blob: be456730e3fbea3ef77a3bf916f66e9c1f7a3473 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The libgav1 Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h"
#include "src/dsp/loop_restoration.h"
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/dsp/arm/common_neon.h"
#include "src/utils/constants.h"
namespace libgav1 {
namespace dsp {
namespace low_bitdepth {
namespace {
// Wiener
inline void PopulateWienerCoefficients(
const RestorationUnitInfo& restoration_info, const int direction,
int16_t* const filter) {
// In order to keep the horizontal pass intermediate values within 16 bits we
// initialize |filter[3]| to 0 instead of 128.
filter[3] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
const int16_t coeff = restoration_info.wiener_info.filter[direction][i];
filter[i] = coeff;
filter[6 - i] = coeff;
filter[3] -= coeff * 2;
inline int16x8_t HorizontalSum(const uint8x8_t a[7], int16_t filter[7]) {
int16x8_t sum = vmulq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(a[0])), filter[0]);
sum = vaddq_s16(
sum, vmulq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(a[1])), filter[1]));
sum = vaddq_s16(
sum, vmulq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(a[2])), filter[2]));
sum = vaddq_s16(
sum, vmulq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(a[3])), filter[3]));
sum = vaddq_s16(
sum, vmulq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(a[4])), filter[4]));
sum = vaddq_s16(
sum, vmulq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(a[5])), filter[5]));
sum = vaddq_s16(
sum, vmulq_n_s16(vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vmovl_u8(a[6])), filter[6]));
sum = vrshrq_n_s16(sum, kInterRoundBitsHorizontal);
// Delaying |horizontal_rounding| until after dowshifting allows the sum to
// stay in 16 bits.
// |horizontal_rounding| = 1 << (bitdepth + kWienerFilterBits - 1)
// 1 << ( 8 + 7 - 1)
// Plus |kInterRoundBitsHorizontal| and it works out to 1 << 11.
sum = vaddq_s16(sum, vdupq_n_s16(1 << 11));
// Just like |horizontal_rounding|, adding |filter[3]| at this point allows
// the sum to stay in 16 bits.
// But wait! We *did* calculate |filter[3]| and used it in the sum! But it was
// offset by 128. Fix that here:
// |src[3]| * 128 >> 3 == |src[3]| << 4
sum = vaddq_s16(sum, vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vshll_n_u8(a[3], 4)));
// Saturate to
// [0,
// (1 << (bitdepth + 1 + kWienerFilterBits - kInterRoundBitsHorizontal)) - 1)]
// (1 << ( 8 + 1 + 7 - 3)) - 1)
sum = vminq_s16(sum, vdupq_n_s16((1 << 13) - 1));
sum = vmaxq_s16(sum, vdupq_n_s16(0));
return sum;
template <int min_width>
inline void VerticalSum(const int16_t* src_base, const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
uint8_t* dst_base, const ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
const int16x4_t filter[7], const int width,
const int height) {
static_assert(min_width == 4 || min_width == 8, "");
// -(1 << (bitdepth + kInterRoundBitsVertical - 1))
// -(1 << ( 8 + 11 - 1))
constexpr int vertical_rounding = -(1 << 18);
if (min_width == 8) {
int x = 0;
do {
const int16_t* src = src_base + x;
uint8_t* dst = dst_base + x;
int16x8_t a[7];
a[0] = vld1q_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
a[1] = vld1q_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
a[2] = vld1q_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
a[3] = vld1q_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
a[4] = vld1q_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
a[5] = vld1q_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
int y = 0;
do {
a[6] = vld1q_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
int32x4_t sum_lo = vdupq_n_s32(vertical_rounding);
sum_lo = vmlal_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(a[0]), filter[0]);
sum_lo = vmlal_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(a[1]), filter[1]);
sum_lo = vmlal_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(a[2]), filter[2]);
sum_lo = vmlal_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(a[3]), filter[3]);
sum_lo = vmlal_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(a[4]), filter[4]);
sum_lo = vmlal_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(a[5]), filter[5]);
sum_lo = vmlal_s16(sum_lo, vget_low_s16(a[6]), filter[6]);
uint16x4_t sum_lo_16 = vqrshrun_n_s32(sum_lo, 11);
int32x4_t sum_hi = vdupq_n_s32(vertical_rounding);
sum_hi = vmlal_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(a[0]), filter[0]);
sum_hi = vmlal_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(a[1]), filter[1]);
