blob: dc7357309360ca8a40186c0d96a33346b30a8611 [file] [log] [blame]
* "$Id$"
* User-defined destination (and option) support for CUPS.
* Copyright 2007-2014 by Apple Inc.
* Copyright 1997-2007 by Easy Software Products.
* These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
* property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
* law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
* which should have been included with this file. If this file is
* file is missing or damaged, see the license at "".
* This file is subject to the Apple OS-Developed Software exception.
* Include necessary headers...
#include "cups-private.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
# include <notify.h>
#endif /* HAVE_NOTIFY_H */
#ifdef HAVE_POLL
# include <poll.h>
#endif /* HAVE_POLL */
# include <dns_sd.h>
#endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
# include <avahi-client/client.h>
# include <avahi-client/lookup.h>
# include <avahi-common/simple-watch.h>
# include <avahi-common/domain.h>
# include <avahi-common/error.h>
# include <avahi-common/malloc.h>
#define kDNSServiceMaxDomainName AVAHI_DOMAIN_NAME_MAX
#endif /* HAVE_AVAHI */
* Constants...
#ifdef __APPLE__
# include <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>
# define kCUPSPrintingPrefs CFSTR("org.cups.PrintingPrefs")
# define kDefaultPaperIDKey CFSTR("DefaultPaperID")
# define kLastUsedPrintersKey CFSTR("LastUsedPrinters")
# define kLocationNetworkKey CFSTR("Network")
# define kLocationPrinterIDKey CFSTR("PrinterID")
# define kUseLastPrinter CFSTR("UseLastPrinter")
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
* Types...
#if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI)
typedef enum _cups_dnssd_state_e /* Enumerated device state */
} _cups_dnssd_state_t;
typedef struct _cups_dnssd_data_s /* Enumeration data */
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
DNSServiceRef main_ref; /* Main service reference */
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
AvahiSimplePoll *simple_poll; /* Polling interface */
AvahiClient *client; /* Client information */
int got_data; /* Did we get data? */
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
cups_dest_cb_t cb; /* Callback */
void *user_data; /* User data pointer */
cups_ptype_t type, /* Printer type filter */
mask; /* Printer type mask */
cups_array_t *devices; /* Devices found so far */
} _cups_dnssd_data_t;
typedef struct _cups_dnssd_device_s /* Enumerated device */
_cups_dnssd_state_t state; /* State of device listing */
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
DNSServiceRef ref; /* Service reference for query */
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
AvahiRecordBrowser *ref; /* Browser for query */
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
char *domain, /* Domain name */
*fullName, /* Full name */
*regtype; /* Registration type */
cups_ptype_t type; /* Device registration type */
cups_dest_t dest; /* Destination record */
} _cups_dnssd_device_t;
typedef struct _cups_dnssd_resolve_s /* Data for resolving URI */
int *cancel; /* Pointer to "cancel" variable */
struct timeval end_time; /* Ending time */
} _cups_dnssd_resolve_t;
#endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
* Local functions...
#ifdef __APPLE__
static CFArrayRef appleCopyLocations(void);
static CFStringRef appleCopyNetwork(void);
static char *appleGetPaperSize(char *name, int namesize);
static CFStringRef appleGetPrinter(CFArrayRef locations,
CFStringRef network, CFIndex *locindex);
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
static cups_dest_t *cups_add_dest(const char *name, const char *instance,
int *num_dests, cups_dest_t **dests);
#ifdef __BLOCKS__
static int cups_block_cb(cups_dest_block_t block, unsigned flags,
cups_dest_t *dest);
#endif /* __BLOCKS__ */
static int cups_compare_dests(cups_dest_t *a, cups_dest_t *b);
#if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI)
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
static void cups_dnssd_browse_cb(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
DNSServiceFlags flags,
uint32_t interfaceIndex,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
const char *serviceName,
const char *regtype,
const char *replyDomain,
void *context);
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
static void cups_dnssd_browse_cb(AvahiServiceBrowser *browser,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
AvahiBrowserEvent event,
const char *serviceName,
const char *regtype,
const char *replyDomain,
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,
void *context);
static void cups_dnssd_client_cb(AvahiClient *client,
AvahiClientState state,
void *context);
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
static int cups_dnssd_compare_devices(_cups_dnssd_device_t *a,
_cups_dnssd_device_t *b);
static void cups_dnssd_free_device(_cups_dnssd_device_t *device,
_cups_dnssd_data_t *data);
static _cups_dnssd_device_t *
cups_dnssd_get_device(_cups_dnssd_data_t *data,
const char *serviceName,
const char *regtype,
const char *replyDomain);
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
static void cups_dnssd_local_cb(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
DNSServiceFlags flags,
uint32_t interfaceIndex,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
const char *serviceName,
const char *regtype,
const char *replyDomain,
void *context);
static void cups_dnssd_query_cb(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
DNSServiceFlags flags,
uint32_t interfaceIndex,
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
const char *fullName,
uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rrclass,
uint16_t rdlen, const void *rdata,
uint32_t ttl, void *context);
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
static int cups_dnssd_poll_cb(struct pollfd *pollfds,
unsigned int num_pollfds,
int timeout, void *context);
static void cups_dnssd_query_cb(AvahiRecordBrowser *browser,
AvahiIfIndex interface,
AvahiProtocol protocol,
AvahiBrowserEvent event,
const char *name, uint16_t rrclass,
uint16_t rrtype, const void *rdata,
size_t rdlen,
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags,
void *context);
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
static const char *cups_dnssd_resolve(cups_dest_t *dest, const char *uri,
int msec, int *cancel,
cups_dest_cb_t cb, void *user_data);
static int cups_dnssd_resolve_cb(void *context);
static void cups_dnssd_unquote(char *dst, const char *src,
size_t dstsize);
#endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */
static int cups_find_dest(const char *name, const char *instance,
int num_dests, cups_dest_t *dests, int prev,
int *rdiff);
static char *cups_get_default(const char *filename, char *namebuf,
size_t namesize, const char **instance);
static int cups_get_dests(const char *filename, const char *match_name,
const char *match_inst, int user_default_set,
int num_dests, cups_dest_t **dests);
static char *cups_make_string(ipp_attribute_t *attr, char *buffer,
size_t bufsize);
* 'cupsAddDest()' - Add a destination to the list of destinations.
* This function cannot be used to add a new class or printer queue,
* it only adds a new container of saved options for the named
* destination or instance.
* If the named destination already exists, the destination list is
* returned unchanged. Adding a new instance of a destination creates
* a copy of that destination's options.
* Use the @link cupsSaveDests@ function to save the updated list of
* destinations to the user's lpoptions file.
int /* O - New number of destinations */
cupsAddDest(const char *name, /* I - Destination name */
const char *instance, /* I - Instance name or @code NULL@ for none/primary */
int num_dests, /* I - Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t **dests) /* IO - Destinations */
int i; /* Looping var */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* Destination pointer */
cups_dest_t *parent = NULL; /* Parent destination */
cups_option_t *doption, /* Current destination option */
*poption; /* Current parent option */
if (!name || !dests)
return (0);
if (!cupsGetDest(name, instance, num_dests, *dests))
if (instance && !cupsGetDest(name, NULL, num_dests, *dests))
return (num_dests);
if ((dest = cups_add_dest(name, instance, &num_dests, dests)) == NULL)
return (num_dests);
* Find the base dest again now the array has been realloc'd.
parent = cupsGetDest(name, NULL, num_dests, *dests);
if (instance && parent && parent->num_options > 0)
* Copy options from parent...
dest->options = calloc(sizeof(cups_option_t), (size_t)parent->num_options);
if (dest->options)
dest->num_options = parent->num_options;
for (i = dest->num_options, doption = dest->options,
poption = parent->options;
i > 0;
i --, doption ++, poption ++)
doption->name = _cupsStrRetain(poption->name);
doption->value = _cupsStrRetain(poption->value);
return (num_dests);
#ifdef __APPLE__
* '_cupsAppleCopyDefaultPaperID()' - Get the default paper ID.
CFStringRef /* O - Default paper ID */
return (CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(kDefaultPaperIDKey,
* '_cupsAppleCopyDefaultPrinter()' - Get the default printer at this location.
CFStringRef /* O - Default printer name */
CFStringRef network; /* Network location */
CFArrayRef locations; /* Location array */
CFStringRef locprinter; /* Current printer */
* Use location-based defaults only if "use last printer" is selected in the
* system preferences...
if (!_cupsAppleGetUseLastPrinter())
DEBUG_puts("1_cupsAppleCopyDefaultPrinter: Not using last printer as "
return (NULL);
* Get the current location...
if ((network = appleCopyNetwork()) == NULL)
DEBUG_puts("1_cupsAppleCopyDefaultPrinter: Unable to get current "
return (NULL);
* Lookup the network in the preferences...
if ((locations = appleCopyLocations()) == NULL)
* Missing or bad location array, so no location-based default...
DEBUG_puts("1_cupsAppleCopyDefaultPrinter: Missing or bad last used "
"printer array.");
return (NULL);
DEBUG_printf(("1_cupsAppleCopyDefaultPrinter: Got locations, %d entries.",
if ((locprinter = appleGetPrinter(locations, network, NULL)) != NULL)
return (locprinter);
* '_cupsAppleGetUseLastPrinter()' - Get whether to use the last used printer.
int /* O - 1 to use last printer, 0 otherwise */
Boolean uselast, /* Use last printer preference value */
uselast_set; /* Valid is set? */
return (0);
uselast = CFPreferencesGetAppBooleanValue(kUseLastPrinter,
if (!uselast_set)
return (1);
return (uselast);
* '_cupsAppleSetDefaultPaperID()' - Set the default paper id.
CFStringRef name) /* I - New paper ID */
CFPreferencesSetAppValue(kDefaultPaperIDKey, name, kCUPSPrintingPrefs);
* '_cupsAppleSetDefaultPrinter()' - Set the default printer for this location.
