blob: 5e52ad740a305c785dced0780500dbea847373e8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-------------------- UnwindRegistersRestore.S ------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "assembly.h"
#if defined(__i386__)
# void libunwind::Registers_x86::jumpto()
# On entry:
# + +
# +-----------------------+
# + thread_state pointer +
# +-----------------------+
# + return address +
# +-----------------------+ <-- SP
# + +
movl 4(%esp), %eax
# set up eax and ret on new stack location
movl 28(%eax), %edx # edx holds new stack pointer
subl $8,%edx
movl %edx, 28(%eax)
movl 0(%eax), %ebx
movl %ebx, 0(%edx)
movl 40(%eax), %ebx
movl %ebx, 4(%edx)
# we now have ret and eax pushed onto where new stack will be
# restore all registers
movl 4(%eax), %ebx
movl 8(%eax), %ecx
movl 12(%eax), %edx
movl 16(%eax), %edi
movl 20(%eax), %esi
movl 24(%eax), %ebp
movl 28(%eax), %esp
# skip ss
# skip eflags
pop %eax # eax was already pushed on new stack
ret # eip was already pushed on new stack
# skip cs
# skip ds
# skip es
# skip fs
# skip gs
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
# void libunwind::Registers_x86_64::jumpto()
# On entry, thread_state pointer is in rdi
movq 56(%rdi), %rax # rax holds new stack pointer
subq $16, %rax
movq %rax, 56(%rdi)
movq 32(%rdi), %rbx # store new rdi on new stack
movq %rbx, 0(%rax)
movq 128(%rdi), %rbx # store new rip on new stack
movq %rbx, 8(%rax)
# restore all registers
movq 0(%rdi), %rax
movq 8(%rdi), %rbx
movq 16(%rdi), %rcx
movq 24(%rdi), %rdx
# restore rdi later
movq 40(%rdi), %rsi
movq 48(%rdi), %rbp
# restore rsp later
movq 64(%rdi), %r8
movq 72(%rdi), %r9
movq 80(%rdi), %r10
movq 88(%rdi), %r11
movq 96(%rdi), %r12
movq 104(%rdi), %r13
movq 112(%rdi), %r14
movq 120(%rdi), %r15
# skip rflags
# skip cs
# skip fs
# skip gs
movq 56(%rdi), %rsp # cut back rsp to new location
pop %rdi # rdi was saved here earlier
ret # rip was saved here
#elif defined(__ppc__)
; void libunwind::Registers_ppc::jumpto()
; On entry:
; thread_state pointer is in r3
; restore integral registerrs
; skip r0 for now
; skip r1 for now
lwz r2, 16(r3)
; skip r3 for now
; skip r4 for now
; skip r5 for now
lwz r6, 32(r3)
lwz r7, 36(r3)
lwz r8, 40(r3)
lwz r9, 44(r3)
lwz r10, 48(r3)
lwz r11, 52(r3)
lwz r12, 56(r3)
lwz r13, 60(r3)
lwz r14, 64(r3)
lwz r15, 68(r3)
lwz r16, 72(r3)
lwz r17, 76(r3)
lwz r18, 80(r3)
lwz r19, 84(r3)
lwz r20, 88(r3)
lwz r21, 92(r3)
lwz r22, 96(r3)
lwz r23,100(r3)
lwz r24,104(r3)
lwz r25,108(r3)
lwz r26,112(r3)
lwz r27,116(r3)
lwz r28,120(r3)
lwz r29,124(r3)
lwz r30,128(r3)
lwz r31,132(r3)
; restore float registers
lfd f0, 160(r3)
lfd f1, 168(r3)
lfd f2, 176(r3)
lfd f3, 184(r3)
lfd f4, 192(r3)
lfd f5, 200(r3)
lfd f6, 208(r3)
lfd f7, 216(r3)
lfd f8, 224(r3)
lfd f9, 232(r3)
lfd f10,240(r3)
lfd f11,248(r3)
lfd f12,256(r3)
lfd f13,264(r3)
lfd f14,272(r3)
lfd f15,280(r3)
lfd f16,288(r3)
lfd f17,296(r3)
lfd f18,304(r3)
