blob: dfcd08ebfa4042439a6fb8a7a06c327362195de3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <type_traits>
#include "src/dsp/common.h"
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h"
#include "src/frame_scratch_buffer.h"
#include "src/loop_restoration_info.h"
#include "src/obu_parser.h"
#include "src/utils/array_2d.h"
#include "src/utils/block_parameters_holder.h"
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
#include "src/utils/memory.h"
#include "src/utils/threadpool.h"
#include "src/yuv_buffer.h"
namespace libgav1 {
// This class applies in-loop filtering for each frame after it is
// reconstructed. The in-loop filtering contains all post processing filtering
// for the reconstructed frame, including deblock filter, CDEF, superres,
// and loop restoration.
// Historically, for example in libaom, loop filter refers to deblock filter.
// To avoid name conflicts, we call this class PostFilter (post processing).
// In-loop post filtering order is:
// deblock --> CDEF --> super resolution--> loop restoration.
// When CDEF and super resolution is not used, we can combine deblock
// and restoration together to only filter frame buffer once.
class PostFilter {
// This class does not take ownership of the masks/restoration_info, but it
// may change their values.
// The overall flow of data in this class (for both single and multi-threaded
// cases) is as follows:
// -> Input: |frame_buffer_|.
// -> Initialize |source_buffer_|, |cdef_buffer_|, |superres_buffer_| and
// |loop_restoration_buffer_|.
// -> Deblocking:
// * Input: |source_buffer_|
// * Output: |source_buffer_|
// -> CDEF:
// * Input: |source_buffer_|
// * Output: |cdef_buffer_|
// -> SuperRes:
// * Input: |cdef_buffer_|
// * Output: |superres_buffer_|
// -> Loop Restoration:
// * Input: |superres_buffer_|
// * Output: |loop_restoration_buffer_|.
// -> Now |frame_buffer_| contains the filtered frame.
PostFilter(const ObuFrameHeader& frame_header,
const ObuSequenceHeader& sequence_header,
FrameScratchBuffer* frame_scratch_buffer, YuvBuffer* frame_buffer,
const dsp::Dsp* dsp, int do_post_filter_mask);
// non copyable/movable.
PostFilter(const PostFilter&) = delete;
PostFilter& operator=(const PostFilter&) = delete;
PostFilter(PostFilter&&) = delete;
PostFilter& operator=(PostFilter&&) = delete;
// The overall function that applies all post processing filtering with
// multiple threads.
// * The filtering order is:
// deblock --> CDEF --> super resolution--> loop restoration.
// * The output of each filter is the input for the following filter. A
// special case is that loop restoration needs a few rows of the deblocked
// frame and the entire cdef filtered frame:
// deblock --> CDEF --> super resolution --> loop restoration.
// | ^
// | |
// -----------> super resolution -----
// * Any of these filters could be present or absent.
// * |frame_buffer_| points to the decoded frame buffer. When
// ApplyFilteringThreaded() is called, |frame_buffer_| is modified by each
// of the filters as described below.
// Filter behavior (multi-threaded):
// * Deblock: In-place filtering. The output is written to |source_buffer_|.
// If cdef and loop restoration are both on, then 4 rows (as
// specified by |kLoopRestorationBorderRows|) in every 64x64 block
// is copied into |loop_restoration_border_|.
// * Cdef: In-place filtering. Uses the |source_buffer_| and |cdef_border_| as
// the input and the output is written into |cdef_buffer_| (which is
// the same as |source_buffer_|).
// * SuperRes: Near in-place filtering. Uses the |cdef_buffer_| and
// |superres_line_buffer_| as the input and the output is written
// into |superres_buffer_| (which is just |cdef_buffer_| with a
// shift to the top).
// * Restoration: Near in-place filtering.
// Uses the |superres_buffer_| and |loop_restoration_border_|
// as the input and the output is written into
// |loop_restoration_buffer_| (which is just |superres_buffer_|
// with a shift to the left).
void ApplyFilteringThreaded();
// Does the overall post processing filter for one superblock row starting at
// |row4x4| with height 4*|sb4x4|. If |do_deblock| is false, deblocking filter
// will not be applied.
