blob: 8338441e22c501cb526fa9da50301ceb43b5b43a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <basetsd.h>
#define ssize_t SSIZE_T
#endif // OS_WINDOWS
#ifdef TRUE
#undef TRUE
#endif // TRUE
#ifdef FALSE
#undef FALSE
#endif // FALSE
namespace cppbor {
enum MajorType : uint8_t {
UINT = 0 << 5,
NINT = 1 << 5,
BSTR = 2 << 5,
TSTR = 3 << 5,
ARRAY = 4 << 5,
MAP = 5 << 5,
SEMANTIC = 6 << 5,
SIMPLE = 7 << 5,
enum SimpleType {
NULL_T, // Only two supported, as yet.
enum SpecialAddlInfoValues : uint8_t {
FALSE = 20,
TRUE = 21,
NULL_V = 22,
class Item;
class Uint;
class Nint;
class Int;
class Tstr;
class Bstr;
class Simple;
class Bool;
class Array;
class Map;
class Null;
class SemanticTag;
class EncodedItem;
class ViewTstr;
class ViewBstr;
* Returns the size of a CBOR header that contains the additional info value addlInfo.
size_t headerSize(uint64_t addlInfo);
* Encodes a CBOR header with the specified type and additional info into the range [pos, end).
* Returns a pointer to one past the last byte written, or nullptr if there isn't sufficient space
* to write the header.
uint8_t* encodeHeader(MajorType type, uint64_t addlInfo, uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end);
using EncodeCallback = std::function<void(uint8_t)>;
* Encodes a CBOR header with the specified type and additional info, passing each byte in turn to
* encodeCallback.
void encodeHeader(MajorType type, uint64_t addlInfo, EncodeCallback encodeCallback);
* Encodes a CBOR header witht he specified type and additional info, writing each byte to the
* provided OutputIterator.
template <typename OutputIterator,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<
typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::iterator_category>>>
void encodeHeader(MajorType type, uint64_t addlInfo, OutputIterator iter) {
return encodeHeader(type, addlInfo, [&](uint8_t v) { *iter++ = v; });
* Item represents a CBOR-encodeable data item. Item is an abstract interface with a set of virtual
* methods that allow encoding of the item or conversion to the appropriate derived type.
class Item {
virtual ~Item() {}
* Returns the CBOR type of the item.
virtual MajorType type() const = 0;
// These methods safely downcast an Item to the appropriate subclass.
virtual Int* asInt() { return nullptr; }
const Int* asInt() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asInt(); }
virtual Uint* asUint() { return nullptr; }
const Uint* asUint() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asUint(); }
virtual Nint* asNint() { return nullptr; }
const Nint* asNint() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asNint(); }
virtual Tstr* asTstr() { return nullptr; }
const Tstr* asTstr() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asTstr(); }
virtual Bstr* asBstr() { return nullptr; }
const Bstr* asBstr() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asBstr(); }
virtual Simple* asSimple() { return nullptr; }
const Simple* asSimple() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asSimple(); }
virtual Map* asMap() { return nullptr; }
const Map* asMap() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asMap(); }
virtual Array* asArray() { return nullptr; }
const Array* asArray() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asArray(); }
virtual ViewTstr* asViewTstr() { return nullptr; }
const ViewTstr* asViewTstr() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asViewTstr(); }
virtual ViewBstr* asViewBstr() { return nullptr; }
const ViewBstr* asViewBstr() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asViewBstr(); }
// Like those above, these methods safely downcast an Item when it's actually a SemanticTag.
// However, if you think you want to use these methods, you probably don't. Typically, the way
// you should handle tagged Items is by calling the appropriate method above (e.g. asInt())
// which will return a pointer to the tagged Item, rather than the tag itself. If you want to
// find out if the Item* you're holding is to something with one or more tags applied, see
// semanticTagCount() and semanticTag() below.
virtual SemanticTag* asSemanticTag() { return nullptr; }
const SemanticTag* asSemanticTag() const { return const_cast<Item*>(this)->asSemanticTag(); }
* Returns the number of semantic tags prefixed to this Item.
virtual size_t semanticTagCount() const { return 0; }
* Returns the semantic tag at the specified nesting level `nesting`, iff `nesting` is less than
* the value returned by semanticTagCount().
