// sign bit in int16 types. This is not true of filter 1.
sum = CombineFilterTapsLong<2, 3>(sum, src[2], src[3], taps_lo, taps_lo);
} else if (num_taps == 4) {
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 0);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[3], taps_lo, 3);
// Center taps.
sum = vqaddq_s16(sum, vmulq_lane_s16(src[1], taps_lo, 1));
sum = vrshrq_n_s16(vqaddq_s16(sum, vmulq_lane_s16(src[2], taps_lo, 2)),
} else {
assert(num_taps == 2);
// All the taps are positive so there is no concern regarding saturation.
const int16x4_t taps_lo = vget_low_s16(taps);
sum = vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[0], taps_lo, 0);
sum = vrshrq_n_s16(vmlaq_lane_s16(sum, src[1], taps_lo, 1),
return sum;
// |grade_x| determines an upper limit on how many whole-pixel steps will be
// realized with 8 |step_x| increments.
template <int filter_index, int num_taps, int grade_x>
inline void ConvolveHorizontalScaled_NEON(const uint8_t* src,
const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const int width, const int subpixel_x,
const int step_x,
const int intermediate_height,
int16_t* dst) {
const int dst_stride = kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels;
const int kernel_offset = (8 - num_taps) / 2;
const int ref_x = subpixel_x >> kScaleSubPixelBits;
int y = intermediate_height;
do { // y > 0
int p = subpixel_x;
int prev_p = p;
int x = 0;
int16x8_t s[(grade_x + 1) * 8];
const uint8_t* src_x =
&src[(p >> kScaleSubPixelBits) - ref_x + kernel_offset];
// TODO(petersonab,b/139707209): Fix source buffer overreads.
// For example, when |height| == 2 and |num_taps| == 8 then
// |intermediate_height| == 9. On the second pass this will load and
// transpose 7 rows past where |src| may end.
Load8x8(src_x, src_stride, s);
if (grade_x > 1) {
Load8x8(src_x + 8, src_stride, &s[8]);
do { // x < width
int16x8_t result[8];
src_x = &src[(p >> kScaleSubPixelBits) - ref_x + kernel_offset];
// process 8 src_x steps
Load8x8(src_x + 8, src_stride, &s[8]);
if (grade_x > 1) {
Load8x8(src_x + 16, src_stride, &s[16]);
// Remainder after whole index increments.
int pixel_offset = p & ((1 << kScaleSubPixelBits) - 1);
for (int z = 0; z < 8; ++z) {
const int16x8_t filter = vld1q_s16(
&kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][(p >> 6) & 0xF][kernel_offset]);
result[z] = SumTapsCompound<num_taps>(
&s[pixel_offset >> kScaleSubPixelBits], filter);
pixel_offset += step_x;
p += step_x;
// Transpose the 8x8 filtered values back to dst.
vst1q_s16(&dst[x + 0 * dst_stride], result[0]);
vst1q_s16(&dst[x + 1 * dst_stride], result[1]);
vst1q_s16(&dst[x + 2 * dst_stride], result[2]);
vst1q_s16(&dst[x + 3 * dst_stride], result[3]);
vst1q_s16(&dst[x + 4 * dst_stride], result[4]);
vst1q_s16(&dst[x + 5 * dst_stride], result[5]);
vst1q_s16(&dst[x + 6 * dst_stride], result[6]);
vst1q_s16(&dst[x + 7 * dst_stride], result[7]);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
s[i] =
s[(p >> kScaleSubPixelBits) - (prev_p >> kScaleSubPixelBits) + i];
if (grade_x > 1) {
s[i + 8] = s[(p >> kScaleSubPixelBits) -
(prev_p >> kScaleSubPixelBits) + i + 8];
prev_p = p;
x += 8;
} while (x < width);
src += src_stride * 8;
dst += dst_stride * 8;
y -= 8;
} while (y > 0);
inline uint8x16_t GetPositive2TapFilter(const int tap_index) {
assert(tap_index < 2);
constexpr uint8_t kSubPixel2TapFilterColumns[2][16] = {
{128, 120, 112, 104, 96, 88, 80, 72, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8},
{0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120}};
return vld1q_u8(kSubPixel2TapFilterColumns[tap_index]);
inline void ConvolveKernelHorizontal2Tap(const uint8_t* src,
const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
const int width, const int subpixel_x,
const int step_x,
const int intermediate_height,
int16_t* intermediate) {
const int kIntermediateStride = kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels;
// Account for the 0-taps that precede the 2 nonzero taps.
