blob: 172107c7864a54cda8f8cdfeef69fd06471bac02 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cstdint>
namespace libgav1 {
class BitReader {
virtual ~BitReader() = default;
virtual int ReadBit() = 0;
// |num_bits| has to be <= 32. The function returns a value in the range [0,
// 2^num_bits - 1] (inclusive) on success and -1 on failure.
virtual int64_t ReadLiteral(int num_bits) = 0;
bool DecodeSignedSubexpWithReference(int low, int high, int reference,
int control, int* value); // 5.9.26.
// Decodes a nonnegative integer with maximum number of values |n| (i.e.,
// output in range 0..n-1) by following the process specified in Section
// 4.10.7 ns(n) and Section 4.10.10 NS(n) of the spec.
bool DecodeUniform(int n, int* value);
// Helper functions for DecodeSignedSubexpWithReference.
bool DecodeUnsignedSubexpWithReference(int mx, int reference, int control,
int* value); // 5.9.27.
bool DecodeSubexp(int num_symbols, int control, int* value); // 5.9.28.
} // namespace libgav1