blob: acf0b0809ed167ec196e3d704f54257f30ea91af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/utils/entropy_decoder.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "src/utils/common.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
namespace {
constexpr uint32_t kReadBitMask = ~255;
// This constant is used to set the value of |bits_| so that bits can be read
// after end of stream without trying to refill the buffer for a reasonably long
// time.
constexpr int kLargeBitCount = 0x4000;
constexpr int kCdfPrecision = 6;
constexpr int kMinimumProbabilityPerSymbol = 4;
// This function computes the "cur" variable as specified inside the do-while
// loop in Section 8.2.6 of the spec. This function is monotonically
// decreasing as the values of index increases (note that the |cdf| array is
// sorted in decreasing order).
uint32_t ScaleCdf(uint16_t values_in_range_shifted, const uint16_t* const cdf,
int index, int symbol_count) {
return ((values_in_range_shifted * (cdf[index] >> kCdfPrecision)) >> 1) +
(kMinimumProbabilityPerSymbol * (symbol_count - index));
void UpdateCdf(uint16_t* const cdf, int symbol_count, int symbol) {
const uint16_t count = cdf[symbol_count];
// rate is computed in the spec as:
// 3 + ( cdf[N] > 15 ) + ( cdf[N] > 31 ) + Min(FloorLog2(N), 2)
// In this case cdf[N] is |count|.
// Min(FloorLog2(N), 2) is 1 for symbol_count == {2, 3} and 2 for all
// symbol_count > 3. So the equation becomes:
// 4 + (count > 15) + (count > 31) + (symbol_count > 3).
// Note that the largest value for count is 32 (it is not incremented beyond
// 32). So using that information:
// count >> 4 is 0 for count from 0 to 15.
// count >> 4 is 1 for count from 16 to 31.
// count >> 4 is 2 for count == 31.
// Now, the equation becomes:
// 4 + (count >> 4) + (symbol_count > 3).
// Since (count >> 4) can only be 0 or 1 or 2, the addition can be replaced
// with bitwise or. So the final equation is:
// (4 | (count >> 4)) + (symbol_count > 3).
const int rate = (4 | (count >> 4)) + static_cast<int>(symbol_count > 3);
// Hints for further optimizations:
// 1. clang can vectorize this for loop with width 4, even though the loop
// contains an if-else statement. Therefore, it may be advantageous to use
// "i < symbol_count" as the loop condition when symbol_count is 8, 12, or 16
// (a multiple of 4 that's not too small).
// 2. The for loop can be rewritten in the following form, which would enable
// clang to vectorize the loop with width 8:
// const int mask = (1 << rate) - 1;
// for (int i = 0; i < symbol_count - 1; ++i) {
// const uint16_t a = (i < symbol) ? kCdfMaxProbability : mask;
// cdf[i] += static_cast<int16_t>(a - cdf[i]) >> rate;
// }
// The subtraction (a - cdf[i]) relies on the overflow semantics of unsigned
// integer arithmetic. The result of the unsigned subtraction is cast to a
// signed integer and right-shifted. This requires the right shift of a
// signed integer be an arithmetic shift, which is true for clang, gcc, and
// Visual C++.
for (int i = 0; i < symbol_count - 1; ++i) {
if (i < symbol) {
cdf[i] += (libgav1::kCdfMaxProbability - cdf[i]) >> rate;
} else {
cdf[i] -= cdf[i] >> rate;
cdf[symbol_count] += static_cast<uint16_t>(count < 32);
} // namespace
namespace libgav1 {
constexpr uint32_t DaalaBitReader::kWindowSize; // static.
DaalaBitReader::DaalaBitReader(const uint8_t* data, size_t size,
bool allow_update_cdf)
: data_(data),
allow_update_cdf_(allow_update_cdf) {
window_diff_ = (WindowSize{1} << (kWindowSize - 1)) - 1;
values_in_range_ = kCdfMaxProbability;
bits_ = -15;
// This is similar to the ReadSymbol() implementation but it is optimized based
// on the following facts:
// * The probability is fixed at half. So some multiplications can be replaced
// with bit operations.
// * Symbol count is fixed at 2.
int DaalaBitReader::ReadBit() {
const uint32_t curr =
((values_in_range_ & kReadBitMask) >> 1) + kMinimumProbabilityPerSymbol;
const WindowSize zero_threshold = static_cast<WindowSize>(curr)
<< (kWindowSize - 16);
int bit = 1;
if (window_diff_ >= zero_threshold) {
values_in_range_ -= curr;
window_diff_ -= zero_threshold;
bit = 0;
} else {
values_in_range_ = curr;
return bit;
int64_t DaalaBitReader::ReadLiteral(int num_bits) {
assert(num_bits <= 32);
uint32_t literal = 0;
for (int bit = num_bits - 1; bit >= 0; --bit) {
literal |= static_cast<uint32_t>(ReadBit()) << bit;
return literal;
int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol(uint16_t* const cdf, int symbol_count) {
const int symbol = ReadSymbolImpl(cdf, symbol_count);
if (allow_update_cdf_) {
UpdateCdf(cdf, symbol_count, symbol);
return symbol;
bool DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol(uint16_t* cdf) {
const bool symbol = ReadSymbolImpl(cdf) != 0;
if (allow_update_cdf_) {
const uint16_t count = cdf[2];
// rate is computed in the spec as:
// 3 + ( cdf[N] > 15 ) + ( cdf[N] > 31 ) + Min(FloorLog2(N), 2)
// In this case N is 2 and cdf[N] is |count|. So the equation becomes:
// 4 + (count > 15) + (count > 31)
// Note that the largest value for count is 32 (it is not incremented beyond
// 32). So using that information:
// count >> 4 is 0 for count from 0 to 15.