const int kernel_offset = 3;
const int ref_x = subpixel_x >> kScaleSubPixelBits;
const int step_x8 = step_x << 3;
const uint8x16_t filter_taps0 = GetPositive2TapFilter(0);
const uint8x16_t filter_taps1 = GetPositive2TapFilter(1);
const uint16x8_t sum = vdupq_n_u16(1 << (kBitdepth8 + kFilterBits - 1));
uint16x8_t index_steps = vmulq_n_u16(vmovl_u8(vcreate_u8(0x0706050403020100)),
const uint8x8_t filter_index_mask = vdup_n_u8(kSubPixelMask);
for (int x = 0, p = subpixel_x; x < width; x += 8, p += step_x8) {
const uint8_t* src_x =
&src[(p >> kScaleSubPixelBits) - ref_x + kernel_offset];
int16_t* intermediate_x = intermediate + x;
// Only add steps to the 10-bit truncated p to avoid overflow.
const uint16x8_t p_fraction = vdupq_n_u16(p & 1023);
const uint16x8_t subpel_index_offsets = vaddq_u16(index_steps, p_fraction);
const uint8x8_t filter_indices =
vand_u8(vshrn_n_u16(subpel_index_offsets, 6), filter_index_mask);
// This is a special case. The 2-tap filter has no negative taps, so we
// can use unsigned values.
// For each x, a lane of tapsK has
// kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][filter_id][k], where filter_id depends
// on x.
const uint8x8_t taps0 = VQTbl1U8(filter_taps0, filter_indices);
const uint8x8_t taps1 = VQTbl1U8(filter_taps1, filter_indices);
for (int y = 0; y < intermediate_height; ++y) {
// Load a pool of samples to select from using stepped indices.
uint8x16_t src_vals = vld1q_u8(src_x);
const uint8x8_t src_indices =
vmovn_u16(vshrq_n_u16(subpel_index_offsets, kScaleSubPixelBits));
// For each x, a lane of srcK contains src_x[k].
const uint8x8_t src0 = VQTbl1U8(src_vals, src_indices);
const uint8x8_t src1 =
VQTbl1U8(src_vals, vadd_u8(src_indices, vdup_n_u8(1)));
const uint16x8_t product0 = vmlal_u8(sum, taps0, src0);
// product0 + product1
const uint16x8_t result = vmlal_u8(product0, taps1, src1);
vst1q_s16(intermediate_x, vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vrshrq_n_u16(result, 3)));
src_x += src_stride;
intermediate_x += kIntermediateStride;
inline uint8x16_t GetPositive4TapFilter(const int tap_index) {
assert(tap_index < 4);
constexpr uint8_t kSubPixel4TapPositiveFilterColumns[4][16] = {
{0, 30, 26, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 4, 2},
{128, 62, 62, 62, 60, 58, 56, 54, 52, 48, 46, 44, 42, 40, 36, 34},
{0, 34, 36, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 62, 62},
{0, 2, 4, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26, 30}};
uint8x16_t filter_taps =
return filter_taps;
// This filter is only possible when width <= 4.
inline void ConvolveKernelHorizontalPositive4Tap(
const uint8_t* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride, const int subpixel_x,
const int step_x, const int intermediate_height, int16_t* intermediate) {
const int kernel_offset = 2;
const int ref_x = subpixel_x >> kScaleSubPixelBits;
const uint8x8_t filter_index_mask = vdup_n_u8(kSubPixelMask);
const uint8x16_t filter_taps0 = GetPositive4TapFilter(0);
const uint8x16_t filter_taps1 = GetPositive4TapFilter(1);
const uint8x16_t filter_taps2 = GetPositive4TapFilter(2);
const uint8x16_t filter_taps3 = GetPositive4TapFilter(3);
uint16x8_t index_steps = vmulq_n_u16(vmovl_u8(vcreate_u8(0x0706050403020100)),
int p = subpixel_x;
const uint16x8_t base = vdupq_n_u16(1 << (kBitdepth8 + kFilterBits - 1));
// First filter is special, just a 128 tap on the center.
const uint8_t* src_x =
&src[(p >> kScaleSubPixelBits) - ref_x + kernel_offset];
// Only add steps to the 10-bit truncated p to avoid overflow.
const uint16x8_t p_fraction = vdupq_n_u16(p & 1023);
const uint16x8_t subpel_index_offsets = vaddq_u16(index_steps, p_fraction);
const uint8x8_t filter_indices =
vand_u8(vshrn_n_u16(subpel_index_offsets, 6), filter_index_mask);
// Note that filter_id depends on x.