// Filter behavior (single-threaded):
// * Deblock: In-place filtering. The output is written to |source_buffer_|.
// If cdef and loop restoration are both on, then 4 rows (as
// specified by |kLoopRestorationBorderRows|) in every 64x64 block
// is copied into |loop_restoration_border_|.
// * Cdef: In-place filtering. The output is written into |cdef_buffer_|
// (which is just |source_buffer_| with a shift to the top-left).
// * SuperRes: Near in-place filtering. Uses the |cdef_buffer_| as the input
// and the output is written into |superres_buffer_| (which is
// just |cdef_buffer_| with a shift to the top).
// * Restoration: Near in-place filtering.
// Uses the |superres_buffer_| and |loop_restoration_border_|
// as the input and the output is written into
// |loop_restoration_buffer_| (which is just |superres_buffer_|
// with a shift to the left or top-left).
// Returns the index of the last row whose post processing is complete and can
// be used for referencing.
int ApplyFilteringForOneSuperBlockRow(int row4x4, int sb4x4, bool is_last_row,
bool do_deblock);
// Apply deblocking filter in one direction (specified by |loop_filter_type|)
// for the superblock row starting at |row4x4_start| for columns starting from
// |column4x4_start| in increments of 16 (or 8 for chroma with subsampling)
// until the smallest multiple of 16 that is >= |column4x4_end| or until
// |frame_header_.columns4x4|, whichever is lower. This function must be
// called only if |DoDeblock()| returns true.
void ApplyDeblockFilter(LoopFilterType loop_filter_type, int row4x4_start,
int column4x4_start, int column4x4_end, int sb4x4);
static bool DoCdef(const ObuFrameHeader& frame_header,
int do_post_filter_mask) {
return (frame_header.cdef.bits > 0 ||
frame_header.cdef.y_primary_strength[0] > 0 ||
frame_header.cdef.y_secondary_strength[0] > 0 ||
frame_header.cdef.uv_primary_strength[0] > 0 ||
frame_header.cdef.uv_secondary_strength[0] > 0) &&
(do_post_filter_mask & 0x02) != 0;
bool DoCdef() const { return DoCdef(frame_header_, do_post_filter_mask_); }
// If filter levels for Y plane (0 for vertical, 1 for horizontal),
// are all zero, deblock filter will not be applied.
static bool DoDeblock(const ObuFrameHeader& frame_header,
uint8_t do_post_filter_mask) {
return (frame_header.loop_filter.level[0] > 0 ||
frame_header.loop_filter.level[1] > 0) &&
(do_post_filter_mask & 0x01) != 0;
bool DoDeblock() const {
return DoDeblock(frame_header_, do_post_filter_mask_);
uint8_t GetZeroDeltaDeblockFilterLevel(int segment_id, int level_index,
ReferenceFrameType type,
int mode_id) const {
return deblock_filter_levels_[segment_id][level_index][type][mode_id];
// Computes the deblock filter levels using |delta_lf| and stores them in
// |deblock_filter_levels|.
void ComputeDeblockFilterLevels(
const int8_t delta_lf[kFrameLfCount],
uint8_t deblock_filter_levels[kMaxSegments][kFrameLfCount]
[kNumReferenceFrameTypes][2]) const;
// Returns true if loop restoration will be performed for the given parameters
// and mask.
static bool DoRestoration(const LoopRestoration& loop_restoration,
uint8_t do_post_filter_mask, int num_planes) {
if (num_planes == kMaxPlanesMonochrome) {
return loop_restoration.type[kPlaneY] != kLoopRestorationTypeNone &&
(do_post_filter_mask & 0x08) != 0;
return (loop_restoration.type[kPlaneY] != kLoopRestorationTypeNone ||
loop_restoration.type[kPlaneU] != kLoopRestorationTypeNone ||
loop_restoration.type[kPlaneV] != kLoopRestorationTypeNone) &&
(do_post_filter_mask & 0x08) != 0;
bool DoRestoration() const {
return DoRestoration(loop_restoration_, do_post_filter_mask_, planes_);
// Returns a pointer to the unfiltered buffer. This is used by the Tile class
// to determine where to write the output of the tile decoding process taking
// in-place filtering offsets into consideration.