sum_hi = vmlal_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(a[2]), filter[2]);
sum_hi = vmlal_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(a[3]), filter[3]);
sum_hi = vmlal_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(a[4]), filter[4]);
sum_hi = vmlal_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(a[5]), filter[5]);
sum_hi = vmlal_s16(sum_hi, vget_high_s16(a[6]), filter[6]);
uint16x4_t sum_hi_16 = vqrshrun_n_s32(sum_hi, 11);
vst1_u8(dst, vqmovn_u16(vcombine_u16(sum_lo_16, sum_hi_16)));
dst += dst_stride;
a[0] = a[1];
a[1] = a[2];
a[2] = a[3];
a[3] = a[4];
a[4] = a[5];
a[5] = a[6];
} while (++y < height);
x += 8;
} while (x < width);
} else if (min_width == 4) {
const int16_t* src = src_base;
uint8_t* dst = dst_base;
int16x4_t a[7];
a[0] = vld1_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
a[1] = vld1_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
a[2] = vld1_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
a[3] = vld1_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
a[4] = vld1_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
a[5] = vld1_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
int y = 0;
do {
a[6] = vld1_s16(src);
src += src_stride;
int32x4_t sum = vdupq_n_s32(vertical_rounding);
sum = vmlal_s16(sum, a[0], filter[0]);
sum = vmlal_s16(sum, a[1], filter[1]);
sum = vmlal_s16(sum, a[2], filter[2]);
sum = vmlal_s16(sum, a[3], filter[3]);
sum = vmlal_s16(sum, a[4], filter[4]);
sum = vmlal_s16(sum, a[5], filter[5]);
sum = vmlal_s16(sum, a[6], filter[6]);
uint16x4_t sum_16 = vqrshrun_n_s32(sum, 11);
StoreLo4(dst, vqmovn_u16(vcombine_u16(sum_16, sum_16)));
dst += dst_stride;
a[0] = a[1];
a[1] = a[2];
a[2] = a[3];
a[3] = a[4];
a[4] = a[5];
a[5] = a[6];
} while (++y < height);
void WienerFilter_NEON(const void* const source, void* const dest,
const RestorationUnitInfo& restoration_info,
const ptrdiff_t source_stride,
const ptrdiff_t dest_stride, const int width,
const int height, RestorationBuffer* const buffer) {
int16_t filter[kSubPixelTaps - 1];
const auto* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(source);
auto* dst = static_cast<uint8_t*>(dest);
// It should be possible to set this to |width|.
ptrdiff_t buffer_stride = buffer->wiener_buffer_stride;
// Casting once here saves a lot of vreinterpret() calls. The values are
// saturated to 13 bits before storing.
int16_t* wiener_buffer = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(buffer->wiener_buffer);
// Horizontal filtering.
PopulateWienerCoefficients(restoration_info, WienerInfo::kHorizontal, filter);
// The taps have a radius of 3. Adjust |src| so we start reading with the top
// left value.
const int center_tap = 3;
src -= center_tap * source_stride + center_tap;
int y = 0;
do {
int x = 0;
do {
// This is just as fast as an 8x8 transpose but avoids over-reading extra
// rows. It always over-reads by at least 1 value. On small widths (4xH)
// it over-reads by 9 values.
const uint8x16_t src_v = vld1q_u8(src + x);
uint8x8_t b[7];
b[0] = vget_low_u8(src_v);
b[1] = vget_low_u8(vextq_u8(src_v, src_v, 1));
b[2] = vget_low_u8(vextq_u8(src_v, src_v, 2));
b[3] = vget_low_u8(vextq_u8(src_v, src_v, 3));
b[4] = vget_low_u8(vextq_u8(src_v, src_v, 4));
b[5] = vget_low_u8(vextq_u8(src_v, src_v, 5));
b[6] = vget_low_u8(vextq_u8(src_v, src_v, 6));
int16x8_t sum = HorizontalSum(b, filter);
vst1q_s16(wiener_buffer + x, sum);
x += 8;
} while (x < width);
src += source_stride;
wiener_buffer += buffer_stride;
} while (++y < height + kSubPixelTaps - 2);
// Vertical filtering.
wiener_buffer = reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(buffer->wiener_buffer);
PopulateWienerCoefficients(restoration_info, WienerInfo::kVertical, filter);
// Add 128 to |filter[3]| to fix the adjustment for the horizontal filtering.
// This pass starts with 13 bits so there is no chance of keeping it in 16.
const int16x4_t filter_v[7] = {
vdup_n_s16(filter[0]), vdup_n_s16(filter[1]), vdup_n_s16(filter[2]),
vdup_n_s16(filter[3] + 128), vdup_n_s16(filter[4]), vdup_n_s16(filter[5]),
if (width == 4) {
VerticalSum<4>(wiener_buffer, buffer_stride, dst, dest_stride, filter_v,
width, height);
} else {
VerticalSum<8>(wiener_buffer, buffer_stride, dst, dest_stride, filter_v,
width, height);
// SGR
inline uint16x4_t Sum3Horizontal(const uint16x8_t a) {
const uint16x4_t sum =
vadd_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vext_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vget_high_u16(a), 1));
return vadd_u16(sum, vext_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vget_high_u16(a), 2));