// For each x, tapsK has kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][filter_id][k].
const uint8x8_t taps0 = VQTbl1U8(filter_taps0, filter_indices);
const uint8x8_t taps1 = VQTbl1U8(filter_taps1, filter_indices);
const uint8x8_t taps2 = VQTbl1U8(filter_taps2, filter_indices);
const uint8x8_t taps3 = VQTbl1U8(filter_taps3, filter_indices);
const uint8x8_t src_indices =
vmovn_u16(vshrq_n_u16(subpel_index_offsets, kScaleSubPixelBits));
for (int y = 0; y < intermediate_height; ++y) {
// Load a pool of samples to select from using stepped index vectors.
uint8x16_t src_vals = vld1q_u8(src_x);
// For each x, srcK contains src_x[k] where k=1.
// Whereas taps come from different arrays, src pixels are drawn from the
// same contiguous line.
const uint8x8_t src0 = VQTbl1U8(src_vals, src_indices);
const uint8x8_t src1 =
VQTbl1U8(src_vals, vadd_u8(src_indices, vdup_n_u8(1)));
const uint8x8_t src2 =
VQTbl1U8(src_vals, vadd_u8(src_indices, vdup_n_u8(2)));
const uint8x8_t src3 =
VQTbl1U8(src_vals, vadd_u8(src_indices, vdup_n_u8(3)));
uint16x8_t sum = vmlal_u8(base, taps0, src0);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, taps1, src1);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, taps2, src2);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, taps3, src3);
vreinterpret_s16_u16(vrshr_n_u16(vget_low_u16(sum), 3)));
src_x += src_stride;
intermediate += kIntermediateStride;
inline uint8x16_t GetSigned4TapFilter(const int tap_index) {
assert(tap_index < 4);
// The first and fourth taps of each filter are negative. However
// 128 does not fit in an 8-bit signed integer. Thus we use subtraction to
// keep everything unsigned.
constexpr uint8_t kSubPixel4TapSignedFilterColumns[4][16] = {
{0, 4, 8, 10, 12, 12, 14, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2},
{128, 126, 122, 116, 110, 102, 94, 84, 76, 66, 58, 48, 38, 28, 18, 8},
{0, 8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 66, 76, 84, 94, 102, 110, 116, 122, 126},
{0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 14, 12, 12, 10, 8, 4}};
uint8x16_t filter_taps =
return filter_taps;
// This filter is only possible when width <= 4.
inline void ConvolveKernelHorizontalSigned4Tap(
const uint8_t* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride, const int subpixel_x,
const int step_x, const int intermediate_height, int16_t* intermediate) {
const int kernel_offset = 2;
const int ref_x = subpixel_x >> kScaleSubPixelBits;
const uint8x8_t filter_index_mask = vdup_n_u8(kSubPixelMask);
const uint8x16_t filter_taps0 = GetSigned4TapFilter(0);
const uint8x16_t filter_taps1 = GetSigned4TapFilter(1);
const uint8x16_t filter_taps2 = GetSigned4TapFilter(2);
const uint8x16_t filter_taps3 = GetSigned4TapFilter(3);
const uint16x8_t index_steps = vmulq_n_u16(vmovl_u8(vcreate_u8(0x03020100)),
const uint16x8_t base = vdupq_n_u16(1 << (kBitdepth8 + kFilterBits - 1));
int p = subpixel_x;
const uint8_t* src_x =
&src[(p >> kScaleSubPixelBits) - ref_x + kernel_offset];
// Only add steps to the 10-bit truncated p to avoid overflow.
const uint16x8_t p_fraction = vdupq_n_u16(p & 1023);
const uint16x8_t subpel_index_offsets = vaddq_u16(index_steps, p_fraction);
const uint8x8_t filter_indices =
vand_u8(vshrn_n_u16(subpel_index_offsets, 6), filter_index_mask);
// Note that filter_id depends on x.
// For each x, tapsK has kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][filter_id][k].
const uint8x8_t taps0 = VQTbl1U8(filter_taps0, filter_indices);
const uint8x8_t taps1 = VQTbl1U8(filter_taps1, filter_indices);
const uint8x8_t taps2 = VQTbl1U8(filter_taps2, filter_indices);
const uint8x8_t taps3 = VQTbl1U8(filter_taps3, filter_indices);
for (int y = 0; y < intermediate_height; ++y) {
// Load a pool of samples to select from using stepped indices.
uint8x16_t src_vals = vld1q_u8(src_x);
const uint8x8_t src_indices =
vmovn_u16(vshrq_n_u16(subpel_index_offsets, kScaleSubPixelBits));
// For each x, srcK contains src_x[k] where k=1.
