blob: 284a067dec6eb6ce1e718827db8954834d4f8509 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gestures/include/interpreter.h"
#include <cxxabi.h>
#include <string>
#include <base/json/json_writer.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include "gestures/include/activity_log.h"
#include "gestures/include/gestures.h"
#include "gestures/include/logging.h"
namespace gestures {
Gesture* Interpreter::SyncInterpret(HardwareState* hwstate,
stime_t* timeout) {
if (hwstate)
Gesture* result = SyncInterpretImpl(hwstate, timeout);
LogOutputs(result, timeout);
return result;
Gesture* Interpreter::HandleTimer(stime_t now, stime_t* timeout) {
Gesture* result = HandleTimerImpl(now, timeout);
LogOutputs(result, timeout);
return result;
void Interpreter::SetHardwareProperties(const HardwareProperties& hwprops) {
DictionaryValue* Interpreter::EncodeCommonInfo() {
DictionaryValue* root = log_.EncodeCommonInfo();
root->Set(ActivityLog::kKeyInterpreterName, new StringValue(GetName()));
return root;
std::string Interpreter::Encode() {
DictionaryValue *root;
root = EncodeCommonInfo();
root = log_.AddEncodeInfo(root);
std::string out;
base::JSONWriter::Write(root, true, &out);
return out;
std::string Interpreter::GetName() {
if (name_.empty()) {
int status;
char* full_name = abi::__cxa_demangle(typeid(*this).name(), 0, 0, &status);
if (full_name == NULL) {
if (status == -1)
Err("Memory allocation failed");
else if (status == -2)
Err("Mangled_name is not a valid name");
else if (status == -3)
Err("One of the arguments is invalid");
return name_;
// the return value of abi::__cxa_demangle(...) is gestures::XXXInterpreter
char* last_colon = strrchr(full_name, ':');
char* class_name;
if (last_colon)
class_name = last_colon + 1;
class_name = full_name;
name_ = std::string(class_name);
return name_;
void Interpreter::LogOutputs(Gesture* result, stime_t* timeout) {
if (result)
if (timeout && *timeout >= 0.0)
} // namespace gestures