lfd f19,312(r3)
lfd f20,320(r3)
lfd f21,328(r3)
lfd f22,336(r3)
lfd f23,344(r3)
lfd f24,352(r3)
lfd f25,360(r3)
lfd f26,368(r3)
lfd f27,376(r3)
lfd f28,384(r3)
lfd f29,392(r3)
lfd f30,400(r3)
lfd f31,408(r3)
; restore vector registers if any are in use
lwz r5,156(r3) ; test VRsave
cmpwi r5,0
beq Lnovec
subi r4,r1,16
rlwinm r4,r4,0,0,27 ; mask low 4-bits
; r4 is now a 16-byte aligned pointer into the red zone
; the _vectorRegisters may not be 16-byte aligned so copy via red zone temp buffer
#define LOAD_VECTOR_UNALIGNEDl(_index) \
andis. r0,r5,(1<<(15-_index)) @\
beq Ldone ## _index @\
lwz r0, 424+_index*16(r3) @\
stw r0, 0(r4) @\
lwz r0, 424+_index*16+4(r3) @\
stw r0, 4(r4) @\
lwz r0, 424+_index*16+8(r3) @\
stw r0, 8(r4) @\
lwz r0, 424+_index*16+12(r3)@\
stw r0, 12(r4) @\
lvx v ## _index,0,r4 @\
Ldone ## _index:
#define LOAD_VECTOR_UNALIGNEDh(_index) \
andi. r0,r5,(1<<(31-_index)) @\
beq Ldone ## _index @\
lwz r0, 424+_index*16(r3) @\
stw r0, 0(r4) @\
lwz r0, 424+_index*16+4(r3) @\
stw r0, 4(r4) @\
lwz r0, 424+_index*16+8(r3) @\
stw r0, 8(r4) @\
lwz r0, 424+_index*16+12(r3)@\
stw r0, 12(r4) @\
lvx v ## _index,0,r4 @\
Ldone ## _index:
lwz r0, 136(r3) ; __cr
mtocrf 255,r0
lwz r0, 148(r3) ; __ctr
mtctr r0
lwz r0, 0(r3) ; __ssr0
mtctr r0
lwz r0, 8(r3) ; do r0 now
lwz r5,28(r3) ; do r5 now
lwz r4,24(r3) ; do r4 now
lwz r1,12(r3) ; do sp now
lwz r3,20(r3) ; do r3 last
#elif defined(__arm64__)
; void libunwind::Registers_arm64::jumpto()
; On entry:
; thread_state pointer is in x0
.p2align 2
; skip restore of x0,x1 for now
ldp x2, x3, [x0, #0x010]
ldp x4, x5, [x0, #0x020]
ldp x6, x7, [x0, #0x030]
ldp x8, x9, [x0, #0x040]
ldp x10,x11, [x0, #0x050]
ldp x12,x13, [x0, #0x060]
ldp x14,x15, [x0, #0x070]
ldp x16,x17, [x0, #0x080]
ldp x18,x19, [x0, #0x090]
ldp x20,x21, [x0, #0x0A0]
ldp x22,x23, [x0, #0x0B0]
ldp x24,x25, [x0, #0x0C0]
ldp x26,x27, [x0, #0x0D0]
ldp x28,fp, [x0, #0x0E0]
ldr lr, [x0, #0x100] ; restore pc into lr
ldr x1, [x0, #0x0F8]
mov sp,x1 ; restore sp
ldp d0, d1, [x0, #0x110]
ldp d2, d3, [x0, #0x120]
ldp d4, d5, [x0, #0x130]
ldp d6, d7, [x0, #0x140]
ldp d8, d9, [x0, #0x150]
ldp d10,d11, [x0, #0x160]
ldp d12,d13, [x0, #0x170]
ldp d14,d15, [x0, #0x180]
ldp d16,d17, [x0, #0x190]
ldp d18,d19, [x0, #0x1A0]
ldp d20,d21, [x0, #0x1B0]
ldp d22,d23, [x0, #0x1C0]
ldp d24,d25, [x0, #0x1D0]
ldp d26,d27, [x0, #0x1E0]
ldp d28,d29, [x0, #0x1F0]
ldr d30, [x0, #0x200]
ldr d31, [x0, #0x208]
ldp x0, x1, [x0, #0x000] ; restore x0,x1
ret lr ; jump to pc
#elif defined(__arm__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
#if !defined(__ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM)
@ void libunwind::Registers_arm::restoreCoreAndJumpTo()
@ On entry:
@ thread_state pointer is in r0
.p2align 2
#if !defined(__ARM_ARCH_ISA_ARM)
ldr r2, [r0, #52]
ldr r3, [r0, #60]
mov sp, r2
mov lr, r3 @ restore pc into lr
ldm r0, {r0-r7}
@ Use lr as base so that r0 can be restored.