// count >> 4 is 1 for count from 16 to 31.
// count >> 4 is 2 for count == 31.
// Now, the equation becomes:
// 4 + (count >> 4).
// Since (count >> 4) can only be 0 or 1 or 2, the addition can be replaced
// with bitwise or. So the final equation is:
// 4 | (count >> 4).
const int rate = 4 | (count >> 4);
if (symbol) {
cdf[0] += (kCdfMaxProbability - cdf[0]) >> rate;
} else {
cdf[0] -= cdf[0] >> rate;
cdf[2] += static_cast<uint16_t>(count < 32);
return symbol;
bool DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbolWithoutCdfUpdate(uint16_t* cdf) {
return ReadSymbolImpl(cdf) != 0;
template <int symbol_count>
int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol(uint16_t* const cdf) {
static_assert(symbol_count >= 3 && symbol_count <= 16, "");
const int symbol = (symbol_count <= 13)
? ReadSymbolImpl(cdf, symbol_count)
: ReadSymbolImplBinarySearch(cdf, symbol_count);
if (allow_update_cdf_) {
UpdateCdf(cdf, symbol_count, symbol);
return symbol;
int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbolImpl(const uint16_t* const cdf,
int symbol_count) {
assert(cdf[symbol_count - 1] == 0);
uint32_t curr = values_in_range_;
int symbol = -1;
uint32_t prev;
const auto symbol_value =
static_cast<uint32_t>(window_diff_ >> (kWindowSize - 16));
uint32_t delta = kMinimumProbabilityPerSymbol * symbol_count;
// Search through the |cdf| array to determine where the scaled cdf value and
// |symbol_value| cross over.
do {
prev = curr;
curr = (((values_in_range_ >> 8) * (cdf[++symbol] >> kCdfPrecision)) >> 1) +
delta -= kMinimumProbabilityPerSymbol;
} while (symbol_value < curr);
values_in_range_ = prev - curr;
window_diff_ -= static_cast<WindowSize>(curr) << (kWindowSize - 16);
return symbol;
int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbolImplBinarySearch(const uint16_t* const cdf,
int symbol_count) {
assert(cdf[symbol_count - 1] == 0);
assert(symbol_count > 1 && symbol_count <= 16);
const auto symbol_value =
static_cast<uint32_t>(window_diff_ >> (kWindowSize - 16));
// Search through the |cdf| array to determine where the scaled cdf value and
// |symbol_value| cross over. Since the CDFs are sorted, we can use binary
// search to do this. Let |symbol| be the index of the first |cdf| array
// entry whose scaled cdf value is less than or equal to |symbol_value|. The
// binary search maintains the invariant:
// low <= symbol <= high + 1
// and terminates when low == high + 1.
int low = 0;
int high = symbol_count - 1;
// The binary search maintains the invariants that |prev| is the scaled cdf
// value for low - 1 and |curr| is the scaled cdf value for high + 1. (By
// convention, the scaled cdf value for -1 is values_in_range_.) When the
// binary search terminates, |prev| is the scaled cdf value for symbol - 1
// and |curr| is the scaled cdf value for |symbol|.
uint32_t prev = values_in_range_;
uint32_t curr = 0;
const uint16_t values_in_range_shifted = values_in_range_ >> 8;
do {
const int mid = DivideBy2(low + high);
const uint32_t scaled_cdf =
ScaleCdf(values_in_range_shifted, cdf, mid, symbol_count);
if (symbol_value < scaled_cdf) {
low = mid + 1;
prev = scaled_cdf;
} else {
high = mid - 1;
curr = scaled_cdf;
} while (low <= high);
assert(low == high + 1);
// At this point, |low| is the symbol that has been decoded.
values_in_range_ = prev - curr;
window_diff_ -= static_cast<WindowSize>(curr) << (kWindowSize - 16);
return low;
int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbolImpl(const uint16_t* const cdf) {
assert(cdf[1] == 0);
const auto symbol_value =
static_cast<uint32_t>(window_diff_ >> (kWindowSize - 16));
const uint32_t curr = ScaleCdf(values_in_range_ >> 8, cdf, 0, 1);
const int symbol = static_cast<int>(symbol_value < curr);
if (symbol == 1) {
values_in_range_ = curr;
} else {
values_in_range_ -= curr;
window_diff_ -= static_cast<WindowSize>(curr) << (kWindowSize - 16);
return symbol;
void DaalaBitReader::PopulateBits() {
int shift = kWindowSize - 9 - (bits_ + 15);
for (; shift >= 0 && data_index_ < size_; shift -= 8) {
window_diff_ ^= static_cast<WindowSize>(data_[data_index_++]) << shift;
bits_ += 8;
if (data_index_ >= size_) {
bits_ = kLargeBitCount;
void DaalaBitReader::NormalizeRange() {
const int bits_used = 15 - FloorLog2(values_in_range_);
bits_ -= bits_used;
window_diff_ = ((window_diff_ + 1) << bits_used) - 1;
values_in_range_ <<= bits_used;
if (bits_ < 0) PopulateBits();
// Explicit instantiations.
template int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol<3>(uint16_t* cdf);
template int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol<4>(uint16_t* cdf);
template int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol<5>(uint16_t* cdf);
template int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol<7>(uint16_t* cdf);
template int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol<8>(uint16_t* cdf);
template int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol<11>(uint16_t* cdf);
template int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol<13>(uint16_t* cdf);
template int DaalaBitReader::ReadSymbol<16>(uint16_t* cdf);
} // namespace libgav1