inline uint32x4_t Sum3Horizontal(const uint32x4x2_t a) {
const uint32x4_t sum = vaddq_u32(a.val[0], vextq_u32(a.val[0], a.val[1], 1));
return vaddq_u32(sum, vextq_u32(a.val[0], a.val[1], 2));
inline uint16x8_t Sum3Vertical(const uint8x8_t a[3]) {
const uint16x8_t sum = vaddl_u8(a[0], a[1]);
return vaddw_u8(sum, a[2]);
inline uint32x4x2_t Sum3Vertical(const uint16x8_t a[3]) {
uint32x4_t sum_a = vaddl_u16(vget_low_u16(a[0]), vget_low_u16(a[1]));
sum_a = vaddw_u16(sum_a, vget_low_u16(a[2]));
uint32x4_t sum_b = vaddl_u16(vget_high_u16(a[0]), vget_high_u16(a[1]));
sum_b = vaddw_u16(sum_b, vget_high_u16(a[2]));
return {sum_a, sum_b};
inline uint16x4_t Sum5Horizontal(const uint16x8_t a) {
uint16x4_t sum =
vadd_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vext_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vget_high_u16(a), 1));
sum = vadd_u16(sum, vext_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vget_high_u16(a), 2));
sum = vadd_u16(sum, vext_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vget_high_u16(a), 3));
return vadd_u16(sum, vget_high_u16(a));
inline uint32x4_t Sum5Horizontal(const uint32x4x2_t a) {
uint32x4_t sum = vaddq_u32(a.val[0], vextq_u32(a.val[0], a.val[1], 1));
sum = vaddq_u32(sum, vextq_u32(a.val[0], a.val[1], 2));
sum = vaddq_u32(sum, vextq_u32(a.val[0], a.val[1], 3));
return vaddq_u32(sum, a.val[1]);
inline uint16x8_t Sum5Vertical(const uint8x8_t a[5]) {
uint16x8_t sum = vaddl_u8(a[0], a[1]);
sum = vaddq_u16(sum, vaddl_u8(a[2], a[3]));
return vaddw_u8(sum, a[4]);
inline uint32x4x2_t Sum5Vertical(const uint16x8_t a[5]) {
uint32x4_t sum_a = vaddl_u16(vget_low_u16(a[0]), vget_low_u16(a[1]));
sum_a = vaddq_u32(sum_a, vaddl_u16(vget_low_u16(a[2]), vget_low_u16(a[3])));
sum_a = vaddw_u16(sum_a, vget_low_u16(a[4]));
uint32x4_t sum_b = vaddl_u16(vget_high_u16(a[0]), vget_high_u16(a[1]));
sum_b = vaddq_u32(sum_b, vaddl_u16(vget_high_u16(a[2]), vget_high_u16(a[3])));
sum_b = vaddw_u16(sum_b, vget_high_u16(a[4]));
return {sum_a, sum_b};
constexpr int kSgrProjScaleBits = 20;
constexpr int kSgrProjRestoreBits = 4;
constexpr int kSgrProjSgrBits = 8;
constexpr int kSgrProjReciprocalBits = 12;
constexpr int kIntermediateStride = 68;
constexpr int kIntermediateHeight = 66;
// a2 = ((z << kSgrProjSgrBits) + (z >> 1)) / (z + 1);
constexpr uint16_t kA2Lookup[256] = {
1, 128, 171, 192, 205, 213, 219, 224, 228, 230, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239,
240, 241, 242, 243, 243, 244, 244, 245, 245, 246, 246, 247, 247, 247, 247,
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inline uint16x4_t Sum565(const uint16x8_t a) {
// Multiply everything by 4.
const uint16x8_t x4 = vshlq_n_u16(a, 2);
// Everything * 5
const uint16x8_t x5 = vaddq_u16(x4, a);
// The middle elements get added once more
const uint16x4_t middle = vext_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vget_high_u16(a), 1);
return vadd_u16(middle, Sum3Horizontal(x5));
inline uint32x4_t Sum3HorizontalW(const uint32x4_t a, const uint32x4_t b) {
const uint32x4_t sum = vaddq_u32(a, vextq_u32(a, b, 1));
return vaddq_u32(sum, vcombine_u32(vget_high_u32(a), vget_low_u32(b)));
inline uint32x4_t Sum565W(const uint16x8_t a) {
// Multiply everything by 4. |b2| values can be up to 65088 which means we
// have to step up to 32 bits immediately.
const uint32x4_t x4_lo = vshll_n_u16(vget_low_u16(a), 2);
const uint32x4_t x4_hi = vshll_n_u16(vget_high_u16(a), 2);
// Everything * 5
const uint32x4_t x5_lo = vaddw_u16(x4_lo, vget_low_u16(a));
const uint32x4_t x5_hi = vaddw_u16(x4_hi, vget_high_u16(a));
// The middle elements get added once more
const uint16x4_t middle = vext_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vget_high_u16(a), 1);
return vaddw_u16(Sum3HorizontalW(x5_lo, x5_hi), middle);
template <int n>
inline uint16x4_t CalculateA2(const uint32x4_t sum_sq, const uint16x4_t sum,
const uint32_t s, const uint16x4_t v_255) {
// a = |sum_sq|
// d = |sum|
// p = (a * n < d * d) ? 0 : a * n - d * d;
const uint32x4_t dxd = vmull_u16(sum, sum);
const uint32x4_t axn = vmulq_n_u32(sum_sq, n);
// Ensure |p| does not underflow by using saturating subtraction.
const uint32x4_t p = vqsubq_u32(axn, dxd);
// z = RightShiftWithRounding(p * s, kSgrProjScaleBits);
const uint32x4_t pxs = vmulq_n_u32(p, s);
// For some reason vrshrn_n_u32() (narrowing shift) can only shift by 16
// and kSgrProjScaleBits is 20.
const uint32x4_t shifted = vrshrq_n_u32(pxs, kSgrProjScaleBits);
// Narrow |shifted| so we can use a D register for v_255.
