blob: 96590900e0cf5dfcdfc1f26810bba08b262ffeed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.MessageQueue;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Printer;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.MainDex;
* Java mirror of Chrome trace event API. See base/trace_event/trace_event.h.
* To get scoped trace events, use the "try with resource" construct, for instance:
* <pre>{@code
* try (TraceEvent e = TraceEvent.scoped("MyTraceEvent")) {
* // code.
* }
* }</pre>
* It is OK to use tracing before the native library has loaded, in a slightly restricted fashion.
* @see EarlyTraceEvent for details.
public class TraceEvent implements AutoCloseable {
private static volatile boolean sEnabled;
private static volatile boolean sATraceEnabled; // True when taking an Android systrace.
private static class BasicLooperMonitor implements Printer {
private static final String EARLY_TOPLEVEL_TASK_NAME = "Looper.dispatchMessage: ";
public void println(final String line) {
if (line.startsWith(">")) {
} else {
assert line.startsWith("<");
void beginHandling(final String line) {
// May return an out-of-date value. this is not an issue as EarlyTraceEvent#begin()
// will filter the event in this case.
boolean earlyTracingActive = EarlyTraceEvent.isActive();
if (sEnabled || earlyTracingActive) {
String target = getTarget(line);
if (sEnabled) {
} else if (earlyTracingActive) {
// Synthesize a task name instead of using a parameter, as early tracing doesn't
// support parameters.
EarlyTraceEvent.begin(EARLY_TOPLEVEL_TASK_NAME + target);
void endHandling(final String line) {
if (EarlyTraceEvent.isActive()) {
EarlyTraceEvent.end(EARLY_TOPLEVEL_TASK_NAME + getTarget(line));
if (sEnabled) nativeEndToplevel();
* Android Looper formats |line| as ">>>>> Dispatching to (TARGET) [...]" since at least
* 2009 (Donut). Extracts the TARGET part of the message.
private static String getTarget(String logLine) {
int start = logLine.indexOf('(', 21); // strlen(">>>>> Dispatching to ")
int end = start == -1 ? -1 : logLine.indexOf(')', start);
return end != -1 ? logLine.substring(start + 1, end) : "";
* A class that records, traces and logs statistics about the UI thead's Looper.
* The output of this class can be used in a number of interesting ways:
* <p>
* <ol><li>
* When using chrometrace, there will be a near-continuous line of
* measurements showing both event dispatches as well as idles;
* </li><li>
* Logging messages are output for events that run too long on the
* event dispatcher, making it easy to identify problematic areas;
* </li><li>
* Statistics are output whenever there is an idle after a non-trivial
* amount of activity, allowing information to be gathered about task
* density and execution cadence on the Looper;
* </li></ol>
* <p>
* The class attaches itself as an idle handler to the main Looper, and
* monitors the execution of events and idle notifications. Task counters
* accumulate between idle notifications and get reset when a new idle
* notification is received.
private static final class IdleTracingLooperMonitor extends BasicLooperMonitor
implements MessageQueue.IdleHandler {
// Tags for dumping to logcat or TraceEvent
private static final String TAG = "TraceEvent.LooperMonitor";
private static final String IDLE_EVENT_NAME = "Looper.queueIdle";
// Calculation constants
private static final long FRAME_DURATION_MILLIS = 1000L / 60L; // 60 FPS
// A reasonable threshold for defining a Looper event as "long running"
private static final long MIN_INTERESTING_DURATION_MILLIS =
// A reasonable threshold for a "burst" of tasks on the Looper
// Stats tracking
private long mLastIdleStartedAt;
private long mLastWorkStartedAt;
private int mNumTasksSeen;
private int mNumIdlesSeen;
private int mNumTasksSinceLastIdle;
// State
private boolean mIdleMonitorAttached;
// Called from within the begin/end methods only.
// This method can only execute on the looper thread, because that is
// the only thread that is permitted to call Looper.myqueue().
private final void syncIdleMonitoring() {
if (sEnabled && !mIdleMonitorAttached) {
// approximate start time for computational purposes
mLastIdleStartedAt = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
mIdleMonitorAttached = true;
Log.v(TAG, "attached idle handler");
} else if (mIdleMonitorAttached && !sEnabled) {
mIdleMonitorAttached = false;
Log.v(TAG, "detached idle handler");
final void beginHandling(final String line) {
// Close-out any prior 'idle' period before starting new task.