* CBOR tags are "nested" by applying them in sequence. The "rightmost" tag is the "inner" tag.
* That is, given:
* 4(5(6("AES"))) which encodes as C1 C2 C3 63 414553
* The tstr "AES" is tagged with 6. The combined entity ("AES" tagged with 6) is tagged with 5,
* etc. So in this example, semanticTagCount() would return 3, and semanticTag(0) would return
* 5 semanticTag(1) would return 5 and semanticTag(2) would return 4. For values of n > 2,
* semanticTag(n) will return 0, but this is a meaningless value.
* If this layering is confusing, you probably don't have to worry about it. Nested tagging does
* not appear to be common, so semanticTag(0) is the only one you'll use.
virtual uint64_t semanticTag(size_t /* nesting */ = 0) const { return 0; }
* Returns true if this is a "compound" item, i.e. one that contains one or more other items.
virtual bool isCompound() const { return false; }
bool operator==(const Item& other) const&;
bool operator!=(const Item& other) const& { return !(*this == other); }
* Returns the number of bytes required to encode this Item into CBOR. Note that if this is a
* complex Item, calling this method will require walking the whole tree.
virtual size_t encodedSize() const = 0;
* Encodes the Item into buffer referenced by range [*pos, end). Returns a pointer to one past
* the last position written. Returns nullptr if there isn't enough space to encode.
virtual uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const = 0;
* Encodes the Item by passing each encoded byte to encodeCallback.
virtual void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const = 0;
* Clones the Item
virtual std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const = 0;
* Encodes the Item into the provided OutputIterator.
template <typename OutputIterator,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<OutputIterator>::iterator_category>
void encode(OutputIterator i) const {
return encode([&](uint8_t v) { *i++ = v; });
* Encodes the Item into a new std::vector<uint8_t>.
std::vector<uint8_t> encode() const {
std::vector<uint8_t> retval;
return retval;
* Encodes the Item into a new std::string.
std::string toString() const {
std::string retval;
encode([&](uint8_t v) { retval.push_back(v); });
return retval;
* Encodes only the header of the Item.
inline uint8_t* encodeHeader(uint64_t addlInfo, uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const {
return ::cppbor::encodeHeader(type(), addlInfo, pos, end);
* Encodes only the header of the Item.
inline void encodeHeader(uint64_t addlInfo, EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const {
::cppbor::encodeHeader(type(), addlInfo, encodeCallback);
* EncodedItem represents a bit of already-encoded CBOR. Caveat emptor: It does no checking to
* ensure that the provided data is a valid encoding, cannot be meaninfully-compared with other
* kinds of items and you cannot use the as*() methods to find out what's inside it.
class EncodedItem : public Item {
explicit EncodedItem(std::vector<uint8_t> value) : mValue(std::move(value)) {}
bool operator==(const EncodedItem& other) const& { return mValue == other.mValue; }
// Type can't be meaningfully-obtained. We could extract the type from the first byte and return
// it, but you can't do any of the normal things with an EncodedItem so there's no point.
MajorType type() const override {
return static_cast<MajorType>(-1);
size_t encodedSize() const override { return mValue.size(); }
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override {
if (end - pos < static_cast<ssize_t>(mValue.size())) return nullptr;
return std::copy(mValue.begin(), mValue.end(), pos);
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override {
std::for_each(mValue.begin(), mValue.end(), encodeCallback);
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override { return std::make_unique<EncodedItem>(mValue); }
std::vector<uint8_t> mValue;
* Int is an abstraction that allows Uint and Nint objects to be manipulated without caring about
* the sign.
class Int : public Item {
bool operator==(const Int& other) const& { return value() == other.value(); }
virtual int64_t value() const = 0;
using Item::asInt;
Int* asInt() override { return this; }
* Uint is a concrete Item that implements CBOR major type 0.