CFStringRef name) /* I - Default printer/class name */
CFStringRef network; /* Current network */
CFArrayRef locations; /* Old locations array */
CFIndex locindex; /* Index in locations array */
CFStringRef locprinter; /* Current printer */
CFMutableArrayRef newlocations; /* New locations array */
CFMutableDictionaryRef newlocation; /* New location */
* Get the current location...
if ((network = appleCopyNetwork()) == NULL)
DEBUG_puts("1_cupsAppleSetDefaultPrinter: Unable to get current network...");
* Lookup the network in the preferences...
if ((locations = appleCopyLocations()) != NULL)
locprinter = appleGetPrinter(locations, network, &locindex);
locprinter = NULL;
locindex = -1;
if (!locprinter || CFStringCompare(locprinter, name, 0) != kCFCompareEqualTo)
* Need to change the locations array...
if (locations)
newlocations = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
if (locprinter)
CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(newlocations, locindex);
newlocations = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
newlocation = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
if (newlocation && newlocations)
* Put the new location at the front of the array...
CFDictionaryAddValue(newlocation, kLocationNetworkKey, network);
CFDictionaryAddValue(newlocation, kLocationPrinterIDKey, name);
CFArrayInsertValueAtIndex(newlocations, 0, newlocation);
* Limit the number of locations to 10...
while (CFArrayGetCount(newlocations) > 10)
CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(newlocations, 10);
* Push the changes out...
CFPreferencesSetAppValue(kLastUsedPrintersKey, newlocations,
if (newlocations)
if (newlocation)
if (locations)
* '_cupsAppleSetUseLastPrinter()' - Set whether to use the last used printer.
int uselast) /* O - 1 to use last printer, 0 otherwise */
uselast ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse,
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
* 'cupsConnectDest()' - Connect to the server for a destination.
* Connect to the destination, returning a new http_t connection object and
* optionally the resource path to use for the destination. These calls will
* block until a connection is made, the timeout expires, the integer pointed
* to by "cancel" is non-zero, or the callback function (or block) returns 0,
* The caller is responsible for calling httpClose() on the returned object.
* @since CUPS 1.6/OS X 10.8@
http_t * /* O - Connection to server or @code NULL@ */
cups_dest_t *dest, /* I - Destination */
unsigned flags, /* I - Connection flags */
int msec, /* I - Timeout in milliseconds */
int *cancel, /* I - Pointer to "cancel" variable */
char *resource, /* I - Resource buffer */
size_t resourcesize, /* I - Size of resource buffer */
cups_dest_cb_t cb, /* I - Callback function */
void *user_data) /* I - User data pointer */
const char *uri; /* Printer URI */
char scheme[32], /* URI scheme */
userpass[256], /* Username and password (unused) */
hostname[256], /* Hostname */
tempresource[1024]; /* Temporary resource buffer */
int port; /* Port number */
char portstr[16]; /* Port number string */
http_encryption_t encryption; /* Encryption to use */
http_addrlist_t *addrlist; /* Address list for server */
http_t *http; /* Connection to server */
* Range check input...
if (!dest)
if (resource)
*resource = '\0';
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);
return (NULL);
if (!resource || resourcesize < 1)
resource = tempresource;
resourcesize = sizeof(tempresource);
* Grab the printer URI...
if ((uri = cupsGetOption("printer-uri-supported", dest->num_options,
dest->options)) == NULL)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(ENOENT), 0);
if (cb)
return (NULL);
#if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI)
if (strstr(uri, "._tcp"))
if ((uri = cups_dnssd_resolve(dest, uri, msec, cancel, cb,
user_data)) == NULL)
return (NULL);
#endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */
if (httpSeparateURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, scheme, sizeof(scheme),
userpass, sizeof(userpass), hostname, sizeof(hostname),
&port, resource, (int)resourcesize) < HTTP_URI_STATUS_OK)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad printer URI."), 1);
if (cb)
return (NULL);
* Lookup the address for the server...
if (cb)
snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), "%d", port);
if ((addrlist = httpAddrGetList(hostname, AF_UNSPEC, portstr)) == NULL)
if (cb)
return (NULL);
if (cancel && *cancel)
if (cb)
return (NULL);
* Create the HTTP object pointing to the server referenced by the URI...
if (!strcmp(scheme, "ipps") || port == 443)
http = httpConnect2(hostname, port, addrlist, AF_UNSPEC, encryption, 1, 0,
* Connect if requested...
if (cb)
(*cb)(user_data, CUPS_DEST_FLAGS_UNCONNECTED, dest);
if (cb)
if (!httpReconnect2(http, msec, cancel) && cb)
if (cancel && *cancel)
else if (cb)
(*cb)(user_data, CUPS_DEST_FLAGS_NONE, dest);
return (http);
#ifdef __BLOCKS__
* 'cupsConnectDestBlock()' - Connect to the server for a destination.
* Connect to the destination, returning a new http_t connection object and
* optionally the resource path to use for the destination. These calls will
* block until a connection is made, the timeout expires, the integer pointed
* to by "cancel" is non-zero, or the callback function (or block) returns 0,
* The caller is responsible for calling httpClose() on the returned object.
* @since CUPS 1.6/OS X 10.8@
http_t * /* O - Connection to server or @code NULL@ */
cups_dest_t *dest, /* I - Destination */
unsigned flags, /* I - Connection flags */
int msec, /* I - Timeout in milliseconds */
int *cancel, /* I - Pointer to "cancel" variable */
char *resource, /* I - Resource buffer */
size_t resourcesize, /* I - Size of resource buffer */
cups_dest_block_t block) /* I - Callback block */
return (cupsConnectDest(dest, flags, msec, cancel, resource, resourcesize,
(cups_dest_cb_t)cups_block_cb, (void *)block));
#endif /* __BLOCKS__ */
* 'cupsCopyDest()' - Copy a destination.
* Make a copy of the destination to an array of destinations (or just a single
* copy) - for use with the cupsEnumDests* functions. The caller is responsible
* for calling cupsFreeDests() on the returned object(s).
* @since CUPS 1.6/OS X 10.8@
cupsCopyDest(cups_dest_t *dest,
int num_dests,
cups_dest_t **dests)
int i; /* Looping var */
cups_dest_t *new_dest; /* New destination pointer */
cups_option_t *new_option, /* Current destination option */
*option; /* Current parent option */
* Range check input...
if (!dest || num_dests < 0 || !dests)
return (num_dests);
* See if the destination already exists...
if ((new_dest = cupsGetDest(dest->name, dest->instance, num_dests,
*dests)) != NULL)
* Protect against copying destination to itself...
if (new_dest == dest)
return (num_dests);
* Otherwise, free the options...
cupsFreeOptions(new_dest->num_options, new_dest->options);
new_dest->num_options = 0;
new_dest->options = NULL;
new_dest = cups_add_dest(dest->name, dest->instance, &num_dests, dests);
if (new_dest)
if ((new_dest->options = calloc(sizeof(cups_option_t), (size_t)dest->num_options)) == NULL)
return (cupsRemoveDest(dest->name, dest->instance, num_dests, dests));
new_dest->num_options = dest->num_options;
for (i = dest->num_options, option = dest->options,
new_option = new_dest->options;
i > 0;
i --, option ++, new_option ++)
new_option->name = _cupsStrRetain(option->name);
new_option->value = _cupsStrRetain(option->value);
return (num_dests);
* 'cupsEnumDests()' - Enumerate available destinations with a callback function.
* Destinations are enumerated from one or more sources. The callback function
* receives the @code user_data@ pointer, destination name, instance, number of
* options, and options which can be used as input to the @link cupsAddDest@
* function. The function must return 1 to continue enumeration or 0 to stop.
* Enumeration happens on the current thread and does not return until all
* destinations have been enumerated or the callback function returns 0.
* @since CUPS 1.6/OS X 10.8@
int /* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */
unsigned flags, /* I - Enumeration flags */
int msec, /* I - Timeout in milliseconds,
* -1 for indefinite */
int *cancel, /* I - Pointer to "cancel" variable */
cups_ptype_t type, /* I - Printer type bits */
cups_ptype_t mask, /* I - Mask for printer type bits */
cups_dest_cb_t cb, /* I - Callback function */
void *user_data) /* I - User data */
int i, /* Looping var */
num_dests; /* Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t *dests = NULL, /* Destinations */
*dest; /* Current destination */
const char *defprinter; /* Default printer */
char name[1024], /* Copy of printer name */
*instance, /* Pointer to instance name */
*user_default; /* User default printer */
#if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI)
int count, /* Number of queries started */
remaining; /* Remainder of timeout */
_cups_dnssd_data_t data; /* Data for callback */
_cups_dnssd_device_t *device; /* Current device */
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
int nfds, /* Number of files responded */
main_fd; /* File descriptor for lookups */
DNSServiceRef ipp_ref, /* IPP browser */
local_ipp_ref; /* Local IPP browser */
# ifdef HAVE_SSL
DNSServiceRef ipps_ref, /* IPPS browser */
local_ipps_ref; /* Local IPPS browser */
# endif /* HAVE_SSL */
# ifdef HAVE_POLL
struct pollfd pfd; /* Polling data */
# else
fd_set input; /* Input set for select() */
struct timeval timeout; /* Timeout for select() */
# endif /* HAVE_POLL */
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
int error; /* Error value */
AvahiServiceBrowser *ipp_ref; /* IPP browser */
# ifdef HAVE_SSL
AvahiServiceBrowser *ipps_ref; /* IPPS browser */
# endif /* HAVE_SSL */
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
#endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_AVAHI */
* Range check input...
if (!cb)
return (0);
* Get the list of local printers and pass them to the callback function...