// Whereas taps come from different arrays, src pixels are drawn from the
// same contiguous line.
const uint8x8_t src0 = VQTbl1U8(src_vals, src_indices);
const uint8x8_t src1 =
VQTbl1U8(src_vals, vadd_u8(src_indices, vdup_n_u8(1)));
const uint8x8_t src2 =
VQTbl1U8(src_vals, vadd_u8(src_indices, vdup_n_u8(2)));
const uint8x8_t src3 =
VQTbl1U8(src_vals, vadd_u8(src_indices, vdup_n_u8(3)));
// Offsetting by base permits a guaranteed positive.
uint16x8_t sum = vmlsl_u8(base, taps0, src0);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, taps1, src1);
sum = vmlal_u8(sum, taps2, src2);
sum = vmlsl_u8(sum, taps3, src3);
vreinterpret_s16_u16(vrshr_n_u16(vget_low_u16(sum), 3)));
src_x += src_stride;
intermediate += kIntermediateStride;
void ConvolveCompoundScale2D_NEON(
const void* const reference, const ptrdiff_t reference_stride,
const int horizontal_filter_index, const int vertical_filter_index,
const int inter_round_bits_vertical, const int subpixel_x,
const int subpixel_y, const int step_x, const int step_y, const int width,
const int height, void* prediction, const ptrdiff_t pred_stride) {
const int intermediate_height =
(((height - 1) * step_y + (1 << kScaleSubPixelBits) - 1) >>
kScaleSubPixelBits) +
// TODO(b/133525024): Decide whether it's worth branching to a special case
// when step_x or step_y is 1024.
assert(step_x <= 2048);
// The output of the horizontal filter, i.e. the intermediate_result, is
// guaranteed to fit in int16_t.
int16_t intermediate_result[kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels *
(2 * kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels + 8)];
// Horizontal filter.
// Filter types used for width <= 4 are different from those for width > 4.
// When width > 4, the valid filter index range is always [0, 3].
// When width <= 4, the valid filter index range is always [3, 5].
// Similarly for height.
const int kIntermediateStride = kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels;
int filter_index = GetFilterIndex(horizontal_filter_index, width);
int16_t* intermediate = intermediate_result;
const auto* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference);
const ptrdiff_t src_stride = reference_stride;
auto* dest = static_cast<uint16_t*>(prediction);
switch (filter_index) {
case 0:
if (step_x < 1024) {
ConvolveHorizontalScaled_NEON<0, 6, 1>(
src, src_stride, width, subpixel_x, step_x, intermediate_height,
} else {
ConvolveHorizontalScaled_NEON<0, 6, 2>(
src, src_stride, width, subpixel_x, step_x, intermediate_height,
case 1:
if (step_x < 1024) {
ConvolveHorizontalScaled_NEON<1, 6, 1>(
src, src_stride, width, subpixel_x, step_x, intermediate_height,
} else {
ConvolveHorizontalScaled_NEON<1, 6, 2>(
src, src_stride, width, subpixel_x, step_x, intermediate_height,
case 2:
if (step_x <= 1024) {
ConvolveHorizontalScaled_NEON<2, 8, 1>(
src, src_stride, width, subpixel_x, step_x, intermediate_height,
} else {
ConvolveHorizontalScaled_NEON<2, 8, 2>(
src, src_stride, width, subpixel_x, step_x, intermediate_height,
case 3:
ConvolveKernelHorizontal2Tap(src, src_stride, width, subpixel_x, step_x,
intermediate_height, intermediate);
case 4:
assert(width <= 4);
ConvolveKernelHorizontalSigned4Tap(src, src_stride, subpixel_x, step_x,
intermediate_height, intermediate);
assert(filter_index == 5);
ConvolveKernelHorizontalPositive4Tap(src, src_stride, subpixel_x, step_x,
intermediate_height, intermediate);
// Vertical filter.
filter_index = GetFilterIndex(vertical_filter_index, height);
intermediate = intermediate_result;
const int offset_bits = kBitdepth8 + 2 * kFilterBits - 3;
for (int y = 0, p = subpixel_y & 1023; y < height; ++y, p += step_y) {
const int filter_id = (p >> 6) & kSubPixelMask;
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
// An offset to guarantee the sum is non negative.
int sum = 1 << offset_bits;
for (int k = 0; k < kSubPixelTaps; ++k) {
sum +=
kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][filter_id][k] *
intermediate[((p >> kScaleSubPixelBits) + k) * kIntermediateStride +
assert(sum >= 0 && sum < (1 << (offset_bits + 2)));
dest[x] = static_cast<uint16_t>(
RightShiftWithRounding(sum, inter_round_bits_vertical));
dest += pred_stride;
void ConvolveHorizontal_NEON(const void* const reference,
const ptrdiff_t reference_stride,
const int horizontal_filter_index,
const int /*vertical_filter_index*/,
const int /*inter_round_bits_vertical*/,
const int subpixel_x, const int /*subpixel_y*/,
const int /*step_x*/, const int /*step_y*/,
const int width, const int height,
void* prediction, const ptrdiff_t pred_stride) {
// For 8 (and 10) bit calculations |inter_round_bits_horizontal| is 3.