mov lr, r0
@ 32bit thumb-2 restrictions for ldm:
@ . the sp (r13) cannot be in the list
@ . the pc (r15) and lr (r14) cannot both be in the list in an LDM instruction
ldm lr, {r0-r12}
ldr sp, [lr, #52]
ldr lr, [lr, #60] @ restore pc into lr
@ static void libunwind::Registers_arm::restoreVFPWithFLDMD(unw_fpreg_t* values)
@ On entry:
@ values pointer is in r0
.p2align 2
#if defined(__ARM_FP)
@ VFP and iwMMX instructions are only available when compiling with the flags
@ that enable them. We do not want to do that in the library (because we do not
@ want the compiler to generate instructions that access those) but this is
@ only accessed if the personality routine needs these registers. Use of
@ these registers implies they are, actually, available on the target, so
@ it's ok to execute.
@ So, generate the instruction using the corresponding coprocessor mnemonic.
#if __ARM_ARCH < 7
ldc p11, cr0, [r0], {0x20} @ fldmiad r0, {d0-d15}
vldmia r0, {d0-d15}
@ static void libunwind::Registers_arm::restoreVFPWithFLDMX(unw_fpreg_t* values)
@ On entry:
@ values pointer is in r0
.p2align 2
#if defined(__ARM_FP)
#if __ARM_ARCH < 7
ldc p11, cr0, [r0], {0x21} @ fldmiax r0, {d0-d15}
vldmia r0, {d0-d15} @ fldmiax is deprecated in ARMv7+ and now behaves like vldmia
@ static void libunwind::Registers_arm::restoreVFPv3(unw_fpreg_t* values)
@ On entry:
@ values pointer is in r0
.p2align 2
#if defined(__ARM_FP)
#if !defined(__ARM_NEON)
ldcl p11, cr0, [r0], {0x20} @ vldm r0, {d16-d31}
vldmia r0, {d16-d31}
@ static void libunwind::Registers_arm::restoreiWMMX(unw_fpreg_t* values)
@ On entry:
@ values pointer is in r0
.p2align 2
#if (!defined(__ARM_ARCH_6M__) && !defined(__ARM_ARCH_6SM__)) || defined(__ARM_WMMX)
ldcl p1, cr0, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR0, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr1, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR1, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr2, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR2, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr3, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR3, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr4, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR4, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr5, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR5, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr6, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR6, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr7, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR7, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr8, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR8, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr9, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR9, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr10, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR10, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr11, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR11, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr12, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR12, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr13, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR13, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr14, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR14, [r0], #8
ldcl p1, cr15, [r0], #8 @ wldrd wR15, [r0], #8
@ static void libunwind::Registers_arm::restoreiWMMXControl(unw_uint32_t* values)
@ On entry:
@ values pointer is in r0
.p2align 2
#if (!defined(__ARM_ARCH_6M__) && !defined(__ARM_ARCH_6SM__)) || defined(__ARM_WMMX)
ldc2 p1, cr8, [r0], #4 @ wldrw wCGR0, [r0], #4
ldc2 p1, cr9, [r0], #4 @ wldrw wCGR1, [r0], #4
ldc2 p1, cr10, [r0], #4 @ wldrw wCGR2, [r0], #4
ldc2 p1, cr11, [r0], #4 @ wldrw wCGR3, [r0], #4