const uint16x4_t z = vmin_u16(v_255, vmovn_u32(shifted));
// a2 = ((z << kSgrProjSgrBits) + (z >> 1)) / (z + 1);
const uint16_t lookup[4] = {
kA2Lookup[vget_lane_u16(z, 0)], kA2Lookup[vget_lane_u16(z, 1)],
kA2Lookup[vget_lane_u16(z, 2)], kA2Lookup[vget_lane_u16(z, 3)]};
return vld1_u16(lookup);
inline uint16x4_t CalculateB2Shifted(const uint16x4_t a2, const uint16x4_t sum,
const uint32_t one_over_n) {
// b2 = ((1 << kSgrProjSgrBits) - a2) * b * one_over_n
// 1 << kSgrProjSgrBits = 256
// |a2| = [1, 256]
// |sgrMa2| max value = 255
const uint16x4_t sgrMa2 = vsub_u16(vdup_n_u16(1 << kSgrProjSgrBits), a2);
// |sum| is a box sum with radius 1 or 2.
// For the first pass radius is 2. Maximum value is 5x5x255 = 6375.
// For the second pass radius is 1. Maxmimum value is 3x3x255 = 2295.
// |one_over_n| = ((1 << kSgrProjReciprocalBits) + (n >> 1)) / n
// When radius is 2 |n| is 25. |one_over_n| is 164.
// When radius is 1 |n| is 9. |one_over_n| is 455.
const uint32x4_t b2 = vmulq_n_u32(vmull_u16(sgrMa2, sum), one_over_n);
// static_cast<int>(RightShiftWithRounding(b2, kSgrProjReciprocalBits));
// |kSgrProjReciprocalBits| is 12.
// Radius 2: 255 * 6375 * 164 >> 12 = 65088 (16 bits).
// Radius 1: 255 * 2295 * 455 >> 12 = 65009 (16 bits).
return vrshrn_n_u32(b2, kSgrProjReciprocalBits);
// RightShiftWithRounding(
// (a * src_ptr[x] + b), kSgrProjSgrBits + shift - kSgrProjRestoreBits);
template <int shift>
inline uint16x4_t CalculateFilteredOutput(const uint16x4_t a,
const uint32x4_t b,
const uint16x4_t src) {
// a: 256 * 32 = 8192 (14 bits)
// b: 65088 * 32 = 2082816 (21 bits)
const uint32x4_t axsrc = vmull_u16(a, src);
// v: 8192 * 255 + 2082816 = 4171876 (22 bits)
const uint32x4_t v = vaddq_u32(axsrc, b);
// kSgrProjSgrBits = 8
// kSgrProjRestoreBits = 4
// shift = 4 or 5
// v >> 8 or 9
// 22 bits >> 8 = 14 bits
return vrshrn_n_u32(v, kSgrProjSgrBits + shift - kSgrProjRestoreBits);
inline void BoxFilterProcess_FirstPass(const uint8_t* const src,
const ptrdiff_t stride, const int width,
const int height, const uint32_t s,
uint16_t* const buf) {
// Number of elements in the box being summed.
const uint32_t n = 25;
const uint32_t one_over_n = ((1 << kSgrProjReciprocalBits) + (n >> 1)) / n;
const uint16x4_t v_255 = vdup_n_u16(255);
// We have combined PreProcess and Process for the first pass by storing
// intermediate values in the |a2| region. The values stored are one vertical
// column of interleaved |a2| and |b2| values and consume 4 * |height| values.
// This is |height| and not |height| * 2 because PreProcess only generates
// output for every other row. When processing the next column we write the
// new scratch values right after reading the previously saved ones.
uint16_t* const temp = buf + kIntermediateStride * kIntermediateHeight;
// The PreProcess phase calculates a 5x5 box sum for every other row
// PreProcess and Process have been combined into the same step. We need 8
// input values to generate 4 output values for PreProcess:
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// 2 = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
// 3 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
// 4 = 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
// 5 = 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7
// and then we need 6 input values to generate 4 output values for Process:
// 0 1 2 3 4 5
// 1 = 0 + 1 + 2
// 2 = 1 + 2 + 3
// 3 = 2 + 3 + 4
// 4 = 3 + 4 + 5
// To avoid re-calculating PreProcess values over and over again we will do a
// single column of 4 output values and store them interleaved in |temp|. Next
// we will start the second column. When 2 rows have been calculated we can
// calculate Process and output those into the top of |buf|.