&dests, type, mask);
if ((user_default = _cupsUserDefault(name, sizeof(name))) != NULL)
defprinter = name;
else if ((defprinter = cupsGetDefault2(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT)) != NULL)
strlcpy(name, defprinter, sizeof(name));
defprinter = name;
if (defprinter)
* Separate printer and instance name...
if ((instance = strchr(name, '/')) != NULL)
*instance++ = '\0';
* Lookup the printer and instance and make it the default...
if ((dest = cupsGetDest(name, instance, num_dests, dests)) != NULL)
dest->is_default = 1;
for (i = num_dests, dest = dests;
i > 0 && (!cancel || !*cancel);
i --, dest ++)
if (!(*cb)(user_data, i > 1 ? CUPS_DEST_FLAGS_MORE : CUPS_DEST_FLAGS_NONE,
cupsFreeDests(num_dests, dests);
if (i > 0 || msec == 0)
return (1);
#if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI)
* Get Bonjour-shared printers...
data.type = type;
data.mask = mask;
data.cb = cb;
data.user_data = user_data;
data.devices = cupsArrayNew3((cups_array_func_t)cups_dnssd_compare_devices, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, (cups_afree_func_t)cups_dnssd_free_device);
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
if (DNSServiceCreateConnection(&data.main_ref) != kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
return (0);
main_fd = DNSServiceRefSockFD(data.main_ref);
ipp_ref = data.main_ref;
DNSServiceBrowse(&ipp_ref, kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection, 0,
"_ipp._tcp", NULL,
(DNSServiceBrowseReply)cups_dnssd_browse_cb, &data);
local_ipp_ref = data.main_ref;
DNSServiceBrowse(&local_ipp_ref, kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection,
"_ipp._tcp", NULL,
(DNSServiceBrowseReply)cups_dnssd_local_cb, &data);
# ifdef HAVE_SSL
ipps_ref = data.main_ref;
DNSServiceBrowse(&ipps_ref, kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection, 0,
"_ipps._tcp", NULL,
(DNSServiceBrowseReply)cups_dnssd_browse_cb, &data);
local_ipps_ref = data.main_ref;
DNSServiceBrowse(&local_ipps_ref, kDNSServiceFlagsShareConnection,
"_ipps._tcp", NULL,
(DNSServiceBrowseReply)cups_dnssd_local_cb, &data);
# endif /* HAVE_SSL */
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
if ((data.simple_poll = avahi_simple_poll_new()) == NULL)
DEBUG_puts("cupsEnumDests: Unable to create Avahi simple poll object.");
return (1);
avahi_simple_poll_set_func(data.simple_poll, cups_dnssd_poll_cb, &data);
data.client = avahi_client_new(avahi_simple_poll_get(data.simple_poll),
0, cups_dnssd_client_cb, &data,
if (!data.client)
DEBUG_puts("cupsEnumDests: Unable to create Avahi client.");
return (1);
ipp_ref = avahi_service_browser_new(data.client, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC,
0, cups_dnssd_browse_cb, &data);
# ifdef HAVE_SSL
ipps_ref = avahi_service_browser_new(data.client, AVAHI_IF_UNSPEC,
0, cups_dnssd_browse_cb, &data);
# endif /* HAVE_SSL */
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
if (msec < 0)
remaining = INT_MAX;
remaining = msec;
while (remaining > 0 && (!cancel || !*cancel))
* Check for input...
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
# ifdef HAVE_POLL
pfd.fd = main_fd; = POLLIN;
nfds = poll(&pfd, 1, remaining > 250 ? 250 : remaining);
# else
FD_SET(main_fd, &input);
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = remaining > 250 ? 250000 : remaining * 1000;
nfds = select(main_fd + 1, &input, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
# endif /* HAVE_POLL */
if (nfds > 0)
else if (nfds == 0)
remaining -= 250;
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
data.got_data = 0;
if ((error = avahi_simple_poll_iterate(data.simple_poll, 250)) > 0)
* We've been told to exit the loop. Perhaps the connection to
* Avahi failed.
if (!data.got_data)
remaining -= 250;
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
for (device = (_cups_dnssd_device_t *)cupsArrayFirst(data.devices),
count = 0;
device = (_cups_dnssd_device_t *)cupsArrayNext(data.devices))
if (device->ref)
count ++;
if (!device->ref && device->state == _CUPS_DNSSD_NEW)
DEBUG_printf(("1cupsEnumDests: Querying '%s'.", device->fullName));
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
device->ref = data.main_ref;
if (DNSServiceQueryRecord(&(device->ref),
0, device->fullName,
&data) == kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
count ++;
device->ref = 0;
device->state = _CUPS_DNSSD_ERROR;
DEBUG_puts("1cupsEnumDests: Query failed.");
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
if ((device->ref = avahi_record_browser_new(data.client,
&data)) != NULL)
count ++;
device->state = _CUPS_DNSSD_ERROR;
DEBUG_printf(("1cupsEnumDests: Query failed: %s",
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
else if (device->ref && device->state == _CUPS_DNSSD_PENDING)
if ((device->type & mask) == type)
if (!(*cb)(user_data, CUPS_DEST_FLAGS_NONE, &device->dest))
remaining = -1;
device->state = _CUPS_DNSSD_ACTIVE;
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
# ifdef HAVE_SSL
# endif /* HAVE_SSL */
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
# ifdef HAVE_SSL
# endif /* HAVE_SSL */
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
#endif /* HAVE_DNSSD || HAVE_DNSSD */
return (1);
# ifdef __BLOCKS__
* 'cupsEnumDestsBlock()' - Enumerate available destinations with a block.
* Destinations are enumerated from one or more sources. The block receives the
* destination name, instance, number of options, and options which can be used
* as input to the @link cupsAddDest@ function. The block must return 1 to
* continue enumeration or 0 to stop.
* Enumeration happens on the current thread and does not return until all
* destinations have been enumerated or the block returns 0.
* @since CUPS 1.6/OS X 10.8@
int /* O - 1 on success, 0 on failure */
unsigned flags, /* I - Enumeration flags */
int timeout, /* I - Timeout in milliseconds, 0 for indefinite */
int *cancel, /* I - Pointer to "cancel" variable */
cups_ptype_t type, /* I - Printer type bits */
cups_ptype_t mask, /* I - Mask for printer type bits */
cups_dest_block_t block) /* I - Block */
return (cupsEnumDests(flags, timeout, cancel, type, mask,
(cups_dest_cb_t)cups_block_cb, (void *)block));
# endif /* __BLOCKS__ */
* 'cupsFreeDests()' - Free the memory used by the list of destinations.
cupsFreeDests(int num_dests, /* I - Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t *dests) /* I - Destinations */
int i; /* Looping var */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* Current destination */
if (num_dests == 0 || dests == NULL)
for (i = num_dests, dest = dests; i > 0; i --, dest ++)
cupsFreeOptions(dest->num_options, dest->options);
* 'cupsGetDest()' - Get the named destination from the list.
* Use the @link cupsGetDests@ or @link cupsGetDests2@ functions to get a
* list of supported destinations for the current user.
cups_dest_t * /* O - Destination pointer or @code NULL@ */
cupsGetDest(const char *name, /* I - Destination name or @code NULL@ for the default destination */
const char *instance, /* I - Instance name or @code NULL@ */
int num_dests, /* I - Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t *dests) /* I - Destinations */
int diff, /* Result of comparison */
match; /* Matching index */
if (num_dests <= 0 || !dests)
return (NULL);
if (!name)
* NULL name for default printer.
while (num_dests > 0)
if (dests->is_default)
return (dests);
num_dests --;
dests ++;
* Lookup name and optionally the instance...
match = cups_find_dest(name, instance, num_dests, dests, -1, &diff);
if (!diff)
return (dests + match);
return (NULL);
* '_cupsGetDestResource()' - Get the resource path and URI for a destination.
const char * /* O - Printer URI */
cups_dest_t *dest, /* I - Destination */
char *resource, /* I - Resource buffer */
size_t resourcesize) /* I - Size of resource buffer */
const char *uri; /* Printer URI */
char scheme[32], /* URI scheme */
userpass[256], /* Username and password (unused) */
hostname[256]; /* Hostname */
int port; /* Port number */
* Range check input...
if (!dest || !resource || resourcesize < 1)
if (resource)
*resource = '\0';
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);
return (NULL);
* Grab the printer URI...
if ((uri = cupsGetOption("printer-uri-supported", dest->num_options,
dest->options)) == NULL)
if (resource)
*resource = '\0';
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(ENOENT), 0);
return (NULL);
if (strstr(uri, "._tcp"))
if ((uri = cups_dnssd_resolve(dest, uri, 5000, NULL, NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
return (NULL);
#endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
if (httpSeparateURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, scheme, sizeof(scheme),
userpass, sizeof(userpass), hostname, sizeof(hostname),
&port, resource, (int)resourcesize) < HTTP_URI_STATUS_OK)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad printer URI."), 1);
return (NULL);
return (uri);
* 'cupsGetDestWithURI()' - Get a destination associated with a URI.
* "name" is the desired name for the printer. If @code NULL@, a name will be
* created using the URI.
* "uri" is the "ipp" or "ipps" URI for the printer.
* @since CUPS 2.0@
cups_dest_t * /* O - Destination or @code NULL@ */
cupsGetDestWithURI(const char *name, /* I - Desired printer name or @code NULL@ */
const char *uri) /* I - URI for the printer */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* New destination */
char temp[1024], /* Temporary string */
scheme[256], /* Scheme from URI */
userpass[256], /* Username:password from URI */
hostname[256], /* Hostname from URI */
resource[1024], /* Resource path from URI */
*ptr; /* Pointer into string */
int port; /* Port number from URI */
* Range check input...
if (!uri)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(EINVAL), 0);
return (NULL);
if (httpSeparateURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, scheme, sizeof(scheme), userpass, sizeof(userpass), hostname, sizeof(hostname), &port, resource, sizeof(resource)) < HTTP_URI_STATUS_OK ||
(strncmp(uri, "ipp://", 6) && strncmp(uri, "ipps://", 7)))
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad printer URI."), 1);
return (NULL);
if (!name)
* Create the name from the URI...
if (strstr(hostname, "._tcp"))
* Use the service instance name...
if ((ptr = strchr(hostname, '.')) != NULL)
*ptr = '\0';
name = hostname;
else if (!strncmp(resource, "/classes/", 9))
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s @ %s", resource + 9, hostname);
name = temp;
else if (!strncmp(resource, "/printers/", 10))
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%s @ %s", resource + 10, hostname);
name = temp;
name = hostname;
* Create the destination...
if ((dest = calloc(1, sizeof(cups_dest_t))) == NULL)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, strerror(errno), 0);
return (NULL);
dest->name = _cupsStrAlloc(name);
dest->num_options = cupsAddOption("printer-uri-supported", uri, dest->num_options, &(dest->options));
dest->num_options = cupsAddOption("printer-info", name, dest->num_options, &(dest->options));
return (dest);
* '_cupsGetDests()' - Get destinations from a server.
* "op" is IPP_OP_CUPS_GET_PRINTERS to get a full list, IPP_OP_CUPS_GET_DEFAULT
* to get the system-wide default printer, or IPP_OP_GET_PRINTER_ATTRIBUTES for
* a known printer.
* "name" is the name of an existing printer and is only used when "op" is
* "dest" is initialized to point to the array of destinations.
* 0 is returned if there are no printers, no default printer, or the named
* printer does not exist, respectively.