class Uint : public Int {
static constexpr MajorType kMajorType = UINT;
explicit Uint(uint64_t v) : mValue(v) {}
bool operator==(const Uint& other) const& { return mValue == other.mValue; }
MajorType type() const override { return kMajorType; }
using Item::asUint;
Uint* asUint() override { return this; }
size_t encodedSize() const override { return headerSize(mValue); }
int64_t value() const override { return mValue; }
uint64_t unsignedValue() const { return mValue; }
using Item::encode;
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override {
return encodeHeader(mValue, pos, end);
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override {
encodeHeader(mValue, encodeCallback);
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override { return std::make_unique<Uint>(mValue); }
uint64_t mValue;
* Nint is a concrete Item that implements CBOR major type 1.
* Note that it is incapable of expressing the full range of major type 1 values, becaue it can only
* express values that fall into the range [std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(), -1]. It cannot
* express values in the range [std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() - 1,
* -std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()].
class Nint : public Int {
static constexpr MajorType kMajorType = NINT;
explicit Nint(int64_t v);
bool operator==(const Nint& other) const& { return mValue == other.mValue; }
MajorType type() const override { return kMajorType; }
using Item::asNint;
Nint* asNint() override { return this; }
size_t encodedSize() const override { return headerSize(addlInfo()); }
int64_t value() const override { return mValue; }
using Item::encode;
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override {
return encodeHeader(addlInfo(), pos, end);
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override {
encodeHeader(addlInfo(), encodeCallback);
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override { return std::make_unique<Nint>(mValue); }
uint64_t addlInfo() const { return -1ll - mValue; }
int64_t mValue;
* Bstr is a concrete Item that implements major type 2.
class Bstr : public Item {
static constexpr MajorType kMajorType = BSTR;
// Construct an empty Bstr
explicit Bstr() {}
// Construct from a vector
explicit Bstr(std::vector<uint8_t> v) : mValue(std::move(v)) {}
// Construct from a string
explicit Bstr(const std::string& v)
: mValue(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>( + v.size()) {}
// Construct from a pointer/size pair
explicit Bstr(const std::pair<const uint8_t*, size_t>& buf)
: mValue(buf.first, buf.first + buf.second) {}
// Construct from a pair of iterators
template <typename I1, typename I2,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I1>::iterator_category,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I2>::iterator_category>
explicit Bstr(const std::pair<I1, I2>& pair) : mValue(pair.first, pair.second) {}
// Construct from an iterator range.
template <typename I1, typename I2,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I1>::iterator_category,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I2>::iterator_category>
Bstr(I1 begin, I2 end) : mValue(begin, end) {}
bool operator==(const Bstr& other) const& { return mValue == other.mValue; }
MajorType type() const override { return kMajorType; }
using Item::asBstr;
Bstr* asBstr() override { return this; }
size_t encodedSize() const override { return headerSize(mValue.size()) + mValue.size(); }
using Item::encode;
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override;
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override {
encodeHeader(mValue.size(), encodeCallback);
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value() const { return mValue; }
std::vector<uint8_t>&& moveValue() { return std::move(mValue); }
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override { return std::make_unique<Bstr>(mValue); }
void encodeValue(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const;
std::vector<uint8_t> mValue;
* ViewBstr is a read-only version of Bstr backed by std::string_view
class ViewBstr : public Item {
static constexpr MajorType kMajorType = BSTR;
// Construct an empty ViewBstr
explicit ViewBstr() {}
// Construct from a string_view of uint8_t values
explicit ViewBstr(std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> v) : mView(std::move(v)) {}
// Construct from a string_view
explicit ViewBstr(std::string_view v)
: mView(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, v.size()) {}
// Construct from an iterator range
template <typename I1, typename I2,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I1>::iterator_category,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I2>::iterator_category>
ViewBstr(I1 begin, I2 end) : mView(begin, end) {}
// Construct from a uint8_t pointer pair
ViewBstr(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end)
: mView(begin, std::distance(begin, end)) {}
bool operator==(const ViewBstr& other) const& { return mView == other.mView; }
MajorType type() const override { return kMajorType; }
using Item::asViewBstr;
ViewBstr* asViewBstr() override { return this; }
size_t encodedSize() const override { return headerSize(mView.size()) + mView.size(); }
using Item::encode;
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override;
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override {
encodeHeader(mView.size(), encodeCallback);
const std::basic_string_view<uint8_t>& view() const { return mView; }
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override { return std::make_unique<ViewBstr>(mView); }
void encodeValue(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const;
std::basic_string_view<uint8_t> mView;
* Tstr is a concrete Item that implements major type 3.