const int filter_index = GetFilterIndex(horizontal_filter_index, width);
// Set |src| to the outermost tap.
const auto* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) - kHorizontalOffset;
auto* dest = static_cast<uint8_t*>(prediction);
HorizontalPass<false, true>(src, reference_stride, dest, pred_stride, width,
height, subpixel_x, filter_index);
template <int min_width, int num_taps>
void FilterVertical(const uint8_t* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
uint8_t* dst, const ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int width,
const int height, const int16x8_t taps) {
constexpr int next_row = num_taps - 1;
// |src| points to the outermost tap of the first value. When doing fewer than
// 8 taps it needs to be adjusted.
if (num_taps == 6) {
src += src_stride;
} else if (num_taps == 4) {
src += 2 * src_stride;
} else if (num_taps == 2) {
src += 3 * src_stride;
int x = 0;
do {
int16x8_t srcs[8];
srcs[0] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x));
if (num_taps >= 4) {
srcs[1] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + src_stride));
srcs[2] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + 2 * src_stride));
if (num_taps >= 6) {
srcs[3] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + 3 * src_stride));
srcs[4] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + 4 * src_stride));
if (num_taps == 8) {
srcs[5] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + 5 * src_stride));
srcs[6] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + 6 * src_stride));
int y = 0;
do {
srcs[next_row] =
ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + (y + next_row) * src_stride));
const int16x8_t sums = SumTaps<num_taps>(srcs, taps);
const uint8x8_t results = vqrshrun_n_s16(sums, kFilterBits);
if (min_width == 4) {
StoreLo4(dst + x + y * dst_stride, results);
} else {
vst1_u8(dst + x + y * dst_stride, results);
srcs[0] = srcs[1];
if (num_taps >= 4) {
srcs[1] = srcs[2];
srcs[2] = srcs[3];
if (num_taps >= 6) {
srcs[3] = srcs[4];
srcs[4] = srcs[5];
if (num_taps == 8) {
srcs[5] = srcs[6];
srcs[6] = srcs[7];
} while (++y < height);
x += 8;
} while (x < width);
// This function is a simplified version of Convolve2D_C.
// It is called when it is single prediction mode, where only vertical
// filtering is required.
// The output is the single prediction of the block, clipped to valid pixel
// range.
void ConvolveVertical_NEON(const void* const reference,
const ptrdiff_t reference_stride,
const int /*horizontal_filter_index*/,
const int vertical_filter_index,
const int /*inter_round_bits_vertical*/,
const int /*subpixel_x*/, const int subpixel_y,
const int /*step_x*/, const int /*step_y*/,
const int width, const int height, void* prediction,
const ptrdiff_t pred_stride) {
const int filter_index = GetFilterIndex(vertical_filter_index, height);
const ptrdiff_t src_stride = reference_stride;
const auto* src =
static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) - kVerticalOffset * src_stride;
auto* dest = static_cast<uint8_t*>(prediction);
const ptrdiff_t dest_stride = pred_stride;
const int filter_id = (subpixel_y >> 6) & kSubPixelMask;
// First filter is always a copy.
if (filter_id == 0) {
// Move |src| down the actual values and not the start of the context.
src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference);
int y = 0;
do {
memcpy(dest, src, width * sizeof(src[0]));
src += src_stride;
dest += dest_stride;
} while (++y < height);
// Break up by # of taps
// |filter_index| taps enum InterpolationFilter
// 0 6 kInterpolationFilterEightTap
// 1 6 kInterpolationFilterEightTapSmooth
// 2 8 kInterpolationFilterEightTapSharp
// 3 2 kInterpolationFilterBilinear
// 4 4 kInterpolationFilterSwitchable
// 5 4 !!! SECRET FILTER !!! only for Wx4.
if (width >= 4) {
if (filter_index == 2) { // 8 tap.
const int16x8_t taps =
if (width == 4) {
FilterVertical<4, 8>(src, src_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
} else {
FilterVertical<8, 8>(src, src_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
} else if (filter_index < 2) { // 6 tap.
const int16x8_t taps =
if (width == 4) {
FilterVertical<4, 6>(src, src_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
} else {
FilterVertical<8, 6>(src, src_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
} else if (filter_index > 3) { // 4 tap.
