blob: e0ea980d9026cd99ece0dc8e3db417e1753cc27d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/frame_buffer.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
namespace libgav1 {
class YuvBuffer {
// If the memory was allocated by YuvBuffer directly, the memory is freed.
// Allocates the buffer. Returns true on success. Returns false on failure.
// * |width| and |height| are the image dimensions in pixels.
// * |subsampling_x| and |subsampling_y| (either 0 or 1) specify the
// subsampling of the width and height of the chroma planes, respectively.
// * |border| is the size of the borders (on all four sides) in pixels.
// * |byte_alignment| specifies the additional alignment requirement of the
// data buffers of the Y, U, and V planes. If |byte_alignment| is 0, there
// is no additional alignment requirement. Otherwise, |byte_alignment|
// must be a power of 2 and greater than or equal to 16.
// NOTE: The strides are a multiple of 16. Therefore only the first row in
// each plane is aligned to |byte_alignment|. Subsequent rows are only
// 16-byte aligned.
// * If |get_frame_buffer| is not null, it is invoked to allocate the memory.
// If |get_frame_buffer| is null, YuvBuffer allocates the memory directly
// and ignores the |private_data| and |frame_buffer| parameters, which
// should be null.
// Example: bitdepth=8 width=20 height=6 border=2. The diagram below shows
// how Realloc() allocates the data buffer for the Y plane.
// 16-byte aligned
// |
// v
// BB01234567890123456789....BBpppp
// BB11234567890123456789....BBpppp
// BB21234567890123456789....BBpppp
// BB31234567890123456789....BBpppp
// BB41234567890123456789....BBpppp
// BB51234567890123456789....BBpppp
// BB........................BBpppp
// BB........................BBpppp
// | |
// |<-- stride (multiple of 16) ->|
// The video frame has 6 rows of 20 pixels each. Each row is shown as the
// pattern r1234567890123456789, where |r| is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
// Realloc() first aligns |width| and |height| to multiples of 8 pixels. The
// pixels added in this step are shown as dots ('.'). In this example, the
// aligned width is 24 pixels and the aligned height is 8 pixels. NOTE: The
// purpose of this step is unknown. We should be able to remove this step.
// Realloc() then adds a border of 2 pixels around this region. The border
// pixels are shown as capital 'B'. NOTE: This example uses a tiny border of
// 2 pixels to keep the diagram small. The current implementation of
// Realloc() actually requires that |border| be a multiple of 32. We should
// be able to only require that |border| be a multiple of 2.
// Each row is now padded to a multiple of the default alignment in bytes,
// which is 16. The padding bytes are shown as lowercase 'p'. (Since
// |bitdepth| is 8 in this example, each pixel is one byte.) The padded size
// in bytes is the stride. In this example, the stride is 32 bytes.
// Finally, Realloc() aligns the first byte of frame data, which is the '0'
// pixel/byte in the upper left corner of the frame, to the default (16-byte)
// alignemnt boundary and also the |byte_alignment| boundary, if
// |byte_alignment| is nonzero.
// TODO(wtc): We don't need to allocate the U and V plane buffers if
// |monochrome| is true.
// TODO(wtc): Add a check for width and height limits to defend against
// invalid bitstreams.
bool Realloc(int bitdepth, bool is_monochrome, int width, int height,
int8_t subsampling_x, int8_t subsampling_y, int border,
int byte_alignment, GetFrameBufferCallback get_frame_buffer,
void* private_data, FrameBuffer* frame_buffer);
int bitdepth() const { return bitdepth_; }
bool is_monochrome() const { return is_monochrome_; }
int8_t subsampling_x() const { return subsampling_x_; }
int8_t subsampling_y() const { return subsampling_y_; }
int width(int plane) const {
return (plane == kPlaneY) ? y_width_ : uv_width_;
int height(int plane) const {
return (plane == kPlaneY) ? y_height_ : uv_height_;
int displayed_width(int plane) const {
return (plane == kPlaneY) ? y_crop_width_ : uv_crop_width_;
int displayed_height(int plane) const {
return (plane == kPlaneY) ? y_crop_height_ : uv_crop_height_;
// Returns border sizes in pixels.
int left_border(int plane) const { return left_border_[plane]; }
int right_border(int plane) const { return right_border_[plane]; }
int top_border(int plane) const { return top_border_[plane]; }
int bottom_border(int plane) const { return bottom_border_[plane]; }
// Returns the alignment of frame buffer row in bytes.
int alignment() const { return 16; }
// Returns whether shifing frame buffer is successful.