class Tstr : public Item {
static constexpr MajorType kMajorType = TSTR;
// Construct from a string
explicit Tstr(std::string v) : mValue(std::move(v)) {}
// Construct from a string_view
explicit Tstr(const std::string_view& v) : mValue(v) {}
// Construct from a C string
explicit Tstr(const char* v) : mValue(std::string(v)) {}
// Construct from a pair of iterators
template <typename I1, typename I2,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I1>::iterator_category,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I2>::iterator_category>
explicit Tstr(const std::pair<I1, I2>& pair) : mValue(pair.first, pair.second) {}
// Construct from an iterator range
template <typename I1, typename I2,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I1>::iterator_category,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I2>::iterator_category>
Tstr(I1 begin, I2 end) : mValue(begin, end) {}
bool operator==(const Tstr& other) const& { return mValue == other.mValue; }
MajorType type() const override { return kMajorType; }
using Item::asTstr;
Tstr* asTstr() override { return this; }
size_t encodedSize() const override { return headerSize(mValue.size()) + mValue.size(); }
using Item::encode;
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override;
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override {
encodeHeader(mValue.size(), encodeCallback);
const std::string& value() const { return mValue; }
std::string&& moveValue() { return std::move(mValue); }
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override { return std::make_unique<Tstr>(mValue); }
void encodeValue(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const;
std::string mValue;
* ViewTstr is a read-only version of Tstr backed by std::string_view
class ViewTstr : public Item {
static constexpr MajorType kMajorType = TSTR;
// Construct an empty ViewTstr
explicit ViewTstr() {}
// Construct from a string_view
explicit ViewTstr(std::string_view v) : mView(std::move(v)) {}
// Construct from an iterator range
template <typename I1, typename I2,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I1>::iterator_category,
typename = typename std::iterator_traits<I2>::iterator_category>
ViewTstr(I1 begin, I2 end) : mView(begin, end) {}
// Construct from a uint8_t pointer pair
ViewTstr(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end)
: mView(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(begin),
std::distance(begin, end)) {}
bool operator==(const ViewTstr& other) const& { return mView == other.mView; }
MajorType type() const override { return kMajorType; }
using Item::asViewTstr;
ViewTstr* asViewTstr() override { return this; }
size_t encodedSize() const override { return headerSize(mView.size()) + mView.size(); }
using Item::encode;
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override;
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override {
encodeHeader(mView.size(), encodeCallback);
const std::string_view& view() const { return mView; }
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override { return std::make_unique<ViewTstr>(mView); }
void encodeValue(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const;
std::string_view mView;
* Array is a concrete Item that implements CBOR major type 4.
* Note that Arrays are not copyable. This is because copying them is expensive and making them
* move-only ensures that they're never copied accidentally. If you actually want to copy an Array,
* use the clone() method.
class Array : public Item {
static constexpr MajorType kMajorType = ARRAY;
Array() = default;
Array(const Array& other) = delete;
Array(Array&&) = default;
Array& operator=(const Array&) = delete;
Array& operator=(Array&&) = default;
bool operator==(const Array& other) const&;
* Construct an Array from a variable number of arguments of different types. See
* details::makeItem below for details on what types may be provided. In general, this accepts
* all of the types you'd expect and doest the things you'd expect (integral values are addes as
* Uint or Nint, std::string and char* are added as Tstr, bools are added as Bool, etc.).
template <typename... Args, typename Enable>
Array(Args&&... args);
* The above variadic constructor is disabled if sizeof(Args) != 1, so special
* case an explicit Array constructor for creating an Array with one Item.
template <typename T, typename Enable>
explicit Array(T&& v);
* Append a single element to the Array, of any compatible type.
template <typename T>
Array& add(T&& v) &;
template <typename T>
Array&& add(T&& v) &&;
bool isCompound() const override { return true; }
virtual size_t size() const { return mEntries.size(); }
size_t encodedSize() const override {
return std::accumulate(mEntries.begin(), mEntries.end(), headerSize(size()),
[](size_t sum, auto& entry) { return sum + entry->encodedSize(); });
using Item::encode; // Make base versions visible.