// The first phase needs a radius of 2 context values. The second phase needs
// a context of radius 1 values. This means we start at (-3, -3).
const uint8_t* const src_pre_process = src - 3 - 3 * stride;
// Calculate and store a single column. Scope so we can re-use the variable
// names for the next step.
const uint8_t* column = src_pre_process;
uint16_t* temp_column = temp;
uint8x8_t row[5];
row[0] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row[1] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row[2] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
uint16x8_t row_sq[5];
row_sq[0] = vmull_u8(row[0], row[0]);
row_sq[1] = vmull_u8(row[1], row[1]);
row_sq[2] = vmull_u8(row[2], row[2]);
int y = -1;
do {
row[3] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row[4] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row_sq[3] = vmull_u8(row[3], row[3]);
row_sq[4] = vmull_u8(row[4], row[4]);
const uint16x4_t sum = Sum5Horizontal(Sum5Vertical(row));
const uint32x4_t sum_sq = Sum5Horizontal(Sum5Vertical(row_sq));
const uint16x4_t a2 = CalculateA2<n>(sum_sq, sum, s, v_255);
const uint16x4_t b2 = CalculateB2Shifted(a2, sum, one_over_n);
vst1q_u16(temp_column, vcombine_u16(a2, b2));
temp_column += 8;
row[0] = row[2];
row[1] = row[3];
row[2] = row[4];
row_sq[0] = row_sq[2];
row_sq[1] = row_sq[3];
row_sq[2] = row_sq[4];
y += 2;
} while (y < height + 1);
int x = 0;
do {
// |src_pre_process| is X but we already processed the first column of 4
// values so we want to start at Y and increment from there.
// X s s s Y s s
// s s s s s s s
// s s i i i i i
// s s i o o o o
// s s i o o o o
const uint8_t* column = src_pre_process + x + 4;
uint8x8_t row[5];
row[0] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row[1] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row[2] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row[3] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row[4] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
uint16x8_t row_sq[5];
row_sq[0] = vmull_u8(row[0], row[0]);
row_sq[1] = vmull_u8(row[1], row[1]);
row_sq[2] = vmull_u8(row[2], row[2]);
row_sq[3] = vmull_u8(row[3], row[3]);
row_sq[4] = vmull_u8(row[4], row[4]);
// Seed the loop with one line of output. Then, inside the loop, for each
// iteration we can output one even row and one odd row and carry the new
// line to the next iteration. In the diagram below 'i' values are
// intermediary values from the first step and '-' values are empty.
// iiii
// ---- > even row
// iiii - odd row
// ---- > even row
// iiii
uint16_t* temp_column = temp;
uint16x4_t sum565_a0;
uint32x4_t sum565_b0;
const uint16x4_t sum = Sum5Horizontal(Sum5Vertical(row));
const uint32x4_t sum_sq = Sum5Horizontal(Sum5Vertical(row_sq));
const uint16x4_t a2 = CalculateA2<n>(sum_sq, sum, s, v_255);
const uint16x4_t b2 = CalculateB2Shifted(a2, sum, one_over_n);
// Exchange the previously calculated |a2| and |b2| values.
const uint16x8_t a2_b2 = vld1q_u16(temp_column);
vst1q_u16(temp_column, vcombine_u16(a2, b2));
temp_column += 8;
// Pass 1 Process. These are the only values we need to propagate between
// rows.
sum565_a0 = Sum565(vcombine_u16(vget_low_u16(a2_b2), a2));
sum565_b0 = Sum565W(vcombine_u16(vget_high_u16(a2_b2), b2));
row[0] = row[2];
row[1] = row[3];
row[2] = row[4];
row_sq[0] = row_sq[2];
row_sq[1] = row_sq[3];
row_sq[2] = row_sq[4];
const uint8_t* src_ptr = src + x;
uint16_t* out_buf = buf + x;
// Calculate one output line. Add in the line from the previous pass and
// output one even row. Sum the new line and output the odd row. Carry the
// new row into the next pass.
int y = 0;
do {
row[3] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row[4] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row_sq[3] = vmull_u8(row[3], row[3]);
row_sq[4] = vmull_u8(row[4], row[4]);
const uint16x4_t sum = Sum5Horizontal(Sum5Vertical(row));
const uint32x4_t sum_sq = Sum5Horizontal(Sum5Vertical(row_sq));
const uint16x4_t a2 = CalculateA2<n>(sum_sq, sum, s, v_255);
const uint16x4_t b2 = CalculateB2Shifted(a2, sum, one_over_n);
const uint16x8_t a2_b2 = vld1q_u16(temp_column);
vst1q_u16(temp_column, vcombine_u16(a2, b2));
temp_column += 8;
uint16x4_t sum565_a1 = Sum565(vcombine_u16(vget_low_u16(a2_b2), a2));
uint32x4_t sum565_b1 = Sum565W(vcombine_u16(vget_high_u16(a2_b2), b2));
const uint8x8_t src_u8 = vld1_u8(src_ptr);
src_ptr += stride;
const uint16x4_t src_u16 = vget_low_u16(vmovl_u8(src_u8));
const uint16x4_t output =
CalculateFilteredOutput<5>(vadd_u16(sum565_a0, sum565_a1),
vaddq_u32(sum565_b0, sum565_b1), src_u16);
vst1_u16(out_buf, output);
out_buf += kIntermediateStride;
const uint8x8_t src0_u8 = vld1_u8(src_ptr);
src_ptr += stride;
const uint16x4_t src0_u16 = vget_low_u16(vmovl_u8(src0_u8));
const uint16x4_t output1 =
CalculateFilteredOutput<4>(sum565_a1, sum565_b1, src0_u16);
vst1_u16(out_buf, output1);
out_buf += kIntermediateStride;
row[0] = row[2];
row[1] = row[3];
row[2] = row[4];
row_sq[0] = row_sq[2];
row_sq[1] = row_sq[3];
row_sq[2] = row_sq[4];
sum565_a0 = sum565_a1;
sum565_b0 = sum565_b1;
y += 2;
} while (y < height);
x += 4;
} while (x < width);
inline void BoxFilterPreProcess_SecondPass(const uint8_t* const src,
const ptrdiff_t stride,
const int width, const int height,
const uint32_t s,
uint16_t* const a2) {
// Number of elements in the box being summed.
const uint32_t n = 9;
const uint32_t one_over_n = ((1 << kSgrProjReciprocalBits) + (n >> 1)) / n;
const uint16x4_t v_255 = vdup_n_u16(255);
// Calculate intermediate results, including one-pixel border, for example,
// if unit size is 64x64, we calculate 66x66 pixels.