* Free the memory used by the destination array using the @link cupsFreeDests@
* function.
* Note: On OS X this function also gets the default paper from the system
* preferences (~/L/P/org.cups.PrintingPrefs.plist) and includes it in the
* options array for each destination that supports it.
int /* O - Number of destinations */
_cupsGetDests(http_t *http, /* I - Connection to server or
ipp_op_t op, /* I - IPP operation */
const char *name, /* I - Name of destination */
cups_dest_t **dests, /* IO - Destinations */
cups_ptype_t type, /* I - Printer type bits */
cups_ptype_t mask) /* I - Printer type mask */
int num_dests = 0; /* Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* Current destination */
ipp_t *request, /* IPP Request */
*response; /* IPP Response */
ipp_attribute_t *attr; /* Current attribute */
const char *printer_name; /* printer-name attribute */
char uri[1024]; /* printer-uri value */
int num_options; /* Number of options */
cups_option_t *options; /* Options */
#ifdef __APPLE__
char media_default[41]; /* Default paper size */
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
char optname[1024], /* Option name */
value[2048], /* Option value */
*ptr; /* Pointer into name/value */
static const char * const pattrs[] = /* Attributes we're interested in */
#ifdef __APPLE__
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
#ifdef __APPLE__
* Get the default paper size...
appleGetPaperSize(media_default, sizeof(media_default));
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
* require the following attributes:
* attributes-charset
* attributes-natural-language
* requesting-user-name
request = ippNewRequest(op);
"requested-attributes", sizeof(pattrs) / sizeof(pattrs[0]),
NULL, pattrs);
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_NAME,
"requesting-user-name", NULL, cupsUser());
if (name && op != IPP_OP_CUPS_GET_DEFAULT)
httpAssembleURIf(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, sizeof(uri), "ipp", NULL,
"localhost", ippPort(), "/printers/%s", name);
ippAddString(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_URI, "printer-uri", NULL,
else if (mask)
ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "printer-type", (int)type);
ippAddInteger(request, IPP_TAG_OPERATION, IPP_TAG_ENUM, "printer-type-mask", (int)mask);
* Do the request and get back a response...
if ((response = cupsDoRequest(http, request, "/")) != NULL)
for (attr = response->attrs; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next)
* Skip leading attributes until we hit a printer...
while (attr != NULL && attr->group_tag != IPP_TAG_PRINTER)
attr = attr->next;
if (attr == NULL)
* Pull the needed attributes from this printer...
printer_name = NULL;
num_options = 0;
options = NULL;
for (; attr && attr->group_tag == IPP_TAG_PRINTER; attr = attr->next)
if (attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_INTEGER &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_ENUM &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_TEXT &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_TEXTLANG &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_NAME &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_NAMELANG &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_KEYWORD &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_RANGE &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_URI)
if (!strcmp(attr->name, "auth-info-required") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "device-uri") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "marker-change-time") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "marker-colors") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "marker-high-levels") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "marker-levels") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "marker-low-levels") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "marker-message") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "marker-names") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "marker-types") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-commands") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-info") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-is-shared") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-make-and-model") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-mandatory-job-attributes") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-state") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-state-change-time") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-type") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-is-accepting-jobs") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-location") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-state-reasons") ||
!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-uri-supported"))
* Add a printer description attribute...
num_options = cupsAddOption(attr->name,
cups_make_string(attr, value,
num_options, &options);
#ifdef __APPLE__
else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "media-supported"))
* See if we can set a default media size...
int i; /* Looping var */
for (i = 0; i < attr->num_values; i ++)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(media_default, attr->values[i].string.text))
num_options = cupsAddOption("media", media_default, num_options,
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
else if (!strcmp(attr->name, "printer-name") &&
attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAME)
printer_name = attr->values[0].string.text;
else if (strncmp(attr->name, "notify-", 7) &&
(attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN ||
attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_ENUM ||
attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_INTEGER ||
attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_KEYWORD ||
attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_NAME ||
attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_RANGE) &&
(ptr = strstr(attr->name, "-default")) != NULL)
* Add a default option...
strlcpy(optname, attr->name, sizeof(optname));
optname[ptr - attr->name] = '\0';
if (_cups_strcasecmp(optname, "media") ||
!cupsGetOption("media", num_options, options))
num_options = cupsAddOption(optname,
cups_make_string(attr, value,
num_options, &options);
* See if we have everything needed...
if (!printer_name)
cupsFreeOptions(num_options, options);
if (attr == NULL)
if ((dest = cups_add_dest(printer_name, NULL, &num_dests, dests)) != NULL)
dest->num_options = num_options;
dest->options = options;
cupsFreeOptions(num_options, options);
if (attr == NULL)
* Return the count...
return (num_dests);
* 'cupsGetDests()' - Get the list of destinations from the default server.
* Starting with CUPS 1.2, the returned list of destinations include the
* printer-info, printer-is-accepting-jobs, printer-is-shared,
* printer-make-and-model, printer-state, printer-state-change-time,
* printer-state-reasons, and printer-type attributes as options. CUPS 1.4
* adds the marker-change-time, marker-colors, marker-high-levels,
* marker-levels, marker-low-levels, marker-message, marker-names,
* marker-types, and printer-commands attributes as well.
* Use the @link cupsFreeDests@ function to free the destination list and
* the @link cupsGetDest@ function to find a particular destination.
int /* O - Number of destinations */
cupsGetDests(cups_dest_t **dests) /* O - Destinations */
return (cupsGetDests2(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, dests));
* 'cupsGetDests2()' - Get the list of destinations from the specified server.
* Starting with CUPS 1.2, the returned list of destinations include the
* printer-info, printer-is-accepting-jobs, printer-is-shared,
* printer-make-and-model, printer-state, printer-state-change-time,
* printer-state-reasons, and printer-type attributes as options. CUPS 1.4
* adds the marker-change-time, marker-colors, marker-high-levels,
* marker-levels, marker-low-levels, marker-message, marker-names,
* marker-types, and printer-commands attributes as well.
* Use the @link cupsFreeDests@ function to free the destination list and
* the @link cupsGetDest@ function to find a particular destination.
* @since CUPS 1.1.21/OS X 10.4@
int /* O - Number of destinations */
cupsGetDests2(http_t *http, /* I - Connection to server or @code CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT@ */
cups_dest_t **dests) /* O - Destinations */
int num_dests; /* Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* Destination pointer */
const char *home; /* HOME environment variable */
char filename[1024]; /* Local ~/.cups/lpoptions file */
const char *defprinter; /* Default printer */
char name[1024], /* Copy of printer name */
*instance, /* Pointer to instance name */
*user_default; /* User default printer */
int num_reals; /* Number of real queues */
cups_dest_t *reals; /* Real queues */
_cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals(); /* Pointer to library globals */
* Range check the input...
if (!dests)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Bad NULL dests pointer"), 1);
return (0);
* Grab the printers and classes...
*dests = (cups_dest_t *)0;
num_dests = _cupsGetDests(http, IPP_OP_CUPS_GET_PRINTERS, NULL, dests, 0, 0);
cupsFreeDests(num_dests, *dests);
*dests = (cups_dest_t *)0;
return (0);
* Make a copy of the "real" queues for a later sanity check...
if (num_dests > 0)
num_reals = num_dests;
reals = calloc((size_t)num_reals, sizeof(cups_dest_t));
if (reals)
memcpy(reals, *dests, (size_t)num_reals * sizeof(cups_dest_t));
num_reals = 0;
num_reals = 0;
reals = NULL;
* Grab the default destination...
if ((user_default = _cupsUserDefault(name, sizeof(name))) != NULL)
defprinter = name;
else if ((defprinter = cupsGetDefault2(http)) != NULL)
strlcpy(name, defprinter, sizeof(name));
defprinter = name;
if (defprinter)
* Separate printer and instance name...
if ((instance = strchr(name, '/')) != NULL)
*instance++ = '\0';
* Lookup the printer and instance and make it the default...
if ((dest = cupsGetDest(name, instance, num_dests, *dests)) != NULL)
dest->is_default = 1;
instance = NULL;
* Load the /etc/cups/lpoptions and ~/.cups/lpoptions files...
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/lpoptions", cg->cups_serverroot);
num_dests = cups_get_dests(filename, NULL, NULL, user_default != NULL,
num_dests, dests);
if ((home = getenv("HOME")) != NULL)
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/.cups/lpoptions", home);
num_dests = cups_get_dests(filename, NULL, NULL, user_default != NULL,
num_dests, dests);
* Validate the current default destination - this prevents old
* Default lines in /etc/cups/lpoptions and ~/.cups/lpoptions from
* pointing to a non-existent printer or class...
if (num_reals)
* See if we have a default printer...
if ((dest = cupsGetDest(NULL, NULL, num_dests, *dests)) != NULL)
* Have a default; see if it is real...
if (!cupsGetDest(dest->name, NULL, num_reals, reals))
* Remove the non-real printer from the list, since we don't want jobs
* going to an unexpected printer... (<rdar://problem/14216472>)
num_dests = cupsRemoveDest(dest->name, dest->instance, num_dests,
* Free memory...
* Return the number of destinations...
if (num_dests > 0)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_OK, NULL, 0);
return (num_dests);
* 'cupsGetNamedDest()' - Get options for the named destination.
* This function is optimized for retrieving a single destination and should
* be used instead of @link cupsGetDests@ and @link cupsGetDest@ when you either
* know the name of the destination or want to print to the default destination.
* If @code NULL@ is returned, the destination does not exist or there is no
* default destination.
* If "http" is @code CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT@, the connection to the default print
* server will be used.
* If "name" is @code NULL@, the default printer for the current user will be
* returned.
* The returned destination must be freed using @link cupsFreeDests@ with a
* "num_dests" value of 1.
* @since CUPS 1.4/OS X 10.6@
cups_dest_t * /* O - Destination or @code NULL@ */
cupsGetNamedDest(http_t *http, /* I - Connection to server or @code CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT@ */
const char *name, /* I - Destination name or @code NULL@ for the default destination */
const char *instance) /* I - Instance name or @code NULL@ */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* Destination */
char filename[1024], /* Path to lpoptions */
defname[256]; /* Default printer name */
const char *home = getenv("HOME"); /* Home directory */
int set_as_default = 0; /* Set returned destination as default */
/* IPP operation to get server ops */
_cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals(); /* Pointer to library globals */
* If "name" is NULL, find the default destination...
if (!name)
set_as_default = 1;
name = _cupsUserDefault(defname, sizeof(defname));
if (name)
char *ptr; /* Temporary pointer... */
if ((ptr = strchr(defname, '/')) != NULL)
*ptr++ = '\0';
instance = ptr;
instance = NULL;
else if (home)
* No default in the environment, try the user's lpoptions files...