if (mNumTasksSinceLastIdle == 0) {
mLastWorkStartedAt = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
final void endHandling(final String line) {
final long elapsed = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
- mLastWorkStartedAt;
traceAndLog(Log.WARN, "observed a task that took "
+ elapsed + "ms: " + line);
private static void traceAndLog(int level, String message) {
TraceEvent.instant("TraceEvent.LooperMonitor:IdleStats", message);
Log.println(level, TAG, message);
public final boolean queueIdle() {
final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
if (mLastIdleStartedAt == 0) mLastIdleStartedAt = now;
final long elapsed = now - mLastIdleStartedAt;
TraceEvent.begin(IDLE_EVENT_NAME, mNumTasksSinceLastIdle + " tasks since last idle.");
// Dump stats
String statsString = mNumTasksSeen + " tasks and "
+ mNumIdlesSeen + " idles processed so far, "
+ mNumTasksSinceLastIdle + " tasks bursted and "
+ elapsed + "ms elapsed since last idle";
traceAndLog(Log.DEBUG, statsString);
mLastIdleStartedAt = now;
mNumTasksSinceLastIdle = 0;
return true; // stay installed
// Holder for monitor avoids unnecessary construction on non-debug runs
private static final class LooperMonitorHolder {
private static final BasicLooperMonitor sInstance =
? new IdleTracingLooperMonitor() : new BasicLooperMonitor();
private final String mName;
* Constructor used to support the "try with resource" construct.
private TraceEvent(String name, String arg) {
mName = name;
begin(name, arg);
public void close() {
* Factory used to support the "try with resource" construct.
* Note that if tracing is not enabled, this will not result in allocating an object.
* @param name Trace event name.
* @param name The arguments of the event.
* @return a TraceEvent, or null if tracing is not enabled.
public static TraceEvent scoped(String name, String arg) {
if (!(EarlyTraceEvent.enabled() || enabled())) return null;
return new TraceEvent(name, arg);
* Similar to {@link #scoped(String, String arg)}, but uses null for |arg|.
public static TraceEvent scoped(String name) {
return scoped(name, null);
* Register an enabled observer, such that java traces are always enabled with native.
public static void registerNativeEnabledObserver() {
* Notification from native that tracing is enabled/disabled.
public static void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
if (enabled) EarlyTraceEvent.disable();
// Only disable logging if Chromium enabled it originally, so as to not disrupt logging done
// by other applications
if (sEnabled != enabled) {
sEnabled = enabled;
// Android M+ systrace logs this on its own. Only log it if not writing to Android
// systrace.
if (sATraceEnabled) return;
enabled ? LooperMonitorHolder.sInstance : null);
* May enable early tracing depending on the environment.
* Must be called after the command-line has been read.
public static void maybeEnableEarlyTracing() {
if (EarlyTraceEvent.isActive()) {
* Enables or disabled Android systrace path of Chrome tracing. If enabled, all Chrome
* traces will be also output to Android systrace. Because of the overhead of Android
* systrace, this is for WebView only.
public static void setATraceEnabled(boolean enabled) {
if (sATraceEnabled == enabled) return;
sATraceEnabled = enabled;
if (enabled) {
// Calls TraceEvent.setEnabled(true) via
// TraceLog::EnabledStateObserver::OnTraceLogEnabled
} else {
// Calls TraceEvent.setEnabled(false) via
// TraceLog::EnabledStateObserver::OnTraceLogDisabled
* @return True if tracing is enabled, false otherwise.
* It is safe to call trace methods without checking if TraceEvent
* is enabled.
public static boolean enabled() {
return sEnabled;
* Triggers the 'instant' native trace event with no arguments.
* @param name The name of the event.
public static void instant(String name) {
if (sEnabled) nativeInstant(name, null);
* Triggers the 'instant' native trace event.
* @param name The name of the event.
* @param arg The arguments of the event.
public static void instant(String name, String arg) {
if (sEnabled) nativeInstant(name, arg);
* Triggers the 'start' native trace event with no arguments.
* @param name The name of the event.
* @param id The id of the asynchronous event.
public static void startAsync(String name, long id) {
EarlyTraceEvent.startAsync(name, id);
if (sEnabled) nativeStartAsync(name, id);
* Triggers the 'finish' native trace event with no arguments.
* @param name The name of the event.
* @param id The id of the asynchronous event.
public static void finishAsync(String name, long id) {
EarlyTraceEvent.finishAsync(name, id);
if (sEnabled) nativeFinishAsync(name, id);
* Triggers the 'begin' native trace event with no arguments.
* @param name The name of the event.
public static void begin(String name) {
begin(name, null);
* Triggers the 'begin' native trace event.
* @param name The name of the event.
* @param arg The arguments of the event.
public static void begin(String name, String arg) {
if (sEnabled) nativeBegin(name, arg);
* Triggers the 'end' native trace event with no arguments.
* @param name The name of the event.
public static void end(String name) {
end(name, null);
* Triggers the 'end' native trace event.
* @param name The name of the event.
* @param arg The arguments of the event.
public static void end(String name, String arg) {
if (sEnabled) nativeEnd(name, arg);
private static native void nativeRegisterEnabledObserver();
private static native void nativeStartATrace();
private static native void nativeStopATrace();
private static native void nativeInstant(String name, String arg);
private static native void nativeBegin(String name, String arg);
private static native void nativeEnd(String name, String arg);
private static native void nativeBeginToplevel(String target);
private static native void nativeEndToplevel();
private static native void nativeStartAsync(String name, long id);
private static native void nativeFinishAsync(String name, long id);