// |vertical_shift| and |horizontal_shift| are in pixels.
// TODO(chengchen):
// Warning: this implementation doesn't handle the byte_alignment requirement.
// For example, if the frame is required to be 4K-byte aligned, this method
// fails. Figure out alternative solutions if the feature of
// byte_alignment is required in practice.
bool ShiftBuffer(int plane, int horizontal_shift, int vertical_shift) {
if (!ValidHorizontalShift(plane, horizontal_shift) ||
!ValidVerticalShift(plane, vertical_shift)) {
return false;
left_border_[plane] += horizontal_shift;
right_border_[plane] -= horizontal_shift;
top_border_[plane] += vertical_shift;
bottom_border_[plane] -= vertical_shift;
const int pixel_size =
static_cast<int>((bitdepth_ == 8) ? sizeof(uint8_t) : sizeof(uint16_t));
buffer_[plane] +=
vertical_shift * stride_[plane] + horizontal_shift * pixel_size;
return true;
// Returns the data buffer for |plane|.
uint8_t* data(int plane) { return buffer_[plane]; }
const uint8_t* data(int plane) const { return buffer_[plane]; }
// Returns the stride in bytes for |plane|.
int stride(int plane) const { return stride_[plane]; }
// Frame buffer pointer, i.e., |buffer_[plane]| can only be shifted in loop
// restoration. If loop restoration is applied on plane, |buffer_[plane]|
// will be shifted kRestorationBorder rows above, and
// kFrameBufferRowAlignment columns left.
// |shift| is in pixels.
// Positive vertical shift is a down shift. Negative vertical shift is an
// up shift.
bool ValidVerticalShift(int plane, int shift) const {
return (shift >= 0) ? bottom_border_[plane] >= shift
: top_border_[plane] + shift >= 0;
// Positive horizontal shift is a right shift. Negative horizontal shift is
// a left shift.
bool ValidHorizontalShift(int plane, int shift) const {
return (shift >= 0) ? right_border_[plane] >= shift
: left_border_[plane] + shift >= 0;
int bitdepth_ = 0;
bool is_monochrome_ = false;
// y_crop_width_ and y_crop_height_ are the original width and height (the
// |width| and |height| arguments passed to the Realloc() method). y_width_
// and y_height_ are the original width and height padded to a multiple of
// 8.
// The UV widths and heights are computed from Y widths and heights as
// follows:
// uv_crop_width_ = (y_crop_width_ + subsampling_x_) >> subsampling_x_
// uv_crop_height_ = (y_crop_height_ + subsampling_y_) >> subsampling_y_
// uv_width_ = y_width_ >> subsampling_x_
// uv_height_ = y_height_ >> subsampling_y_
int y_width_ = 0;
int uv_width_ = 0;
int y_height_ = 0;
int uv_height_ = 0;
int y_crop_width_ = 0;
int uv_crop_width_ = 0;
int y_crop_height_ = 0;
int uv_crop_height_ = 0;
int left_border_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
int right_border_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
int top_border_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
int bottom_border_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
int stride_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
uint8_t* buffer_[kMaxPlanes] = {};
// buffer_alloc_ and buffer_alloc_size_ are only used if the
// get_frame_buffer callback is null and we allocate the buffer ourselves.
uint8_t* buffer_alloc_ = nullptr;
size_t buffer_alloc_size_ = 0;
int8_t subsampling_x_ = 0; // 0 or 1.
int8_t subsampling_y_ = 0; // 0 or 1.
} // namespace libgav1