blob: 8c545f6d1b005f441805f936f30134085a663470 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generate JNI registration entry points
Creates a header file with two static functions: RegisterMainDexNatives() and
RegisterNonMainDexNatives(). Together, these will use manual JNI registration
to register all native methods that exist within an application."""
import argparse
import jni_generator
import multiprocessing
import string
import sys
from util import build_utils
# All but FULL_CLASS_NAME, which is used only for sorting.
def GenerateJNIHeader(java_file_paths, output_file, args):
"""Generate a header file including two registration functions.
Forward declares all JNI registration functions created by
Calls the functions in RegisterMainDexNatives() if they are main dex. And
calls them in RegisterNonMainDexNatives() if they are non-main dex.
java_file_paths: A list of java file paths.
output_file: A relative path to output file.
args: All input arguments.
# Without multiprocessing, script takes ~13 seconds for chrome_public_apk
# on a z620. With multiprocessing, takes ~2 seconds.
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
paths = (p for p in java_file_paths if p not in args.no_register_java)
results = [d for d in pool.imap_unordered(_DictForPath, paths) if d]
# Sort to make output deterministic.
results.sort(key=lambda d: d['FULL_CLASS_NAME'])
combined_dict = {}
for key in MERGEABLE_KEYS:
combined_dict[key] = ''.join(d.get(key, '') for d in results)
header_content = CreateFromDict(combined_dict)
if output_file:
jni_generator.WriteOutput(output_file, header_content)
print header_content
def _DictForPath(path):
with open(path) as f:
contents = jni_generator.RemoveComments(
natives = jni_generator.ExtractNatives(contents, 'long')
if len(natives) == 0:
return None
namespace = jni_generator.ExtractJNINamespace(contents)
fully_qualified_class = jni_generator.ExtractFullyQualifiedJavaClassName(
path, contents)
jni_params = jni_generator.JniParams(fully_qualified_class)
main_dex = jni_generator.IsMainDexJavaClass(contents)
header_generator = HeaderGenerator(
namespace, fully_qualified_class, natives, jni_params, main_dex)
return header_generator.Generate()
def CreateFromDict(registration_dict):
"""Returns the content of the header file."""
template = string.Template("""\
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file is autogenerated by
// base/android/jni_generator/
// Please do not change its content.
#include <jni.h>
#include "base/android/jni_generator/jni_generator_helper.h"
#include "base/android/jni_int_wrapper.h"
// Step 1: Forward declarations (classes).
// Step 2: Forward declarations (methods).
// Step 3: Method declarations.
// Step 4: Main dex and non-main dex registration functions.
bool RegisterMainDexNatives(JNIEnv* env) {
return true;
bool RegisterNonMainDexNatives(JNIEnv* env) {
return true;
#endif // HEADER_GUARD
if len(registration_dict['FORWARD_DECLARATIONS']) == 0:
return ''
return template.substitute(registration_dict)
class HeaderGenerator(object):
"""Generates an inline header file for JNI registration."""
def __init__(self, namespace, fully_qualified_class, natives, jni_params,
self.namespace = namespace
self.natives = natives
self.fully_qualified_class = fully_qualified_class
self.jni_params = jni_params
self.class_name = self.fully_qualified_class.split('/')[-1]
self.main_dex = main_dex
self.helper = jni_generator.HeaderFileGeneratorHelper(
self.class_name, fully_qualified_class)
self.registration_dict = None
def Generate(self):
self.registration_dict = {'FULL_CLASS_NAME': self.fully_qualified_class}
return self.registration_dict
def _SetDictValue(self, key, value):
self.registration_dict[key] = jni_generator.WrapOutput(value)
def _AddClassPathDeclarations(self):
classes = self.helper.GetUniqueClasses(self.natives)
self.helper.GetClassPathLines(classes, declare_only=True))
def _AddForwardDeclaration(self):
"""Add the content of the forward declaration to the dictionary."""
template = string.Template("""\
JNIEnv* env,
forward_declaration = ''
for native in self.natives:
value = {
'RETURN': jni_generator.JavaDataTypeToC(native.return_type),
'STUB_NAME': self.helper.GetStubName(native),
'PARAMS_IN_STUB': jni_generator.GetParamsInStub(native),
forward_declaration += template.substitute(value)
self._SetDictValue('FORWARD_DECLARATIONS', forward_declaration)
def _AddRegisterNativesCalls(self):
"""Add the body of the RegisterNativesImpl method to the dictionary."""
