blob: 220cefb1a1a6682c3a61be0e941ecea105234959 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gestures/include/filter_interpreter.h"
#include <json/value.h>
namespace gestures {
void FilterInterpreter::SyncInterpretImpl(HardwareState* hwstate,
stime_t* timeout) {
next_->SyncInterpret(hwstate, timeout);
void FilterInterpreter::HandleTimerImpl(stime_t now, stime_t* timeout) {
next_->HandleTimer(now, timeout);
void FilterInterpreter::Initialize(const HardwareProperties* hwprops,
Metrics* metrics,
MetricsProperties* mprops,
GestureConsumer* consumer) {
Interpreter::Initialize(hwprops, metrics, mprops, consumer);
if (next_)
next_->Initialize(hwprops, metrics, mprops, this);
void FilterInterpreter::ConsumeGesture(const Gesture& gesture) {
Json::Value FilterInterpreter::EncodeCommonInfo() {
Json::Value root = Interpreter::EncodeCommonInfo();
#ifdef DEEP_LOGS
root[ActivityLog::kKeyNext] = next_->EncodeCommonInfo();
return root;
void FilterInterpreter::Clear() {
if (log_.get())
stime_t FilterInterpreter::SetNextDeadlineAndReturnTimeoutVal(
stime_t now, stime_t local_deadline, stime_t next_timeout) {
next_timer_deadline_ = next_timeout > 0.0 ? now + next_timeout : 0.0;
stime_t local_timeout =
local_deadline <= 0.0 ? -1.0 : std::max(local_deadline - now, 0.0);
if (next_timeout <= 0.0 && local_timeout <= 0.0)
return -1.0;
if (next_timeout <= 0.0)
return local_timeout;
if (local_timeout <= 0.0)
return next_timeout;
return std::min(next_timeout, local_timeout);
bool FilterInterpreter::ShouldCallNextTimer(stime_t local_deadline) {
if (local_deadline > 0.0 && next_timer_deadline_ > 0.0)
return local_deadline > next_timer_deadline_;
return next_timer_deadline_ > 0.0;
} // namespace gestures