// Because of the vectors this calculates in blocks of 4 so we actually
// get 68 values. This doesn't appear to be causing problems yet but it
// might.
const uint8_t* const src_top_left_corner = src - 1 - 2 * stride;
int x = -1;
do {
const uint8_t* column = src_top_left_corner + x;
uint16_t* a2_column = a2 + (x + 1);
uint8x8_t row[3];
row[0] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row[1] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
uint16x8_t row_sq[3];
row_sq[0] = vmull_u8(row[0], row[0]);
row_sq[1] = vmull_u8(row[1], row[1]);
int y = -1;
do {
row[2] = vld1_u8(column);
column += stride;
row_sq[2] = vmull_u8(row[2], row[2]);
const uint16x4_t sum = Sum3Horizontal(Sum3Vertical(row));
const uint32x4_t sum_sq = Sum3Horizontal(Sum3Vertical(row_sq));
const uint16x4_t a2_v = CalculateA2<n>(sum_sq, sum, s, v_255);
vst1_u16(a2_column, a2_v);
a2_column += kIntermediateStride;
vst1_u16(a2_column, CalculateB2Shifted(a2_v, sum, one_over_n));
a2_column += kIntermediateStride;
row[0] = row[1];
row[1] = row[2];
row_sq[0] = row_sq[1];
row_sq[1] = row_sq[2];
} while (++y < height + 1);
x += 4;
} while (x < width + 1);
inline uint16x4_t Sum444(const uint16x8_t a) {
return Sum3Horizontal(vshlq_n_u16(a, 2));
inline uint32x4_t Sum444W(const uint16x8_t a) {
return Sum3HorizontalW(vshll_n_u16(vget_low_u16(a), 2),
vshll_n_u16(vget_high_u16(a), 2));
inline uint16x4_t Sum343(const uint16x8_t a) {
const uint16x4_t middle = vext_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vget_high_u16(a), 1);
const uint16x4_t sum = Sum3Horizontal(a);
return vadd_u16(vadd_u16(vadd_u16(sum, sum), sum), middle);
inline uint32x4_t Sum343W(const uint16x8_t a) {
const uint16x4_t middle = vext_u16(vget_low_u16(a), vget_high_u16(a), 1);
const uint32x4_t sum =
Sum3HorizontalW(vmovl_u16(vget_low_u16(a)), vmovl_u16(vget_high_u16(a)));
return vaddw_u16(vaddq_u32(vaddq_u32(sum, sum), sum), middle);
inline void BoxFilterProcess_SecondPass(const uint8_t* src,
const ptrdiff_t stride, const int width,
const int height, const uint32_t s,
uint16_t* const intermediate_buffer) {
uint16_t* const a2 =
intermediate_buffer + kIntermediateStride * kIntermediateHeight;
BoxFilterPreProcess_SecondPass(src, stride, width, height, s, a2);
int x = 0;
do {
uint16_t* a2_ptr = a2 + x;
const uint8_t* src_ptr = src + x;
// |filtered_output| must match how |a2| values are read since they are
// written out over the |a2| values which have already been used.
uint16_t* filtered_output = a2_ptr;
uint16x4_t sum343_a[2], sum444_a;
uint32x4_t sum343_b[2], sum444_b;
sum343_a[0] = Sum343(vld1q_u16(a2_ptr));
a2_ptr += kIntermediateStride;
sum343_b[0] = Sum343W(vld1q_u16(a2_ptr));
a2_ptr += kIntermediateStride;
const uint16x8_t a_1 = vld1q_u16(a2_ptr);
a2_ptr += kIntermediateStride;
sum343_a[1] = Sum343(a_1);
sum444_a = Sum444(a_1);
const uint16x8_t b_1 = vld1q_u16(a2_ptr);
a2_ptr += kIntermediateStride;
sum343_b[1] = Sum343W(b_1);
sum444_b = Sum444W(b_1);
int y = 0;
do {
const uint16x8_t a_2 = vld1q_u16(a2_ptr);
a2_ptr += kIntermediateStride;
const uint16x4_t sum343_a2 = Sum343(a_2);
const uint16x4_t a_v =
vadd_u16(vadd_u16(sum343_a[0], sum444_a), sum343_a2);
sum444_a = Sum444(a_2);
sum343_a[0] = sum343_a[1];
sum343_a[1] = sum343_a2;
const uint16x8_t b_2 = vld1q_u16(a2_ptr);
a2_ptr += kIntermediateStride;
const uint32x4_t sum343_b2 = Sum343W(b_2);
const uint32x4_t b_v =
vaddq_u32(vaddq_u32(sum343_b[0], sum444_b), sum343_b2);
sum444_b = Sum444W(b_2);
sum343_b[0] = sum343_b[1];
sum343_b[1] = sum343_b2;
// Load 8 values and discard 4.