template = string.Template("""\
if (!${REGISTER_NAME}(env))
return false;
value = {
register_body = template.substitute(value)
if self.main_dex:
self._SetDictValue('REGISTER_MAIN_DEX_NATIVES', register_body)
self._SetDictValue('REGISTER_NON_MAIN_DEX_NATIVES', register_body)
def _AddJNINativeMethodsArrays(self):
"""Returns the implementation of the array of native methods."""
template = string.Template("""\
static const JNINativeMethod kMethods_${JAVA_CLASS}[] = {
open_namespace = ''
close_namespace = ''
if self.namespace:
parts = self.namespace.split('::')
all_namespaces = ['namespace %s {' % ns for ns in parts]
open_namespace = '\n'.join(all_namespaces) + '\n'
all_namespaces = ['} // namespace %s' % ns for ns in parts]
close_namespace = '\n'.join(all_namespaces) + '\n\n'
body = self._SubstituteNativeMethods(template)
''.join((open_namespace, body, close_namespace)))
def _GetKMethodsString(self, clazz):
ret = []
for native in self.natives:
if (native.java_class_name == clazz or
(not native.java_class_name and clazz == self.class_name)):
ret += [self._GetKMethodArrayEntry(native)]
return '\n'.join(ret)
def _GetKMethodArrayEntry(self, native):
template = string.Template(' { "native${NAME}", ${JNI_SIGNATURE}, ' +
'reinterpret_cast<void*>(${STUB_NAME}) },')
values = {
'JNI_SIGNATURE': self.jni_params.Signature(
native.params, native.return_type),
'STUB_NAME': self.helper.GetStubName(native)
return template.substitute(values)
def _SubstituteNativeMethods(self, template):
"""Substitutes NAMESPACE, JAVA_CLASS and KMETHODS in the provided
ret = []
all_classes = self.helper.GetUniqueClasses(self.natives)
all_classes[self.class_name] = self.fully_qualified_class
for clazz, full_clazz in all_classes.iteritems():
kmethods = self._GetKMethodsString(clazz)
namespace_str = ''
if self.namespace:
namespace_str = self.namespace + '::'
if kmethods:
values = {'NAMESPACE': namespace_str,
'JAVA_CLASS': jni_generator.GetBinaryClassName(full_clazz),
'KMETHODS': kmethods}
ret += [template.substitute(values)]
if not ret: return ''
return '\n'.join(ret)
def GetJNINativeMethodsString(self):
"""Returns the implementation of the array of native methods."""
template = string.Template("""\
static const JNINativeMethod kMethods_${JAVA_CLASS}[] = {
return self._SubstituteNativeMethods(template)
def _AddRegisterNativesFunctions(self):
"""Returns the code for RegisterNatives."""
natives = self._GetRegisterNativesImplString()
if not natives:
return ''
template = string.Template("""\
return true;
values = {
'REGISTER_NAME': jni_generator.GetRegistrationFunctionName(
'NATIVES': natives
self._SetDictValue('JNI_NATIVE_METHOD', template.substitute(values))
def _GetRegisterNativesImplString(self):
"""Returns the shared implementation for RegisterNatives."""
template = string.Template("""\
const int kMethods_${JAVA_CLASS}Size =
if (env->RegisterNatives(
kMethods_${JAVA_CLASS}Size) < 0) {
return false;
return self._SubstituteNativeMethods(template)
def main(argv):
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='A list of .sources files which contain Java '
'file paths. Must be used with --output.')
help='The output file path.')
help='A list of Java files which should be ignored '
'by the parser.', default=[])
args = arg_parser.parse_args(build_utils.ExpandFileArgs(argv[1:]))
args.sources_files = build_utils.ParseGnList(args.sources_files)
if not args.sources_files:
print '\nError: Must specify --sources_files.'
return 1
java_file_paths = []
for f in args.sources_files:
# java_file_paths stores each Java file path as a string.
java_file_paths += build_utils.ReadSourcesList(f)
output_file = args.output
GenerateJNIHeader(java_file_paths, output_file, args)
if args.depfile:
build_utils.WriteDepfile(args.depfile, output_file,
args.sources_files + java_file_paths)
if __name__ == '__main__':