uint8_t* GetUnfilteredBuffer(int plane) { return source_buffer_[plane]; }
const YuvBuffer& frame_buffer() const { return frame_buffer_; }
// Returns true if SuperRes will be performed for the given frame header and
// mask.
static bool DoSuperRes(const ObuFrameHeader& frame_header,
uint8_t do_post_filter_mask) {
return frame_header.width != frame_header.upscaled_width &&
(do_post_filter_mask & 0x04) != 0;
bool DoSuperRes() const {
return DoSuperRes(frame_header_, do_post_filter_mask_);
LoopRestorationInfo* restoration_info() const { return restoration_info_; }
uint8_t* GetBufferOffset(uint8_t* base_buffer, int stride, Plane plane,
int row, int column) const {
return base_buffer + (row >> subsampling_y_[plane]) * stride +
((column >> subsampling_x_[plane]) << pixel_size_log2_);
uint8_t* GetSourceBuffer(Plane plane, int row4x4, int column4x4) const {
return GetBufferOffset(source_buffer_[plane], frame_buffer_.stride(plane),
plane, MultiplyBy4(row4x4), MultiplyBy4(column4x4));
uint8_t* GetCdefBuffer(Plane plane, int row4x4, int column4x4) const {
return GetBufferOffset(cdef_buffer_[plane], frame_buffer_.stride(plane),
plane, MultiplyBy4(row4x4), MultiplyBy4(column4x4));
uint8_t* GetSuperResBuffer(Plane plane, int row4x4, int column4x4) const {
return GetBufferOffset(superres_buffer_[plane], frame_buffer_.stride(plane),
plane, MultiplyBy4(row4x4), MultiplyBy4(column4x4));
template <typename Pixel>
static void ExtendFrame(Pixel* frame_start, int width, int height,
ptrdiff_t stride, int left, int right, int top,
int bottom);
// The type of the HorizontalDeblockFilter and VerticalDeblockFilter member
// functions.
using DeblockFilter = void (PostFilter::*)(int row4x4_start,
int column4x4_start);
// The lookup table for picking the deblock filter, according to deblock
// filter type.
const DeblockFilter deblock_filter_func_[2] = {
&PostFilter::VerticalDeblockFilter, &PostFilter::HorizontalDeblockFilter};
// Functions common to all post filters.
// Extends the frame by setting the border pixel values to the one from its
// closest frame boundary.
void ExtendFrameBoundary(uint8_t* frame_start, int width, int height,
ptrdiff_t stride, int left, int right, int top,
int bottom) const;
// Extend frame boundary for referencing if the frame will be saved as a
// reference frame.
void ExtendBordersForReferenceFrame();
// Copies the deblocked pixels needed for loop restoration.
void CopyDeblockedPixels(Plane plane, int row4x4);
// Copies the border for one superblock row. If |for_loop_restoration| is
// true, then it assumes that the border extension is being performed for the
// input of the loop restoration process. If |for_loop_restoration| is false,
// then it assumes that the border extension is being performed for using the
// current frame as a reference frame. In this case, |progress_row_| is also
// updated.
void CopyBordersForOneSuperBlockRow(int row4x4, int sb4x4,
bool for_loop_restoration);
// Sets up the |loop_restoration_border_| for loop restoration.
