blob: 6dbfc74ea816be0b392c0e47cd966abc451889ff [file] [log] [blame]
# Get list of not-completed jobs.
# Usage:
# ./ipptool printer-uri get-jobs.test
# The name of the test...
NAME "Get pending jobs"
# The operation to use
# Attributes, starting in the operation group...
GROUP operation-attributes-tag
ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
ATTR keyword requested-attributes
# What statuses are OK?
STATUS successful-ok
# What attributes to display
DISPLAY job-id
DISPLAY job-state
DISPLAY job-name
DISPLAY job-originating-user-name
DISPLAY job-impressions
DISPLAY job-impressions-completed
DISPLAY job-media-sheets
DISPLAY job-media-sheets-completed