const uint8x8_t src_u8 = vld1_u8(src_ptr);
const uint16x4_t src_u16 = vget_low_u16(vmovl_u8(src_u8));
vst1_u16(filtered_output, CalculateFilteredOutput<5>(a_v, b_v, src_u16));
src_ptr += stride;
filtered_output += kIntermediateStride;
} while (++y < height);
x += 4;
} while (x < width);
template <int min_width>
inline void SelfGuidedSingleMultiplier(const uint8_t* src,
const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
uint16_t* box_filter_process_output,
uint8_t* dst, const ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
const int width, const int height,
const int16_t w_combo,
const int16x4_t w_single) {
static_assert(min_width == 4 || min_width == 8, "");
int y = 0;
do {
if (min_width == 8) {
int x = 0;
do {
const int16x8_t u = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(
vshll_n_u8(vld1_u8(src + x), kSgrProjRestoreBits));
const int16x8_t p =
vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vld1q_u16(box_filter_process_output + x));
// u * w1 + u * wN == u * (w1 + wN)
int32x4_t v_lo = vmull_n_s16(vget_low_s16(u), w_combo);
v_lo = vmlal_s16(v_lo, vget_low_s16(p), w_single);
int32x4_t v_hi = vmull_n_s16(vget_high_s16(u), w_combo);
v_hi = vmlal_s16(v_hi, vget_high_s16(p), w_single);
const int16x4_t s_lo =
vrshrn_n_s32(v_lo, kSgrProjRestoreBits + kSgrProjPrecisionBits);
const int16x4_t s_hi =
vrshrn_n_s32(v_hi, kSgrProjRestoreBits + kSgrProjPrecisionBits);
vst1_u8(dst + x, vqmovun_s16(vcombine_s16(s_lo, s_hi)));
x += 8;
} while (x < width);
} else if (min_width == 4) {
const int16x8_t u =
vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vshll_n_u8(vld1_u8(src), kSgrProjRestoreBits));
const int16x8_t p =
// u * w1 + u * wN == u * (w1 + wN)
int32x4_t v_lo = vmull_n_s16(vget_low_s16(u), w_combo);
v_lo = vmlal_s16(v_lo, vget_low_s16(p), w_single);
int32x4_t v_hi = vmull_n_s16(vget_high_s16(u), w_combo);
v_hi = vmlal_s16(v_hi, vget_high_s16(p), w_single);
const int16x4_t s_lo =
vrshrn_n_s32(v_lo, kSgrProjRestoreBits + kSgrProjPrecisionBits);
const int16x4_t s_hi =
vrshrn_n_s32(v_hi, kSgrProjRestoreBits + kSgrProjPrecisionBits);
StoreLo4(dst, vqmovun_s16(vcombine_s16(s_lo, s_hi)));
src += src_stride;
dst += dst_stride;
box_filter_process_output += kIntermediateStride;
} while (++y < height);
template <int min_width>
inline void SelfGuidedDoubleMultiplier(const uint8_t* src,
const ptrdiff_t src_stride,
uint16_t* box_filter_process_output[2],
uint8_t* dst, const ptrdiff_t dst_stride,
const int width, const int height,
const int16x4_t w0, const int w1,
const int16x4_t w2) {
static_assert(min_width == 4 || min_width == 8, "");
int y = 0;
do {
if (min_width == 8) {
int x = 0;
do {
// |wN| values are signed. |src| values can be treated as int16_t.
const int16x8_t u = vreinterpretq_s16_u16(
vshll_n_u8(vld1_u8(src + x), kSgrProjRestoreBits));
// |box_filter_process_output| is 14 bits, also safe to treat as
// int16_t.
const int16x8_t p0 =
vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vld1q_u16(box_filter_process_output[0] + x));
const int16x8_t p1 =
vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vld1q_u16(box_filter_process_output[1] + x));
int32x4_t v_lo = vmull_n_s16(vget_low_s16(u), w1);
v_lo = vmlal_s16(v_lo, vget_low_s16(p0), w0);
v_lo = vmlal_s16(v_lo, vget_low_s16(p1), w2);
int32x4_t v_hi = vmull_n_s16(vget_high_s16(u), w1);
v_hi = vmlal_s16(v_hi, vget_high_s16(p0), w0);
v_hi = vmlal_s16(v_hi, vget_high_s16(p1), w2);
// |s| is saturated to uint8_t.
const int16x4_t s_lo =
vrshrn_n_s32(v_lo, kSgrProjRestoreBits + kSgrProjPrecisionBits);
const int16x4_t s_hi =
vrshrn_n_s32(v_hi, kSgrProjRestoreBits + kSgrProjPrecisionBits);
vst1_u8(dst + x, vqmovun_s16(vcombine_s16(s_lo, s_hi)));
x += 8;
} while (x < width);
} else if (min_width == 4) {
// |wN| values are signed. |src| values can be treated as int16_t.