// This is called when there is no CDEF filter. We copy rows from
// |superres_buffer_| and do the line extension.
void SetupLoopRestorationBorder(int row4x4_start);
// This is called when there is CDEF filter. We copy rows from
// |source_buffer_|, apply superres and do the line extension.
void SetupLoopRestorationBorder(int row4x4_start, int sb4x4);
// Returns true if we can perform border extension in loop (i.e.) without
// waiting until the entire frame is decoded. If intra_block_copy is true, we
// do in-loop border extension only if the upscaled_width is the same as 4 *
// columns4x4. Otherwise, we cannot do in loop border extension since those
// pixels may be used by intra block copy.
bool DoBorderExtensionInLoop() const {
return !frame_header_.allow_intrabc ||
frame_header_.upscaled_width ==
template <typename Pixel>
void CopyPlane(const Pixel* src, ptrdiff_t src_stride, int width, int height,
Pixel* dst, ptrdiff_t dst_stride) {
assert(height > 0);
do {
memcpy(dst, src, width * sizeof(Pixel));
src += src_stride;
dst += dst_stride;
} while (--height != 0);
// Worker function used for multi-threaded implementation of Deblocking, CDEF
// and Loop Restoration.
using WorkerFunction = void (PostFilter::*)(std::atomic<int>* row4x4_atomic);
// Schedules |worker| jobs to the |thread_pool_|, runs them in the calling
// thread and returns once all the jobs are completed.
void RunJobs(WorkerFunction worker);
// Functions for the Deblocking filter.
static int GetIndex(int row4x4) { return DivideBy4(row4x4); }
static int GetShift(int row4x4, int column4x4) {
return ((row4x4 & 3) << 4) | column4x4;
int GetDeblockUnitId(int row_unit, int column_unit) const {
return row_unit * num_64x64_blocks_per_row_ + column_unit;
bool GetHorizontalDeblockFilterEdgeInfo(int row4x4, int column4x4,
uint8_t* level, int* step,
int* filter_length) const;
void GetHorizontalDeblockFilterEdgeInfoUV(int row4x4, int column4x4,
uint8_t* level_u, uint8_t* level_v,
int* step,
int* filter_length) const;
bool GetVerticalDeblockFilterEdgeInfo(int row4x4, int column4x4,
BlockParameters* const* bp_ptr,
uint8_t* level, int* step,
int* filter_length) const;
void GetVerticalDeblockFilterEdgeInfoUV(int column4x4,
BlockParameters* const* bp_ptr,
uint8_t* level_u, uint8_t* level_v,
int* step, int* filter_length) const;
void HorizontalDeblockFilter(int row4x4_start, int column4x4_start);
void VerticalDeblockFilter(int row4x4_start, int column4x4_start);
// HorizontalDeblockFilter and VerticalDeblockFilter must have the correct
// signature.
// Applies deblock filtering for the superblock row starting at |row4x4| with
// a height of 4*|sb4x4|.
void ApplyDeblockFilterForOneSuperBlockRow(int row4x4, int sb4x4);
// Worker function used for multi-threaded deblocking.
template <LoopFilterType loop_filter_type>
void DeblockFilterWorker(std::atomic<int>* row4x4_atomic);
// Functions for the cdef filter.
// Copies the deblocked pixels necessary for use by the multi-threaded cdef
// implementation into |cdef_border_|.
void SetupCdefBorder(int row4x4);
// This function prepares the input source block for cdef filtering. The input
// source block contains a 12x12 block, with the inner 8x8 as the desired
// filter region. It pads the block if the 12x12 block includes out of frame
// pixels with a large value. This achieves the required behavior defined in
// section 5.11.52 of the spec.
template <typename Pixel>
void PrepareCdefBlock(int block_width4x4, int block_height4x4, int row4x4,
int column4x4, uint16_t* cdef_source,
ptrdiff_t cdef_stride, bool y_plane,
const uint8_t border_columns[kMaxPlanes][256],
bool use_border_columns);
// Applies cdef for one 64x64 block.
template <typename Pixel>
void ApplyCdefForOneUnit(uint16_t* cdef_block, int index, int block_width4x4,
int block_height4x4, int row4x4_start,
int column4x4_start,
uint8_t border_columns[2][kMaxPlanes][256],
bool use_border_columns[2][2]);
// Helper function used by ApplyCdefForOneSuperBlockRow to avoid some code
// duplication.
void ApplyCdefForOneSuperBlockRowHelper(
uint16_t* cdef_block, uint8_t border_columns[2][kMaxPlanes][256],
int row4x4, int block_height4x4);
// Applies CDEF filtering for the superblock row starting at |row4x4| with a
// height of 4*|sb4x4|.
void ApplyCdefForOneSuperBlockRow(int row4x4, int sb4x4, bool is_last_row);
// Worker function used for multi-threaded CDEF.
void ApplyCdefWorker(std::atomic<int>* row4x4_atomic);
// Functions for the SuperRes filter.