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/.cups/lpoptions", home);
name = cups_get_default(filename, defname, sizeof(defname), &instance);
if (!name)
* Still not there? Try the system lpoptions file...
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/lpoptions",
name = cups_get_default(filename, defname, sizeof(defname), &instance);
if (!name)
* No locally-set default destination, ask the server...
* Get the printer's attributes...
if (!_cupsGetDests(http, op, name, &dest, 0, 0))
return (NULL);
if (instance)
dest->instance = _cupsStrAlloc(instance);
if (set_as_default)
dest->is_default = 1;
* Then add local options...
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/lpoptions", cg->cups_serverroot);
cups_get_dests(filename, name, instance, 1, 1, &dest);
if (home)
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/.cups/lpoptions", home);
cups_get_dests(filename, name, instance, 1, 1, &dest);
* Return the result...
return (dest);
* 'cupsRemoveDest()' - Remove a destination from the destination list.
* Removing a destination/instance does not delete the class or printer
* queue, merely the lpoptions for that destination/instance. Use the
* @link cupsSetDests@ or @link cupsSetDests2@ functions to save the new
* options for the user.
* @since CUPS 1.3/OS X 10.5@
int /* O - New number of destinations */
cupsRemoveDest(const char *name, /* I - Destination name */
const char *instance, /* I - Instance name or @code NULL@ */
int num_dests, /* I - Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t **dests) /* IO - Destinations */
int i; /* Index into destinations */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* Pointer to destination */
* Find the destination...
if ((dest = cupsGetDest(name, instance, num_dests, *dests)) == NULL)
return (num_dests);
* Free memory...
cupsFreeOptions(dest->num_options, dest->options);
* Remove the destination from the array...
num_dests --;
i = (int)(dest - *dests);
if (i < num_dests)
memmove(dest, dest + 1, (size_t)(num_dests - i) * sizeof(cups_dest_t));
return (num_dests);
* 'cupsSetDefaultDest()' - Set the default destination.
* @since CUPS 1.3/OS X 10.5@
const char *name, /* I - Destination name */
const char *instance, /* I - Instance name or @code NULL@ */
int num_dests, /* I - Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t *dests) /* I - Destinations */
int i; /* Looping var */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* Current destination */
* Range check input...
if (!name || num_dests <= 0 || !dests)
* Loop through the array and set the "is_default" flag for the matching
* destination...
for (i = num_dests, dest = dests; i > 0; i --, dest ++)
dest->is_default = !_cups_strcasecmp(name, dest->name) &&
((!instance && !dest->instance) ||
(instance && dest->instance &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(instance, dest->instance)));
* 'cupsSetDests()' - Save the list of destinations for the default server.
* This function saves the destinations to /etc/cups/lpoptions when run
* as root and ~/.cups/lpoptions when run as a normal user.
cupsSetDests(int num_dests, /* I - Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t *dests) /* I - Destinations */
cupsSetDests2(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, num_dests, dests);
* 'cupsSetDests2()' - Save the list of destinations for the specified server.
* This function saves the destinations to /etc/cups/lpoptions when run
* as root and ~/.cups/lpoptions when run as a normal user.
* @since CUPS 1.1.21/OS X 10.4@
int /* O - 0 on success, -1 on error */
cupsSetDests2(http_t *http, /* I - Connection to server or @code CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT@ */
int num_dests, /* I - Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t *dests) /* I - Destinations */
int i, j; /* Looping vars */
int wrote; /* Wrote definition? */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* Current destination */
cups_option_t *option; /* Current option */
_ipp_option_t *match; /* Matching attribute for option */
FILE *fp; /* File pointer */
#ifndef WIN32
const char *home; /* HOME environment variable */
#endif /* WIN32 */
char filename[1024]; /* lpoptions file */
int num_temps; /* Number of temporary destinations */
cups_dest_t *temps = NULL, /* Temporary destinations */
*temp; /* Current temporary dest */
const char *val; /* Value of temporary option */
_cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals(); /* Pointer to library globals */
* Range check the input...
if (!num_dests || !dests)
return (-1);
* Get the server destinations...
num_temps = _cupsGetDests(http, IPP_OP_CUPS_GET_PRINTERS, NULL, &temps, 0, 0);
cupsFreeDests(num_temps, temps);
return (-1);
* Figure out which file to write to...
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/lpoptions", cg->cups_serverroot);
#ifndef WIN32
if (getuid())
* Merge in server defaults...
num_temps = cups_get_dests(filename, NULL, NULL, 0, num_temps, &temps);
* Point to user defaults...
if ((home = getenv("HOME")) != NULL)
* Create ~/.cups subdirectory...
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/.cups", home);
if (access(filename, 0))
mkdir(filename, 0700);
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/.cups/lpoptions", home);
#endif /* !WIN32 */
* Try to open the file...
if ((fp = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL)
cupsFreeDests(num_temps, temps);
return (-1);
#ifndef WIN32
* Set the permissions to 0644 when saving to the /etc/cups/lpoptions
* file...
if (!getuid())
fchmod(fileno(fp), 0644);
#endif /* !WIN32 */
* Write each printer; each line looks like:
* Dest name[/instance] options
* Default name[/instance] options
for (i = num_dests, dest = dests; i > 0; i --, dest ++)
if (dest->instance != NULL || dest->num_options != 0 || dest->is_default)
if (dest->is_default)
fprintf(fp, "Default %s", dest->name);
if (dest->instance)
fprintf(fp, "/%s", dest->instance);
wrote = 1;
wrote = 0;
if ((temp = cupsGetDest(dest->name, dest->instance, num_temps, temps)) == NULL)
temp = cupsGetDest(dest->name, NULL, num_temps, temps);
for (j = dest->num_options, option = dest->options; j > 0; j --, option ++)
* See if this option is a printer attribute; if so, skip it...
if ((match = _ippFindOption(option->name)) != NULL &&
match->group_tag == IPP_TAG_PRINTER)
* See if the server/global options match these; if so, don't
* write 'em.
if (temp &&
(val = cupsGetOption(option->name, temp->num_options,
temp->options)) != NULL &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(val, option->value))
* Options don't match, write to the file...
if (!wrote)
fprintf(fp, "Dest %s", dest->name);
if (dest->instance)
fprintf(fp, "/%s", dest->instance);
wrote = 1;
if (option->value[0])
if (strchr(option->value, ' ') ||
strchr(option->value, '\\') ||
strchr(option->value, '\"') ||
strchr(option->value, '\''))
* Quote the value...
fprintf(fp, " %s=\"", option->name);
for (val = option->value; *val; val ++)
if (strchr("\"\'\\", *val))
putc('\\', fp);
putc(*val, fp);
putc('\"', fp);
* Store the literal value...
fprintf(fp, " %s=%s", option->name, option->value);
fprintf(fp, " %s", option->name);
if (wrote)
fputs("\n", fp);
* Free the temporary destinations and close the file...
cupsFreeDests(num_temps, temps);
#ifdef __APPLE__
* Set the default printer for this location - this allows command-line
* and GUI applications to share the same default destination...
if ((dest = cupsGetDest(NULL, NULL, num_dests, dests)) != NULL)
CFStringRef name = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault,
/* Default printer name */
if (name)
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
* Send a notification so that MacOS X applications can know about the
* change, too.
#endif /* HAVE_NOTIFY_POST */
return (0);
* '_cupsUserDefault()' - Get the user default printer from environment
* variables and location information.
char * /* O - Default printer or NULL */
_cupsUserDefault(char *name, /* I - Name buffer */
size_t namesize) /* I - Size of name buffer */
const char *env; /* LPDEST or PRINTER env variable */
#ifdef __APPLE__
CFStringRef locprinter; /* Last printer as this location */
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
if ((env = getenv("LPDEST")) == NULL)
if ((env = getenv("PRINTER")) != NULL && !strcmp(env, "lp"))
env = NULL;
if (env)
strlcpy(name, env, namesize);
return (name);
#ifdef __APPLE__
* Use location-based defaults if "use last printer" is selected in the
* system preferences...
if ((locprinter = _cupsAppleCopyDefaultPrinter()) != NULL)
CFStringGetCString(locprinter, name, (CFIndex)namesize, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
name[0] = '\0';
DEBUG_printf(("1_cupsUserDefault: Returning \"%s\".", name));
return (*name ? name : NULL);
* No location-based defaults on this platform...
name[0] = '\0';
return (NULL);
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
#ifdef __APPLE__
* 'appleCopyLocations()' - Copy the location history array.
static CFArrayRef /* O - Location array or NULL */
CFArrayRef locations; /* Location array */
* Look up the location array in the preferences...
if ((locations = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(kLastUsedPrintersKey,
kCUPSPrintingPrefs)) == NULL)
return (NULL);
if (CFGetTypeID(locations) != CFArrayGetTypeID())
return (NULL);
return (locations);
* 'appleCopyNetwork()' - Get the network ID for the current location.
static CFStringRef /* O - Network ID */
SCDynamicStoreRef dynamicStore; /* System configuration data */
CFStringRef key; /* Current network configuration key */
CFDictionaryRef ip_dict; /* Network configuration data */
CFStringRef network = NULL; /* Current network ID */
if ((dynamicStore = SCDynamicStoreCreate(NULL, CFSTR("libcups"), NULL,
* First use the IPv6 router address, if available, since that will generally
* be a globally-unique link-local address.
if ((key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(
NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetIPv6)) != NULL)
if ((ip_dict = SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(dynamicStore, key)) != NULL)
if ((network = CFDictionaryGetValue(ip_dict,
kSCPropNetIPv6Router)) != NULL)
* If that doesn't work, try the IPv4 router address. This isn't as unique
* and will likely be a 10.x.y.z or 192.168.y.z address...
