AndroidTest: disable SELinux to fix backtraces

SELinux enforcement was preventing function names and build IDs from
being included in the backtraces for crashes in the tests, making them
very hard to debug. The unit tests shouldn't be affected by SELinux, so
just disable it.

Bug: 302041840
Test: Add an abort() call to ImmediateInterpreter::SyncInterpretImpl,
      run the tests, and check function names appear in the backtrace in
      adb logcat -b crash
Change-Id: Ic7c11e6bab7584bd7acde43ae79f2ea68275333c
diff --git a/AndroidTest.xml b/AndroidTest.xml
index 0e08e46..5233b0d 100644
--- a/AndroidTest.xml
+++ b/AndroidTest.xml
@@ -26,6 +26,13 @@
         <option name="push" value="libchrome-gestures_test->/data/local/tmp/libchrome-gestures_test" />
+    <!--
+        Because we push the test binary into /data/local/tmp, SELinux prevents
+        it from being read to produce symbolized stack traces when crashes
+        occur, so disable SELinux for these tests.
+    -->
+    <target_preparer class="" />
     <test class="" >
         <option name="native-test-device-path" value="/data/local/tmp" />
         <option name="module-name" value="libchrome-gestures_test" />