// Store taps in vget_low_s16(taps).
const int16x8_t taps =
vld1q_s16(kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][filter_id] + 2);
if (width == 4) {
FilterVertical<4, 4>(src, src_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
} else {
FilterVertical<8, 4>(src, src_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
} else { // 2 tap.
// Store taps in vget_low_s16(taps).
const int16x8_t taps =
vld1q_s16(kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][filter_id] + 2);
if (width == 4) {
FilterVertical<4, 2>(src, src_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
} else {
FilterVertical<8, 2>(src, src_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
} else {
assert(width == 2);
const int taps = NumTapsInFilter(filter_index);
src =
static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) - ((taps / 2) - 1) * src_stride;
VerticalPass2xH</*is_2d=*/false>(src, src_stride, dest, pred_stride, height,
0, filter_index, taps, subpixel_y);
void ConvolveCompoundCopy_NEON(
const void* const reference, const ptrdiff_t reference_stride,
const int /*horizontal_filter_index*/, const int /*vertical_filter_index*/,
const int /*inter_round_bits_vertical*/, const int /*subpixel_x*/,
const int /*subpixel_y*/, const int /*step_x*/, const int /*step_y*/,
const int width, const int height, void* prediction,
const ptrdiff_t pred_stride) {
const auto* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference);
const ptrdiff_t src_stride = reference_stride;
auto* dest = static_cast<uint16_t*>(prediction);
const int bitdepth = 8;
const int compound_round_offset =
(1 << (bitdepth + 4)) + (1 << (bitdepth + 3));
const uint16x8_t v_compound_round_offset = vdupq_n_u16(compound_round_offset);
if (width >= 16) {
int y = 0;
do {
int x = 0;
do {
const uint8x16_t v_src = vld1q_u8(&src[x]);
const uint16x8_t v_src_x16_lo = vshll_n_u8(vget_low_u8(v_src), 4);
const uint16x8_t v_src_x16_hi = vshll_n_u8(vget_high_u8(v_src), 4);
const uint16x8_t v_dest_lo =
vaddq_u16(v_src_x16_lo, v_compound_round_offset);
const uint16x8_t v_dest_hi =
vaddq_u16(v_src_x16_hi, v_compound_round_offset);
vst1q_u16(&dest[x], v_dest_lo);
x += 8;
vst1q_u16(&dest[x], v_dest_hi);
x += 8;
} while (x < width);
src += src_stride;
dest += pred_stride;
} while (++y < height);
} else if (width == 8) {
int y = 0;
do {
const uint8x8_t v_src = vld1_u8(&src[0]);
const uint16x8_t v_src_x16 = vshll_n_u8(v_src, 4);
vst1q_u16(&dest[0], vaddq_u16(v_src_x16, v_compound_round_offset));
src += src_stride;
dest += pred_stride;
} while (++y < height);
} else if (width == 4) {
const uint8x8_t zero = vdup_n_u8(0);
int y = 0;
do {
const uint8x8_t v_src = LoadLo4(&src[0], zero);
const uint16x8_t v_src_x16 = vshll_n_u8(v_src, 4);
const uint16x8_t v_dest = vaddq_u16(v_src_x16, v_compound_round_offset);
vst1_u16(&dest[0], vget_low_u16(v_dest));
src += src_stride;
dest += pred_stride;
} while (++y < height);
} else { // width == 2
assert(width == 2);
int y = 0;
do {
dest[0] = (src[0] << 4) + compound_round_offset;
dest[1] = (src[1] << 4) + compound_round_offset;
src += src_stride;
dest += pred_stride;
} while (++y < height);
// Input 8 bits and output 16 bits.
template <int min_width, int num_taps>
void FilterCompoundVertical(const uint8_t* src, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
uint16_t* dst, const ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
const int width, const int height,
const int16x8_t taps) {
constexpr int next_row = num_taps - 1;
// |src| points to the outermost tap of the first value. When doing fewer than
// 8 taps it needs to be adjusted.
if (num_taps == 6) {
src += src_stride;
} else if (num_taps == 4) {
src += 2 * src_stride;
} else if (num_taps == 2) {
src += 3 * src_stride;
const uint16x8_t compound_round_offset = vdupq_n_u16(1 << 12);
int x = 0;
do {
int16x8_t srcs[8];
srcs[0] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x));
if (num_taps >= 4) {
srcs[1] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + src_stride));
srcs[2] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + 2 * src_stride));
if (num_taps >= 6) {
srcs[3] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + 3 * src_stride));
srcs[4] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + 4 * src_stride));
if (num_taps == 8) {
srcs[5] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + 5 * src_stride));
srcs[6] = ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + 6 * src_stride));
int y = 0;
do {
srcs[next_row] =
ZeroExtend(vld1_u8(src + x + (y + next_row) * src_stride));
const uint16x8_t sums = SumTaps8To16<num_taps>(srcs, taps);
const uint16x8_t shifted = vrshrq_n_u16(sums, 3);
// In order to keep the sum in 16 bits we add an offset to the sum
// (1 << (bitdepth + kFilterBits - 1) == 1 << 14). This ensures that the
// results will never be negative.