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override;
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override;
const std::unique_ptr<Item>& operator[](size_t index) const { return get(index); }
std::unique_ptr<Item>& operator[](size_t index) { return get(index); }
const std::unique_ptr<Item>& get(size_t index) const { return mEntries[index]; }
std::unique_ptr<Item>& get(size_t index) { return mEntries[index]; }
MajorType type() const override { return kMajorType; }
using Item::asArray;
Array* asArray() override { return this; }
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override;
auto begin() { return mEntries.begin(); }
auto begin() const { return mEntries.begin(); }
auto end() { return mEntries.end(); }
auto end() const { return mEntries.end(); }
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Item>> mEntries;
* Map is a concrete Item that implements CBOR major type 5.
* Note that Maps are not copyable. This is because copying them is expensive and making them
* move-only ensures that they're never copied accidentally. If you actually want to copy a
* Map, use the clone() method.
class Map : public Item {
static constexpr MajorType kMajorType = MAP;
using entry_type = std::pair<std::unique_ptr<Item>, std::unique_ptr<Item>>;
Map() = default;
Map(const Map& other) = delete;
Map(Map&&) = default;
Map& operator=(const Map& other) = delete;
Map& operator=(Map&&) = default;
bool operator==(const Map& other) const&;
* Construct a Map from a variable number of arguments of different types. An even number of
* arguments must be provided (this is verified statically). See details::makeItem below for
* details on what types may be provided. In general, this accepts all of the types you'd
* expect and doest the things you'd expect (integral values are addes as Uint or Nint,
* std::string and char* are added as Tstr, bools are added as Bool, etc.).
template <typename... Args, typename Enable>
Map(Args&&... args);
* Append a key/value pair to the Map, of any compatible types.
template <typename Key, typename Value>
Map& add(Key&& key, Value&& value) &;
template <typename Key, typename Value>
Map&& add(Key&& key, Value&& value) &&;
bool isCompound() const override { return true; }
virtual size_t size() const { return mEntries.size(); }
size_t encodedSize() const override {
return std::accumulate(
mEntries.begin(), mEntries.end(), headerSize(size()), [](size_t sum, auto& entry) {
return sum + entry.first->encodedSize() + entry.second->encodedSize();
using Item::encode; // Make base versions visible.
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override;
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override;
* Find and return the value associated with `key`, if any.
* If the searched-for `key` is not present, returns `nullptr`.
* Note that if the map is canonicalized (sorted), Map::get() performs a binary search. If your
* map is large and you're searching in it many times, it may be worthwhile to canonicalize it
* to make Map::get() faster. Any use of a method that might modify the map disables the
* speedup.
template <typename Key, typename Enable>
const std::unique_ptr<Item>& get(Key key) const;
// Note that use of non-const operator[] marks the map as not canonicalized.
auto& operator[](size_t index) {
mCanonicalized = false;
return mEntries[index];
const auto& operator[](size_t index) const { return mEntries[index]; }
MajorType type() const override { return kMajorType; }
using Item::asMap;
Map* asMap() override { return this; }
* Sorts the map in canonical order, as defined in RFC 7049. Use this before encoding if you
* want canonicalization; cppbor does not canonicalize by default, though the integer encodings
* are always canonical and cppbor does not support indefinite-length encodings, so map order
* canonicalization is the only thing that needs to be done.
* @param recurse If set to true, canonicalize() will also walk the contents of the map and
* canonicalize any contained maps as well.