// Applies super resolution for the |src| for |rows[plane]| rows of each
// plane. If |line_buffer_row| is larger than or equal to 0, one more row will
// be processed, the line buffer indicated by |line_buffer_row| will be used
// as the source. If |dst_is_loop_restoration_border| is true, then it means
// that the |dst| pointers come from |loop_restoration_border_| and the
// strides will be populated from that buffer.
void ApplySuperRes(
const std::array<uint8_t*, kMaxPlanes>& src,
const std::array<int, kMaxPlanes>& rows, int line_buffer_row,
const std::array<uint8_t*, kMaxPlanes>& dst,
bool dst_is_loop_restoration_border = false); // Section 7.16.
// Applies SuperRes for the superblock row starting at |row4x4| with a height
// of 4*|sb4x4|.
void ApplySuperResForOneSuperBlockRow(int row4x4, int sb4x4,
bool is_last_row);
void ApplySuperResThreaded();
// Functions for the Loop Restoration filter.
// Notes about Loop Restoration:
// (1). Loop restoration processing unit size is default to 64x64.
// Only when the remaining filtering area is smaller than 64x64, the
// processing unit size is the actual area size.
// For U/V plane, it is (64 >> subsampling_x) x (64 >> subsampling_y).
// (2). Loop restoration unit size can be 64x64, 128x128, 256x256 for Y
// plane. The unit size for chroma can be the same or half, depending on
// subsampling. If either subsampling_x or subsampling_y is one, unit size
// is halved on both x and y sides.
// All loop restoration units have the same size for one plane.
// One loop restoration unit could contain multiple processing units.
// But they share the same sets of loop restoration parameters.
// (3). Loop restoration has a row offset, kRestorationUnitOffset = 8. The
// size of first row of loop restoration units and processing units is
// shrunk by the offset.
// (4). Loop restoration units wrap the bottom and the right of the frame,
// if the remaining area is small. The criteria is whether the number of
// remaining rows/columns is smaller than half of loop restoration unit
// size.
// For example, if the frame size is 140x140, loop restoration unit size is
// 128x128. The size of the first loop restoration unit is 128x(128-8) =
// 128 columns x 120 rows.
// Since 140 - 120 < 128/2. The remaining 20 rows will be folded to the loop
// restoration unit. Similarly, the remaining 12 columns will also be folded
// to current loop restoration unit. So, even frame size is 140x140,
// there's only one loop restoration unit. Suppose processing unit is 64x64,
// then sizes of the first row of processing units are 64x56, 64x56, 12x56,
// respectively. The second row is 64x64, 64x64, 12x64.
// The third row is 64x20, 64x20, 12x20.
// |stride| is shared by |src_buffer| and |dst_buffer|.
template <typename Pixel>
void ApplyLoopRestorationForOneRow(const Pixel* src_buffer, ptrdiff_t stride,
Plane plane, int plane_height,
int plane_width, int y, int unit_row,
int current_process_unit_height,
int plane_unit_size, Pixel* dst_buffer);
// Applies loop restoration for the superblock row starting at |row4x4_start|
// with a height of 4*|sb4x4|.
template <typename Pixel>
void ApplyLoopRestorationForOneSuperBlockRow(int row4x4_start, int sb4x4);
// Helper function that calls the right variant of
// ApplyLoopRestorationForOneSuperBlockRow based on the bitdepth.
void ApplyLoopRestoration(int row4x4_start, int sb4x4);
// Worker function used for multithreaded Loop Restoration.