// Load 8 values but ignore 4.
const int16x4_t u = vget_low_s16(
vreinterpretq_s16_u16(vshll_n_u8(vld1_u8(src), kSgrProjRestoreBits)));
// |box_filter_process_output| is 14 bits, also safe to treat as
// int16_t.
const int16x4_t p0 =
const int16x4_t p1 =
int32x4_t v = vmull_n_s16(u, w1);
v = vmlal_s16(v, p0, w0);
v = vmlal_s16(v, p1, w2);
// |s| is saturated to uint8_t.
const int16x4_t s =
vrshrn_n_s32(v, kSgrProjRestoreBits + kSgrProjPrecisionBits);
StoreLo4(dst, vqmovun_s16(vcombine_s16(s, s)));
src += src_stride;
dst += dst_stride;
box_filter_process_output[0] += kIntermediateStride;
box_filter_process_output[1] += kIntermediateStride;
} while (++y < height);
// Assume box_filter_process_output[2] are allocated before calling
// this function. Their sizes are width * height, stride equals width.
void SelfGuidedFilter_NEON(const void* const source, void* const dest,
const RestorationUnitInfo& restoration_info,
ptrdiff_t source_stride, ptrdiff_t dest_stride,
const int width, const int height,
RestorationBuffer* const /*buffer*/) {
// The output frame is broken into blocks of 64x64 (32x32 if U/V are
// subsampled). If either dimension is less than 32/64 it indicates it is at
// the right or bottom edge of the frame. It is safe to overwrite the output
// as it will not be part of the visible frame. This saves us from having to
// handle non-multiple-of-8 widths.
// We could round here, but the for loop with += 8 does the same thing.
// width = (width + 7) & ~0x7;
// -96 to 96 (Sgrproj_Xqd_Min/Max)
const int8_t w0 = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.multiplier[0];
const int8_t w1 = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.multiplier[1];
const int16_t w2 = (1 << kSgrProjPrecisionBits) - w0 - w1;
const int index = restoration_info.sgr_proj_info.index;
const uint8_t radius_pass_0 = kSgrProjParams[index][0];
const uint8_t radius_pass_1 = kSgrProjParams[index][2];
const auto* src = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(source);
auto* dst = static_cast<uint8_t*>(dest);
// |intermediate_buffer| is broken down into three distinct regions, each with
// size |kIntermediateStride| * |kIntermediateHeight|.
// The first is for final output of the first pass of PreProcess/Process. It
// can be stored in |width| * |height| (at most 64x64).
// The second and third are scratch space for |a2| and |b2| values from
// PreProcess.
// At the end of BoxFilterProcess_SecondPass() the output is stored over |a2|.
uint16_t intermediate_buffer[3 * kIntermediateStride * kIntermediateHeight];
uint16_t* box_filter_process_output[2] = {
intermediate_buffer + kIntermediateStride * kIntermediateHeight};
// If |radius| is 0 then there is nothing to do. If |radius| is not 0, it is
// always 2 for the first pass and 1 for the second pass.
if (radius_pass_0 != 0) {
BoxFilterProcess_FirstPass(src, source_stride, width, height,
if (radius_pass_1 != 0) {
BoxFilterProcess_SecondPass(src, source_stride, width, height,
// Put |w[02]| in vectors because we can use vmull_n_s16() for |w1| but there
// is no vmlal_n_s16().
const int16x4_t w0_v = vdup_n_s16(w0);
const int16x4_t w2_v = vdup_n_s16(w2);
if (radius_pass_0 != 0 && radius_pass_1 != 0) {
if (width > 4) {
SelfGuidedDoubleMultiplier<8>(src, source_stride,
box_filter_process_output, dst, dest_stride,
width, height, w0_v, w1, w2_v);
} else /* if (width == 4) */ {
SelfGuidedDoubleMultiplier<4>(src, source_stride,
box_filter_process_output, dst, dest_stride,
width, height, w0_v, w1, w2_v);
} else {
int16_t w_combo;
int16x4_t w_single;
uint16_t* box_filter_process_output_n;
if (radius_pass_0 != 0) {
w_combo = w1 + w2;
w_single = w0_v;
box_filter_process_output_n = box_filter_process_output[0];
} else /* if (radius_pass_1 != 0) */ {
w_combo = w1 + w0;
w_single = w2_v;
box_filter_process_output_n = box_filter_process_output[1];
if (width > 4) {
src, source_stride, box_filter_process_output_n, dst, dest_stride,
width, height, w_combo, w_single);
} else /* if (width == 4) */ {
src, source_stride, box_filter_process_output_n, dst, dest_stride,
width, height, w_combo, w_single);
void Init8bpp() {
Dsp* const dsp = dsp_internal::GetWritableDspTable(8);
assert(dsp != nullptr);
dsp->loop_restorations[0] = WienerFilter_NEON;
dsp->loop_restorations[1] = SelfGuidedFilter_NEON;
} // namespace
} // namespace low_bitdepth
void LoopRestorationInit_NEON() { low_bitdepth::Init8bpp(); }
} // namespace dsp
} // namespace libgav1
namespace libgav1 {
namespace dsp {
void LoopRestorationInit_NEON() {}
} // namespace dsp
} // namespace libgav1