Map& canonicalize(bool recurse = false) &;
Map&& canonicalize(bool recurse = false) && {
return std::move(*this);
bool isCanonical() { return mCanonicalized; }
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override;
auto begin() {
mCanonicalized = false;
return mEntries.begin();
auto begin() const { return mEntries.begin(); }
auto end() {
mCanonicalized = false;
return mEntries.end();
auto end() const { return mEntries.end(); }
// Returns true if a < b, per CBOR map key canonicalization rules.
static bool keyLess(const Item* a, const Item* b);
std::vector<entry_type> mEntries;
bool mCanonicalized = false;
class SemanticTag : public Item {
static constexpr MajorType kMajorType = SEMANTIC;
template <typename T>
SemanticTag(uint64_t tagValue, T&& taggedItem);
SemanticTag(const SemanticTag& other) = delete;
SemanticTag(SemanticTag&&) = default;
SemanticTag& operator=(const SemanticTag& other) = delete;
SemanticTag& operator=(SemanticTag&&) = default;
bool operator==(const SemanticTag& other) const& {
return mValue == other.mValue && *mTaggedItem == *other.mTaggedItem;
bool isCompound() const override { return true; }
virtual size_t size() const { return 1; }
// Encoding returns the tag + enclosed Item.
size_t encodedSize() const override { return headerSize(mValue) + mTaggedItem->encodedSize(); }
using Item::encode; // Make base versions visible.
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override;
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override;
// type() is a bit special. In normal usage it should return the wrapped type, but during
// parsing when we haven't yet parsed the tagged item, it needs to return SEMANTIC.
MajorType type() const override { return mTaggedItem ? mTaggedItem->type() : SEMANTIC; }
using Item::asSemanticTag;
SemanticTag* asSemanticTag() override { return this; }
// Type information reflects the enclosed Item. Note that if the immediately-enclosed Item is
// another tag, these methods will recurse down to the non-tag Item.
using Item::asInt;
Int* asInt() override { return mTaggedItem->asInt(); }
using Item::asUint;
Uint* asUint() override { return mTaggedItem->asUint(); }
using Item::asNint;
Nint* asNint() override { return mTaggedItem->asNint(); }
using Item::asTstr;
Tstr* asTstr() override { return mTaggedItem->asTstr(); }
using Item::asBstr;
Bstr* asBstr() override { return mTaggedItem->asBstr(); }
using Item::asSimple;
Simple* asSimple() override { return mTaggedItem->asSimple(); }
using Item::asMap;
Map* asMap() override { return mTaggedItem->asMap(); }
using Item::asArray;
Array* asArray() override { return mTaggedItem->asArray(); }
using Item::asViewTstr;
ViewTstr* asViewTstr() override { return mTaggedItem->asViewTstr(); }
using Item::asViewBstr;
ViewBstr* asViewBstr() override { return mTaggedItem->asViewBstr(); }
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override;
size_t semanticTagCount() const override;
uint64_t semanticTag(size_t nesting = 0) const override;
SemanticTag() = default;
SemanticTag(uint64_t value) : mValue(value) {}
uint64_t mValue;
std::unique_ptr<Item> mTaggedItem;
* Simple is abstract Item that implements CBOR major type 7. It is intended to be subclassed to
* create concrete Simple types. At present only Bool is provided.
class Simple : public Item {
static constexpr MajorType kMajorType = SIMPLE;
bool operator==(const Simple& other) const&;
virtual SimpleType simpleType() const = 0;
MajorType type() const override { return kMajorType; }
Simple* asSimple() override { return this; }
virtual const Bool* asBool() const { return nullptr; };
virtual const Null* asNull() const { return nullptr; };
* Bool is a concrete type that implements CBOR major type 7, with additional item values for TRUE
* and FALSE.