if (!network)
if ((key = SCDynamicStoreKeyCreateNetworkGlobalEntity(
NULL, kSCDynamicStoreDomainState, kSCEntNetIPv4)) != NULL)
if ((ip_dict = SCDynamicStoreCopyValue(dynamicStore, key)) != NULL)
if ((network = CFDictionaryGetValue(ip_dict,
kSCPropNetIPv4Router)) != NULL)
return (network);
* 'appleGetPaperSize()' - Get the default paper size.
static char * /* O - Default paper size */
appleGetPaperSize(char *name, /* I - Paper size name buffer */
int namesize) /* I - Size of buffer */
CFStringRef defaultPaperID; /* Default paper ID */
pwg_media_t *pwgmedia; /* PWG media size */
defaultPaperID = _cupsAppleCopyDefaultPaperID();
if (!defaultPaperID ||
CFGetTypeID(defaultPaperID) != CFStringGetTypeID() ||
!CFStringGetCString(defaultPaperID, name, namesize,
name[0] = '\0';
else if ((pwgmedia = pwgMediaForLegacy(name)) != NULL)
strlcpy(name, pwgmedia->pwg, namesize);
if (defaultPaperID)
return (name);
* 'appleGetPrinter()' - Get a printer from the history array.
static CFStringRef /* O - Printer name or NULL */
appleGetPrinter(CFArrayRef locations, /* I - Location array */
CFStringRef network, /* I - Network name */
CFIndex *locindex) /* O - Index in array */
CFIndex i, /* Looping var */
count; /* Number of locations */
CFDictionaryRef location; /* Current location */
CFStringRef locnetwork, /* Current network */
locprinter; /* Current printer */
for (i = 0, count = CFArrayGetCount(locations); i < count; i ++)
if ((location = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(locations, i)) != NULL &&
CFGetTypeID(location) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
if ((locnetwork = CFDictionaryGetValue(location,
kLocationNetworkKey)) != NULL &&
CFGetTypeID(locnetwork) == CFStringGetTypeID() &&
CFStringCompare(network, locnetwork, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo &&
(locprinter = CFDictionaryGetValue(location,
kLocationPrinterIDKey)) != NULL &&
CFGetTypeID(locprinter) == CFStringGetTypeID())
if (locindex)
*locindex = i;
return (locprinter);
return (NULL);
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
* 'cups_add_dest()' - Add a destination to the array.
* Unlike cupsAddDest(), this function does not check for duplicates.
static cups_dest_t * /* O - New destination */
cups_add_dest(const char *name, /* I - Name of destination */
const char *instance, /* I - Instance or NULL */
int *num_dests, /* IO - Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t **dests) /* IO - Destinations */
int insert, /* Insertion point */
diff; /* Result of comparison */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* Destination pointer */
* Add new destination...
if (*num_dests == 0)
dest = malloc(sizeof(cups_dest_t));
dest = realloc(*dests, sizeof(cups_dest_t) * (size_t)(*num_dests + 1));
if (!dest)
return (NULL);
*dests = dest;
* Find where to insert the destination...
if (*num_dests == 0)
insert = 0;
insert = cups_find_dest(name, instance, *num_dests, *dests, *num_dests - 1,
if (diff > 0)
insert ++;
* Move the array elements as needed...
if (insert < *num_dests)
memmove(*dests + insert + 1, *dests + insert, (size_t)(*num_dests - insert) * sizeof(cups_dest_t));
(*num_dests) ++;
* Initialize the destination...
dest = *dests + insert;
dest->name = _cupsStrAlloc(name);
dest->instance = _cupsStrAlloc(instance);
dest->is_default = 0;
dest->num_options = 0;
dest->options = (cups_option_t *)0;
return (dest);
# ifdef __BLOCKS__
* 'cups_block_cb()' - Enumeration callback for block API.
static int /* O - 1 to continue, 0 to stop */
cups_dest_block_t block, /* I - Block */
unsigned flags, /* I - Destination flags */
cups_dest_t *dest) /* I - Destination */
return ((block)(flags, dest));
# endif /* __BLOCKS__ */
* 'cups_compare_dests()' - Compare two destinations.
static int /* O - Result of comparison */
cups_compare_dests(cups_dest_t *a, /* I - First destination */
cups_dest_t *b) /* I - Second destination */
int diff; /* Difference */
if ((diff = _cups_strcasecmp(a->name, b->name)) != 0)
return (diff);
else if (a->instance && b->instance)
return (_cups_strcasecmp(a->instance, b->instance));
return ((a->instance && !b->instance) - (!a->instance && b->instance));
#if defined(HAVE_DNSSD) || defined(HAVE_AVAHI)
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
* 'cups_dnssd_browse_cb()' - Browse for printers.
static void
DNSServiceRef sdRef, /* I - Service reference */
DNSServiceFlags flags, /* I - Option flags */
uint32_t interfaceIndex, /* I - Interface number */
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, /* I - Error, if any */
const char *serviceName, /* I - Name of service/device */
const char *regtype, /* I - Type of service */
const char *replyDomain, /* I - Service domain */
void *context) /* I - Enumeration data */
_cups_dnssd_data_t *data = (_cups_dnssd_data_t *)context;
/* Enumeration data */
DEBUG_printf(("5cups_dnssd_browse_cb(sdRef=%p, flags=%x, "
"interfaceIndex=%d, errorCode=%d, serviceName=\"%s\", "
"regtype=\"%s\", replyDomain=\"%s\", context=%p)",
sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, errorCode, serviceName, regtype,
replyDomain, context));
* Don't do anything on error...
if (errorCode != kDNSServiceErr_NoError)
* Get the device...
cups_dnssd_get_device(data, serviceName, regtype, replyDomain);
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
* 'cups_dnssd_browse_cb()' - Browse for printers.
static void
AvahiServiceBrowser *browser, /* I - Browser */
AvahiIfIndex interface, /* I - Interface index (unused) */
AvahiProtocol protocol, /* I - Network protocol (unused) */
AvahiBrowserEvent event, /* I - What happened */
const char *name, /* I - Service name */
const char *type, /* I - Registration type */
const char *domain, /* I - Domain */
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags, /* I - Flags */
void *context) /* I - Devices array */
#ifdef DEBUG
AvahiClient *client = avahi_service_browser_get_client(browser);
/* Client information */
#endif /* DEBUG */
_cups_dnssd_data_t *data = (_cups_dnssd_data_t *)context;
/* Enumeration data */
switch (event)
DEBUG_printf(("cups_dnssd_browse_cb: %s",
* This object is new on the network.
* This comes from the local machine so ignore it.
DEBUG_printf(("cups_dnssd_browse_cb: Ignoring local service \"%s\".",
* Create a device entry for it if it doesn't yet exist.
cups_dnssd_get_device(data, name, type, domain);
* 'cups_dnssd_client_cb()' - Avahi client callback function.
static void
AvahiClient *client, /* I - Client information (unused) */
AvahiClientState state, /* I - Current state */
void *context) /* I - User data (unused) */
_cups_dnssd_data_t *data = (_cups_dnssd_data_t *)context;
/* Enumeration data */
* If the connection drops, quit.
DEBUG_puts("cups_dnssd_client_cb: Avahi connection failed.");
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
* 'cups_dnssd_compare_device()' - Compare two devices.
static int /* O - Result of comparison */
_cups_dnssd_device_t *a, /* I - First device */
_cups_dnssd_device_t *b) /* I - Second device */
return (strcmp(a->, b->;
* 'cups_dnssd_free_device()' - Free the memory used by a device.
static void
_cups_dnssd_device_t *device, /* I - Device */
_cups_dnssd_data_t *data) /* I - Enumeration data */
DEBUG_printf(("5cups_dnssd_free_device(device=%p(%s), data=%p)", device,
device->, data));
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
if (device->ref)
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
if (device->ref)
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
cupsFreeOptions(device->dest.num_options, device->dest.options);
* 'cups_dnssd_get_device()' - Lookup a device and create it as needed.
static _cups_dnssd_device_t * /* O - Device */
_cups_dnssd_data_t *data, /* I - Enumeration data */
const char *serviceName, /* I - Service name */
const char *regtype, /* I - Registration type */
const char *replyDomain) /* I - Domain name */
_cups_dnssd_device_t key, /* Search key */
*device; /* Device */
char fullName[kDNSServiceMaxDomainName];
/* Full name for query */
DEBUG_printf(("5cups_dnssd_get_device(data=%p, serviceName=\"%s\", "
"regtype=\"%s\", replyDomain=\"%s\")", data, serviceName,
regtype, replyDomain));
* See if this is an existing device...
*/ = (char *)serviceName;
if ((device = cupsArrayFind(data->devices, &key)) != NULL)
* Yes, see if we need to do anything with this...
int update = 0; /* Non-zero if we need to update */
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(replyDomain, "local.") &&
_cups_strcasecmp(device->domain, replyDomain))
* Update the "global" listing to use the .local domain name instead.
device->domain = _cupsStrAlloc(replyDomain);
DEBUG_printf(("6cups_dnssd_get_device: Updating '%s' to use local "
"domain.", device->;
update = 1;
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(regtype, "_ipps._tcp") &&
_cups_strcasecmp(device->regtype, regtype))
* Prefer IPPS over IPP.
device->regtype = _cupsStrAlloc(regtype);
DEBUG_printf(("6cups_dnssd_get_device: Updating '%s' to use IPPS.",
update = 1;
if (!update)
DEBUG_printf(("6cups_dnssd_get_device: No changes to '%s'.",
return (device);
* No, add the device...
DEBUG_printf(("6cups_dnssd_get_device: Adding '%s' for %s with domain "
"'%s'.", serviceName,
!strcmp(regtype, "_ipps._tcp") ? "IPPS" : "IPP",
device = calloc(sizeof(_cups_dnssd_device_t), 1);
device-> = _cupsStrAlloc(serviceName);
device->domain = _cupsStrAlloc(replyDomain);
device->regtype = _cupsStrAlloc(regtype);
cupsArrayAdd(data->devices, device);
* Set the "full name" of this service, which is used for queries...