// Normally ConvolveCompoundVertical would add |compound_round_offset| at
// the end. Instead we use that to compensate for the initial offset.
// (1 << (bitdepth + 4)) + (1 << (bitdepth + 3)) == (1 << 12) + (1 << 11)
// After taking into account the shift above:
// RightShiftWithRounding(LeftShift(sum, bits_shift),
// inter_round_bits_vertical)
// where bits_shift == kFilterBits - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal == 4
// and inter_round_bits_vertical == 7
// and simplifying it to RightShiftWithRounding(sum, 3)
// we see that the initial offset of 1 << 14 >> 3 == 1 << 11 and
// |compound_round_offset| can be simplified to 1 << 12.
const uint16x8_t offset = vaddq_u16(shifted, compound_round_offset);
if (min_width == 4) {
vst1_u16(dst + x + y * dst_stride, vget_low_u16(offset));
} else {
vst1q_u16(dst + x + y * dst_stride, offset);
srcs[0] = srcs[1];
if (num_taps >= 4) {
srcs[1] = srcs[2];
srcs[2] = srcs[3];
if (num_taps >= 6) {
srcs[3] = srcs[4];
srcs[4] = srcs[5];
if (num_taps == 8) {
srcs[5] = srcs[6];
srcs[6] = srcs[7];
} while (++y < height);
x += 8;
} while (x < width);
void ConvolveCompoundVertical_NEON(
const void* const reference, const ptrdiff_t reference_stride,
const int /*horizontal_filter_index*/, const int vertical_filter_index,
const int /*inter_round_bits_vertical*/, const int /*subpixel_x*/,
const int subpixel_y, const int /*step_x*/, const int /*step_y*/,
const int width, const int height, void* prediction,
const ptrdiff_t pred_stride) {
const int filter_index = GetFilterIndex(vertical_filter_index, height);
const ptrdiff_t src_stride = reference_stride;
const auto* src =
static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) - kVerticalOffset * src_stride;
auto* dest = static_cast<uint16_t*>(prediction);
const int filter_id = (subpixel_y >> 6) & kSubPixelMask;
if (width >= 4) {
const int16x8_t taps = vld1q_s16(kSubPixelFilters[filter_index][filter_id]);
if (filter_index == 2) { // 8 tap.
if (width == 4) {
FilterCompoundVertical<4, 8>(src, src_stride, dest, pred_stride, width,
height, taps);
} else {
FilterCompoundVertical<8, 8>(src, src_stride, dest, pred_stride, width,
height, taps);
} else if (filter_index < 2) { // 6 tap.
if (width == 4) {
FilterCompoundVertical<4, 6>(src, src_stride, dest, pred_stride, width,
height, taps);
} else {
FilterCompoundVertical<8, 6>(src, src_stride, dest, pred_stride, width,
height, taps);
} else if (filter_index == 3) { // 2 tap.
if (width == 4) {
FilterCompoundVertical<4, 2>(src, src_stride, dest, pred_stride, width,
height, taps);
} else {
FilterCompoundVertical<8, 2>(src, src_stride, dest, pred_stride, width,
height, taps);
} else if (filter_index > 3) { // 4 tap.
if (width == 4) {
FilterCompoundVertical<4, 4>(src, src_stride, dest, pred_stride, width,
height, taps);
} else {
FilterCompoundVertical<8, 4>(src, src_stride, dest, pred_stride, width,
height, taps);
} else {
assert(width == 2);
const int taps = NumTapsInFilter(filter_index);
src =
static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) - ((taps / 2) - 1) * src_stride;
VerticalPass2xH</*is_2d=*/false, /*is_compound=*/true>(
src, src_stride, dest, pred_stride, height, 0, filter_index, taps,
void ConvolveCompoundHorizontal_NEON(
const void* const reference, const ptrdiff_t reference_stride,
const int horizontal_filter_index, const int /*vertical_filter_index*/,
const int /*inter_round_bits_vertical*/, const int subpixel_x,
const int /*subpixel_y*/, const int /*step_x*/, const int /*step_y*/,
const int width, const int height, void* prediction,
const ptrdiff_t pred_stride) {
const int filter_index = GetFilterIndex(horizontal_filter_index, width);
const auto* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) - kHorizontalOffset;
auto* dest = static_cast<uint16_t*>(prediction);
HorizontalPass(src, reference_stride, dest, pred_stride, width, height,
subpixel_x, filter_index);
void ConvolveCompound2D_NEON(const void* const reference,
const ptrdiff_t reference_stride,
const int horizontal_filter_index,
const int vertical_filter_index,
const int inter_round_bits_vertical,
const int subpixel_x, const int subpixel_y,
const int /*step_x*/, const int /*step_y*/,
const int width, const int height,
void* prediction, const ptrdiff_t pred_stride) {
// The output of the horizontal filter, i.e. the intermediate_result, is
// guaranteed to fit in int16_t.