class Bool : public Simple {
static constexpr SimpleType kSimpleType = BOOLEAN;
explicit Bool(bool v) : mValue(v) {}
bool operator==(const Bool& other) const& { return mValue == other.mValue; }
SimpleType simpleType() const override { return kSimpleType; }
const Bool* asBool() const override { return this; }
size_t encodedSize() const override { return 1; }
using Item::encode;
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override {
return encodeHeader(mValue ? TRUE : FALSE, pos, end);
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override {
encodeHeader(mValue ? TRUE : FALSE, encodeCallback);
bool value() const { return mValue; }
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override { return std::make_unique<Bool>(mValue); }
bool mValue;
* Null is a concrete type that implements CBOR major type 7, with additional item value for NULL
class Null : public Simple {
static constexpr SimpleType kSimpleType = NULL_T;
explicit Null() {}
SimpleType simpleType() const override { return kSimpleType; }
const Null* asNull() const override { return this; }
size_t encodedSize() const override { return 1; }
using Item::encode;
uint8_t* encode(uint8_t* pos, const uint8_t* end) const override {
return encodeHeader(NULL_V, pos, end);
void encode(EncodeCallback encodeCallback) const override {
encodeHeader(NULL_V, encodeCallback);
std::unique_ptr<Item> clone() const override { return std::make_unique<Null>(); }
* Returns pretty-printed CBOR for |item|
* If a byte-string is larger than |maxBStrSize| its contents will not be printed, instead the value
* of the form "<bstr size=1099016 sha1=ef549cca331f73dfae2090e6a37c04c23f84b07b>" will be
* printed. Pass zero for |maxBStrSize| to disable this.
* The |mapKeysToNotPrint| parameter specifies the name of map values to not print. This is useful
* for unit tests.
std::string prettyPrint(const Item* item, size_t maxBStrSize = 32,
const std::vector<std::string>& mapKeysToNotPrint = {});
* Returns pretty-printed CBOR for |value|.
* Only valid CBOR should be passed to this function.
* If a byte-string is larger than |maxBStrSize| its contents will not be printed, instead the value
* of the form "<bstr size=1099016 sha1=ef549cca331f73dfae2090e6a37c04c23f84b07b>" will be
* printed. Pass zero for |maxBStrSize| to disable this.
* The |mapKeysToNotPrint| parameter specifies the name of map values to not print. This is useful
* for unit tests.
std::string prettyPrint(const std::vector<uint8_t>& encodedCbor, size_t maxBStrSize = 32,
const std::vector<std::string>& mapKeysToNotPrint = {});
* Details. Mostly you shouldn't have to look below, except perhaps at the docstring for makeItem.
namespace details {
template <typename T, typename V, typename Enable = void>
struct is_iterator_pair_over : public std::false_type {};
template <typename I1, typename I2, typename V>
struct is_iterator_pair_over<
std::pair<I1, I2>, V,
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<V, typename std::iterator_traits<I1>::value_type>>>
: public std::true_type {};
template <typename T, typename V, typename Enable = void>
struct is_unique_ptr_of_subclass_of_v : public std::false_type {};
template <typename T, typename P>
struct is_unique_ptr_of_subclass_of_v<T, std::unique_ptr<P>,
typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<T, P>>>
: public std::true_type {};
/* check if type is one of std::string (1), std::string_view (2), null-terminated char* (3) or pair
* of iterators (4)*/
template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct is_text_type_v : public std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_text_type_v<
T, typename std::enable_if_t<
/* case 1 */ //
std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>, std::string>
/* case 2 */ //
|| std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>, std::string_view>
/* case 3 */ //
|| std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::decay_t<T>>, char*> //
|| std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::decay_t<T>>, const char*>
/* case 4 */
|| details::is_iterator_pair_over<T, char>::value>> : public std::true_type {};
* Construct a unique_ptr<Item> from many argument types. Accepts:
* (a) booleans;
* (b) integers, all sizes and signs;
* (c) text strings, as defined by is_text_type_v above;
* (d) byte strings, as std::vector<uint8_t>(d1), pair of iterators (d2) or pair<uint8_t*, size_T>
* (d3); and
* (e) Item subclass instances, including Array and Map. Items may be provided by naked pointer
* (e1), unique_ptr (e2), reference (e3) or value (e3). If provided by reference or value, will
* be moved if possible. If provided by pointer, ownership is taken.
* (f) null pointer;
* (g) enums, using the underlying integer value.