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
DNSServiceConstructFullName(fullName, device->, device->regtype,
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
avahi_service_name_join(fullName, kDNSServiceMaxDomainName, serviceName,
regtype, replyDomain);
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
device->fullName = _cupsStrAlloc(fullName);
if (device->ref)
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
device->ref = 0;
if (device->state == _CUPS_DNSSD_ACTIVE)
(*data->cb)(data->user_data, CUPS_DEST_FLAGS_REMOVED, &device->dest);
device->state = _CUPS_DNSSD_NEW;
return (device);
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
* 'cups_dnssd_local_cb()' - Browse for local printers.
static void
DNSServiceRef sdRef, /* I - Service reference */
DNSServiceFlags flags, /* I - Option flags */
uint32_t interfaceIndex, /* I - Interface number */
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, /* I - Error, if any */
const char *serviceName, /* I - Name of service/device */
const char *regtype, /* I - Type of service */
const char *replyDomain, /* I - Service domain */
void *context) /* I - Devices array */
_cups_dnssd_data_t *data = (_cups_dnssd_data_t *)context;
/* Enumeration data */
_cups_dnssd_device_t *device; /* Device */
DEBUG_printf(("5cups_dnssd_local_cb(sdRef=%p, flags=%x, "
"interfaceIndex=%d, errorCode=%d, serviceName=\"%s\", "
"regtype=\"%s\", replyDomain=\"%s\", context=%p)",
sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, errorCode, serviceName,
regtype, replyDomain, context));
* Only process "add" data...
if (errorCode != kDNSServiceErr_NoError || !(flags & kDNSServiceFlagsAdd))
* Get the device...
device = cups_dnssd_get_device(data, serviceName, regtype, replyDomain);
* Hide locally-registered devices...
DEBUG_printf(("6cups_dnssd_local_cb: Hiding local printer '%s'.",
if (device->ref)
device->ref = 0;
if (device->state == _CUPS_DNSSD_ACTIVE)
(*data->cb)(data->user_data, CUPS_DEST_FLAGS_REMOVED, &device->dest);
device->state = _CUPS_DNSSD_LOCAL;
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
# ifdef HAVE_AVAHI
* 'cups_dnssd_poll_cb()' - Wait for input on the specified file descriptors.
* Note: This function is needed because avahi_simple_poll_iterate is broken
* and always uses a timeout of 0 (!) milliseconds.
* (Avahi Ticket #364)
static int /* O - Number of file descriptors matching */
struct pollfd *pollfds, /* I - File descriptors */
unsigned int num_pollfds, /* I - Number of file descriptors */
int timeout, /* I - Timeout in milliseconds (unused) */
void *context) /* I - User data (unused) */
_cups_dnssd_data_t *data = (_cups_dnssd_data_t *)context;
/* Enumeration data */
int val; /* Return value */
val = poll(pollfds, num_pollfds, 250);
if (val < 0)
DEBUG_printf(("cups_dnssd_poll_cb: %s", strerror(errno)));
else if (val > 0)
data->got_data = 1;
return (val);
# endif /* HAVE_AVAHI */
* 'cups_dnssd_query_cb()' - Process query data.
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
static void
DNSServiceRef sdRef, /* I - Service reference */
DNSServiceFlags flags, /* I - Data flags */
uint32_t interfaceIndex, /* I - Interface */
DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, /* I - Error, if any */
const char *fullName, /* I - Full service name */
uint16_t rrtype, /* I - Record type */
uint16_t rrclass, /* I - Record class */
uint16_t rdlen, /* I - Length of record data */
const void *rdata, /* I - Record data */
uint32_t ttl, /* I - Time-to-live */
void *context) /* I - Enumeration data */
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
static void
AvahiRecordBrowser *browser, /* I - Record browser */
AvahiIfIndex interfaceIndex,
/* I - Interface index (unused) */
AvahiProtocol protocol, /* I - Network protocol (unused) */
AvahiBrowserEvent event, /* I - What happened? */
const char *fullName, /* I - Service name */
uint16_t rrclass, /* I - Record class */
uint16_t rrtype, /* I - Record type */
const void *rdata, /* I - TXT record */
size_t rdlen, /* I - Length of TXT record */
AvahiLookupResultFlags flags, /* I - Flags */
void *context) /* I - Enumeration data */
# ifdef DEBUG
AvahiClient *client = avahi_record_browser_get_client(browser);
/* Client information */
# endif /* DEBUG */
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
_cups_dnssd_data_t *data = (_cups_dnssd_data_t *)context;
/* Enumeration data */
char name[1024], /* Service name */
*ptr; /* Pointer into string */
_cups_dnssd_device_t dkey, /* Search key */
*device; /* Device */
# ifdef HAVE_DNSSD
DEBUG_printf(("5cups_dnssd_query_cb(sdRef=%p, flags=%x, "
"interfaceIndex=%d, errorCode=%d, fullName=\"%s\", "
"rrtype=%u, rrclass=%u, rdlen=%u, rdata=%p, ttl=%u, "
"context=%p)", sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, errorCode,
fullName, rrtype, rrclass, rdlen, rdata, ttl, context));
* Only process "add" data...
if (errorCode != kDNSServiceErr_NoError || !(flags & kDNSServiceFlagsAdd))
# else /* HAVE_AVAHI */
DEBUG_printf(("5cups_dnssd_query_cb(browser=%p, interfaceIndex=%d, "
"protocol=%d, event=%d, fullName=\"%s\", rrclass=%u, "
"rrtype=%u, rdata=%p, rdlen=%u, flags=%x, context=%p)",
browser, interfaceIndex, protocol, event, fullName, rrclass,
rrtype, rdata, (unsigned)rdlen, flags, context));
* Only process "add" data...
if (event != AVAHI_BROWSER_NEW)
DEBUG_printf(("cups_dnssd_query_cb: %s",
# endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
* Lookup the service in the devices array.
*/ = name;
cups_dnssd_unquote(name, fullName, sizeof(name));
if ((ptr = strstr(name, "._")) != NULL)
*ptr = '\0';
if ((device = cupsArrayFind(data->devices, &dkey)) != NULL)
* Found it, pull out the make and model from the TXT record and save it...
const uint8_t *txt, /* Pointer into data */
*txtnext, /* Next key/value pair */
*txtend; /* End of entire TXT record */
uint8_t txtlen; /* Length of current key/value pair */
char key[256], /* Key string */
value[256], /* Value string */
/* Manufacturer and model */
model[256], /* Model */
uriname[1024], /* Name for URI */
uri[1024]; /* Printer URI */
/* Printer type */
int saw_printer_type = 0;
/* Did we see a printer-type key? */
device->state = _CUPS_DNSSD_PENDING;
make_and_model[0] = '\0';
strlcpy(model, "Unknown", sizeof(model));
for (txt = rdata, txtend = txt + rdlen;
txt < txtend;
txt = txtnext)
* Read a key/value pair starting with an 8-bit length. Since the
* length is 8 bits and the size of the key/value buffers is 256, we
* don't need to check for overflow...
txtlen = *txt++;
if (!txtlen || (txt + txtlen) > txtend)
txtnext = txt + txtlen;
for (ptr = key; txt < txtnext && *txt != '='; txt ++)
*ptr++ = (char)*txt;
*ptr = '\0';
if (txt < txtnext && *txt == '=')
txt ++;
if (txt < txtnext)
memcpy(value, txt, (size_t)(txtnext - txt));
value[txtnext - txt] = '\0';
DEBUG_printf(("6cups_dnssd_query_cb: %s=%s", key, value));
DEBUG_printf(("6cups_dnssd_query_cb: '%s' with no value.", key));
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "usb_MFG") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "usb_MANU") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "usb_MANUFACTURER"))
strlcpy(make_and_model, value, sizeof(make_and_model));
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "usb_MDL") ||
!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "usb_MODEL"))
strlcpy(model, value, sizeof(model));
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "product") && !strstr(value, "Ghostscript"))
if (value[0] == '(')
* Strip parenthesis...
if ((ptr = value + strlen(value) - 1) > value && *ptr == ')')
*ptr = '\0';
strlcpy(model, value + 1, sizeof(model));
strlcpy(model, value, sizeof(model));
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "ty"))
strlcpy(model, value, sizeof(model));
if ((ptr = strchr(model, ',')) != NULL)
*ptr = '\0';
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "note"))
device->dest.num_options = cupsAddOption("printer-location", value,
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "pdl"))
* Look for PDF-capable printers; only PDF-capable printers are shown.
const char *start, *next; /* Pointer into value */
int have_pdf = 0; /* Have PDF? */
for (start = value; start && *start; start = next)
if (!_cups_strncasecmp(start, "application/pdf", 15) &&
(!start[15] || start[15] == ','))
have_pdf = 1;
if ((next = strchr(start, ',')) != NULL)
next ++;
if (!have_pdf)
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "printer-type"))
* Value is either NNNN or 0xXXXX
saw_printer_type = 1;
type = (cups_ptype_t)strtol(value, NULL, 0);
else if (!saw_printer_type)
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "air") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "bind") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "collate") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "color") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "copies") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "duplex") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "fax") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "papercustom") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "papermax"))
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "legal-a4"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "isoc-a2"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(value, ">isoc-a2"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "punch") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "scan") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "sort") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
else if (!_cups_strcasecmp(key, "staple") &&
!_cups_strcasecmp(value, "t"))
* Save the printer-xxx values...
device->dest.num_options = cupsAddOption("printer-info", name,
if (make_and_model[0])
strlcat(make_and_model, " ", sizeof(make_and_model));
strlcat(make_and_model, model, sizeof(make_and_model));
device->dest.num_options = cupsAddOption("printer-make-and-model",
device->dest.num_options = cupsAddOption("printer-make-and-model",
device->type = type;
snprintf(value, sizeof(value), "%u", type);
device->dest.num_options = cupsAddOption("printer-type", value,
* Save the URI...
cups_dnssd_unquote(uriname, device->fullName, sizeof(uriname));
httpAssembleURI(HTTP_URI_CODING_ALL, uri, sizeof(uri),
!strcmp(device->regtype, "_ipps._tcp") ? "ipps" : "ipp",
NULL, uriname, 0, saw_printer_type ? "/cups" : "/");
DEBUG_printf(("6cups_dnssd_query: printer-uri-supported=\"%s\"", uri));
device->dest.num_options = cupsAddOption("printer-uri-supported", uri,
DEBUG_printf(("6cups_dnssd_query: Ignoring TXT record for '%s'.",
* 'cups_dnssd_resolve()' - Resolve a Bonjour printer URI.
static const char * /* O - Resolved URI or NULL */
cups_dest_t *dest, /* I - Destination */
const char *uri, /* I - Current printer URI */
int msec, /* I - Time in milliseconds */
int *cancel, /* I - Pointer to "cancel" variable */
cups_dest_cb_t cb, /* I - Callback */
void *user_data) /* I - User data for callback */
char tempuri[1024]; /* Temporary URI buffer */
_cups_dnssd_resolve_t resolve; /* Resolve data */
* Resolve the URI...