intermediate_result[kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels *
(kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels + kSubPixelTaps - 1)];
const int intermediate_stride = kMaxSuperBlockSizeInPixels;
// Horizontal filter.
// Filter types used for width <= 4 are different from those for width > 4.
// When width > 4, the valid filter index range is always [0, 3].
// When width <= 4, the valid filter index range is always [4, 5].
// Similarly for height.
const int horiz_filter_index = GetFilterIndex(horizontal_filter_index, width);
const int vert_filter_index = GetFilterIndex(vertical_filter_index, height);
const int horizontal_taps = NumTapsInFilter(horiz_filter_index);
const int vertical_taps = NumTapsInFilter(vert_filter_index);
uint16_t* intermediate = intermediate_result;
const int intermediate_height = height + vertical_taps - 1;
const ptrdiff_t src_stride = reference_stride;
const auto* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) -
kVerticalOffset * src_stride - kHorizontalOffset;
auto* dest = static_cast<uint16_t*>(prediction);
int filter_id = (subpixel_x >> 6) & kSubPixelMask;
if (width >= 4) {
// TODO(johannkoenig): Use |width| for |intermediate_stride|.
src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) -
(vertical_taps / 2 - 1) * src_stride - kHorizontalOffset;
HorizontalPass<true>(src, src_stride, intermediate_result,
intermediate_stride, width, intermediate_height,
subpixel_x, horiz_filter_index);
// Vertical filter.
intermediate = intermediate_result;
filter_id = ((subpixel_y & 1023) >> 6) & kSubPixelMask;
const ptrdiff_t dest_stride = pred_stride;
const int16x8_t taps =
if (vertical_taps == 8) {
Filter2DVertical<8, /*is_compound=*/true>(
intermediate, intermediate_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
taps, inter_round_bits_vertical);
} else if (vertical_taps == 6) {
Filter2DVertical<6, /*is_compound=*/true>(
intermediate, intermediate_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
taps, inter_round_bits_vertical);
} else if (vertical_taps == 4) {
Filter2DVertical<4, /*is_compound=*/true>(
intermediate, intermediate_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
taps, inter_round_bits_vertical);
} else { // |vertical_taps| == 2
Filter2DVertical<2, /*is_compound=*/true>(
intermediate, intermediate_stride, dest, dest_stride, width, height,
taps, inter_round_bits_vertical);
} else {
src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(reference) -
((vertical_taps / 2) - 1) * src_stride - ((horizontal_taps / 2) - 1);
HorizontalPass2xH(src, src_stride, intermediate_result, intermediate_stride,
intermediate_height, horiz_filter_index, horizontal_taps,
VerticalPass2xH</*is_2d=*/true, /*is_compound=*/true>(
intermediate_result, intermediate_stride, dest, pred_stride, height,
inter_round_bits_vertical, vert_filter_index, vertical_taps,
void Init8bpp() {
Dsp* const dsp = dsp_internal::GetWritableDspTable(8);
assert(dsp != nullptr);
dsp->convolve[0][0][0][1] = ConvolveHorizontal_NEON;
dsp->convolve[0][0][1][0] = ConvolveVertical_NEON;
dsp->convolve[0][0][1][1] = Convolve2D_NEON;
dsp->convolve[0][1][0][0] = ConvolveCompoundCopy_NEON;
dsp->convolve[0][1][0][1] = ConvolveCompoundHorizontal_NEON;
dsp->convolve[0][1][1][0] = ConvolveCompoundVertical_NEON;
dsp->convolve[0][1][1][1] = ConvolveCompound2D_NEON;
// TODO(petersonab,b/139707209): Fix source buffer overreads.
// dsp->convolve_scale[1] = ConvolveCompoundScale2D_NEON;
} // namespace
} // namespace low_bitdepth
void ConvolveInit_NEON() { low_bitdepth::Init8bpp(); }
} // namespace dsp
} // namespace libgav1
namespace libgav1 {
namespace dsp {
void ConvolveInit_NEON() {}
} // namespace dsp
} // namespace libgav1