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<Item> makeItem(T v) {
Item* p = nullptr;
if constexpr (/* case a */ std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
p = new Bool(v);
} else if constexpr (/* case b */ std::is_integral_v<T>) { // b
if (v < 0) {
p = new Nint(v);
} else {
p = new Uint(static_cast<uint64_t>(v));
} else if constexpr (/* case c */ //
details::is_text_type_v<T>::value) {
p = new Tstr(v);
} else if constexpr (/* case d1 */ //
/* case d2 */ //
|| details::is_iterator_pair_over<T, uint8_t>::value
/* case d3 */ //
|| std::is_same_v<std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>,
std::pair<uint8_t*, size_t>>) {
p = new Bstr(v);
} else if constexpr (/* case e1 */ //
std::is_pointer_v<T> &&
std::is_base_of_v<Item, std::remove_pointer_t<T>>) {
p = v;
} else if constexpr (/* case e2 */ //
details::is_unique_ptr_of_subclass_of_v<Item, T>::value) {
p = v.release();
} else if constexpr (/* case e3 */ //
std::is_base_of_v<Item, T>) {
p = new T(std::move(v));
} else if constexpr (/* case f */ std::is_null_pointer_v<T>) {
p = new Null();
} else if constexpr (/* case g */ std::is_enum_v<T>) {
return makeItem(static_cast<std::underlying_type_t<T>>(v));
} else {
// It's odd that this can't be static_assert(false), since it shouldn't be evaluated if one
// of the above ifs matches. But static_assert(false) always triggers.
static_assert(std::is_same_v<T, bool>, "makeItem called with unsupported type");
return std::unique_ptr<Item>(p);
inline void map_helper(Map& /* map */) {}
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename... Rest>
inline void map_helper(Map& map, Key&& key, Value&& value, Rest&&... rest) {
map.add(std::forward<Key>(key), std::forward<Value>(value));
map_helper(map, std::forward<Rest>(rest)...);
} // namespace details
template <typename... Args,
/* Prevent implicit construction with a single argument. */
typename = std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Args)) != 1>>
Array::Array(Args&&... args) {
(mEntries.push_back(details::makeItem(std::forward<Args>(args))), ...);
template <typename T,
/* Prevent use as copy constructor. */
typename = std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_same_v<Array, std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>>>>
Array::Array(T&& v) {
template <typename T>
Array& Array::add(T&& v) & {
return *this;
template <typename T>
Array&& Array::add(T&& v) && {
return std::move(*this);
template <typename... Args,
/* Prevent use as copy ctor */ typename = std::enable_if_t<(sizeof...(Args)) != 1>>
Map::Map(Args&&... args) {
static_assert((sizeof...(Args)) % 2 == 0, "Map must have an even number of entries");
mEntries.reserve(sizeof...(args) / 2);
details::map_helper(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename Key, typename Value>
Map& Map::add(Key&& key, Value&& value) & {
mCanonicalized = false;
return *this;
template <typename Key, typename Value>
Map&& Map::add(Key&& key, Value&& value) && {
this->add(std::forward<Key>(key), std::forward<Value>(value));
return std::move(*this);
static const std::unique_ptr<Item> kEmptyItemPtr;
template <typename Key,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<Key> || std::is_enum_v<Key> ||
const std::unique_ptr<Item>& Map::get(Key key) const {
auto keyItem = details::makeItem(key);
if (mCanonicalized) {
// It's sorted, so binary-search it.
auto found = std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), keyItem.get(),
[](const entry_type& entry, const Item* key) {
return keyLess(entry.first.get(), key);
return (found == end() || *found->first != *keyItem) ? kEmptyItemPtr : found->second;
} else {
// Unsorted, do a linear search.
auto found = std::find_if(
begin(), end(), [&](const entry_type& entry) { return *entry.first == *keyItem; });
return found == end() ? kEmptyItemPtr : found->second;
template <typename T>
SemanticTag::SemanticTag(uint64_t value, T&& taggedItem)
: mValue(value), mTaggedItem(details::makeItem(std::forward<T>(taggedItem))) {}
} // namespace cppbor