resolve.cancel = cancel;
gettimeofday(&resolve.end_time, NULL);
if (msec > 0)
resolve.end_time.tv_sec += msec / 1000;
resolve.end_time.tv_usec += (msec % 1000) * 1000;
while (resolve.end_time.tv_usec >= 1000000)
resolve.end_time.tv_sec ++;
resolve.end_time.tv_usec -= 1000000;
resolve.end_time.tv_sec += 75;
if (cb)
if ((uri = _httpResolveURI(uri, tempuri, sizeof(tempuri),
_HTTP_RESOLVE_FQDN, cups_dnssd_resolve_cb,
&resolve)) == NULL)
_cupsSetError(IPP_STATUS_ERROR_INTERNAL, _("Unable to resolve printer URI."), 1);
if (cb)
return (NULL);
* Save the resolved URI...
dest->num_options = cupsAddOption("printer-uri-supported", uri,
dest->num_options, &dest->options);
return (cupsGetOption("printer-uri-supported", dest->num_options,
* 'cups_dnssd_resolve_cb()' - See if we should continue resolving.
static int /* O - 1 to continue, 0 to stop */
cups_dnssd_resolve_cb(void *context) /* I - Resolve data */
_cups_dnssd_resolve_t *resolve = (_cups_dnssd_resolve_t *)context;
/* Resolve data */
struct timeval curtime; /* Current time */
* If the cancel variable is set, return immediately.
if (*resolve->cancel)
return (0);
* Otherwise check the end time...
gettimeofday(&curtime, NULL);
return (curtime.tv_sec > resolve->end_time.tv_sec ||
(curtime.tv_sec == resolve->end_time.tv_sec &&
curtime.tv_usec > resolve->end_time.tv_usec));
* 'cups_dnssd_unquote()' - Unquote a name string.
static void
cups_dnssd_unquote(char *dst, /* I - Destination buffer */
const char *src, /* I - Source string */
size_t dstsize) /* I - Size of destination buffer */
char *dstend = dst + dstsize - 1; /* End of destination buffer */
while (*src && dst < dstend)
if (*src == '\\')
src ++;
if (isdigit(src[0] & 255) && isdigit(src[1] & 255) &&
isdigit(src[2] & 255))
*dst++ = ((((src[0] - '0') * 10) + src[1] - '0') * 10) + src[2] - '0';
src += 3;
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst++ = *src ++;
*dst = '\0';
#endif /* HAVE_DNSSD */
* 'cups_find_dest()' - Find a destination using a binary search.
static int /* O - Index of match */
cups_find_dest(const char *name, /* I - Destination name */
const char *instance, /* I - Instance or NULL */
int num_dests, /* I - Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t *dests, /* I - Destinations */
int prev, /* I - Previous index */
int *rdiff) /* O - Difference of match */
int left, /* Low mark for binary search */
right, /* High mark for binary search */
current, /* Current index */
diff; /* Result of comparison */
cups_dest_t key; /* Search key */ = (char *)name;
key.instance = (char *)instance;
if (prev >= 0)
* Start search on either side of previous...
if ((diff = cups_compare_dests(&key, dests + prev)) == 0 ||
(diff < 0 && prev == 0) ||
(diff > 0 && prev == (num_dests - 1)))
*rdiff = diff;
return (prev);
else if (diff < 0)
* Start with previous on right side...
left = 0;
right = prev;
* Start wih previous on left side...
left = prev;
right = num_dests - 1;
* Start search in the middle...
left = 0;
right = num_dests - 1;
current = (left + right) / 2;
diff = cups_compare_dests(&key, dests + current);
if (diff == 0)
else if (diff < 0)
right = current;
left = current;
while ((right - left) > 1);
if (diff != 0)
* Check the last 1 or 2 elements...
if ((diff = cups_compare_dests(&key, dests + left)) <= 0)
current = left;
diff = cups_compare_dests(&key, dests + right);
current = right;
* Return the closest destination and the difference...
*rdiff = diff;
return (current);
* 'cups_get_default()' - Get the default destination from an lpoptions file.
static char * /* O - Default destination or NULL */
cups_get_default(const char *filename, /* I - File to read */
char *namebuf, /* I - Name buffer */
size_t namesize, /* I - Size of name buffer */
const char **instance) /* I - Instance */
cups_file_t *fp; /* lpoptions file */
char line[8192], /* Line from file */
*value, /* Value for line */
*nameptr; /* Pointer into name */
int linenum; /* Current line */
*namebuf = '\0';
if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "r")) != NULL)
linenum = 0;
while (cupsFileGetConf(fp, line, sizeof(line), &value, &linenum))
if (!_cups_strcasecmp(line, "default") && value)
strlcpy(namebuf, value, namesize);
if ((nameptr = strchr(namebuf, ' ')) != NULL)
*nameptr = '\0';
if ((nameptr = strchr(namebuf, '\t')) != NULL)
*nameptr = '\0';
if ((nameptr = strchr(namebuf, '/')) != NULL)
*nameptr++ = '\0';
*instance = nameptr;
return (*namebuf ? namebuf : NULL);
* 'cups_get_dests()' - Get destinations from a file.
static int /* O - Number of destinations */
const char *filename, /* I - File to read from */
const char *match_name, /* I - Destination name we want */
const char *match_inst, /* I - Instance name we want */
int user_default_set, /* I - User default printer set? */
int num_dests, /* I - Number of destinations */
cups_dest_t **dests) /* IO - Destinations */
int i; /* Looping var */
cups_dest_t *dest; /* Current destination */
cups_file_t *fp; /* File pointer */
char line[8192], /* Line from file */
*lineptr, /* Pointer into line */
*name, /* Name of destination/option */
*instance; /* Instance of destination */
int linenum; /* Current line number */
DEBUG_printf(("7cups_get_dests(filename=\"%s\", match_name=\"%s\", "
"match_inst=\"%s\", user_default_set=%d, num_dests=%d, "
"dests=%p)", filename, match_name, match_inst,
user_default_set, num_dests, dests));
* Try to open the file...
if ((fp = cupsFileOpen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
return (num_dests);
* Read each printer; each line looks like:
* Dest name[/instance] options
* Default name[/instance] options
linenum = 0;
while (cupsFileGetConf(fp, line, sizeof(line), &lineptr, &linenum))
* See what type of line it is...
DEBUG_printf(("9cups_get_dests: linenum=%d line=\"%s\" lineptr=\"%s\"",
linenum, line, lineptr));
if ((_cups_strcasecmp(line, "dest") && _cups_strcasecmp(line, "default")) || !lineptr)
DEBUG_puts("9cups_get_dests: Not a dest or default line...");
name = lineptr;
* Search for an instance...
while (!isspace(*lineptr & 255) && *lineptr && *lineptr != '/')
lineptr ++;
if (*lineptr == '/')
* Found an instance...
*lineptr++ = '\0';
instance = lineptr;
* Search for an instance...
while (!isspace(*lineptr & 255) && *lineptr)
lineptr ++;
instance = NULL;
if (*lineptr)
*lineptr++ = '\0';
DEBUG_printf(("9cups_get_dests: name=\"%s\", instance=\"%s\"", name,
* See if the primary instance of the destination exists; if not,
* ignore this entry and move on...
if (match_name)
if (_cups_strcasecmp(name, match_name) ||
(!instance && match_inst) ||
(instance && !match_inst) ||
(instance && _cups_strcasecmp(instance, match_inst)))
dest = *dests;
else if (cupsGetDest(name, NULL, num_dests, *dests) == NULL)
DEBUG_puts("9cups_get_dests: Not found!");
* Add the destination...
num_dests = cupsAddDest(name, instance, num_dests, dests);
if ((dest = cupsGetDest(name, instance, num_dests, *dests)) == NULL)
* Out of memory!
DEBUG_puts("9cups_get_dests: Out of memory!");
* Add options until we hit the end of the line...
dest->num_options = cupsParseOptions(lineptr, dest->num_options,
* If we found what we were looking for, stop now...
if (match_name)
* Set this as default if needed...
if (!user_default_set && !_cups_strcasecmp(line, "default"))
DEBUG_puts("9cups_get_dests: Setting as default...");
for (i = 0; i < num_dests; i ++)
(*dests)[i].is_default = 0;
dest->is_default = 1;
* Close the file and return...
return (num_dests);
* 'cups_make_string()' - Make a comma-separated string of values from an IPP
* attribute.
static char * /* O - New string */
ipp_attribute_t *attr, /* I - Attribute to convert */
char *buffer, /* I - Buffer */
size_t bufsize) /* I - Size of buffer */
int i; /* Looping var */
char *ptr, /* Pointer into buffer */
*end, /* Pointer to end of buffer */
*valptr; /* Pointer into string attribute */
* Return quickly if we have a single string value...
if (attr->num_values == 1 &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_INTEGER &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_ENUM &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN &&
attr->value_tag != IPP_TAG_RANGE)
return (attr->values[0].string.text);
* Copy the values to the string, separating with commas and escaping strings
* as needed...
end = buffer + bufsize - 1;
for (i = 0, ptr = buffer; i < attr->num_values && ptr < end; i ++)
if (i)
*ptr++ = ',';
switch (attr->value_tag)
snprintf(ptr, (size_t)(end - ptr + 1), "%d", attr->values[i].integer);
if (attr->values[i].boolean)
strlcpy(ptr, "true", (size_t)(end - ptr + 1));
strlcpy(ptr, "false", (size_t)(end - ptr + 1));
if (attr->values[i].range.lower == attr->values[i].range.upper)
snprintf(ptr, (size_t)(end - ptr + 1), "%d", attr->values[i].range.lower);
snprintf(ptr, (size_t)(end - ptr + 1), "%d-%d", attr->values[i].range.lower, attr->values[i].range.upper);
default :
for (valptr = attr->values[i].string.text;
*valptr && ptr < end;)
if (strchr(" \t\n\\\'\"", *valptr))
if (ptr >= (end - 1))
*ptr++ = '\\';
*ptr++ = *valptr++;
*ptr = '\0';
ptr += strlen(ptr);
*ptr = '\0';
return (buffer);
* End of "$Id$".