void ApplyLoopRestorationWorker(std::atomic<int>* row4x4_atomic);
const ObuFrameHeader& frame_header_;
const LoopRestoration& loop_restoration_;
const dsp::Dsp& dsp_;
const int num_64x64_blocks_per_row_;
const int upscaled_width_;
const int width_;
const int height_;
const int8_t bitdepth_;
const int8_t subsampling_x_[kMaxPlanes];
const int8_t subsampling_y_[kMaxPlanes];
const int8_t planes_;
const int pixel_size_log2_;
const uint8_t* const inner_thresh_;
const uint8_t* const outer_thresh_;
const bool needs_chroma_deblock_;
// This stores the deblocking filter levels assuming that the delta is zero.
// This will be used by all superblocks whose delta is zero (without having to
// recompute them). The dimensions (in order) are: segment_id, level_index
// (based on plane and direction), reference_frame and mode_id.
uint8_t deblock_filter_levels_[kMaxSegments][kFrameLfCount]
// Stores the SuperRes info for the frame.
struct {
int upscaled_width;
int initial_subpixel_x;
int step;
} super_res_info_[kMaxPlanes];
const Array2D<int16_t>& cdef_index_;
const Array2D<TransformSize>& inter_transform_sizes_;
LoopRestorationInfo* const restoration_info_;
uint8_t* const superres_coefficients_[kNumPlaneTypes];
// Line buffer used by multi-threaded ApplySuperRes().
// In the multi-threaded case, this buffer will store the last downscaled row
// input of each thread to avoid overwrites by the first upscaled row output
// of the thread below it.
YuvBuffer& superres_line_buffer_;
const BlockParametersHolder& block_parameters_;
// Frame buffer to hold cdef filtered frame.
YuvBuffer cdef_filtered_buffer_;
// Input frame buffer.
YuvBuffer& frame_buffer_;
// A view into |frame_buffer_| that points to the input and output of the
// deblocking process.
uint8_t* source_buffer_[kMaxPlanes];
// A view into |frame_buffer_| that points to the output of the CDEF filtered
// planes (to facilitate in-place CDEF filtering).
uint8_t* cdef_buffer_[kMaxPlanes];
// A view into |frame_buffer_| that points to the planes after the SuperRes
// filter is applied (to facilitate in-place SuperRes).
uint8_t* superres_buffer_[kMaxPlanes];
// A view into |frame_buffer_| that points to the output of the Loop Restored
// planes (to facilitate in-place Loop Restoration).
uint8_t* loop_restoration_buffer_[kMaxPlanes];
YuvBuffer& cdef_border_;
// Buffer used to store the border pixels that are necessary for loop
// restoration. This buffer will store 4 rows for every 64x64 block (4 rows
// for every 32x32 for chroma with subsampling). The indices of the rows that
// are stored are specified in |kLoopRestorationBorderRows|. First 4 rows of
// this buffer are never populated and never used.
// This buffer is used only when both of the following conditions are true:
// (1). Loop Restoration is on.
// (2). Cdef is on, or multi-threading is enabled for post filter.
YuvBuffer& loop_restoration_border_;
const uint8_t do_post_filter_mask_;
ThreadPool* const thread_pool_;
// Tracks the progress of the post filters.
int progress_row_ = -1;
// A block buffer to hold the input that is converted to uint16_t before
// cdef filtering. Only used in single threaded case. Y plane is processed
// separately. U and V planes are processed together. So it is sufficient to
// have this buffer to accommodate 2 planes at a time.
uint16_t cdef_block_[kCdefUnitSizeWithBorders * kCdefUnitSizeWithBorders * 2];
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
friend class PostFilterSuperResTest;
template <int bitdepth, typename Pixel>
friend class PostFilterHelperFuncTest;
extern template void PostFilter::ExtendFrame<uint8_t>(uint8_t* frame_start,
int width, int height,
ptrdiff_t stride,
int left, int right,
int top, int bottom);
extern template void PostFilter::ExtendFrame<uint16_t>(uint16_t* frame_start,
int width, int height,
ptrdiff_t stride,
int left, int right,
int top, int bottom);
} // namespace libgav1